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<antiochasylum> Anyone know why I get this error on cm9? Trying dependencies-only mode on a non-existing device tree?, also when trying cm10 I get Dependencies not found, bailing out
<Kaik541> antiochasylum: no cm.dependencies for the second one and no device tree for other
<antiochasylum> so no device tree for this Trying dependencies-only mode on a non-existing device tree?
<antiochasylum> and no cm.dependencies for bailing out
<antiochasylum> thats so weird, because Its there in my folder, possibly corrupt?
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<xEnt> you are all my heros
<xEnt> heroes*
<xEnt> love you hacksung nerds
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<Kaik541> antiochasylum: what device are you trying to build for?
<antiochasylum> n7000
<antiochasylum> on cm9, not 10
<antiochasylum> obviously not buildable on 10
<Kaik541> and what are the steps you're taking to build it?
<Kaik541> did you breakfast n7000?
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<antiochasylum> @Kaik541 - the lazy way - . build/ && brunch
<Kaik541> antiochasylum: if you don't "breakfast" the first time you won't get to sync the repo and it's dependencies properly
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<antiochasylum> I've never done breakfast before
<Seb855> Hi
<Espenfjo> A lunch is sufficient atleast, so brunch should be good as well(?)
<Seb855> Im looking to get cm9 working on my rogers galaxy s3 , anyone who could help ?
<Kaik541> Espenfjo: lunch kinda puts you in an awkward position
<Kaik541> breakfast <device> will sync them all, then you can ./ and then brunch <device>
<Espenfjo> hm, but lunch are doing that as well? it is syncing device tree, kernel etc?
<Kaik541> lunch is under the assumption you're about to build, it's just kind of not intended for that is all
<antiochasylum> strange, I was building it on 32bit, and had to switch to 64bit ubuntu and never had the error, now that I'm on 64bit, its showing up
<Kaik541> the better practice is to breakfast, and then "brunch" is just a shortcut for lunch && make otapackage
<antiochasylum> guess I'll delete the tree, re-sync and breakfast i
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> odd :)
<Kaik541> "brunch" will do it too, but then it'll also try to start building
<Kaik541> and if you haven't synced the device tree, you won't have the to run, so you won't be able to build and it'll cancel out
<Espenfjo> Kaik541: Only difference is that breakfast runs vendor/cm/ before lunch. But then again lunch includes vendor/*/
<antiochasylum> so i should do your usualy . build blah blah then breakfast n7000
<Kaik541> Espenfjo: like I said, it's more about practice than it is about "what works"
<Espenfjo> :)
<Kaik541> the only real reason I would see to do "lunch" is if you want to do something that's not on the (like an engineering target)
<Seb855> Nobody can help with installing cm9 on rogers s3 ?
<Kaik541> Seb855: there are instructions on the wiki, which is why we're ignoring you
<antiochasylum> lol
<Kaik541> help yourself before you ask someone to help you
<Seb855> u know what i tried ?
<Seb855> nop ...
<Kaik541> oh yay another argumentative prick
<antiochasylum> @Kaik541 - so .build/ - then breakfast n7000
<cantIntoCode|A> @bomb !!!
<Seb855> oh yay another i know everything ur a noob go fuck yourself
<Kaik541> Seb855: and just fyi, this isn't a user channel, this is a dev channel
<Kaik541> Seb855: so move your ass over to teamhacksung-support like the topic says
<Seb855> well it says to come if any question
<Kaik541> and the topic is redirecting you, so get to going
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<cyberkryption> ohanar / sticky : when you are back say hi
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<antiochasylum> @Kaik541, so what does make -j8 bacon so, same as brunch then?
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<Espenfjo> brunch runs breakfast + mka bacon
<Espenfjo> mka aka make -jX
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<dhiru1602> Quarx: Hi.. are you having any issues with OMX Init for flash videos?
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<stickyboy> Hey
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<cyberkryption> stickyboy: had a accident but galaxy tab screen trashed - got to wait to get new one. have you played with an parts of the released rom
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<imnuts> codeworkx on the gt-p3113, you have the lcd density set to 170 dpi for cm10, i think it should be 160dpi
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<imnuts> i compiled it and 170 puts the softkeys off the screen, 160 has everything looking ok though
<codeworkx> imnuts: you're doing it wrong
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<imnuts> oh, it got merged
<imnuts> or is it private?
<imnuts> guess i sync'd the wrong stuff
<imnuts> ty though for the work on it
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<giacomo892> hello everyone. someone here with a cm9 RC2 Note?
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<stickyboy> giacomo892: Are you a hacker?
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<giacomo892> stickyboy: just an user :P
<stickyboy> hehe tread softly. This channel is really for devs. :)
<stickyboy> You might have better luck in #teamhacksung-support
<giacomo892> i'm deeply sorry :)
<giacomo892> thanks for the info :P
<stickyboy> Don't be too sorry... it's ok.
<stickyboy> But try those other channels... more users there :)
<stickyboy> Here is for hackers!
<giacomo892> I love hackers :P
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<cuco> hi all, when compiling cm7 I get this eror: Could not load 'clearsilver-jni' - what does it mean?
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