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<samm> fg
<samm> apologies. (least it wasn't my ssn)
<vbraun> I've written a patch that makes the stylus take precedence over other touch input, now my N7000 doesn't cancel pen input when touching the screen any more. I'd appreciate some feedback on it:
<vbraun> Entropy512, this is about the problem that I mentioned 2 days ago
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<samm> you should add him as a reviewer. i doubt many explicitly track frameworks/base
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<magicJimbauld> hey all, I tried to build a cm9 nightly for samsung galaxy s2 gt-i9100 by following your wiki guide (CyanogenMod9: How to build), but got only the bootimage
<magicJimbauld> is there a way to use to build the whole framework including the kernel or do I have to do it manually
<xplodwild_work> magicJimbauld: ./ galaxys2
<magicJimbauld> yes, that's what I did, but I only got a 4 megabyte package with just the boot.img
<magicJimbauld> no errors were prompted during the build
<xplodwild_work> there must have been
<xplodwild_work> try to do "brunch cm_galaxys2-userdebug"
<magicJimbauld> oh man, do I feel stupid now
<magicJimbauld> I had the wrong zip
<xplodwild_work> heh
<magicJimbauld> well, thanks anyway; and keep up the good work
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<Entropy512> vbraun: i'll take a look, but I'm currently a bit busy with holiday stuff. Also, I'm going to add cyanogen as a reviewer since he's bringing up the I717
<vbraun> sure
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<StevenHarperUK> HI I am trying to test the 3 patches that enable hdmi on the galaxys2 ( but the extry mentioned in the new script is not there - I end up with this error make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/galaxys2/obj/lib/', needed by `out/target/product/galaxys2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libui_intermediates/LINKED/'. Stop.
<StevenHarperUK> I suspect both of the and are not there to be extracted
<StevenHarperUK> Does anyone know what the procedure is to get these?
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<Entropy512> StevenHarperUK: I think, but am not sure, those are already in, but you need to alter the vendor-blobs makefile in vendor/samsung to copy them to obj/lib in addition to system/lib
<Entropy512> oh and right now those patches just make it crash on boot unless codeworkx uploaded a new version
<Entropy512> :)
<StevenHarperUK> @Ent
<StevenHarperUK> Right
<StevenHarperUK> That explains why they are not there
<StevenHarperUK> I was trying to be usefull and test this stuff
<StevenHarperUK> but it sounds like its not ready for that (yet)
<Entropy512> yeah, they're already extracted and in the blob repo, but they just aren't copied to extra places
<Entropy512> yeah... it's being evil
<StevenHarperUK> Shouldn't there be another patch to make them changes ? (in the make file)
<Entropy512> the vendor repo is always a bit funky... The official method is for extract-files to create the makefiles (if you look at the change, it's not in the extraction portion)
<Entropy512> the unofficial method is that the changes get pushed to koush's repo
<Entropy512> blob handling has always been a bit... weird due to potential legal complications
<StevenHarperUK> @Enropy512 just so youk now I am not to hot in the kernel changes or build - I work mainly in the framework / apps areas
<StevenHarperUK> *sorry typos - horrible macbookpro keyboard
<Entropy512> heh
<StevenHarperUK> So - in this situation : would you just wait?
<Entropy512> probably... it's gotten into nasty places, where we have a binary blob that isn't behaving the way we expected
<Entropy512> so someone needs to figure out how to properly talk to the blob
<StevenHarperUK> sounds like all the samsung blobs
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> btw, I haven't seen you around here in a while. :)
<StevenHarperUK> Yeh RL busy
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<Entropy512> BTW, I have something on my todo list you'd probably be interested in - It's clear that our device's dock handling is weird, and if we keep trying to just merge it into frameworks/base we'll keep breaking stuff
<StevenHarperUK> I have been busy - but want to get involved more - When 4.1 lands I will get stuck in - I expect lots to do in the framework / other projects
<Entropy512> but I think it can be moved into a separate APK
<StevenHarperUK> Right
<Entropy512> (turl suggested this)
<StevenHarperUK> and whats the plan
<StevenHarperUK> Make the Dock settings an APK?
<StevenHarperUK> or the Event Handler?
<Entropy512> move our hacks into something like this but for Samsungs and not Motos -
<Entropy512> yeah the handler code itself
<Entropy512> once we have that we could implement the Samsung dock control intents that their car home app uses
<Entropy512> but what I don't know how to do is integrate the new approach with Settings properly
<StevenHarperUK> It's a bit more than that
<StevenHarperUK> as the Audio Panel listend to these events and passed them onto the right device
<StevenHarperUK> for all devices
<StevenHarperUK> not just the galaxys2
<StevenHarperUK> Also - looking at AOSP - my suggested changes were rejected as the whole volume panel has been re-written iin 4.1
<StevenHarperUK> so the changes we plan here may be all changed by the 4.1 merge
<StevenHarperUK> I also suspect AOSP will lp fix these optional parts of hardware and unweave them from the framework project
<StevenHarperUK> They did say (when interviewed) that it has been split into quite a few projects
<StevenHarperUK> Hopefully the more optional parts (docks, USB Auido, HDMI etc...) will have been separated
<StevenHarperUK> I do like the idea of separating the APK out - and I will make an effort to do it - if needed after the 4.1 merge
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: still crashes
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<Entropy512> <StevenHarperUK> as the Audio Panel listend to these events and passed them onto the right device - the problem is, most other device have separate switches for "dock connected" and "audio connected to dock"
<Entropy512> We only have "dock connected"
<Entropy512> and Samsung does it by having dock trigger one of the dock mode apps
<Entropy512> which include the ability to send intents to the framework to change audio routing
<Entropy512> which is more consistent with how AOSP handles docks
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