does that make more sense WRT being able to see the pings?
you can see 14 bytes of TLP header which aren't parsed yet because this is a link layer decode
followed by what looks like 10 bytes of header data being written to the chip (looks like 4 bytes of data and 6 zero padding bytes)
and then the start of the frame
then each subsequent TLP in the packet has the 14 byte TLP header only and then frame content
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ah, yeah :D
keep in mind there are multiple layers of encapsulation
this is not a pcie ethernet dongle
it's a pcie *usb* dongle
pcie usb controller*
With a usb ethernet dongle plugged into it
So i'd have to back out two levels of encapsulation to actually see ethernet frames
lol yeah
that would be a really cool demo of glscopeclient's analysis pipeline capability though
there's nothing out there that can decode ethernet frames inside usb traffic inside pcie traffic lol
but since the pcie usb decoder will just output usb frames, you'll get the same result as if you had applied the usb-ethernet decode to a usb decode captured off the wire there
the beauty of strongly typed filter graph architectures :D
anyway that's a long ways out
first step is TLP parsing
then i will probably work on glitch filtering the usb 1.x stack
somebody on twitter sent me some waveforms they were trying to decode
looks like when the slew rate is too low from a long cable my decoder sees false SE1 states
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JkrMT
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 7c86bca - PCIe gen2 RX mask: added max voltage limits