yeah, GoogleTest is a bit older/clunkier than Catch2 though
the big thing Catch2 has going for it is that it's basically stupidly simple to use while still being highly informative about test failures
Not a C/C++ ecosystem expert here, so I will defe to someone with more hands-on experience.
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Kenley, Bird|otherbox: well, between the two of you hopefully you can figure it out
again feel free to experiment with refactoring of the test case that i have there now, i formatted that for the CTest methodology which is one binary per test case
if there's other frameworks that work differently, play around
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azonenberg: it'd probably be easier if you tucked the -D__GNUC__ in, I'm going to need to rework a bunch of stuff here and don't want to do it with changes in-flight
or I suppose I could put a commit and pull request together through the old pipeline if you'd rather, but I'm not 100% sure if that change fixes it either so I wasn't comfortable committing to it myself
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JTghM
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg 549cf1e - Build instructions now specify "make -j4" rather than no limit, which should be reasonable on most systems.
We will likely be adding other special arguments there in the future, for example -DANALYZE to enable static analysis once it's fully debugged and we work out some performance problems
right now, though, setting build type to debug will enable asan. Which will be important once we start running unit tests
D:\a\scopehal-apps\scopehal-apps\lib\scopehal\DemoOscilloscope.h:40:10: fatal error: ffts.h: No such file or directory 84
Only on Windows, not Linux.
Bird|otherbox: any ideas? we have LIBFFTS_INCLUDE_DIRS in scopehal specified as public
so the apps should be using that
I think the directories might be wrong.
Kenley: did the cmake configure output correctly find ffts?
yeah, I'd want to see what got tucked in to the CMakeCache for that
it's possible FindFFTS has to be updated for windows
-- Checking for module 'ffts' 26-- No package 'ffts' found 27-- Found libffts: D:/a/_temp/msys/msys64/mingw64/include, D:/a/_temp/msys/msys64/mingw64/lib/libffts_static.a
so i think on top of that you have another issue
I dont think that is the cause of your issue
but you will likely hit it soon
What's FindFFTS?
cmake/FindFFTS.cmake, a cmake script for locating ffts
it's what produces that otuput on lines 26-27
but it seems to have found it
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JTgjM
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg e88bbb6 - Updated build instructions to set up FFTS as shared
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #139: build instructions for ffts need to produce a shared library - https://git.io/JJObF
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #139: build instructions for ffts need to produce a shared library - https://git.io/JTgjS
I'm going to need help with the FFTS issue.
@azonenberg - The instructions for shared library are wrong. I just tried it.