azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<azonenberg> lain: woop v1.3 probe shipped from oshpark
<azonenberg> hopefully will be here late this week
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #311: LeCroyOscilloscope: WaveSurfer 3000 doesn't like COMBINE_CHANNELS 1 -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #311: LeCroyOscilloscope: WaveSurfer 3000 doesn't like COMBINE_CHANNELS 1 -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #312: LeCroyOscilloscope: WaveSurfer 3000 DVM seems to return zeroes if scope isn't triggering -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #312: LeCroyOscilloscope: WaveSurfer 3000 DVM seems to return zeroes if scope isn't triggering -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #312: LeCroyOscilloscope: WaveSurfer 3000 DVM seems to return zeroes if scope isn't triggering -
<lain> azonenberg: yay!
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #235: Add refresh interval adjustment to multimeter dialog -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #235: Add refresh interval adjustment to multimeter dialog -
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: ping
<Bird|otherbox> azonenberg: pong! am trying to figure out how to get gcc to dump its own commandline to stderr or something like that so I can get a handle on what this errant command line arg it's complaining about *is*
<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: so that is actually the lower of the two priorities re static analysis
<Bird|otherbox> ah, what's the bigger fish in the kitchen?
<azonenberg> (there are also cmake commands, i forget what, to add verbosity and show what you're actually executing)
<azonenberg> i think it's make VERBOSE=1 or something
<azonenberg> But the big fish is that when i run analysis, it doesn't run all the way through
<azonenberg> i get failures on VICPSocketTransport.cpp with cppcheck giving an error exit code and no output
<azonenberg> which aborts the build just like a compile error would
<azonenberg> I'm using cppcheck 1.86 from the debian package, have not tried building latest from source
<azonenberg> Can you reproduce with whatever version you're using? if so, please investigate
<azonenberg> if not, i'll try latest and see if it goes away
<azonenberg> (building latest cppcheck from github anyway to see if it finds more bugs)
<azonenberg> now using 2.3 dev (latest from github as of today)
* azonenberg goes off to do something waiting for the compile
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<Bird|otherbox> I'm using 2.1 from Debian testing
<Bird|otherbox> and yes I have tried make VERBOSE=1
<azonenberg> interesting. if this current analysis run works, we might have some issues with 1.86
<azonenberg> given that analysis is a developer tool only i don't think it's unreasonably to require a recent-ish cppcheck
<azonenberg> What do you think of having the cppcheck detection look for 2.x only and consider 1.x-only as "not found"?
<azonenberg> maybe log a warning if you see cppcheck 1.x only, saying "cppcheck is too old, not used" or similar
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<Bird|otherbox> hm, I'll have to look into it
<azonenberg> confirmed 2.3 analyzes it ok
* azonenberg files ticket
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #236: Analysis fails with cppcheck 1.x on VICPSocketTransport.cpp -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg assigned issue #236: Analysis fails with cppcheck 1.x on VICPSocketTransport.cpp -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #236: Analysis fails with cppcheck 1.x on VICPSocketTransport.cpp -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #236: Analysis fails with cppcheck 1.x on VICPSocketTransport.cpp -
<azonenberg> and now that analysis is running to completion, and i'm using newer cppcheck, i have a whole slew of findings to address. yay
<azonenberg> so far two potential memory leaks, plus it doesn't like that the SCPITransport classes doesn't have operator= or copy constructors. We don't use them so i'll just add =delete definitions
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<Bird|otherbox> yeah, I'd either =default or =delete them so that you're saying what you mean
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 15797b5 - Updated to latest graphwidget
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 8024f4b - SCPILXITransport: removed unnecessary copies and replaced with const_cast since this is confirmed safe w/ older liblxi. More efficient, fixes static analysis warnings and a memory leak
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 3b5f162 - SCPITMCTransport: added deleted copy constructor and assignment operator. Fixes static analysis warning
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<NeroTHz> monin
<azonenberg> o/
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±7]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 3739d78 - Various cleanup to fix static analysis warnings. Added field length to IBISParser sscanf calls. Overflow was impossible because of earlier bounds check, but good practice anyway.
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<bvernoux> woo the NanoVNA v2plus4 is available
<bvernoux> for < 150USD
<bvernoux> up to 90dB dynamic range (1GHz), up to 80dB dynamic range (3GHz)
<bvernoux> VNA (with aluminum enclosure; fully assembled)
<bvernoux> it start to be interesting
<bvernoux> still waiting the 6GHz version with 100dB dynamic range ;)
<bvernoux> to replace/compare it with my old HP VNA ;)
<bvernoux> which cost 30x more ;)
<bvernoux> it include
<bvernoux> 4" display
<bvernoux> 4x faster sweep speed (400 points/s)
<bvernoux> it start to be very very interesting and it is portable
<bvernoux> if anyone is interested I sell my xaVNA ;)
<azonenberg> bvernoux: i got rid of my xavna too
<bvernoux> yes clearly garbage
<azonenberg> not that the picovna software isn't garbage too
<bvernoux> it is fun just to play with VNA but it cannot be used for serious stuff
<bvernoux> for that NanoVNA 2 is clearly a must have
<azonenberg> in particular changing the sweep range or number of points takes like *20 minutes* to recompute... something. What i dont know
<azonenberg> (with picovna)
<miek> wtf
<bvernoux> especially the latest NanoVNA v2plus4 very impressive to have 80dB dynamic range!!
<azonenberg> miek: and sometimes it gets in a mode where at about 3.5 GHz all RX's output noise rather than valid data
<azonenberg> you can go through a whole cal procedure and everything looks good
<azonenberg> then you start a sweep and about 2/3 of the way through the range the trace just disappears and you get noise
<azonenberg> the only fix i've found is to close and restart the software and re-cal
<bvernoux> what a shame for such a VNA
<bvernoux> Pico SW are very bad anyway
<bvernoux> Picoscope 6 also is awfull
<azonenberg> i hope the picovna 108 (8 GHz version) and the new version 3.0 software is better
<azonenberg> But i don't plan to find out
<azonenberg> my next vna will not be a pico
<bvernoux> but I think their VNA SW is even worse ;)
<azonenberg> at least picoscope runs on linux
<bvernoux> yes picoscope have a good API
<azonenberg> And that
<bvernoux> I use it to stream stuff with my own sw ;)
<bvernoux> but it cannot be used like a normal scope with Picoscope Software
<bvernoux> it is also why I have bought the MSO5074 ;)
<bvernoux> as it is a REAL scope
<bvernoux> Piscoscope are NOT real oscilloscope and they cannot really be used like real oscilloscope
<bvernoux> the only good things is their streaming feature over USB 3.0 which kill any other oscilloscope
<bvernoux> it is a shame that even high end oscilloscope are ultra slow and does not support streaming over Ethernet Gigabit or USB 3.0
<bvernoux> next step is to wait VNA2 6GHz version ;)
<bvernoux> to replace my HP VNA ;)
<azonenberg> yeah, hopefully i can fix a lot of that nonsense with my scopes
<azonenberg> but probes are the higher priority for me
<bvernoux> maybe I shall start to sell it ;)
<bvernoux> do you imagine how the instrument industry is locked in paste and ultra expensive things
<bvernoux> it is open source stuff which are moving that
<bvernoux> with such NanoVNA and especially VNA2 jankae if the final version can reach 100dB dynamic range from 1MHz to 6GHz (or more)
<bvernoux> that will give a good lesson to R&S, Keysight and so on on their ultra expensive VNA
<bvernoux> Waiting the same for high end scope at correct price ;)
<bvernoux> and also for good Spectrum Analyzer ;)
<bvernoux> the same for the passive probes ;)
<bvernoux> and all those locked SW features like SPI, I2C ;)
<bvernoux> even Rigol is providing those for free now
<bvernoux> R&S and others are still asking something 500USD to have SPI or I2C decoder what a joke
<azonenberg> yeah its absurd lol
<azonenberg> I like what signalhound is doing with the 10GbE specan though
<bvernoux> it will change soon ;)
<azonenberg> that seems to be a very good value for the money
<bvernoux> yes signalhound is very nice as SW part are free
<bvernoux> it is paid in HW
<bvernoux> yes it is clearly a must have I was planning to buy it ;)
<bvernoux> but glurps >16KUSD
<azonenberg> Yes but look at what R&S etc charge for a 20 GHz specan
<azonenberg> the price is actually quite good i think
<bvernoux> need to buy a good PC and sell my old instruments before ;)
<bvernoux> yes it is clearly the best price when compared to other
<bvernoux> and it is top of the art HW
<bvernoux> R&S, Keysight and other do not do anything compact anyway
<bvernoux> it is the other very good point to something which weight >25KG and which is very big ;)
<bvernoux> and noisy like hell ;)
<azonenberg> right now my long term plan for upgrades is a signalhound specan, a copper mountain VNA, and probably sticking with lecroy for scopes for a while longer
<azonenberg> exactly what i get for scopes depends on what's available secondhand
<azonenberg> right now i'm eyeing three scopes
<azonenberg> if any are available when i have budget i'll consider them
<bvernoux> check before to buy those copper mountain VNA
<bvernoux> I have heard very bad things on them
<azonenberg> 1) TRS-RenTelCo has a 6 GHz SDA, this is the least value for the money
<bvernoux> like my calibration kit does not support it as the Dr Kirkby say Copper Mountain VNA is crap
<azonenberg> it's $39K for only 6 GHz
<bvernoux> yes crazy 39KUSD for 6GHz SDA in 2020
<bvernoux> with the old diskette ;)
<azonenberg> 2) TestEquipmentBay has two LeCroy SDA8Zi scopes currently: 16 GHz 40 Gsps for $32.95K and 25 GHz 80 Gsps for $59.9K
<bvernoux> clearly better than 6GHZ SDA for 39KUSD ;)
<azonenberg> Both have the same software options: 8b10b, CBL-DBED (basic de-embedding, attenuation constants only), EyeDr (advanced de-embed with full S-parameter), and SDA2 (same single-lane serial data analyzer as my waverunner)
<bvernoux> on the other side I like Tek MSO64B ;)
<bvernoux> I want 3 year warranty ;)
<azonenberg> Both run Win Vista SP2 and have an i7-2600 CPU
<bvernoux> azonenberg, ha yse very bad i7-2600 ..
<azonenberg> so they cannot run glscopeclient locally (not that this is a huge problem) and are generally old CPU
<bvernoux> miek, yes the more recent seems better
<azonenberg> The other nice thing about the SDA 8Zi is they have both ProBus and ProLink inputs so i can use all of my ProBus and BNC probes
<azonenberg> but also switch to ProLink (BMA + active probe interface) for full bandwidth
<azonenberg> anyway, those are my current top candidate for 2021-2022 scope upgrades if budget becomes available, but even the 16 GHz is pushing what i might be able to afford soonish
<bvernoux> azonenberg, on the other end you have 2 chan 50GSPS with Tek6 MSO64B ;)
<azonenberg> i'm not done
<bvernoux> which can clearly go to 10GHz BW easily
<bvernoux> and is SW option ;)
<azonenberg> The third option is the LabMaster 10Zi-36-A from SiloTest, currently listed for $42K
<bvernoux> remember that the 1GHz basic version can be upgraded by SW to 10GHZ BW ;)
<bvernoux> I have not found anything which that spec which can
<azonenberg> Which is 36 GHz, so significantly more bandwidth for significantly less money than the 25 GHz SDA
<bvernoux> yes but 40GSPS is not serious to announce 25GHz
<bvernoux> Niquist say /2 ;)
<azonenberg> It has a Xeon X5660
<azonenberg> Has Cbl-dbed, EyeDr, equalization, 10GbE compliance test, and the full multilane SDA3 package
<bvernoux> will be interesting to know what there is inside TEk 6 series
<azonenberg> It does 80 Gsps
<azonenberg> as does the 25 GHz SDA
<bvernoux> yes but 80GSPS 25GHz BW seems not credible
<bvernoux> or it is for a square wave ;)
<azonenberg> i mean its for serdes analysis
<bvernoux> less than 4 points per period
<bvernoux> you cannot rebuild any signal with that except digital signal
<azonenberg> they assume you're mostly doing eye patterns or CDR recovery of digital serial data
<bvernoux> it is why I say advertisment of 25GHz for 80GSPS is BS
<azonenberg> For that, the sample rate is fine (and i think they do a few hundred Gsps in equivalent time mode)
<azonenberg> If i got any of these i'd mostly use them for 10G SERDES
<bvernoux> for me it shall be at least 5 or 10x GSPS vs BW
<bvernoux> to reconstruct correctly a signal and analyze it
<Degi> I think having BW > SPS is fine too, if you know what you're doing
<bvernoux> else it is a sampling scope ;)
<azonenberg> anyway, so the labmaster is more bandwidth for less money
<bvernoux> but it is for very specific case with repetitive signal
<azonenberg> there are two downsides vs the SDAs
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I think Tek6 B is better for the price ;)
<azonenberg> 1) the labmaster is physically much larger, it will take a LOT of rack space between the acq module and the controller
<azonenberg> 2) There are no ProBus inputs. This is a pure high speed scope, the inputs are all... looks like probably 2.92mm
<azonenberg> So it can't be used for anything else
<azonenberg> while the SDAs have low speed 1M inputs too so it could be used as a "daily driver" scope
<bvernoux> check calibration price for that also
<bvernoux> they are crazy ;)
<azonenberg> for labmaster? yes
<bvernoux> yes
<azonenberg> (otoh there's also the geek points of having a labmaster if i went that route, lol)
<bvernoux> you shall take a yearly subscription for more than 4KUSD/year ...
<azonenberg> I also see from "apiccorp" a 45 GHz labmaster 9, so one generation older, for $57K. That's also a brand new ebay seller while the others are from 100% rated sellers with a long history
<azonenberg> so its either a scam or somebody liquidating
<azonenberg> not seriously considering that
<bvernoux> yes with high risk to havec something defective
<bvernoux> I'm done to buy expensive things on Ebay with 1 week or 3 month (fake) warranty ;)
<Degi> What kinda display do the labmasters have on the channels? LED matrix?
<azonenberg> I think so
<azonenberg> The SDAs on the other hand look like very viable options, especially the 16 GHz one. $33K for 16 GHz is a pretty decent price i think for a serious scope
<azonenberg> It would be 4x the bandwidth and 2x the sample rate i currently have on my waverunner (I'd replace the HDO9204 with it)
<azonenberg> It would probably cost me a net of around $25K if i sold/traded in the HDO
<azonenberg> which isn't beyond the realm of what i could afford if i saved for a while
<azonenberg> and testequipmentbay appears to be a legitimate dealer
<bvernoux> Degi, it is not the same Labmaster ;)
<azonenberg> that SDA also has a fresh calibation from august
<azonenberg> So basically if they still have it when i have the money i'm buying it
<bvernoux> August 2020 ?
<azonenberg> But that could be a year or more
<azonenberg> Yes
<Degi> "no warranty" "57000 $"
<azonenberg> It looks liek an active rental fleet unit thats offered for sale
<bvernoux> yes in 1 year it will be not fresh cal ;)
<azonenberg> no they are maintaining current cal on it
<azonenberg> Anyway it is an older model, it's from 2009 according to the serial number label
<azonenberg> but it looks to be in good condition and if i had the money i'd have bought it already :p
<bvernoux> yes quite risky if it die ;)
<bvernoux> especially how they are built I'm not sure they can last 20years
<bvernoux> if they are overclocked internally to reach 80GSPS ...
<azonenberg> i doubt its overclocked
<azonenberg> its probably interleaved 4x 20G Gsps converters
<Degi> I wonder if you can overclock the HMCAD
<bvernoux> the risk is to have something which break at any time ;)
<bvernoux> and the repair will cost 20KUSD ...
<azonenberg> Yeah i'll need to look into how much service i can get for it
<azonenberg> But stuff like this i think will last a pretty long time
<azonenberg> this is the one in question
<bvernoux> I think to buy such things you shall check it physically before
<bvernoux> with a guy from Lecroy ;)
<azonenberg> well good news is they're in california
<bvernoux> to check if inside it is ok ;)
<azonenberg> and actually, if i were to buy it i would probably do exactly that
<azonenberg> work out a deal where i pay them to ship it to lecroy for a full cal and test
<azonenberg> if it fails, they take it back and i only pay for the shipping and cal
<azonenberg> if it passes, i buy it
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> it is probably the best to do
<azonenberg> I don't think a legit dealer would have a problem with that
<azonenberg> anyway this is about the oldest hardware i'd seriously consider buying
<Degi> Why does it have a speaker on the front? xD
<azonenberg> but i don't think i can afford newer a 16 GHz scope :p
<bvernoux> Degi, to listen FM ;)
<Degi> Lol
<bvernoux> Degi, it is old school stuff where you can decode FM/AM ;)
<bvernoux> and listen
<Degi> Listen to USB3
<miek> my spectrum analyser does actually have that :)
<bvernoux> miek, yes it is funny mine too ;)
<bvernoux> miek, with a nice volume knob ;)
<miek> :D
<bvernoux> miek, and the must an Ext Keyboard with PS2 connector ;)
<Degi> I find it sad that the cheap, fast, hard-to-get ADCs got cancelled, that would have provided a good entry-level 5 GS/s scope...
<miek> i don't think mine's fancy enough for a keyboard input :p
<bvernoux> Degi, ha really they are not available anymore?
<Degi> They get EOLd sometime in 2021
<Degi> With no replacement...
<azonenberg> which, lm97600?
<bvernoux> Degi, it is maybe a good things to have very good price and buy a batch ;)
<Degi> Nah, you cant get it that easily (at least not from mouser)
<azonenberg> that was the original plan for ZENNECK before i decided to interleave 4x hmcad instead
<bvernoux> A 5GSPS scope is still very nice if the price is not crazy
<Degi> EV8AQ160CPTY
<bvernoux> especially compared to what Rigol do
<Degi> Like 175 € for 20 pcs per piece
<bvernoux> you will see next Rigol scope will be 20GSPS 12bits ;)
<bvernoux> for 10KUSD ;)
<Degi> LM97600 got EOLd too
<azonenberg> Yeah i know
<Degi> Wow, 6 k USD, thats like more than 20 times the price of the EV8AT160
<Degi> *AQ
<bvernoux> Degi, maybe they have a replacement ?
<Degi> They have 10 and 12 bit versions but they cost like 1k
<bvernoux> yes clearly less interesting at that price
<Degi> I mean 175 € for 5 GS/s is even cheaper than HMCAD heh
<Degi> Oh, they have no stock and might be export controlled
<bvernoux> just for Quad 1.25GSPS
<bvernoux> they ask export control crazy
<Degi> Above 1 GS/s and 8 bits..
<bvernoux> ha really ?
<Degi> Afaik yes
<Degi> Alibaba has that chip, but with a fake price of 0.1-1 $ per piece
<bvernoux> anyway now all is created in china you shall by it at source ;)
<bvernoux> I can tell you that export control BS is nothing
<bvernoux> in china with good guys you can have everything
<Degi> On Ebay it costs 757 or 837 $
<Degi> Aliexpress, Taobao and Wish want a login
<bvernoux> haha fun => 1-Channel Single ADC Flash 30Msps 9-bit Parallel 64-Pin CDIP
<bvernoux> price 2309USD ;)
<bvernoux> E2V
<Degi> lol
<bvernoux> 30MSPS was very expensive in paste ;)
<Degi> "and effective number of bits (ENOB) of 5.5." lol
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> anyway lot of scope have a very low ENOB ;)
<bvernoux> especially with > 20GSPS
<Degi> My rigol seems to be similar
<bvernoux> yes rigol is something like 5bit ENOB ;)
<bvernoux> but Agilent and other are something like 6 or 7 bits
<bvernoux> anyway an oscilloscope it not intended to be used to replace a multimeter ;)
<bvernoux> nor a spectrum analyzer ;)
<Degi> So anyways, for the ADC there is "Last Time Buy Date (date the last purchase order must be received by): 10-JUN-2021"
<Degi> They say that the EV10AQ190 can be an alternative, but it costs at least 645 $ for QTY 5. It has 5 GS/s and 10 bits, still better than the LMK, but way pricier than HMCAD
<bvernoux> will be short to launch a crowd founding and design it in time
<Degi> HMCAD: 50 $ / GS/s, this one is above 100 $ / GS/s but has 10 bits
<Degi> For 2k you could probably still get two of the 10 bit ADCs and a scope around it, thats still double the cost of rigol but it has up to 3.2 GHz BW
<azonenberg> Degi: ad9213: $600/GS/s :p
<Degi> (compared to HMCAD 650 MHz and Rigol 350 MHz)
<bvernoux> Degi, the challenge is to discuss with them as maybe with good negotiation they can sell the 10 bits for something like 200USD/unit if there is a big batch like 500units
<Degi> Heh yes, I guess the upside to that is that you dont have to parallel as many converters
<Degi> bvernoux: Do they do that? Might be worth it, but where to get 100 k$ from
<Degi> Ah you mean in case we mass produce scopes
<bvernoux> Degi, from a Crowd Founding ;)
<bvernoux> to avoid crazy risks
<Degi> The ADC has 8 bit ENOB at 620 MHZ and 7.7 bit at 1.2 GHz
<Degi> In 4 ch mode. In 1 ch mode, it reduces by 0.1 bit
<bvernoux> so clearly better than MSO5000 or MSO8000 ;)
<bvernoux> or Siglent but Siglent are far in GSPS the best they provide is 5GSPS
<Degi> Worst case is 7.2 ENOB. Idk, my MSO5000 looks pretty much less than 8 ENOB even at 70 MHz
<bvernoux> Degi, in HD mode it shall have more than >8bits ENOB I think at 70MHz
<bvernoux> HD mode is just decimation ;)
<bvernoux> if you start from 8GSPS
<bvernoux> you win 0.5LSB by /2
<bvernoux> and it start at 5bits ENOB @8GSPS ;)
<Degi> Kindaaaa
<bvernoux> ENOB increase also with lower speed
<Degi> Ah nobody has it in stock tho
<bvernoux> yes it is so specific use case ...
<bvernoux> do like Olimex and buy directly at source ;)
<bvernoux> they bought 40k CPU last time ;)
<bvernoux> they can even build obsolete stuff for that Qty ;)
<Degi> Can I buy 1 QTY of that IC?
<bvernoux> they will say MOQ 5000 ;)
<bvernoux> I doubt for such ADC as it is niche market with low volume anyway
<bvernoux> so maybe they ask 250 min ...
<Degi> And how to ask that u get a response in the first place
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<bvernoux> hehe just bought the NanoVNA V2 Plus4
<bvernoux> I want to see if it burn my MiniVNA Pro2 ;)
<Degi> Wait theres plus4 now
<bvernoux> which was 4 times more expensive
<bvernoux> yes I have bought the Plus4 ;)
<bvernoux> with aluminum case
<Degi> Did it get released in the last few days?
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> it was released yesterday I think
<bvernoux> and it is the official ones
<bvernoux> so like that I contribute to open source development
<Degi> Hmm, it costs more € though now
<bvernoux> I will check it also to compare my Calibration Kit which cost >600Euros vs the one provided ;)
<bvernoux> and to compare it to my HP VNA ;)
<miek> do the various nanovnas support cal kit definitions yet?
<bvernoux> yes
<miek> ooh cool
<bvernoux> anyway the ones provided are crap ;)
<bvernoux> without any parameter I could characterize it anyway for fun
<bvernoux> to check
<Degi> Hmh, the S11 noise floor is still the same
<bvernoux> yes but dynamic range is much better
<Degi> Does it help when dynamic range > noise floor?
<bvernoux> IIRC S11 noise floor is better vs previous NanoVNA2
<bvernoux> of course for 129USD you do not have something equivalent to an old HP 8753D
<bvernoux> I will show it ;)
<bvernoux> especially to check the limit
<Degi> Though it can go down to 10 kHz
<miek> is that noise floor spec supposed to dBm?
<Degi> I think its dBc?
<Degi> At least in 2 port analyzer mode, thatd make sense
<bvernoux> using my genuine JFW attenuator ;)
<bvernoux> it can go from 0dB to -110dB attenuation
<bvernoux> I have caracterized it ;
<bvernoux> also a good test is to check with a very good notch filter
<bvernoux> all is in dBm
<bvernoux> S11 noise floor (calibrated): -50dB (up to 1.5GHz), -40dB (up to 3GHz)
<Degi> dBm or dB for the noise floor?
<bvernoux> dB
<bvernoux> as it is delta
<Degi> Hm yes
<bvernoux> I do not find the spec for my HP about S11 noise floor
<bvernoux> I know dynamic range is about 100 / 105dBm
<bvernoux> except on low freq < 50KHz it is 90dBm
<Degi> Hmh, not sure if the V2 is worth it vs the V1... Mostly because the noise floor in both cases is well within the dynamic range. The other upsides of the V2 are higher frequency range, lower P2 return loss at 3 GHz and more pixels and speed, basicalyl
<bvernoux> if you check SVA1075X
<bvernoux> the Dynamic Range is like NanoVNA v2plus4 ;)
<bvernoux> 90dB in best case
<bvernoux> 100KHz to 10MHz 60dB
<Degi> 60 dB noise floor?
<bvernoux> here it is dynamic range
<Degi> It has a displayed average noise level specification hmh
<bvernoux> depending on frequency
<bvernoux> example of spec in latest Siglent VNA 7.5GHz
<bvernoux> file:///C:/Users/Ben/AppData/Local/Temp/SVA1075X%20Data%20Sheet.pdf
<bvernoux> oups
<Degi> lol
<bvernoux> the siglent VNA is clearly not the best VNA ;)
<bvernoux> my old HP is 20dB better
<bvernoux> also if you check SVA1000X
<bvernoux> they can do only maximum 751 sweep points
<bvernoux> what a joke
<miek> dynamic range should be in dB, absolutes like noise floor should be relative to something (like dBm)
<bvernoux> I always use 1601 points to have something accurate
<bvernoux> yes dynamic range is in dB
<bvernoux> it is a mistake to say dBm ;)
<Degi> Hm yes, noise floor in dBm would make sense, though I think dBc makes sense too, if the carrier causes an increase in noise
<miek> a noise floor relative to the carrier is basically dynamic range :p
<Degi> Lile -50 dBm noise floor and if the specan can do 30 dBm output would give 80 dB of noise free range, where 80-90 dB dynamic range would make sense if I understood that correctly
<Degi> Yes, thats what im wondering about
<Degi> When they say -50 dB noise floor and 90 dB dynamic range, what does that mean
<Degi> That the ADC has enough bits to resolve 90 dB?
<Degi> For example a 16 bit ADC would have 48 dB range
<miek> yeah.. i don't really know. i think some of it is extra range from averaging
<miek> but still it'd have to take >30dBm input power for that to work, which seems unlikely :p
<Degi> Assuming it is dBm
<Degi> On the other hand its S11...
<Degi> Maybe P2 has 90 dB noise free range?
<Degi> Like for example for testing filters
<miek> hm yeah good point
<Degi> And S11 / Port 1 reflectance meter only has 50 dB
<Degi> Can it be used as a spectrum analyzer? bvernoux
<bvernoux> important point is also max input level
<bvernoux> NanoVNA is not good for that
<bvernoux> Degi, IIRC it cannot
<bvernoux> the VNA2 can be ;)
<Degi> Awh...
<Degi> VNA2?
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> this one will be a must ;)
<bvernoux> it is ultra fast
<bvernoux> and it should not cost >500USD
<bvernoux> for something which shall be not far from an old HP VNA which cost >3KUSD
<Degi> We should make a VNA... with 250 MHz baseband
<bvernoux> so far there is issue >3GHz
<bvernoux> which will be probably fixed as they are working on it
<Degi> We could make a baseband VNA / oscilloscope combo...
<bvernoux> and it has a Spectrum Analyzer mode ;)
<Degi> Why is the nanovna bad for that?
<Degi> Very uneven frequency response?
<bvernoux> in fact a VNA is not designed to be a SA
<bvernoux> as it is slow
<bvernoux> SA requires bigger bandwidth with lot of filters
<bvernoux> which are not required for VNA as the BW is very small
<Degi> Hmh why does it? Cant you use a VNA as a slow SA?
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> it is the case for VNA
<bvernoux> VNA2
<bvernoux> the Qt PC SW do it
<bvernoux> it is the first VNA which can be used as low cost SA ;)
<bvernoux> it is the screenshot of the SA mode
<Degi> Hm neat
<bvernoux> you see there is 90dB noise floor here
<Degi> Would it be hard to add a SA mode to the NanoVNA?
<bvernoux> issue is there is some spurs as a VNA is not designed like a SA
<Degi> Ah yes
<bvernoux> NanoVNA is clearly too slow to scan
<Degi> Like when I input a pure 100 MHz sine, itll show 200 MHz etc too...
<Degi> Why too slow?
<bvernoux> VNA2 is ultra fast >10K points (full 2ports)
<bvernoux> when the best NanoVNA can do 400pts ;)
<bvernoux> because it shall do a sweep
<bvernoux> and the BW is very low
<bvernoux> so it requires lot of time and so it is a bad SA
<Degi> Well, so what? Itll take a bit longer, sure, but still could be used as SA, especially if I only want to view a limited section
<bvernoux> as when you will reach the end the signal at start will havec changed 10000x maybe ;)
<bvernoux> on a short windows yes
<bvernoux> but definitely not like a good SA
<Degi> I mean if I wanna measure the output of a constant frequency generator or so
<bvernoux> good SA have big BW and very fast sweep with sharp filter ...
<Degi> Otherwise I could use a fast oscilloscope (if they werent that pricy)
<bvernoux> oscilloscope is not a good SA too ;)
<Degi> Because of noise?
<bvernoux> as the accuracy will be bad
<bvernoux> mainly because the ADC yes noise
<Degi> Why would the accuracy be bad?
<bvernoux> SA have 14bits ADC or more
<bvernoux> or 12bits
<Degi> If you have a good timebase and good-ish PLL...
<bvernoux> when oscilloscope have a poor 8bits with 6bits ENOB ;)
<bvernoux> and also oscilloscope have not always a very good clock
<bvernoux> except the expensive ones
<bvernoux> but that can be solved by using an external 10MHz CLk
<azonenberg> bvernoux: yeah i am not cheaping out on my scopes :p
<bvernoux> IIRC the MSO5074 have one ;)
<azonenberg> even the most basic one will have a very nice OCXO
<azonenberg> And a 10 MHz + PPS input
<azonenberg> long term i want gps timestamps on all trigger events
<bvernoux> azonenberg, it will be interesting to check the quality of the clock of the Lecroy scope ;)
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I think it is good with an OCXO
<azonenberg> I imagine they use a good OCXO, yes
<bvernoux> azonenberg, do you have a way to use it to do phase noise measurement ?
<bvernoux> as such feature is very expensive ;)
<bvernoux> I'm not sure oscilloscope have such a good phase noise versus SA
<bvernoux> I was planning to buy Aeroflex 3254/04 Spectrum Analyzer 1 kHz - 26.5 GHz ;)
<bvernoux> it can do Phase Noise measurement
<bvernoux> it is a very good SA
<bvernoux> end of life since few years
<bvernoux> it is why the price is so low
<Degi> What does it cost
<bvernoux> 6KUSD ;)
<Degi> huh
<bvernoux> what was nice is the 8GHZ TG
<bvernoux> on the 04 version
<Degi> TG?
<bvernoux> Tracking Generator
<azonenberg> I do not have a dedicated phase noise analyzer
<bvernoux> azonenberg, it is ultra expensive :(
<Degi> Neat
<azonenberg> If i had a very stable clock i could probably measure it against the lecroy clock somehow
<azonenberg> but how accurately i'm not sure
<bvernoux> azonenberg, and can be a must have to understand some crazy issue due to phase noise
<bvernoux> azonenberg, a bit like you had with your MEMS OSCILLATOR on GigabitEthernet Phy ;)
<bvernoux> I can measure it with long term using my Frequency COunter Hp 53150A but it is a long process ;)
<Degi> Huh, -172 dBc (1 Hz)
<Degi> They actually have a 325-500 GHz harmonic mixer
<bvernoux> 1GHz clock standard
<bvernoux> and it is VERY VERY VERY good
<bvernoux> with that you can check phase noise performance
<Degi> A few hundred more and you can get a rubidium oscillator from digikey
<bvernoux> without buying an expensive phase noise analyzer
<bvernoux> Degi, yes but here it is different than rubidium oscillator ;)
<bvernoux> so yes build a very nice 1GHz Phase Noise Clock standard like that will be a must have especially for <200USD if possible ;)
<azonenberg> bvernoux: well that mems osc's jitter is easy to measure with a halfway decent scope
<Degi> For 500 $ more you can get a rubidium with better phase noise
<azonenberg> i just couldnt see it on my el cheapo one before
<Degi> "Atmospheric Pressure: -60m to 4000m: 1x10ˉ¹³mbar max" Wait what?!
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes it was so big that it was douable to measure it
<bvernoux> Degi, I doubt you can push easily your rubidium to generate 1GHZ signal
<bvernoux> Degi, it is why it is so good
* Degi gets out hydrogen maser
<azonenberg> bvernoux: I have a fairly nice Crystek SAW resonator to produce a 1 GHz tone
<azonenberg> thats probably my best oscillator right now
<bvernoux> Degi, the issue is not to have a very nice clean signal but to multiply it and reach 1GHz
<Degi> Is 1,420,405,751.786 Hz close enough?
<azonenberg> CCSO-914X-1000
<bvernoux> azonenberg, will be interesting to compare it to the spec of SignalHound 1Ghz Phase Noise Clock Standard
<azonenberg> bvernoux: this is -146 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz
<Degi> The SignalHound is -147
<Degi> Though its -149 at 1 MHz while the Crystek one is -171
<azonenberg> my only complaint is the second harmonic is typically -20, max -15 dB from fundamental
<azonenberg> so i added some filtering to get rid of that
<bvernoux> also signalhound have +10dBm amplitude
<bvernoux> I doubt Crystek have that
<Degi> But at 10 Hz the Crystek one is worse. I think the low frequency parts can be handled by comparing it to a rubidium and adjusting it accordingly
<azonenberg> The crystek does +8 dBm
<bvernoux> ha +8dBm not bad
<Degi> How much phase noise does amplification add?
<azonenberg> The big issue is it's not temp compensated
<Degi> Can u use the crystek one in a PLL loop
<azonenberg> it can vary 150 PPM across -40 to +85C
<azonenberg> Degi: It's not voltage controlled but they do have a version that is
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> 150ppm is huge ;)
<azonenberg> but at a controlled temp it's super stable
<azonenberg> I got it for stability, not absolute accuracy
<Degi> You could lock that to a rubidium and set the PLL to 10 kHz BW and feed it with a rubidium, that should make it better than the SignalHound one
<bvernoux> signal hound ones is temperature controlled
<bvernoux> also the important part is to have a very clean power supply ;)
<Degi> Wait why does it have pointers
<bvernoux> signal hound provide all
<bvernoux> it is clearly hard to be near what they have done
<Degi> At least for that price
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> Keysight and others sell that for >10KUSD ;)
<bvernoux> like always ;)
<bvernoux> the test here show all
<Degi> I wonder if you can measure phase noise by mixing two of the same frequency generators output together
<bvernoux> the great things is with that you can measure the phase noise of other instrument
<bvernoux> and also check spurs and other bad things and be sure it comes from the instrument and not from the signal generator ;)
<bvernoux> as the 1GHz signal is ultra clean
<Degi> Eh it has high harmonics
<Degi> I wonder why they didn't filter that? Maybe because that makes faster transitions?
<bvernoux> the aim is ultra clean 1GHz and the best phase noise
<bvernoux> the 2nd harmonic is -30dB
<bvernoux> if you have missed the special Offer KC908
<bvernoux> now it is 4399USD
<bvernoux> ;)
<bvernoux> I paid it 1500USD with even better spec 2.92/3.5mm connectors (I just do not have the jog dial)
<Degi> LTSpice doesn't seem to like Kirchhoff's circuit laws
<Degi> Yes, the transistor is weird
<Degi> Ah yes
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<Degi> I simulated a 1N5711 frequency multiplier using a single diode to go from 500 MHz to 16 GHz and it has a whopping 0.00000013 % of efficiency
<Degi> Using a KV1471 increased the efficiency to 0.000045 %, by like 300 % lol
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