azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
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<azonenberg> o/ Kenley
<azonenberg> did you see my recent commits re the build stuff?
<azonenberg> I have CTest working and integrated with CI on Linux, but didn't do the setup on Windows yet
<azonenberg> you can close #25 once it's set up and running on windows. both tests should pass
<azonenberg> #250*
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<lain> azonenberg: excellent @ screenshots
<azonenberg> lain: about to start writing a DSI decode
<azonenberg> it will work on a single D-PHY Data stream
<azonenberg> at some point in the indefinite future we can write a lane striping filter that sits between the D-PHY Data and CSI/DSI decodes
<azonenberg> and merges bytes from different lanes into one logical stream
<azonenberg> i.e. it will simulate a single stream at N times the rate but with only one start/end
<azonenberg> that way we can write the upper layer decodes on logical transport layer packets which don't care about lane IDs etc
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark opened issue #254: With Rigol DS1104Z, right-clicking with trigger enabled is very slow -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-cmake] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-6/±1]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-cmake] azonenberg 9af8131 - Removed old files to make it more obvious this repo is no longer in use
<lain> cool
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark closed issue #254: With Rigol DS1104Z, right-clicking with trigger enabled is very slow -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark commented on issue #254: With Rigol DS1104Z, right-clicking with trigger enabled is very slow -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark opened issue #255: With GDK_SCALE=2, trigger cannot be dragged -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark opened issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark edited issue #255: With GDK_SCALE=2, trigger cannot be dragged -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark opened issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
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<azonenberg> Bird|otherbox: ping
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 0791cd3 - Now pass the current Pango context to Pango::Layout::Create() so it uses the right DPI. See #257. Still more work needed to scale sizes of UI elements appropriately.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg assigned issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±6]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg a5267ff - Timeline: proper DPI scaling of text. See #257.
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 9017a91 - Lots of UI scaling fixes for hi-DPI screens. See #257.
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat assigned issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg assigned issue #255: With GDK_SCALE=2, trigger cannot be dragged -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg edited a comment on issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat d1e1a9e - Made 'connect to instrument' dialog usable with keyboard. Fixes #256
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat closed issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat commented on issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<azonenberg> katharin1: any progress on that windows build error?
<azonenberg> also since i'm working on hi-dpi fixes now, can you do scopehal-apps:#131 as the first "real" preference?
<azonenberg> there's scalable SVGs in the repo, i just need them cropped and rendered at 48x48 plus a pref added to specify which size to use, and then the necessary glue in OscilloscopeWindow to initialize the toolbar with one or the other
<azonenberg> the 24x24s look pretty tiny on my laptop's 15 inch 4K screen
<azonenberg> obviously the core of the prefs system comes first
<azonenberg> but #131 shouldn't be difficult and it will give us a chance to try hooking up actual application logic to the prefs systme
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat synchronize pull request #252: Implemented Preferences System -
<katharin1> azonenberg: i pushed some fixes, i fucked up some wchar_t related stuff earlier, im currently building on my work PC
<katharin1> should be ready in a few minutes to merge
<azonenberg> Great
<katharin1> i normally use TCHAR for everything since thats how it should be, but for some reason its CHAR on mingw, maybe we should investigate
<azonenberg> What do you think of #131 as your next to-do? is there anything blocking it? (might be cleaner to do as an enum for icon size)
<katharin1> since that bites with modern syscalls like SHGetNamedFolder since they only support WCHAR
<azonenberg> Yeah i was using TCHAR for everything back in... 2008? lol
<azonenberg> when i last did windows dev
<katharin1> haha I currently do lots of work on a device control application that is written in pure winapi
<katharin1> so i know the pain very well rn
<sorear> I have not made a serious attempt to do WinAPI dev in over 20 years, are the *A APIs still a thing?
<katharin1> sorear: yes. They have macros that automatically choose between the *A and *W ones depending on what TCHAR is
<azonenberg> katharin1: even now, 12 years later, i can't see the number 1033 without thinking "EN-US"
<azonenberg> or 0x409
<katharin1> azonenberg: im dreaming in HRESULT
<sorear> yes, those macros existed 20 years ago, but they could at some point have decided "use WCHAR now, TCHAR is a compat alias"
<azonenberg> or something along those lines, it's been too long
<sorear> and LPTSTR ... :/
<katharin1> sorear: well our software is over 20 years old :')
<sorear> the L in LPTSTR is also a nice anachronism
<azonenberg> sorear: And in LPARAM and WPARAM
<katharin1> azonenberg: ill do 131
<katharin1> sorear: LPCWSTR is my favourite one tbh
<sorear> const?
<katharin1> sorear: long pointer to const wide str :')
<azonenberg> And LPCTSTR, which i preferred
<azonenberg> katharin1: is it RAW winapi? like, you're writing a WndProc after creating stuff with a WNDCLASSEX?
<katharin1> azonenberg: yes
<azonenberg> wow
<azonenberg> even back in 2006 i was using MFC
<katharin1> we also have a lot of custom controls, its basically a very oldschool glscopeclient
<katharin1> we also have waveform areas etc
<katharin1> all written in raw winapi
<azonenberg> the only true raw winapi stuff i've done is exploit code, and a tiny app that just displayed a window and rendered a line of text centered in the middle
<azonenberg> as part of a tutorial that convinced me to never do it again :p
<azonenberg> and i say this as someone who's written a Linux web server
<azonenberg> No, not GNU/Linux
<azonenberg> no dependencies on anything GNU or, in fact, anything but the kernel
<azonenberg> i wrote it in raw amd64 asm and did naked int 80h's
<katharin1> The really funny thing is how organically stuff like this grows - our application consists of over 30 COM-Server DLLs communicating with each other (urgh) and we have started writing new code as python modules
<azonenberg> no libc, no anything
<katharin1> its a big clusterfuck, but it needs to be supported
<azonenberg> katharin1: reminds me of lecroy MAUI which is probably also about that old
<azonenberg> it's also a giant amalgamation of COM
<sorear> amd64 but int 80h?
<katharin1> COM is a beast. Also, Im still quite young, and COM "was before my time". It was actually really difficult finding books about it
<azonenberg> or was it syscalls? i cant remember
<katharin1> i had to buy old used library books
<azonenberg> it was a long time ago
<azonenberg> it might have been i386
<azonenberg> katharin1: lol
<azonenberg> COM is still around, D3D is i think still raw COM internally
<sorear> peak COM was before my time but I get the distinct impression it was an improvement on its successors
<katharin1> azonenberg: yes, but finding any reliable information about things that go beyond basic usage is almost impossible on the internet
<azonenberg> my first exposure to it was writing a traffic light ActiveX control for a tutorial in a visual studio '98 textbook
<azonenberg> circa 2001-2002
<azonenberg> Back when people thought embedding downloadable native binaries in web pages was a great idea
<azonenberg> not that i'm thrilled about javascript but it's... not a native binary at least
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat synchronize pull request #252: Implemented Preferences System -
<azonenberg> also wow i just realized, next year i will have been doing C++ development for 20 years
<azonenberg> Oh, for anyone here who was interested in the SensePeek stuff
<azonenberg> a coworker is planning on buying a PCBite system with two of i think the SP100 probes
<azonenberg> he's gonna ship it to me and have me do some measurements of performance and such
<azonenberg> then i'll send it on to him
<azonenberg> So i can give my thoughts on the platform once i've got some time on it
<sorear> azonenberg: if any significant portion of that is commercial you would be ahead
<azonenberg> sorear: I want to offer a GHz bandwidth transmission line probe head for the sensepeek system at some point
<azonenberg> tentative name AKL-PT4
<sorear> I meant in connection to the 20 years C++ milestone
<azonenberg> Oh
<azonenberg> Well, when i started out i was 9 years old
<azonenberg> actually no, 11
<azonenberg> i was 9 when i started with C
<azonenberg> didn't get into C++ until '01
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<katharinawork> azonenberg: the pref system PR now passes CI on windows
<azonenberg> Excellent
<azonenberg> let me do a quick review then i'll merge
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #252: Implemented Preferences System -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 16 commits to master [+56/-4/±118]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 7f9d628 - Merge pull request #252 from azonenberg/gui-dev-new Implemented Preferences System
<azonenberg> Are you going to continue in gui-dev-new or should i delete it?
<katharinawork> ill make myself a new branch to work in
<azonenberg> so delete this one?
<katharinawork> sure
<azonenberg> ok
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg deleted branch gui-dev-new -
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<azonenberg> katharin1: btw i think #222 needs to happen before #131
<azonenberg> because icon size makes sense to be an enum
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<katharinawork> azonenberg: I restricted units to only be allowed on preferences of type REAL, you fine with that?
<katharinawork> it doesnt really make sense otherwise tbh
<azonenberg> katharinawork: yeah i think that sounds reasonable
<katharinawork> alright
<azonenberg> I might retool the filterparameter interface to do something similar
<katharinawork> im currently finishing the implementation, since i am blocked at work by some people slacking off
<azonenberg> Lol
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #328: MIPI DSI: check header ECC values -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #328: MIPI DSI: check header ECC values -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg 96d041e - Initial implementation of MIPI DSI packet decode. See #323.
<azonenberg> I can now correctly parse DSI packets. Next step is to write a full video framegrab decode off that
<lain> sweet
<azonenberg> one confusing bit is that the RGB888 packets seem to be all zero
<azonenberg> not sure if the display is in powersave mode or something as i'm looking at the underside :p
<azonenberg> gonna try to VNC in and turn off all of that
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> i dont want to move it
<azonenberg> but if i move the mouse around in VNC that should help
<lain> azonenberg: are you handling the virtual channel stufF?
<lain> looks like CSI and DSI packet headers are identical
<lain> guessing they also use the same ECC poly
<azonenberg> I am handling virtual channels in that i detect VC IDs at this layer
<lain> ah yeah I see in your ss, VC0
<azonenberg> for the next layer you'll specify the VC you want to framegrab from
<azonenberg> and it will filter
<azonenberg> at some point i will probably add a full protocol analyzer view for the packet layer too
<azonenberg> the CRC is just crc-16-ccitt
<azonenberg> right now i assume ECC is always good and don't check it
<azonenberg> #328 is the ticket to fix that, feel free to send a patch :p
<azonenberg> when we do CSI, if you think you can refactor some of the DSI packet code out into a separate class or something to avoid duplication, go for it
<azonenberg> I'm only thinking about CSI right now because i don't have any DSI sources handy
<azonenberg> Does the general decode look like it's about the level you want though?
<azonenberg> this, plus the protocol analyzer sidebar that i haven't implemented yet to see a scrollable list of packets
<azonenberg> this layer is intended to be protocol focused, the next layer up will basically be video framegrab
<lain> yeah that looks great
<azonenberg> not bad for a few hours of work i think :)
<azonenberg> checking the ECC is still pending though. i suck at ecc math
<azonenberg> if you wanna send a PR it will be much appreciated :p
<azonenberg> all i need is a function that takes in 3 bytes of data and calculates the expected ecc value
<azonenberg> i'm not doing correction, just detection
<azonenberg> also yeah the screen was off, that explains the all zero output
<azonenberg> moved the mouse and started getting plausible RGB
<monochroma> :D
<monochroma> fullscreen some colors
<azonenberg> oh its not just gonna be colors :p
<azonenberg> it's gonna be better :p
<azonenberg> but before i do the framegrab decode i need to do the protocol analyzer for DSI packets
<azonenberg> also, thinking about memory depth for a second
<monochroma> i meant full screen some colors for more quick sanity checking
<azonenberg> oh i did that already, it looks fine
<monochroma> ah
<monochroma> yay
<azonenberg> with this 800x480 LCD i have 32.65 us per scanline including the sync pulses
<azonenberg> so that's 15.67 ms for a full frame
<azonenberg> 10M points at 5 Gsps is 2 ms
<azonenberg> So 78M points for a full frame, I have 128M points of memory on the scope so i could plausible do a full framegrab
<monochroma> :D
<azonenberg> but the current visualization is pretty stretched vertically
<azonenberg> so i might only grab a few hundred scanlines
<azonenberg> no point, it'd go off the edge
<azonenberg> with my current 2ms capture i get 61 scanlines which isnt bad, it's about 1/8 of the screen height
<azonenberg> that's more than enough for me to finish writing the decode
<azonenberg> anyway its about time for me to start "real" work for the day shortly so i probably won't get to it until the evening
<azonenberg> but my goal is to by tomorrow some time, have a full DSI protocol analyzer and framegrab working
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat created branch kathi_dev -
<katharinawork> azonenberg_work do you have any waveform data on your server somewhere? i need to test something, and dont have anything on this pc
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #329: Add filter for detecting whether a MIPI D-PHY interface is in the high speed state -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #329: Add filter for detecting whether a MIPI D-PHY interface is in the high speed state -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #330: Eye pattern: allow vertical range to be fixed -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #330: Eye pattern: allow vertical range to be fixed -
<azonenberg_work> katharinawork: I can upload a bunch
<azonenberg_work> what do you want?
<katharinawork> just something to be able to see a waveform
<katharinawork> nothing complicated required
<katharinawork> thx
<azonenberg_work> I also have test datasets for 1000base-X, 10baseT, 64/66b, 10Gbase-R, 8b10b, MIPI D-PHY, fan PWM/tachometer, HDMI, IPv4, I2C EEPROm, QSPI flash, DDR3 command bus, RGMII, SATA, SD card, SPI, SWD, USB full speed, and 802.11n
<azonenberg_work> (some of those are large though)
<katharinawork> id be interested in the I2C one tbh
<azonenberg_work> Hmm it's 1.7 GB, let me see how much it compresses
<azonenberg_work> it's a lot of waveforms :p
<azonenberg_work> Making reduced versions of these test datasets is an open todo item
<azonenberg_work> e.g. using digital vs analog probes for signals when i dont need analog voltages
<azonenberg_work> not having more than 5-10 waveforms of moderate length at a reasonable sample rate
<azonenberg_work> a lot of these are grossly oversampled because that was the time/div the scope was on and i didn't bother changing it :p
<katharinawork> haha
<katharinawork> if you cant get it to be small now its fine, its more that im interesting in playing with it
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark commented on issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark commented on issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] whitequark commented on issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat commented on issue #256: "Connect to Instrument" dialog doesn't have a default button set -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg f77e89d - Timeline: fixed new scaling cropping two-line cursor text
<azonenberg> i got it down to 170 MB
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat opened pull request #258: Implemented visibility support for preferences -
<azonenberg> lain: also i think i can fix the D-PHY decode to work properly on single ended with some hacking
<azonenberg> it will not see the LP11-LP10-LP00 transition on the start of packet fully
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat synchronize pull request #258: Implemented visibility support for preferences -
<azonenberg> but if I see LP1x to LP0x i can probably call that good enough in a single ended decode
<katharinawork> azonenberg thanks
<azonenberg> That will allow full decoding of packet starts/ends and HS traffic, though not compliance verification or escape mode traffic, with a single ended probe on a data lane
<azonenberg> katharinawork: that has the full eeprom traffic decode as well with address and value
<azonenberg> so you can play around a bit with the new protocol analyzer view
<azonenberg> And try changing the decode colors once you implement the feature for that
<katharinawork> this is pretty awesome
<azonenberg> you can also type filters in the top bar
<azonenberg> basic wireshark style syntax, it color codes to show if the filter is valid or not
<azonenberg> there's no docs for it yet but basically you can do arbitrary boolean expressions of columns and constant integers/strings
<azonenberg> as well as a few special operations like, i think, "startswith" and "contains"
<azonenberg> for string matching
<katharinawork> thats really nice, good job
<katharinawork> which part is this?
<katharinawork> like, the eeprom
<azonenberg> the DUT? double click the decoder properties
<azonenberg> it should say :p
<azonenberg> i think its a microchip 24c256
<azonenberg> or some variant thereof
<azonenberg> also when i poll after a write, the polling is collapsed
<azonenberg> but you can expand the tree (it's not just a list) to see the individual polling cycles
<katharinawork> yea i noticed, i like that tbh
<azonenberg> you can do arbitrary summarization for protocol data, i'm still fine tuning the APIs to make it easy to implement
<azonenberg> and it may change a bit
<azonenberg> i have the same thing for MDIO and QSPI flash
<azonenberg> with MDIO when you access a MMD register via the indirect registers, i collapse it into a single logical read/write
<azonenberg> and for qspi flash i collapse consecutive status register polls into a single poll event
<katharinawork> azonenberg: CI for current PR is completed
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #257: Fonts should respect GDK_DPI_SCALE -
<azonenberg> katharinawork: btw, what happens if a pref is in the settings file but not in the code?
<azonenberg> for example when we delete the test prefs
<azonenberg> will they disappear from user settings files too?
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #225: Preferences system should support "hidden" settings -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #258: Implemented visibility support for preferences -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 4 commits to master [+0/-0/±14]
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg aeac665 - Merge pull request #258 from azonenberg/kathi_dev Implemented visibility support for preferences
<azonenberg> also, merged
<katharinawork> they will disappear
<azonenberg> Ok
<katharinawork> the pref manager will also correct any bad values in the settings file
<katharinawork> like if a user edits per hand and sets a string for a real value
<katharinawork> it will give a console warning, but use the defautl
<azonenberg> makes sense
<azonenberg> Also is gui-dev abandoned? can we delete it?
<katharinawork> it is the old branch from before i got the rona
<azonenberg> yeah i mean is everything of value there merged now?
<katharinawork> its unused
<katharinawork> yep
<azonenberg> Ok
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg deleted branch gui-dev -
<azonenberg> And startup-window needs to be rebased on the current master and worked on more, correct?
<azonenberg> it's also from months ago and i'm sure isn't going to build against current head
<katharinawork> you can delete that, i have the changes in a local branch
<azonenberg> ah, ok
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg deleted branch startup-window -
<katharinawork> im going to be more clean with branc us
<katharinawork> branch usage from now on, ill only use my private branch
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg deleted branch opengl_version_check -
<azonenberg> You can have more than one feature branch if you want, that's fine. I just wanted to clean up dead ones that nobody was using
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<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat opened pull request #259: Implemented units in the preferences system and preferences GUI -
<_whitenotifier-f> [scopehal-apps] nshcat edited pull request #259: Implemented units in the preferences system and preferences GUI -