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So i'm shifting gears a bit to MAXWELL firmware for a few days
just for a change of pace, then back to probe design
I was originally planning to do some function generator ui code for glscopeclient this weekend
then $work decided to do maintenance on the VPN so i couldn't get into the lab where the scope with an attached function generator lived...
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+7/-5/±0] https://git.io/Jknos
[starshipraider] azonenberg ac73439 - Renamed resistive-probe to akl-pt2
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JknX2
[starshipraider] azonenberg 268062e - Continued work on CRC simulation
electronic_eel_ is now known as electronic_eel
azonenberg: I'm wondering if that can help crc([a,b,c,d]) == crc([0,0,0,d]) ^ crc([0,0,c,0]) ^ crc([0,b,0,0]) ^ crc([a,0,0,0]) ^ crc([0,0,0,0])
so you could compute several 'phases' in // and just combine them at the end.
tnt: That is actually the theory of a paper i'm reading
it splits a 128 bit datapath into four 32s then combines
i think that's probably the way to go. I think with some optimization and possibly bumping the fpga up to -3 speed i can pass timing on a 32 bit
But i need to play around a bit more... some recent implementation tweaks are suggesting the 128 bit implementation might be possible to smoosh down enough to make timing
Ok, I guess there aren't too many way to do it and it seemed like the obvious one :)
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Hmm, the XORing CRCs is interesting...
the beauty of linear math
<OmniTechnoMancer> The crc of 4 0s is constant and can be done later right?
<OmniTechnoMancer> and omitted if you have an even number of 4 way splits?
it's constant for sure. Not sure about the omission, I didn't work out exactly how the initial/final operations done in the CRC interated.
<OmniTechnoMancer> I guess it depends how you combine two of these packets together?
to start, simplifying by using crc32-posix which is the same polynomial as ethernet but initialized to all 0s not 1s
in this case, crc(aa bb cc dd) = ~(crc(aa 00 00 00) ^ crc(00 bb 00 00) ^ crc(00 00 cc 00) ^ crc(00 00 00 dd) )
unclear where the complement comes in
azonenberg, why not using a CRC32 lookup table ?
it will compute CRC32 with one cycle per byte
bvernoux: This is response to my twitter thread trying to figure out a good way of doing 40 Gbps CRC32 with a 128-bit datapath at 312.5 MHz for 40GbE
ha ok
one cycle per byte is about 16 times too slow :p
yes clearly ;)
so the idea is to do a custom // algorithm ?
it will be intesting to check what ST does they have a HW CRC32 ...
I'm exploring an algorithm in a couple of papers
which exploits the ability of crcs to be split and combined under some circumstances
i'm still working on figuring out the best chunk size and how to combine things etc
and how to handle the partial word at the end of a packet efficiently
yes interesting and the expected speed is to do 4 bytes / cycles or more ?
I'm targeting 16 bytes per clock at 312.5 MHz
on a -2 kintex7
ha yes will be very nice
That's what it will take to process 40G line rate data
to be checked maybe it is only for the big version ;)
yes maybe the 2Tbps is only for Bus Width 4096 with 19902 LUT running at 509.13MHz ...
it is not very clear
for what you want you can choose the best it will be interesting to test what they have done instead of reinventing the wheel
It seems to be open source
they speak about it in Readme
As far as we know, this is the first open source code covering the whole procedure of programming a single LUT
speaking about Reprogramming by HWICAP
their paper is here file:///C:/Users/Ben/AppData/Local/Temp/Low-Cost%20and%20Programmable%20CRC%20Implementation%20based%20on%20FPGA%20(Extended%20Version).pdf