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what is the site for datamapper 2?
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solnic: morning
solnic: I finished the ::Mutant::Zombifier, really happy about this.
solnic: We cann now mutate most of our dependencies.
mbj: hey
mbj: yeah I saw that, that's awesome work
solnic: re backports, lets nuke it.
solnic: Already nuked it from shared/Gemfile (devtools)
The is no reason the Gemfile.devtools specifies backports as dependency. It is a runtime dep, and the gems/libs that need it should pull it for theirselves.
mbj: yes we should nuke them
I'm pretty sure dkubb would agree
he removed 1.8 from travis in axiom
solnic: jo, lets do it :D
mbj: I also think we should push 1.0.0 of all those support release along with the first ROM release
solnic: ack
mbj: we could push new releases of the support gems btw
solnic: after removing backports!
solnic: I'd be really happy to remove backports from my current project (jruby).
Reasons are obvious :D
solnic: I talked to circleci yesterday
solnic: They plan matrix and opensource support :D
mbj: oh wow that would be fantastic
bad news for travis I suppose
because circle is actually much better
mbj: yeah so re support libs, let's just bump minor versions and push it
solnic: Most support gems dont have changes.
solnic: Lets remove backports than push?
yes I am talking about removing backports and pushing new releases
abstract_type is clean
moving to equalizer
solnic: can we sync regarding the eurucamp workshop?
We still have to reply when (friday or eariler the week) and how long our workshop would be
Dunno if I told you about I was receiving an email by orga.
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zirni: hola
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mbj: moin moin :)
zirni: I greet all new nicks here :D, but I remember we where in a phone call once.
mbj: yeah thats true :) hope you are fine :)
zirni: Yeah I'am you also?
zirni: So you found the #rom-rb project. Any specific interest?
mbj: sorry running in-house errands
I should be back later
mbj: I'm doing well. Yeah, just following progress right now :)
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kapowaz: ping
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solnic: np
snusnu: hola, finally into substation heavy clients work :D
snusnu: You saw the zombie?
snusnu: Mutant is self hosting!
It was fun yesterday, my GF came to me, said: You are looking like a zombie, stop working.
Than I showed here I'm working on a class called Mutant::Zombificator, this was the most funny moment this week :D
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dkubb: hola
dkubb: We changed the timeout to measure the time taken
dkubb: And assert it is below a specific amount of seconds, AFTER the spec finished.
dkubb: We did this because the timeout library was unstable.
dkubb: And does measure realtime, instead of cpu time.
good afternoon
timeout is unstable?
oh right, I forgot we didn't actually do a real timeout
it only blows up when the spec runtime takes longer than the threshold, but it assumes it will exit. I will see about changing this to truly timeout
I'll change that code to use the Timeout lib for now. I wasn't away of any instability in it
I just wish there was a way to timeout based on cpu time and not realtime, but I guess i'll take realtime if I've got to choose between that and nothing