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<{aaron}> i guess i'm a total sql noob - joining 40k table w/ 10k table based on an expression is always going to be ridiculously slow?
<{aaron}> using sqlite to compare against axiom based impl, inner join directly on foreign key is < 1 sec response. but join on a.b_id = ( + 1) ... > 265 sec
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] dkubb/axiom#29 (master - d995759 : Dan Kubb): The build has errored.
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<solnic> therabidbanana: thanks :)
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<solnic> mbj: morning
<solnic> mbj: I want to welcome you with this sweet PR:
<mbj> solnic: hola
<mbj> solnic: See my comments.
<mbj> solnic: We can "share" emitter logic via calling handle with multiple types.
<mbj> solnic: I think we should reduce all duplication in "dispatch".
<mbj> solnic: Sometimes nodes can be emitted via the same emitter, but have differend semantics.
<mbj> solnic: *semantics in another represenation
<solnic> mbj: ok
<solnic> mbj: dibe
<solnic> done even
<mbj> solnic: sorry for another idea:
<mbj> solnic: What about renaming assignments to group?
<solnic> mbj: group?
<solnic> you mean handle name to be group or class name?
<solnic> I just removed assignments emitter class and replaced it with delimited emitter like you suggested
<solnic> group might be confusing with group by
<solnic> as far as naming goes
<mbj> solnic: Just collapse the columns and assignments nodes onto pne
<mbj> *one
<solnic> into one what?
<mbj> In ruby you have a :begin node (body)
<solnic> I already collapse those into delimited emitter
<solnic> that supports two handles
<mbj> That gets reused inside def; def self; foo do; etc.
<mbj> But why we need two handles?
<solnic> no idea
<solnic> we don't
<solnic> but it's more clear when you look at code
<solnic> I dunno
<mbj> We should have a standard handle that gets used if you whant to "group" multiple statements.
<solnic> no strong opinion here
<mbj> We should create an AST that is also easy to create by a parser.
<solnic> group is probably not a good idea bkz there's group by
<mbj> yeah
<mbj> Lets find a better name!
<mbj> delimited also
<solnic> delimited
<mbj> (bad name)
<solnic> rite
<solnic> no
<solnic> it's good imho
<solnic> because it is, well, delimited
<solnic> I will use delimited for now
<mbj> But it would not make sense from the person writing sexp to generate something
<solnic> we'll see what dkubb thinks
<mbj> s(:update, s(:delimited, assignment)....)
<mbj> go for delimited
<mbj> we can rename later!
<solnic> yeah
<solnic> exactly
<mbj> solnic: multiple ?
<mbj> solnic: enumeration ?
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<solnic> mbj: too late :P
<solnic> moving on
<mbj> solnic: np
<solnic> mbj: how we should share common stuff between emitters?
<solnic> mbj: for instance appending WHERE clause is a common thing
<solnic> both select / update need that
<solnic> can I just create some module and include it?
<solnic> or is there some other non-standard convention here?
<mbj> solnic: Isnt where a dedicated node?
<solnic> mbj: it is
<solnic> mbj: I'm talking about that "if where; write(WS); visit(where); end"
<solnic> flay complains about duplication
<solnic> however I'm not really sure if we should listen to flay/reek in many cases
<solnic> this library is specific
<mbj> solnic: raise the flay score
<solnic> we don't want to remove duplication in trivial code
<solnic> because of perf penalty
<mbj> solnic: for now.
<solnic> mbj: ok
<solnic> mbj: wdyt about not running rake ci on travis? it's such a productivity killer when sth is under heavy development
<solnic> I literally spent an hour total yesterday/today adjusting configs and adding docs
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<solnic> I think we should AT LEAST turn off yardstick
<solnic> I can live with adjusting reek/flay configs (I think)
<solnic> but writing tons of redundant talks just to make THE TEST BUILD pass is ridiculous
<solnic> s/talks/docs/
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<solnic> mbj: I don't think that keeping full docs coverage WHILE developing a library is a reasonable thing to do
<snusnu> solnic: +1
<mbj> solnic: Depends on the library, I know the design is unlikely to change for the SQL::Generator namespace
<snusnu> solnic: and sorry for not yet responding to your email
<mbj> solnic: Feel free to set yardstick to 0%
<snusnu> solnic: you know my stance tho
<solnic> snusnu: I partially forgive you ;)
<snusnu> heh
<solnic> mbj: that's not the point
<solnic> I think preparing for a release should be treated as a separate process
<solnic> that process shuold include making sure code meets our requirements
<solnic> which includes full docs coverage
<solnic> during development it's just a distraction and sth that slows you down
<snusnu> with docs, imo it is very obvious … i don't care about them while i do development .. for a release, i want them to be perfect
<solnic> and seeing test build to fail because of that is absolutely too much
<solnic> snusnu: +1
<mbj> solnic: feel free to set yardstick bar to 0% :D, this will solve your problem. And we cann
<mbj> *can do it laters.
<solnic> no it won't
<solnic> it would make rake ci pass
<solnic> I don't want to have it in rake ci
<solnic> I want to have it in some task that we run prior a release
<snusnu> yeah, and we don't need travis to automatically *know* if we do ci or not, we're humans after all, WE can decide (if we need to run it locally prior to push)
<solnic> totally
<solnic> I'm also on the fence with reek tbh
<solnic> maintaining its config is a PITA for me
<solnic> but as I said, I can live with that, for now at least
<snusnu> solnic: hmm, reek is ok for, actually it still does give me hints
<snusnu> but
<snusnu> i also don't need it on travis
<snusnu> i really hate it when i *know* that a few commits are somewhat WIP, and intermediate builds are broken because i haven't yet adjusted reek config
<snusnu> or flay/flog for that matter
<snusnu> i'm totally with solnic tbh … spec+mutant on travis .. the rest for our human brains to decide .. based on common sense
<mbj> snusnu, solnic: I'm neutral here, talk to dkubb we can change this if he agrees.
<solnic> yeah me too, tests + mutant on travis
<solnic> the rest is up to us
<solnic> frankly I think that CC score is all we need to keep codebases clean
<solnic> it's not as strict as our settings
<solnic> but it gives sensible feedback
<snusnu> well, CC imo is too weak
<snusnu> without bragging or anything, but i guess recently we all have written very little code that isn't 4.0 ootb .. while we still thought of it as kinda ugly
<solnic> yeah I guess you're right
<solnic> CC gives 4.0 too easily
<solnic> I mean it gives rails > 3.0 which is WEIRD ;P
<snusnu> hehe
<solnic> I know it's not nice to pick on sth like that
<solnic> but it's just a good indicator that it's very gentle with its metrics
<snusnu> also, it STILL says: Huzzah! This repo has no classes or modules worse than a B. ……..when actually there are only A's :p
<solnic> haha :)
<snusnu> when i first saw it i was like, hah, nice bug
<solnic> mbj: how additional things in select like group by or having should be handled?
<solnic> mbj: right now we're assuming third child is a where clause
<solnic> which I guess is not right
<mbj> solnic: look at the bnf, select is the most complex one.
<solnic> yes I know
<snusnu> to sum up my pov on reek: i like it because it allows us to encode our *project* specific preferences .. it therefore somewhat allows to express our "style" .. CC can't, and nothing else i know of can do it as well as reek
<snusnu> so WE should use it
<snusnu> not travis
<snusnu> ;)
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<solnic> true
<solnic> well, we should write our own metric tool
<solnic> err sorry
<solnic> MBJ should write our own metric tool
<solnic> :D:D:D
<snusnu> mwhaha
<snusnu> for a moment i thought you'd say that we should write our own metric aggregation site ;)
<snusnu> but i full ack your actual thought too
<snusnu> hehe
<snusnu> it'd be ok for that stuff to run on CI, if it wouldn't be allowed to make the build FAIl
<snusnu> if it only were to post results to some other service, that can be used to review the code and push refactorings accordingly
<snusnu> i'd much rather have a green travis badge, plus a maybe non green metrics badge
<solnic> snusnu: that's what I suggested in my email that nobody replied to
<snusnu> lol i know
<solnic> :)
<solnic> the thing with metrics is that it's a feedback mechanism that you must digest yourself and make sense out of it
<snusnu> it should be easy enough to write that
<snusnu> yeah
<solnic> it cannot be used as a way to mark something as working or not
<solnic> test suite is for that
<solnic> if tests are green, then everything works (in theory)
<solnic> metrics "fail" then code needs to be closely reviewed
<snusnu> maybe we should write that app as "the official" rom demo app?
<solnic> but it doesn't mean there are bugs
<solnic> snusnu: yes it crossed my mind
<solnic> would be sweet
<solnic> it's kinda funny that the first release of ROM will be with in-memory adapter only
<solnic> kinda ironic
<solnic> I already mentioned that
<solnic> but it's so funny
<solnic> :D
<snusnu> hah yeah, it's too awesome :)
<solnic> I think it's a good move though
<solnic> make the ball rolling
<snusnu> the best available
<solnic> instead of being stuck inside master branch
<snusnu> also, for the metric badge service, we need no permanent storage
<solnic> there's a great potential value here - ppl will get involved because something is released and wokring
<solnic> snusnu: we don't?
<snusnu> yeah, imo the pitch can be this: *if* you're working on something that will be developed for quite a while, rest assured persistence will work at some point, but in the meantime, enjoy a faster app during development :p
<solnic> uncle bob style?
<solnic> :D
<snusnu> solnic: well, it's not that critical is it? .. we could always serialize the hash to json and write it to disc
<snusnu> of course
<solnic> totally
<snusnu> (re uncle bob style)
<snusnu> solnic: also, hopefully the app would be stable, so as long as it doesn't crash, we should be good .. for maintenance, we dump the in memory hash to a file
<solnic> mbj: re select, can you point me in the right direction? basically how to handle children that can include multiple nodes being where, having, group by etc?
<snusnu> mbj: btw, here's talk about a reek release:
<solnic> mbj: btw can you do sth like s(:something, [ s(:foo), s(:bar) ])?
<solnic> snusnu: would be nice if I could use wildcards in settings
<solnic> snusnu: sth like exclude: SQL::Emitter::Literal::*
<solnic> snusnu: or SQL::Emitter::Literal::*::#dispatch
<solnic> etc
<snusnu> solnic: in reek you mean?
<solnic> yes
<snusnu> solnic: i see where you come from, but i wonder, isn't that a rather particular pattern for a project to have?
<mbj> solnic: no
<mbj> solnic: (that array as child thing)
<solnic> mbj: I thought so
<snusnu> solnic: what i mean is, visitors, or asts are rather specific in design
<solnic> snusnu: hm?
<snusnu> solnic: i wonder how often someone will actually need sth like: SQL::Emitter::Literal::*::#dispatch
<snusnu> solnic: it seems to evolve out of a specific design
<snusnu> like for a visitor, or an ast
<solnic> my point was
<snusnu> not too general
<solnic> I want to easily exclude a set of classes or methods in my lib from some smell check
<solnic> because I KNOW this smell is not a problem there
<snusnu> i know that
<solnic> instead of listing all the things explicitly
<solnic> it'd be easier to glob it
<snusnu> and i wonder how often it will be the case that you have a lot of methods in nested namespaces, following a naming pattern, that are complex
<snusnu> visitors and asts i can think of
<snusnu> anyway, open a reek issue ;p
<solnic> it happened few times in our libs already
<solnic> so, often enough
<snusnu> ok, i wasn't aware of that
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<solnic> mbj: pushed GROUP BY
<mbj> solnic: nice!
<mbj> solnic: you finally enter the flow with this stuff!
<cored> hello guys
<cored> taking in count that all of you guys are on fire
<cored> it's seems that sooner or later there will be a release
<cored> right?
<mbj> cored: correct.
<mbj> solnic: I'm to stupid! sorry!
<mbj> solnic: I misguided you!
<mbj> solnic: The problem is, we dont need a where node!
<mbj> solnic: Just a position in the childs that gets a WHERE keyword emitted
<cored> sorry I meant
<cored> sooner than later
<cored> :-P
<mbj> solnic: if it is non nill
<mbj> solnic: Just like the case with update!
<mbj> solnic: We create far to much "useless" nodes, you see this when staring at their dispatch implementation.
<mbj> solnic: It is already significant a specific child index is non nil, there is no other node that can get plugged at this index.
<mbj> solnic: Same with group by, it is an index, what you plug there must form a valid expression.
<mbj> solnic: combined with the keyword GROUP BY
<mbj> solnic: got my point? In case not, stop now, I'll fix that branch for you!
<mbj> solnic: That is the problem with not spending 100% of my attention to opensource currently. I only can in, did my blabla and went out, do not have the time to think enough! Sorry!
<cored> solnic: yesterday you and elskwid told me that some behaviour should still work trying to fix #155
<cored> which was ?
<cored> can't remember
<solnic> cored: yes this one
<solnic> cored: we added a new feature that lets you build a virtus module with its own configuration thus avoiding the need to globally set any configs
<solnic> however, we did keep the old behavior, which is ability to define default config on the Virtus::Attribute class itself and Virtus module
<cored> I see
<cored> but why the need to have two ways of doing the same thing?
<cored> isn't better to just let one?
<solnic> cored: because of backward compat
<cored> oh
<solnic> I will remove it probably soon
<mbj> solnic: got my point?
<solnic> mbj: just pushed
<cored> solnic: probably is good to add an issue to have it a TODO for later
<solnic> mbj: but still need to remove those nodes
<solnic> mbj: so you want me to remove where and group by nodes
<solnic> and simply use keywords to construct those clauses
<cored> solnic: and if you guys kept the old behavior; it's weird that this issue exist what you say does exist is exactly that it doesn't work
<mbj> solnic: jo
<mbj> solnic: A select without a group by just has "nil" as child of group_by clause index
<solnic> yes
<mbj> solnic: A select with group by just has a single delimited node at this index
<solnic> mbj: but how do you know it is a group by
<solnic> and not sth else?
<mbj> solnic: Or in case the parser does not trigger the delimted action a single column expression.
<mbj> solnic: the index!
<solnic> so you put nils
<solnic> explicitly
<solnic> and you expect specific stuff under specific index
<solnic> rite?
<mbj> solnic: jo
<mbj> solnic: this is how parsing into an ast works.
<solnic> cored: say what? :)
<mbj> the ast is a "middleman" you have uglyness from both sides :D
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<solnic> mbj: I found that ugly so I added those nodes
<solnic> but if that's how it's supposed to work
<mbj> solnic: But you'll run into more complex problems when parsing!
<solnic> I'm totally fine with that
<solnic> yeah man I trust you here completely
<mbj> solnic: There is a reason whitequark urged to say: No duplication in the ast.
<cored> solnic: you said that you guys kept the behavior of globally setting default options on Virtus::Attribute, right?
<mbj> and the index already tells it is a group by, you dont need a dedicated node
<solnic> cored: yes we did
<cored> solnic: but what the issue says contrary, like that doesn't work
<solnic> cored: well, because it's probably broken right now
<mbj> solnic: Just following best practises observed when whitequark did his parser. And they make sense.
<solnic> mbj: sure
<cored> solnic: can you remember where is the code, I can't find when this happen
<solnic> cored: look at Virtus::Attribute.coerce
<solnic> it should set "coerce" option when given a value (true or false)
<solnic> then it should propagate that option to all descendant attribute classes
<cored> solnic: checking, the other thing is that the .lazy option is created in runtime
<cored> solnic: right?
<cored> solnic: the coerce one work
<cored> but the lazy one is returning
<cored> #<Virtus::Attribute::Accessor>
<cored> and it should return <Virtus::Attribute::Accessor::LazyAccessor>
<mbj> solnic: Your tweet about my OS commit count gave me 4 new followers.
<solnic> mbj: sweet :)
<Gibheer> mbj: are you collecting sheeps now? ;)
<mbj> Gibheer: lulz
<solnic> mbj: ok pushed some tweaks
<cored> solnic: check this out
<cored> I added the last integration spec
<cored> and then another spec blows on me
<mbj> solnic: Why dont pass the named child nodes
<mbj> Instead of messing with the indexes.
<mbj> solnic: As we'll reuse the keywords I suggest to move them to the constants module.
<mbj> K_WHERE will be reused.
<solnic> mbj: I moved K_WHERE to constant already
<solnic> constants*
<solnic> mbj: oh good point with named children
<solnic> no idea why I used index constants
<mbj> solnic: I still need to introduce named children in mutant
<solnic> yeah that makes things much nicer
<mbj> solnic: Think about full select support without named children :D
<solnic> yeah :)
<cored> solnic: ?
<solnic> cored: looking
<cored> thanks
<solnic> cored: please hold off with this actually. I still need to finish how writers work
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<cored> solnic: oki
<cored> do you need another thing for me to work on virtus?
<solnic> cored: I'll prepare a list of tasks for 1.0.0 shortly
<solnic> today/tomorrow
<cored> good
<cored> what about rom-rb in general, do you guys need any other help with it?
<mbj> cored: Someone needs to review the rom-status pr from zaidan.
<mbj> solnic: This is not really rom-core :D
<solnic> mbj: geez that's not gonna be me
<cored> hehe
<cored> solnic: is running away from that, I take a look at it sure
<cored> crap I just said that without checking the pull request :-P
<solnic> well, we could have it in where it's just a static html site generated with middleman
<solnic> as I already stated a couple of times
<cored> I'll download his branch and test it locally
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<cored> but I need something to compare it to
<solnic> well
<solnic> I'd vote for porting this work into rom-rb.rb project
<solnic> diff would be much smaller :P
<cored> you mean to this
<cored> ?
<solnic> yes it's a static html website
<solnic> generated via middleman
<cored> ok
<cored> mbj: what do you think?
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<mbj> solnic: yeah, I planned to do something nice serverside
<mbj> solnic: But I'll not follow this path anymore.
<solnic> mbj: ;)
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<cored> mbj: did you read my msg?
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<mbj> cored: what medium? mail/pn/twitter ?
<cored> here
<cored> asking you about the changes from zaidan solnic suggested that we put that on
<cored> repo
<cored> what do you think about that
<cored> ?
<mbj> cored: Yeah, we still can ship zaidans coffescript.
<mbj> cored: I think he'd agree to do that changes.
<cored> got it
<cored> so basically middleman should generate a new page with zaidan's stuff
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<snusnu> mbj: i have the failure chain stuff working locally
<snusnu> mbj: but i will probably not have the time to clean it up and push a release before next week (leaving for a long weekend in 2h)
<cored> snusnu: very long :-P today is wednesday
<mbj> snusnu: np
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<dkubb> good morning
<solnic> deja vu :D
<dkubb> heh
<cored> morning
<dkubb> solnic: dude, you and mbj killing it with sql.rb. nice work!
<solnic> dkubb: yes! :)
<dkubb> solnic: I'm going to start on a spike for the in-memory adapter tonight
<solnic> it's very basic still, but it's a nice start imho
<solnic> dkubb: ROM is one of the picks in latest RR episode
<solnic> mbj, snusnu ^^
<dkubb> oh cool
<solnic> listening to it now
<dkubb> solnic: have you talked to RR about appearing on the show?
<solnic> dkubb: oh well James invited us whenever we feel it's ready-enough to talk about this
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<dkubb> solnic: ahh ok, cool
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<solnic> dkubb: re in-memory - cannot wait, really
<dkubb> heh
<solnic> I'm so curious to see how it's gonna look like
<dkubb> I think the key part everyone is missing is how to unwind the relation within create/update/delete to get to the base relation
<dkubb> I have some ideas on how to do it, but I may need to do a bit of experimentation to find the right way that is simplest to understand
<dkubb> I know it can be done. as long as we're not throwing away information, the info is always there
<dkubb> one or more base relations are always at the leaves of the tree
<solnic> yeah that part was tricky for me
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<elskwid> Howdy everyone!
<solnic> dkubb: lots of ROM in this RR episode :)
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<dkubb> solnic: sweet, I'll have to listen to it
<solnic> dkubb: yes
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<solnic> dkubb: interesting fact - mbj pushed more OSS commits during last 12 months than I pushed OSS + non-OSS
<dkubb> solnic: wow, that's pretty awesome
<dkubb> I only pushed 4723 commits over the last 12 months
<dkubb> that's private/public
<cored> interesting
<cored> does that contributions implies his own repos?
<dkubb> although counting commits is like counting LOC. mbj's a machine though
<cored> I'm intriguite by his over productive behavior
<elskwid> solnic: I'm glad to hear you compare yourself to him. I was doing the same.
<elskwid> In fact, as I was eating breakfast I was thinking, HOW?!?
<elskwid> ;)
<cored> elskwid: I think we all are doing that :-P
<cored> I started to check other's people profiles too
<elskwid> Have any of you played with Enums in Ruby? I was toying around with some ideas yesterday.
<elskwid> meaning, do you use them? Have you created a lib for it? etc.
<elskwid> cored: Yeah. Once you have something to measure against ...
<cored> elskwid: Enums, like Java Enums?
<elskwid> cored: Somewhat. There are times in an application that I want to use Role::MANAGER instead of "manager". Keep the string programmin to a minimum.
<cored> sure
<cored> why not just use an struct?
<elskwid> cored: And I find that very often I have a collection of these "types" like manager, owner, admin, etc and want to list them somewhere. Put a db-friendly version of the string in the DB and map that to a more friendly value.
<elskwid> cored: Precisely, but as I was playing with it Virtus came to mind. Want to see the WIP gist?
<elskwid> cored: There were other things I wanted, like being able to iterate over the collection, use some destructuring, and other stuff (like safe chaining)
<cored> yes
<cored> always open to read code :-)
<Gibheer> elskwid: why not load it from the database at the start of the application?
<Gibheer> there is often stuff which is mostly static and needs only to be loaded at the start of the application, so something like that would make sense
<elskwid> Gibheer: That seems to be the way people do it. Most "enum" ruby libs are tied to AR and that's more than I need. (or have needed)
<elskwid> At that point, I don't mind having it in the code-base. It isn't user editable.
<elskwid> Anyway, here's the sketch I came up with yesterday:
<elskwid> I'd like to move the `.enum` method down into `Types`. It's a partial extraction from something I'm doing in a project now but I went and made it complicated with the Types instance. ha!
<Gibheer> mostly I used enums only in the case, where it is some kind of attribute with relative low meaning
<Gibheer> or which I know are really static, like HTTP headers
<Gibheer> but I never had the need to iterate over them
<elskwid> Gibheer: I find that it's a common case for me. I'M STUCK IN A RUT!
<elskwid> ha
<Gibheer> it looks like too much for me
<elskwid> Fair enough. I found myself playing with the underlying instance of `Types` and ended up with the method_missing noise. It isn't needed and in a slimmed down version could just go away.
<elskwid> but yeah just curious if it comes up
<Gibheer> hmm, why not something like the following: Colors ="Red", "Blue", "Goldenrod", "Burnt Siena")
<Gibheer> essentially, you don't have to care if the values are mapped to integers or strings or symbols, as long as they don't loose the identity
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<Gibheer> enums are nothing more than a collection of constants, I would say
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<elskwid> Gibheer: I like that. I was looking at Ara Howard's map too, it would allow you to define the map if you needed. In some cases I find that we have wanted to determine what that integer/symbol/string map key is.
<elskwid> Gibheer: But that syntax is very nice.
<elskwid> more stuff for me to play with tonight!
<elskwid> Gibheer: good point of not worrying about the mapped value.
<cored> elskwid: did you catch my last msg?
<cored> elskwid: if not, I just asked if you are planning to add the enum gist to virtus ?
<elskwid> Gibheer: I was stuck in the mode or replicating the handrolled style where I had to care about the mapped value.
<elskwid> cored: I didn't see that.
<elskwid> cored: No, I was thinking that Virtus could do some of what I want to do under the hood. I'm still working that out.
<cored> I see
<dkubb> I'm sure an Enum attribute type could be made for virtus
<dkubb> we did one for DataMapper 1
<elskwid> dkubb: ah, interesting.
<elskwid> dkubb: I do like having the Colors::RED used instead of strings. Helps with reading the code and refactoring/reworking too.
<solnic> elskwid, cored: those stats are a bit confusing - when you look at your own profile you see the total for public+private repost. when you look at other people's profiles you only see their public repo contributions
<solnic> so, to see your OSS public repo commit count, log out and look at your profile
<elskwid> solnic: Agreed. The stats are confusing.
<Gibheer> elskwid: it is pretty easy with that simple API to define the constants too
<elskwid> Gibheer: yeah. Like I said, I was pretty wrapped up with how I was doing it in my project, where I was just doing it by hand. Your idea has given me alternative which I quite like.
<Gibheer> if the mapping is important, I think it would also work to also support hashes:"red" => :red, "blue" => 2, "yellow" => Object)
<elskwid> Gibheer: precisely
<Gibheer> thats good :)
<Gibheer> I don't know how hard the following would be:"red", "blue", "foo", {:map_to => Symbol})
<elskwid> Gibheer: That's why I like map.
<elskwid> Gibheer: symbol, string indifferent
<elskwid> without ActiveSupport!
<cored> solnic: oh, did not know that
<elskwid> Gibheer: Then you can use it however you like, still have the constants, and iteration.
<Gibheer> elskwid: it looks interesting
<cored> solnic: I see mine now
<cored> :-)
<solnic> there should be a switch
<solnic> "include priv repo commits"
<solnic> or sth
<solnic> it's confusing now
<cored> I'm curious about knowing if that's increases commiting to your own repo's
<solnic> pretty sure it includes commits to your own repos
<elskwid> solnic: Is it too late for me to jump on that coercer stuff? You guys seem busy with sql at the moment. ;)
<cored> now I wonder what will happen if I just start a blog about cars a github pages blog with jekyll I totally can mess up my contributions to OSS
<solnic> elskwid: no why?
<cored> because they will be just plain text talking about cars
<solnic> fwiw I'm working on all the things all the time ;P
<elskwid> solnic: I'm working to free up time every day to do open source. Just making sure it's still a good place to jump in is all.
<elskwid> solnic: with the timezone I miss some context.
<dkubb> elskwid: even if some of us are busy with one thing, that shouldn't stop you from working on other areas if you have an interest in them
<cored> solnic: by the way, I will just take zaizan stuff and put it on status link without checking that much
<elskwid> solnic: Ha! All the things. All the time!
<cored> just checking about style and stuffs like that, is that ok ?
<cored> elskwid: what time do you have?
<elskwid> dkubb: No, wasn't my point really. I was more concerned that targets might move since I don't have consistent time on the project. Does that make sense?
<dkubb> ahh ok
<elskwid> There's a lot in motion around here. I don't want to confuse an issue or spin cycles if they aren't needed is all.
<elskwid> Also, I enjoy the hell out of these projects.
<elskwid> cored: I'm working on that. heh.
<cored> elskwid: ?
<cored> the status section?
<solnic> elskwid: virtus and coercible are much more stable then rom's libs
<dkubb> axiom is pretty stable too
<solnic> true that!
<solnic> elskwid: so it's easier to contribute to those libs
<dkubb> there's an outstanding refactoring to integrate axiom-types into axiom if anyone is interested in that
<elskwid> solnic: That's good to know.
<solnic> rom-* stuff is gonna settle down soon, but it's in a flux right now
<solnic> dkubb: same with virtus :)
<Gibheer> solnic: code faster ;)
<elskwid> dkubb: Wasn't one of the goals to use axiom-types in coercer?
<elskwid> heh ^ yeah
<dkubb> elskwid: I think there was a goal to use axiom-types inside virtus too
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<elskwid> dkubb: yep
<elskwid> I should be saying coercible
<dkubb> even though it has the word "axiom" in it, it's kind of a generic way to define a type
<dkubb> types are fundamental to relational algebra, which is why I put it in that namespace, but it has utility almost anywhere we declare types.. virtus, axiom, rom
<elskwid> dkubb: right.
<mbj> hola
<mbj> solnic: Great you like SQL generation now!
<elskwid> Hi mbj
<dkubb> mbj: hola
<mbj> dkubb: hi
<mbj> dkubb: About to run in 5min, anything we need to discuss?
<dkubb> SQL generation is totally fun.. I love working on that side of things
<dkubb> mbj: nothing that comes to mind. I'm going to start spiking out the in-memory adapter tonight
<dkubb> mbj: I'll start with read, which should be trivial, then move onto create, update, delete
<elskwid> dkubb: I need to get in there and poke around. I've spent so many years working with databases I should be helping.
<mbj> dkubb: Yeah, feel free to ping me, I'd love to contribute/comment.
<dkubb> mbj: I'll probably be using a similar design to my new dm-cassandra-adapter, which turned out really nice
<dkubb> mbj: we're using it in production shortly
<cored> dkubb: integrating axiom-types into axioms, can you elaborate?
<mbj> dkubb: You talk about a cql gem?
<dkubb> mbj: not yet, but I might do that at some later point. CQL is way simpler than SQL
<mbj> dkubb: So you plan to use a similar design to to dm-cassandra-adapter, similar to axiom?
<dkubb> cored: so right now, the Axiom::Attribute class represents a couple of things: a named attribute, a type, and constraints. I created axiom-types to represent the type and constraints parts
<dkubb> mbj: I meant the part where I have command objects for each of the CRUD ops.. not how i'm doing query generation. I won't need to do any query gen in an in-memory adapter since all the relations support the ops natively
<mbj> dkubb: got it!
<cored> dkubb: and you want that axioms-types be part of axiom, same code base
<dkubb> cored: I extracted the type stuff from axiom into and tested it really well. I think it should be possible to remove the Axiom::Attribute subclasses, and just have an Axiom::Attribute instance that holds the name and type
<dkubb> cored: I want to keep it as a separate gem, just make it a dependency of axiom
<dkubb> cored: virtus will probably be using axiom-types, and I wouldn't be surprised if rom-mapper uses it to represent types too
<cored> dkubb: which means right now axiom have it's own way to use axiom-types but duplicated in the code?
<dkubb> cored: the ideal case is we could remove all of the classes in .. however, it may be that we need to keep them around to "hang" some fo the axiom functions on, but I think it will probably reduce the type/constraint related logic from all the attribute classes
<dkubb> cored: what's really interesting is that in DM1 we has Property and Type classes, a Property would have-a Type. I refactored it so the Property was a type. it seemed like a good idea then, but in axiom I have lots of cases where I need to refer to a type without a name (think, when I declare function return types)
<dkubb> bbiab, lunch
<cored> wow
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<dkubb> the reason I need to know a function's return type, is I need to know if it is legal to call a method on it, eg:
<dkubb> relation.restrict { |r| }
<dkubb> since i know length returns an integer type, I can call gte on it
<dkubb> if it returned, say, a string then gte would not be legal
<cored> I see, will take a look at axiom-type
<dkubb> cored: as a first step, what I was going to do was add the corresponding Axiom::Types::Type subclass inside each Axiom::Attribute subclass inside a class method, and then delegate .primitive and other type related methods to the type, and then work backwards from there
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<cored> dkubb: hm
<solnic> dkubb: small correction, I refactored property to be also the type...which was my first commit in dm-core...which basically got be where I am now, here, talking with you all, ha!
<solnic> s/be/me/
<solnic> elskwid, cored: re axiom-types, just like dkubb said - virtus and coercible will use axiom-types
<solnic> rom-mapper will use it too probably
<cored> solnic: :-)
<cored> solnic: so the first thing is to make axiom depend on axiom-type and then coersible and virtus depend on axiom ?
<solnic> cored: nope
<solnic> cored: axiom, virtus and coercible will depend on axiom-type
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<cored> oh ok
<cored> I will check axiom and axiom-type first
<dkubb> solnic: heh, ahh right, I forgot about that. sorry for taking credit for it..
<dkubb> solnic: either way, I think it's the wrong model for axiom.. I think it's too much responsibility in Axiom::Attribute
<solnic> dkubb: no worries! it just reminded me how I got invovled
<solnic> yeah it's the same in virtus
<solnic> attribute will be composed of an accessor and type, and type can carry all sorts of info
<solnic> that's a nice separation
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<dkubb> solnic: the nice thing is type contains one basic piece of information. if you start with the conceptual idea of there being a nearly infinite set of all possible objects, a type basically carves out a subset of that. a type has constraints that allow it to determine if an object is inside the set it represents or not
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<dkubb> (this is how I think about it anyway)
<cored> dkubb: were you talking to me?
<cored> I had a connection issue
<solnic> cored: you can always catch up on
<cored> dkubb: here is what I thought about using axiom-types from within axiom
<cored> taking Boolean attribute from axiom I was about to add Boolean < Axiom::Types::Boolean
<cored> but I just notice that there are some methods from within axiom that doesn't exist on axiom-types
<dkubb> cored: that last comment was for solnic, but it was meant for anyone who wants to understand what types is
<cored> solnic: oh, thanks
<dkubb> cored: What I would do is start with a has-a relationship between Axiom::Attribute::Boolean and Axiom::Types::Boolean
<cored> dkubb: got it
<cored> dkubb: composition over inherantance
<cored> dkubb: so Axiom::Attribute::Boolean will have a type Axiom::Types::Boolean inside and all it's call will be delegate to it, am I right?
<solnic> I believe we want to get rid of attribute subclasses
<solnic> at least I want to remove them in virtus
<solnic> dkubb: when do you think it would make sense to start integrating axiom-do-adapter with sql?
<solnic> err axiom-sql-generator
<dkubb> solnic: I think eventually we *do* want to remove attribute subclasses, but what I'm propsing is a transition step
<solnic> dkubb: yeah I'd prefer to keep backward compat somehow
<dkubb> solnic: in axiom I *may* still need subclasses or instances per-type.. or some kind of container, because I need a place to hang axiom type-specific functions
<dkubb> solnic: like #length on string types or gte, gt, lt, lte on integers, etc
<solnic> in virtus only embedded attributes will be needed
<solnic> rest can be removed
* elskwid reads
<dkubb> cored: hopefully what I just wrote makes sense. for the refactoring I would 1) start off using composition inside the Axiom::Attribute subclasses, get things working with delegation, 2) make a proxy class that has-a type, and allows us to act as a container for type specific methods like #length on a string, 3) remove Axiom::Attribute subclasses, since with this container we should be able to fulfill their purpose with a type proxy
<cored> dkubb: send an small fix
<dkubb> cored: I propose we start off with #1, get it to a working state and then merge it into master before going to #2 or #3.. it doesn't have to be done in a single big PR
<cored> dkubb: oki, will try that out then
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<cored> dkubb: I have a question
<cored> dkubb: Axiom::Types::Boolean == TrueClass ?
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<dkubb> cored: that type is for TrueClass and FalseClass. it's one of the few (only?) type that represents objects with more than one primitive
<cored> dkubb: I started with Boolean
<cored> by dfeault Axiom::Types::Boolean return FalseClass
<cored> but Axiom::Attribute::Boolean.primitive return TrueClass
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<dkubb> cored: one of the differences between axiom and axiom-types is in axiom we ask the Attribute what it's primitive is and match it against an object, and in axiom-types we give the object to the primitive and it tells us if it matches
<zekefast> Hey, solnic! Congrats! Seems like you have successful fundrazing compaing! ;)
<solnic> zekefast: yes it's really cool!
<solnic> zekefast: thanks for donating again :)
<zekefast> My pleasure! I really believe to ROM and what you do guys here!
<solnic> :)
<cored> dkubb: oh
<zekefast> I want to find time to contribute not only in $ but in action. But need to make my things in proper order first.
<solnic> zekefast: it's gonna be much easier to contribute code soon
<cored> dkubb: I see, the only downside on that is that infer_from_primite
<solnic> things are finally settling down
<cored> dkubb: is a private method
<dkubb> cored: so it might not be quite so simple a change. I don't think it's impossible, just a bit more refactoring internally
<cored> dkubb: in this case which is the better approach ?
<elskwid> zekefast: Thanks for reminding me!
<zekefast> yep, I read about first release with in-memory ... that's going to be awesome to look at!
<dkubb> cored: axiom-types' approach is better, since it allows the type to do whatever it needs to determine if an object is valid
<solnic> zekefast: we need as many axiom adapters as possible to verify if ROM's design is ready to support various dbs
<solnic> and doesn't get in your way when you want to support db-specific native features
<cored> dkubb: in that case two methods will change from withing Axiom::Attribute::Boolean
<cored> dkubb: one for returning the proper primitive from Axiom::Types and the other one for validating it but using Axiom::Types mechanism also
<cored> dkubb: the thing is that what infer the primitive type at the moment is a private method
<solnic> elskwid: srsly? :D thanks man...!
<elskwid> solnic: Are you kidding me? Of course!
<elskwid> solnic: I've had a browser tab open for a week!
<elskwid> ha ha
<solnic> elskwid: haha :)
<dkubb> cored: I wouldn't worry so much about what's private or not. the first step is to get something working. we can change interfaces and find the right balance after we have a spike that works
<cored> dkubb: yes, sure the only thing is that it's blowing on me :-P
<cored> let me show you, maybe I'm doing something wrong
<cored> line 21
<dkubb> cored: can you see where that primitive is being used? perhaps the logic can be changed to pass in the object that is being tested, rather than asking each Axiom::Attribute subclass for it's primitive (of course the name primitive does not match anymore, but I think you knew that)
<cored> dkubb: trying to find that out now
<cored> dkubb: I'm guessing you are talking from Axiom point of view, right ?
<dkubb> cored: yeah. I would rather change axiom to work with axiom-types than the other way around
<cored> dkubb: got it
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