solnic changed the topic of #rom-rb to: Ruby Object Mapper | Mailing List:!forum/rom-rb | Logs:
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<elskwid> dkubb: You're up late!
<dkubb> elskwid: yeah, a bit. it's 11pm where I am. I'm usually up this late actually
<dkubb> often I'm working though
<elskwid> dkubb: Ah, we're in the same TZ
* elskwid is in Reno, NV
<dkubb> yeah, I'm in Mission BC, Canada
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<dkubb> we need a cinchy bot in this channel
<dkubb> I miss it from #datamapper
<solnic> dkubb: hey I know that :)
<solnic> I just don't know how
<solnic> I even googled and couldn't find anything
<solnic> (true story)
<solnic> breakfast bbiab
<dkubb> I think it may be
<dkubb> we could always deploy it to heroku:
<dkubb> solnic: I'm off to bed now. will ttyl. I hope to get a bit more time over the weekend to help out with sql
<elskwid> dkubb: Have a good sleep!
<zekefast> Hey, guys, could you provide some info regarding my earlier questions?
<zekefast> Thanks, in advance!
<zekefast> (01:53:41) zekefast: Hi, guys. I'm eager to try ROM, but after moving tom ROM from DataMapper2 all previous examples seems like stop working.
<zekefast> (01:54:46) zekefast: Have you any idea when it would make sense come back and try somekind "stabilized" version?
<zekefast> (01:55:19) zekefast: At least get to work mappers again.
<elskwid> zekefast: Sorry I can't help, looks like solnic might be back in a few. (I'm still pretty new to the libs)
<zekefast> elskwid, That's Ok. Thanks. Will wait for his response (will be afk for 2 hours on the way to work)
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<elskwid> ping solnic
<elskwid> That's it for me. You all have a great day/night/whatever.
<solnic> elskwid: sweet
<elskwid> solnic: Ah, you just caught me. heh.
<elskwid> solnic: I had another crazy idea ...
<elskwid> solnic: Would be *really* nice to be able to call `attribute` from inside one of those fancy on-demand modules.
* elskwid dies
<solnic> elskwid: hmm
<solnic> elskwid: so you could group attributes with different configs rite?
<elskwid> solnic: Yeah, and it would save you the hassle of doing a module in a module in a module, etc.
<elskwid> probably an edge case but worth making a note of it (I'll open an issue to track it tomorrow)
<solnic> elskwid: rite. that could be a good thing yeah
<solnic> elskwid: hey I just added you to the repo collabolators
<elskwid> Seems symmetrical to me to be able to do anything in Virtus.module that you could do in a Virtus module.
<elskwid> solnic: I saw that. Bold move!
<solnic> elskwid: feel free to push small improvements into master and use topic branches for bug fixes / new features
<elskwid> solnic: I'll take it easy, don't worry. ha ha.
<elskwid> I use pull requests at work even on my own repos.
<solnic> elskwid: I can't always REVERT AND REMOVE HAHAHAHAHHAA
<solnic> ;)
<elskwid> Gives me a nice review.
<elskwid> EVIL
<solnic> I do that too :)
<elskwid> It's been fun working on Virtus with you guys. I look forward to do more as I get my head in the game.
<elskwid> *doing
<solnic> elskwid: I'm glad you liked it :)
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<solnic> elskwid: there's a ton of work in many projects you know :)
<elskwid> solnic: Oh yeah!
<elskwid> and now I must sleep.
<elskwid> 01:15 ... ugh
<solnic> elskwid: ok good night :)
<elskwid> solnic: Thanks for shepherding me through that pull request. I appreciate it.
<elskwid> MIND = EXPANDED
<elskwid> solnic: Have a great day.
<solnic> mbj: can we add an issue with all the stuff that we have to add to sql?
<solnic> with checkboxes?
<solnic> it would be much easier to jump in and add missing stuff this way
<mbj> solnic: never used the checkboxes feature ;)
<mbj> solnic: I can try later this day, but have to explore the new notebook hardware.
<solnic> oh and yes, let's start with a subset of SQL standard lol
<mbj> hahaha
<mbj> yeah
<solnic> basic stuff is needed
<mbj> Yeah
<mbj> But lets stick to the names in the BNF
<solnic> basic selects with basic joins + basic insert/update/delete
<solnic> we can expand this later
<mbj> It is so much more easy to look sth up this way.
<solnic> the most important thing is to get min functionality so it no longers blocks rom
<solnic> I also believe that with solid foundation we will be able to expand sql easily, rite?
<solnic> by solid foundation I meant your AST stuff
<mbj> yeah, expanding asts is easy
<mbj> We need basic select, update and delete
<mbj> And we can move there soon
<mbj> Next would be types, select as type <- there is the type
<mbj> than do that "expression as type" node
<mbj> than do a select list
<mbj> select a, b ,c
<mbj> or select *
<solnic> mbj: lemme add an issue
<mbj> Than we need more binary operators to form the where clauses
<mbj> group by would reuse column expressions
<mbj> order nodes, and order groups
<mbj> (And lookup the correct terms in the bnf!)
<mbj> s(:select, quantifier, columns, source, restrictions, group, having, order)
<mbj> source can easily be another select, or an identifier
<mbj> Select is IMHO the most complex node, we should document it well.
<mbj> This is IMHO a sign SQL is misdesigned.
<mbj> Even ruby does not have that hardcore nodes :D
<solnic> please add stuff to this list when you have a chance
<solnic> mbj: with that list we can even get some PRs from others
<solnic> as it's trivial to add those nodes
<mbj> select is far from trivial
<mbj> we alread did most of the low hanging fruits
<mbj> Sure stupid selects like s(:select, s(:add, s(:int 1), s(:int 1))) => "SELECT 1+1" are easy
<solnic> mbj: I know
<mbj> But to cover select in the depth we need it requires lots of other nodes!
<solnic> but we gotta start with something
<mbj> yeah
<solnic> mbj: we just need a list of stuff that we gotta add
<mbj> But I'd prever we build the primitives before even adding a primitive select
<mbj> column expressions
<mbj> is the next
<solnic> sure
<mbj> I'll be faster to add them, than to describe it good enough to get an outside contribution
<solnic> mbj: whatever works
<solnic> err
<solnic> whatever is faster
<mbj> yeah
<mbj> I'm busy, preping meeting
<solnic> mbj: inorite ;)
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<solnic> zekefast: hi I saw you were asking about using ROM earlier
<solnic> zekefast: please hold on and wait for the first release, sources are in flux right now
<solnic> we're rewriting sql generator and refactoring rom-relation (mapper part is being extracted to rom-mapper)
<solnic> once that's done it'll be usable
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<Gibheer> solnic: I'm so looking forward to a usable version :)
<zekefast> solnic, Thanks a lot!
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<mbj> hola
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<lorenzo_> mbj: hola!
<mbj> lorenzo_: hi
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<snusnu> yo mbj
<snusnu> mbj: are you fine with me aligning ducktrap/vanguard result objects to support #success? and #output ?
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<elskwid> Greetings everyone.
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<solnic> elskwid: morning
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<kapowaz> I have a DM question but I'm afraid that if I ask it in #datamapper it will be all tumbelweed
<kapowaz> *tumbleweed
* kapowaz tries anyway
<elskwid> solnic: How was your day?
<elskwid> kapowaz: Sorry I can't help...
<kapowaz> elskwid: I asked in #datamapper ;)
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<solnic> elskwid: hectic, still is
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