[travis-ci] rom-rb/devtools#17 (master - b2117e9 : Markus Schirp): The build has errored.
good afternoon
solnic: that's awesome, I'll check it out
solnic: I'll probably start beefing it up for personal dev, so I can do all my oss work in it if that's ok with you
dkubb: hola!
dkubb: I released mutant-0.3.beta4 with all our latest fixes.
dkubb: I also released adamantium-0.0.8 with ice_nine-0.8.0 dependency.
ahh, thanks for that
when you used gem-release do you use the "tag" option?
mbj: I'll test that gem against my other projects
dkubb: forgot to make a tag, I normaly do.
no worries
I was thinking about making something that could retroactively tag gems
it would have to download the gem and then find the point in the git history when it matches the source the closest, and then add the tag to it
dkubb: yeah sure
I have a bunch of gems where I've forgotten to tag properly
dkubb: I think this is wasted time!
Dont see a value.
Maybe tagging the latest release of each major branch
And this exact by hand.
solnic: I was going to make a vm for bloomcrush, but it'd be nice to have something unified and simple. I doubt there'll be any conflicting deps. I generally would follow the same approach on my oss projects as for personal/work projects. only ths oss vm is going to have *more* deps than I would normally run, because it needs to have multiple rubies and datastores
mbj: I do see some value in being able to find a specific version via a tag
mbj: but yeah, it would only be done if it was to fix some kind of pain
dkubb: I'll adopt that vm also, but I'll try to use lxc.
dkubb: If you have an inexact tag this creates major debugging pain
dkubb: So just tag the latest release of each major branch (semver heads).
And this by hand.
yeah, lxc looks neat
I don't have any specific use cases for it right now
virtualbox is pain
And consumes far more resources than lxc.
I dont need a full operation system.
but I wonder if it'd be nice for separating each service into a container
A systemcall isolation is IMHO enough.
I run vagrant/virtualbox since I'm on osx
so no lxc
jo, I see
but once I'm in the vm I may look at lxc
I use some "handgrown" lxc scripts currently.
Works, but is pain.
Did not made it into something easy to reuse.
vagrant is dead simple to use once you get it setup
I can do it. I've been working in a vm full time for the last year
we should remember about tagging
yeah, I also used vagrant, but that was on my underpowered box
Was to heavyweight for my machine.
I really don't like when ppl don't tag releases
solnic: I did not tagget the mutant betas :(
But I'll tag the nonbetas.
The betas are for internal consumption in hour ecosystem.
yeah final releases are more important
I guess skipping pre-preleases is ok
I actually think it wouldn't be too hard to match up source with git releases.. it might be a fun diversion for an afternoon
dkubb: I reduced that mutant crash in Aggregate::Mean.call to (left - right) / foo
you could do it like git bisect, and do a binary search to find similarities in the text
mbj: oh really? I wonder if that was with something slightly older in axiom? last night I changed some of the division operations to use a Rational instead, so there shouldn't be any uses of #/ in the source afaik
either way, it's good to fix it
mbj: wdyt about exercising unparser/parser by pointing it to something like ruby spec, parsing all the code first, then unparsing it, evaling it, and then running the specs?
dkubb: Yeah it is an older source!
dkubb: Yeah, that will find 99.99% of all edge cases.
mbj: I'm just trying to think of things that could exercise parser/unparser
I'll do so later!
Would also deserve a blog post, IMHO.
mbj: maybe a simple runner, where you'd specify a ruby file, it would parse/unparse/eval, and then run the specs in the file
Once done :D
it seems like a runner like that could almost be a one-liner
eval Unparser.parse(Parser.new(File.read path)) or something
(not sure if that's the api)
who cares if it loads it's deps in via normal ruby, the point is the spec itself will be run through parser. then you can just do find spec -type f | xargs parser_test.sh
it might not be particularly fast, but I bet it'd find most of the edge cases like you say
API is: Unparser.unparse(Parser::CurrentRuby.new.parse(File.read(path)))
it's better than waiting for people to report them
that's pretty awesome btw
dkubb: Yeah, I planned this, but I dont had the time.
I battle tested to_source with this strategy.
I'm surprised there's no parse_file method, not that it would be particularly hard to use File.read
oh yeah?
I didn't know that
But I did not used the result
Just made shure it did not crashed while unparsing.
So 50% of the accurancy.
that's still a good first-run
I'm limited in time, as always.
not crashing is basically the first step
Lets say it this way, once I have 0 reproducible problems I'll do that strategy.
people who want to contribute to ROM could help with this stuff
tooling is just as important as the actual project
Currently I'm fighting (left - right) / other
perhaps even more-so, since it's benefits will likely outlast ROM's, and help the whole community
not that I don't think ROM is important
I think mutant is a really nice side effect of the project.
I just see us as a slice of the community. all of ruby needs these tools
Running mutant on axiom
a web framework built ROM style with mutant will be far more stable than Rails or even Sinatra
I realized web frameworks are far from being hard and bloated.
You need: Routing, uri-generation, a business logic context and presenters and a view layer.
routing and uri generation are inverse from each others
I think you could break up some of those into related gems
Could be handled via a dedicated library
Yeah, what I'm talking about.
the problem is everyone just gives up and starts making a monolithic framework because it's easier
In some 'plain rack' projects I used rack-mount
Do not like the code inside, but nice router api.
dkubb: Making a monolitic mutation covered framework is a LOT OF HARDER!
mbj: does mutant work with ruby 2.0?
dkubb: it does, I develop it under 2.0
But it does not have a keyword argument mutator, these are nooped for now.
BTW mutant-0.3 finds new mutations also in axiom.
axiom is not 100% mutation covered yet
it's close, but some of those extend issues were blocking me