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dkubb: morning. still there?
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snusnu: morning
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solnic: yo
snusnu: hai
snusnu: this relation/mapper split feels extremely good
solnic: yeah, with our current knowledge, i'm pretty sure that it's the correct way forward
snusnu: it is
snusnu: I'll push 0.0.1 once I get this in-memory adapter working + basic mapping
snusnu: man, I'm so happy with the rename
solnic: heh, the in memory adapter, as you said, it's a matter of storing the updated relations back in a hash
solnic: i have no idea why i thought it's working already back then
solnic: most likely cause i could get the specs to pass
solnic: then again those specs must've been broken anyway :p
snusnu: yes they were
but that's ok
we got them nuked
solnic: so, now that we've split things up, do you think we should somewhat agree on who's working on what?
snusnu: so yeah, we need a gateway that would handle the inmemory persistence
snusnu: yeah sure I'd love to split the work somehow
solnic: i could put my focus on the relation graph if that's alright with you?
snusnu: there's very little work that is needed to get basic relation/mapper released
snusnu: I was going to suggest that you could improve the join strategy thing
I'll add the simple dsl so that setup is easy
but it won't touch relationships
solnic: yeah, for that, i need some quality time with dkubb at least, mbj might be helpful too
so feel free to work on that
snusnu: I can suggest a couple of things from the top of my head
please do
first one - injecting classes == evil
full ack
I've stopped doing that, it's never a good idea
instances ftw
osm :)
second, I forgot
I'll look at this code again
snusnu: btw I introduced concord in rom-relation
i saw that, nice"
I'm still on the fence with this gem though
it's a really nice little idiom imo
it gives very little imho, esp that I need to override "new" to inject default objects
it's a one liner that communicates important aspects, reducing otherwise necessary boilerplate
it could at least support that
if you need to do that, don't use concord
why? I think I have a need for a DI lib like dependor, which I mentioned already
imo the "gain" with concord is that i can assume a number of things about a class if i see it being included
default args in constructors isn't one of those things
imo that's too much
well, that is true
that's why I said I think I need a DI lib :)
i'm not sure, initially i was on the fence with concord too, mbj remembers … but imo it's just fine grained enough to be really useful, while not hiding complexity (because it doesn't introduce any)
I'm not against it
it's useful
i'd vote for implementing DI manually, and only go for further abstractions if we *really* find a need
that's what i love about concord, understanding it takes you ~1min
dependor, dunno … but longer
solnic: btw, re default values in #initialize .. i have this feeling, and it's only a feeling, that they shouldn't be used too much .. can't explain properly, i can only say that i actually needed that very rarely
snusnu: got the same feeling
if you want defaults, those should leave in an outer layer, a bit higher than the constructor
solnic: maybe the "coerce layer" helped … if there's something outside of the instance, that makes sure that input is properly coerced, #initialize itself can have a tight interface, and only assign to ivars .. making concord the right choice oftentimes
full ack :)
solnic: imo default values are just a hidden if/else .. once you introduce them, you have more codepaths .. and lots of codepaths in #initialize seem wrong, better move them somewhere else (where they're most probably more explicit)
snusnu: yes, that's very true
snusnu: btw I'll be giving a presentation about immutable ruby objects at today's local ruby group meetup
should be fun
solnic: nice! you should link me to the slides once you have them online somewhere
snusnu: it will be boring for you
snusnu: it's gonna be recorded so you could watch (maybe a bit less boring)
I'd rather kill PRs or merge them early vs than keep them hanging around in limbo (assuming the PR actually does something and isn't half-working)
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dkubb: I dont see any reason for streaming.
dkubb: But from code I'd merge that feature.
dkubb: I like the indentation, so we have an improvement. Lets merge it.
mbj, snusnu: For di there is a couple frameworks.
zekefast: I think I'm to dump, I do never understand why DI needs a framework ;)
zekefast: For mee this is DI, foo(bar), bar is the injected dependency :D
zekefast: Pls help me to remove my confusion.
first one is Needle. Looks powefull, I used it for implement core of my application which inject logger and configuration into proper components (in fact settings into the rom-rb).
Second one is dim by Jim Weirich
And packaged to the gem by someone else
by the way it's a good presentation from JIm if you haven't seen it on DI containers.
mbj, Ok, I wan't really accurate in the term. IoC containers
mbj: ok, I've merged that code into master
zekefast: sync, now I get the point ;)
dkubb: nice!
mbj: for me the main benefit is that it uses ruby conventions for appending.. streaming is a nice side benefit
In fact, DI refer to the Dependency Injection pattern and DIP to Dependency Inversion Principle from B.Martin. So mbj, you notice closure to principle implementation.
mbj: although, as you know, I'm a big believer in using constraints to help shape my design and I think being forced to think of the output as write-only allows us to do things we couldn't if we assumed it was a String
dkubb: I'm okay with this change. Dont really had strong opinions against or for.
dkubb: Yeah, especially that detect newline via last chunk is nice!
Yeah, And don't read DHH's article about DI, it's holly crap IMO.
zekefast: I like to read other opinions
zekefast: Especially if they are not in sync with mine
zekefast: i dunno about any DI frameworks, which makes me think i don't need them
I think DHH has a pretty good sense for interface design, but I pretty much disagree with almost all of his articles about software
mbj, then you can find a long long tail to the DHH aticle in blogs around there which agreed and disagreed with DHH point, but they mostly near useless as DHH's one.
I think I opened dhh's article once, but did not finished reading
I've joked before that if you do the exact opposite of whatever he says you'll get some pretty good results ;)
Sure in dynamic languages much can be simplified, but you get to the right direction.
dkubb, Almost agree with you :)
I'm partly kidding
dkubb, play-doh is cool it's predecessor of Needle I suppose.
mbj: on the subject of streaming. I tried an experiment to add a Stream subclass to represent a Newline, then I could have the Stream object be immutable, and I'd have different classes represent the state of the stream. However, I couldn't get it to work properly
mbj: I may try again at some point
I'm not, I haven't feel solid with his ideas on software design.
dkubb: hey, can i pick your brain for a minute wrt axiom evaluator context and rom relation?
snusnu: sure
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dkubb: my initial thought was that in order to be able to reference object land attribute names, we could inject a customized evaluator concept into axiom relations, that handles the translation of object land attribute names to relation land attribute names
dkubb: thoughts?
dkubb: since a rom relation knows about the axiom relation and the mapper, that translation should be possible
dkubb: i'm obviously talking about axiom relation methods that accept a block
snusnu: I suppose if we had a default object that just does a pass-through of the attribute (i.e. no translation) it could work
snusnu: did you want to open a PR on axiom with some changes so we can discuss it there? I
I'm open to discussing some code
snusnu: summary, extend, order, restrict would be obvious candidates. my only concern is with cluttering the interfaces too much
dkubb: ok, i'll try to come up with something in the next few days, i'm pretty busy unfortunately, so i just wanted to drop the idea in order to know if you have any reasons against it
snusnu: another option would be something like: relation.restrict(&
obviously the name should be something nicer than that ;)
dkubb: right, that's basically what i was about to suggest
dkubb: so, i'm wondering, what did you think i was saying? ;)
snusnu: yeah. What I was thinking you were talking about is something like: relation.restrict(translator) { ... }
snusnu: which would probably clutter the interface with extra options that are only sometimes used.. to me that's a bit of a smell
dkubb: ah ok, but no, i was actually thinking of injecting a customized context from within ROM::Relation, pretty much like you outlined
snusnu: wrapping the block in something that maps the block onto something that the axiom relation needs is great
dkubb: yeah, i believe it's a pretty straight forward way to do the translation, without affecting/having to change any axiom code
dkubb: axiom would only ever see relation land attribute names
that's good. you want the axiom code to be as dumb as possible
such a "block mapper" done right would allow you, in theory, to map to any kind of relation
even if you were crazy enough to be wrapping a ROM::Relation
do you see usecases for that?
ok good :)
I just like the idea of thinking about interfaces, not necessarily object types
a ROM::Relation is virtually indistinguishable from an Axiom::Relation at the interface level, which is as it should be
if they do deviate I think that would be a problem
if we add convenience methods to ROM::Relation to make some kinds of queries easier, we should consider pushing those down to the Axiom::Relation
yeah, there should be no difference, apart from the fact that a rom relation yields objects, and that attributes should be accessible via object land names
I purposefully designed the Axiom::Relation interface to be relatively bare bones. I didn't want to add a ton of convenience methods to it until they had been implemented and tested at higher layers. once they have proven themselves I would push them down
that's the right thing to do
ok, I'm going to get to work now, will bbl
mbj: I hope to do more work on sql.rb tonight. if you want, feel free to add some TODO notes on what's next. I can work on it a bit tonight and tomorrow night