my thinking is that once you created an object and persisted it
you don't initialize it later
you retrieve its state from the db
so it should appear in the memory again w/o the need to call initialize
it kinda makes perfect sense to me
I do know that some people disagree :P
solnic: hmm .. so it's kind of "philosophical"?
yes it is
cored: hi
solnic: I need some direction with issue 173 for virtus
solnic: in an immutable context, it probably doesn't make much sense?
solnic: i see the reasoning behind it tho
solnic: but i guess it's a matter of how you look at it
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solnic: if you say, ok, previously, my process didn't know about an object, after fetching from db, it knows, hence, it initializes a new object
solnic: i dunno, to me, #allocate has a somewhat mutable smell to me
snusnu: yeah we can have different strategies
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cored: ok?
snusnu: if we want to support immutable objects then I do need to add different loading strategies NAU
that's ok, I'll be adding loaders so it'll be a good moment to do that
solnic: oh I thought you were watching the comments on the issue
solnic: just looking at devtools tasks. Rspec 2 changed the top namespace :rspec but devtools defines :spec for :unit and :integration. Am I missing something?
the wrapping of header/attribute from axiom
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solnic: but the issue seems in the reading
because I just set the attribute and it's blows up
solnic: yeah, looks good so far, the direction is definitely right
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solnic: one thing that comes to my mind, is that i think we should write the mapper in a way that it already expects grouped tuples
solnic: and have that group/ungroup implemented in a dedicated object until axiom supports it
solnic: basically that's code from dm-mapper's Relationship::Iterator::Tuples
solnic: what i actually mean is this: when reading, it should delegate to the object that implements the #group and instantiate a properly nested model instance, and when dumping, it should delegate to the object that implements #dump and "explode" the grouped object to multiple tuples … that must be configurable tho, because not all backends need that expansion
it receives type with :writer => :private somehow
whereas it should be just { Integer => String }
so, something along the way merges those options incorrectly
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snusnu: yes I know, that's the plan
solnic: sweet
I'm not going to do the mapping with prefixed names
we want to rely on grouping from the start
re working on the in memory adapter/gateway .. i'd love to get that done asap, but i guess i won't find time today .. maybe on sunday, but monday might work good
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snusnu: can I start then? you could join me when you have time
solnic: of course dude :)
solnic: on it
solnic: i'm happy to discuss it with you .. i finally want to understand that bastard
snusnu: ok cool
solnic: in fact I started from there the other night, but I will recheck
cored: it happens only with value objects?
cored: well ok so look at value_object.rb - it overrides .attribute method forcing writers to be private
it probably does it in an incorrect way
yeah this code is broken
it checks if last arg is a hash assuming it's OPTIONS
which can be TYPE
add a guard statement checking if args.size > 2 and last arg is option hash
cored: do you see this? :)
it's fairly simple
I need to go, lunch time here, I'll be back in 15 minutes or so
solnic: yes
will keep checking
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theCrab: there's nothing special to using concord and devtools in a project
theCrab: all that devtools does is give a set of rake tasks, a few shared specs targeted towards immutable objects, and a spec_helper that sets things up
theCrab: include Concord.new(:foo, :bar) is equivalent to class C; include Equalizer.new(:foo, :bar); def initialize(foo, bar) @foo, @bar = foo, bar; end attr_reader :foo, :bar; protected :foo, :bar; end
theCrab: the two libs are in no way related
snusnu: am writing an app/lib that will hopefully be independent of an orm/framework. Just the business logic of the organisation.
snusnu: ah cool.
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mbj: Loader#{call, identity} and Dumper#{call, identity} ftw
snusnu: Loader#{object,identity} are query methods in my example that dont take any args.
mbj: so?
snusnu: Your loader takes an arg, the tuple and returns the object.
snusnu: This is to coarse grained IMHO
snusnu: The loader can respond to #call and return a "MappingState" object that supports #object and #identity
mbj: oh, i haven't looked at the loader code yet, i just like the name #call better for both #object and #tuple
snusnu: Yeah, I'm only talking about the result of the load operation.
snusnu: It should feature #identity and #object
snusnu: how to construct this object, is "egal"
sorry english speakers listening. Did not found an english subsitution for that "egal" in time.
snusnu: I dont like that ducktrap DSO
snusnu: DSL
snusnu: what does that authenticate method do?
snusnu: Why we have differend names?
mbj: i want it so that an app (a client of substation) can register dsl handlers by name, so #authenticate Authenticator would register an authentication handler in the chain
mbj: the actual chain handlers should be configurable by the clients
mbj: substation would never provide those
mbj: but it would allow you to register an authentication handler, and make it available with the #authenticate dsl method
snusnu: IMHO this is to much.
mbj: i'd basically add a Chain::Builder object that supports registering different builders under a name, and then define methods with that name on some mutable Chain::Definition
snusnu: Becuase they all just add stuff to the chain
mbj: the Chain::Definition then gets instance_eval'ed in the block passed to Chain.build
snusnu: authenticate Foo, is just like add Foo, sanitize Foo is add Foo
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snusnu: Why we need to complexify substaiton with a bunch of dsl methods that do the same
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mbj: i'm tired of all those repetitive calls to new, and i want to reuse authenticator and authorizer as they're the same for the whole app
mbj: also, this could be a place to check wether the actual chain constructed is valid, i.e. it doesn't start with an outgoing handler, or doesn't register an incoming handler after an outgoing handler
mbj: also, i don't see too much complexification for substation, all i need is a builder and a definition instance .. substation never knows about the "content", or the names .. they're up to the user
snusnu: I dont get it
snusnu: I know substation dos not know the dsl names
snusnu: But if I call Builder#authenticate or Builder#validate it just does the same.
mbj: not really, i mean, it provides the same interface, but internally, obviously you do different things .. it's really a matter of taste i guess … i thing validate Validators::NEW_PERSON is more beautiful than Validator.new(Validators::NEW_PERSON)
mbj: and as i said, most but not all of my actions need to authenticate and then authorize, some need no authorization step, and some need none of that … the authenticator and the authorizer are the same for all actions tho
mbj: so i don't want to consistently add them in front of the chain, or even "nest" a chain that does that, i just want to build *on top of it*
mbj: obviously, you would never have to use that dsl anyway
snusnu: Ahhh
snusnu: So you do validate Person, instead of add Validators::Person ?
snusnu: "validate Person" vs "add Validators::Person" ?
mbj: not really, i don't do any namespace convention trickery
mbj: validate Person vs. Validator.new(Person)
mbj: imo naming the steps is more obvious than just appending to an array
mbj: with step "description" being "hidden" in the handler name
mbj: the block for #build gets instance eval'ed on a custom Definition instance that responds to instance methods defined by registering handlers you use in your app
mbj: eventually i want to provide substation-stack which provides handlers for ducktrap, vanguard and maybe mustache
cored: Fine by me. I can be a half-decent tourguide I think. I still don't know all the bits, but I'm getting a handle on it.
cored: huh? no, why? the api stays the same with my fix
solnic: if I include ValueObject to my class
isn't the attribute method that you change the first one the call hits?
the problem was that this code assumed last arg to be options when it was a hash, and it can be a hash when it's a Hash[Foo => Bar] (<= this gets coerced to a hash after all)
I'm confunse
cored: this is really simple man :)
cored: attribute :foo, Hash[Integer => String] <== when you call this, then the arg number 2 becomes a hash instance
the prev value object attribute method assumed that if the last arg is a hash instance then it's OPTIONS and it added :writer => :private to it
I see
which basically means :writer => :private was added to the second parameter representing TYPE
[] -> is a builder?
Hash[] coerces input into a hash instance
I see
I did not see that implementation
awesome :)
that's why I was kinda confuse
I'm trying to write an spec for this either way
I saw that you merge that with master
yeah it was a simple fix so I just pushed it
I think it's ok to write an expect for the bug, what do you think?
I tweaked unit spec so it blows up with prev implementation making sure I actually did fix the problenm
elskwid: the coolest thing to do is to integrate with axiom-types, this would simplify a lot of stuff :) but it's A HUGE refactor
elskwid: +1 for axiom-types!
elskwid: And to patch them into coercible with inverse support
solnic: No refeactor is too big!
elskwid: I failed to do this in the short time I had while I tried the last time!
solnic: fair enough
so I leave it like that
elskwid: how can we do this?
do you use vim?
cored: I am actually an emacs user (fairly new) but we can figure something out. Even if we have to use Google Hangouts and just do pilot/co-pilot style is fine.
Especially if all you want to do is discuss what's going on.
oh boy emacs and vim user pairing on stuff :D
you can use any editor
solnic: which means you are not an user of neither, right?
mbj: I'm keen to understand that idea of the inverse coercions. solnic mentioned them the other day. I haven't been around but I assume you mean if I write a coercer that knows how to make a string a boolean that it also knows how to take that boolean back to a string.
elskwid: This would be the "perfect" interface for delegating all primitive coercions to ducktrap!
elskwid: If we can also make it strict such as: coercion = coercer.from(::String, :only_decimal_notation).to(::Integer), I'd be "ueber happy".
elskwid: So it would only accept decimal 123, but not hex input 0x10
mbj: Do you have some time this weekend to talk about ideas on how to implement? I can see I'll need some guidance but I should be able to get started with only a little bit.
I need to get started on "work" this morning.
elskwid: Feel free to ping me
elskwid: I had noumerous ideas that would *work*, but no not enough time to make them work.
elskwid: So I'd love to offload ;)
mbj: And I'd love to help more!
it's solnic just went away
elskwid: and you are also leaving, for work, right?
elskwid: I apprechiate your help! A lot.
I'm here
just in another window ;)
elskwid: Building a whole ecosystem in this "rom-style" is a lot of efford.
solnic: oh did you see the list of issues ?
maybe you can point me on one that should be easy to solve
cored: Just getting started (I work from home)
cored: ok lemme see :)
elskwid: I see, yes I work also from home :-P
elskwid: I'll be around for the pairing thing, meanwhile will try to work on another issue when solnic check the list
cored: #170 should be easy to fix
mbj: dude, I just pushed loader/dumper result objects eventually, can you take a look is that what session needs?
mbj: it's almost identical to mbj-mapper now
naming is a bit different
solnic: checking
mbj: we still need to change rom-session a bit so it operates on rom's relations now instead of some "mappers"
it needs to get relation from a registry and build a new instance injecting the specialized mapper
mbj: so it seems like we could avoid db roundtrip if axiom had a way of injecting IM indexed with axiom keys
so that it can check it before firing a query and return already loaded object
solnic: sorry busy
solnic: Will check back later.
sure sure
solnic: But it "sounds" correct, if I open the code I'll get distracted again.
mbj: looks like my recent commit with result objects makes no sense given that session excepts identity/object/tuple to be lazy loaded
solnic: It does not expect this
solnic: rom-session plays well with both, lazy and non lazy load.
yes it does, you used memoize there
memoize == lazy
solnic: rom-session does not call #object if it finds object in identity_map
well yeah and that's the thing
it expects stuff to get returned when it asks for it
solnic: Where is the problem?
current code in rom-mapper doesn't work like that so I need to change it
solnic: I cannot check it now. Sorry.
I'll get distracted and fuckup my commercial stuff. (rom is interesting, this is a good sign)
mbj: no worries, just loud thinking here, I will make it work easily
mbj: pro tip: go offline
solnic: haha we had this already
solnic: I'm free to answer questions, the ones I can answer from cache
lol what a nerd-like response :)
solnic: With these I have control about my attention.
But once I follow a cache miss, I get fucked.
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mbj, snusnu: I merged header/dumper/loader in
solnic: nice!
I'll tweak rom-session to make it work with rom-mapper
then I'll add various loading strategies, ideas how to do it are very much welcom
solnic: Change what you need.
solnic: rom-session works pretty well for me, but I expect we'll have to refactor it a lot.
solnic: I expect we wrap the core of rom session inside a "statefull" mapper.
mbj, is there a performance gain for freezing data?
mbj, at least on MRI?
postmodern: Number of classes is significantly reduced in unparser
mbj, I know Rubinius hates freeze
freeze doesn't help performance wise anywhere afaik
postmodern: The high number of classes in to_source is a direct problem from RBX ast is not designed to be used for anything else than rbx bytecode emitting.
dbussink: Not to blame anyone!
dbussink: BTW would you accept a bytecode emitter based on the whitequark parser ast?
mbj: well, given it would be as fast and as compatible as what we have now, we would likely seriously consider it
but both those criteria have been the main reason the parser works the way it works now
I think I can make it compatible. But as fast, dunno.
I think the emitter is not the bottleneck, have to benchmak the whitequark parser under rbx before I invest wasted time.
well, i know it's pretty poor atm because of racc
but they accepted a patch from me on racc in mri, so hopefully the gem will be updated soon as well
What exactly was slow in racc, I never benchmarked it?
it was using RARRAY_PTR
which is really slow in rbx because of the semantics of it
having to rescan the array for objects having to go through the write barrier etc.
I thought it was pure ruby! I mixed up the pure ruby output of racc.
well, the racc change made the parser gem tests run 10x faster
on rbx
but i haven't compared it with melbourne performance wise
Okay, but the generated parser is "pure ruby"
And this is the only thing to benchmark, if the build of rbx would be slower is not really an issue.
how do you mean?
well, the parser / byte code emitter are used for all ruby code compiling
dbussink: yeah
so loading gems etc.
my point is: the library racc is only needed at compile time
so that being slower would mean longer load times etc. that could be very significant
not at run time
compile time of what? of the parser itself?
ah ok
well, to measure is to know basically :)
So if you speak about racc (the lib) uses RARRAY_PTR and speeded up the parser tests, it does not speak about the speed of the generated parser.
Because the parser tests obviousely build the parser ;)
I'll benchmark it in my spare time. Running it through rubinius/**/*.rb
via melbourne than via whitequark/parser
If there is a significant slowdown I'll not invest time.
well, even then it would be interesting to see how the rubinius jit performs on it
The generated file "looks" as a perfect target for a JIT.
But dunno if there is "JIT poison" inside the generated parser.