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<wpwrak> may be a bit costly on the gfx, i guess
<whitequark> nope, and has nothing to do with gfx
<whitequark> we don't have lofting because the NURBS backend doesn't support it
<wpwrak> ah, pity. well, a minor cosmetic detail at this point.
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<wpwrak> whitequark: hmm .. can i use the length of an arc as constraint ? without having to manually calculate the radius ? i.e., for an FPC on a display module, i basically have the real-life constraint FPC_on_module + pi * bend_radius + FPC_to_connector = 36 mm (or similar)
<wpwrak> having to manage a sum of length isn't so bad, but manually converting the radius is kinda inconvenient. any nice way to do this ?
<whitequark> wpwrak: yes, you can
<whitequark> first, constrain a line to have the same length as the arc
<whitequark> then use construction as usual
<wpwrak> oh :)
<wpwrak> kewl
<wpwrak> i guess i couldn't do that for the whole cable (line + arc + line) , could i ?
<whitequark> nope but you could do three vertical lines...
<whitequark> there's , of course
<wpwrak> yup :)
<wpwrak> but the sequence of lines also worked. amazing ! the solver can be surprisingly robust. as long as i don't bump into a chirality trap, it behaves really well
<whitequark> yup
<whitequark> and we're going to make the solver even better
<whitequark> right now it can choke on really large sketches, but integrating Eigen should solve that
<whitequark> (solve, geddit)
<wpwrak> kewl
<wpwrak> hmm, color selection is confusing. first, the color chooser overlay is hard to distinguish from the dialog it overlays. second, it seems that i can only choose by rgb value, not by clicking on a color or moving around in the huw (?) etc. area
<whitequark> wpwrak: hum.
<whitequark> did that break *again*? :/
<wpwrak> meh. sometimes it seems to take the palette field i right-click on. but not always.
<wpwrak> ;-)
<whitequark> ARGH
<whitequark> it did
<wpwrak> :)
<whitequark> please file a bug about it, gtk is acting up...
<whitequark> I swear I fixed this like three times already
<wpwrak> for all i comment on, please keep always in mind that i'm at the version before the gtkmm 3.22 requirement. so i'll eventually complain about things you've already fixed.
<whitequark> yeah I just checked that one on master
<wpwrak> regarding the DISPLAY_TEXTWND, what shall we do ? i looked around a little for anything obvious that would cause the window to disappear right after opening it, but couldn't find anything. in any case, this doesn't seem to cause any other issue (crash or such), and once i get it to stay, it seems to behave normally
<whitequark> then uhhh print the event in gdb or something
<whitequark> the window doesn't like *Something*
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<whitequark> oh, that's not a raw sketch...
<whitequark> wpwrak: neat
<whitequark> btw, have you appreciated the stippled hidden line mode yet?
<wpwrak> yes, that one is quite nice. didn't need it here, but i found it useful when experimenting with unions and differences.
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<whitequark> wpwrak: that one took quite a lot of effort to get right :D
<DocScrutinizer05> damn, again leaves me with a red screen, though I "solved" that for other gitlab crap already
<wpwrak> naw, i found one bug and learned quite a bit about how far i can take the solver. so that's a good result, considering the invaluable resource of free whitequark advice :)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: you need solvespace to visualize it
<DocScrutinizer05> meh, obviously konqueror tries to load it
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: unfortunately solvespace files don't have any leading 0-s
<DocScrutinizer05> but it gives me the usual red screen from that friggin progress bar, just here it doesn't vanish on ptressing F5
<whitequark> so all kinds of crap try to treat them as text
<wpwrak> valiantly, the neanderthal raises his stick, threatening the approaching tanks ;-)
<whitequark> lol
<DocScrutinizer05> lol, don't get me started about chromium
* whitequark gives DocScrutinizer05 a wget
<whitequark> an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age
<DocScrutinizer05> I just killed a chromium process that aze 3.2GB of RAM
<whitequark> I literally have that as a cronjob
<DocScrutinizer05> ate*
<whitequark> for some reason chromium leaks *GPU memory* on my machine, with disastrous results
<whitequark> I haven't even previously considered that as possible
<DocScrutinizer05> seems same here
<wpwrak> "aze", pronounced "assed"
<whitequark> was it the --type=gpu-process one?
<DocScrutinizer05> when I killed the process, it shown a "sorry this page had an error displaying" OWTTE in the window and offered to reload it
<DocScrutinizer05> can't tell anymore
<whitequark> then not
<wpwrak> chromium error messages tend to be almost uniquely unhelpful. almost, because the web pages they link to are a few notches worse
<whitequark> btw did you know you can type "badidea" at any chromium error screen to bypass it
<whitequark> even the unbypassable ones
<wpwrak> ;-))
<whitequark> there's a joke about software somewhere here but I'm too sad to make it
<DocScrutinizer05> which happily grew from 61MB to 63MB while I just watched it
<DocScrutinizer05> 66MB
<whitequark> I see you also have systemd there
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, could puke over the Alps about that
<DocScrutinizer05> at least you can't blame me I'm a hater not knowing what he loves to hate
<DocScrutinizer05> I hate systemd *be3cause* it's on my system
<DocScrutinizer05> if there was an option to not have it, I'd absolutely ignore the whole pile of shit
<wpwrak> repent, and install devuan :)
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: even devuan can't provide a desktop like gnome or kde without systemd anymore
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway this chromium crap memleaks like med - and I thought that was just konqueror that has this problem, but actually konqueror doesn't memleak much, it just leaves "zombies" for each window you close
<DocScrutinizer05> like mad, not med