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<planasb> how to disable chip in working pcb using reset ? is it possible?
<planasb> reset pin
<planasb> DocScrutinizer05: any ideas?
<DocScrutinizer05> hm?
<DocScrutinizer05> please share detail
<planasb> I have Amiga 1200 with 68HC05C keyboard micro.. want use arduino to generate kbd_data and kbd_clk signals (I don't own keyboard). I want to disable 68HC05C chip
<planasb> 68HC05C keyboard micro has kbd_data and kbd_clk outputs
<planasb> i see made product and cost 30 € but it's too much for me
<planasb> I tried to hook arduino to Commodore CIA which has same kbd_data, kbd_clck.. but try to generate something Amiga1200 resets
<planasb> I will try to hook to keyboard micro which has kbd_data kbd_clk.. but I think i need to disable this chips
<planasb> DocScrutinizer05: ?
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<planasb> search for KB_DATA
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<DocScrutinizer05> hmm yeah. You prolly get away with connecting 7-PIN SIL "KB TEST" pin 4 to pin7
<DocScrutinizer05> unsure about KB_RESET signal which seems to be OUTput of 6805
<planasb> DocScrutinizer05: i will try
<planasb> thanks
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