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<kristianpaul> wpwrak:
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<wpwrak> kristianpaul: ah, sounds nice. just a bit too short notice, though :(
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<sb0> 120 AUD for the successor of ESP8266? you're gonna get a crapload of hackaday cheapskates complaining. ESP8266 modules can be found for about a dollar in china.
<sb0> not that I would pay more for IoT-themed stuff, but the reaction is the same for more interesting devices
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<wpwrak> naw, esp32 modules currently sell around USD 15. and some are listed < USD 10 (from high-margin companies), but currently out of stock
<erichvk_> morning
<wpwrak> apparently esp are still fixing some silicon bugs, and thus haven't produced a lot
<wpwrak> the esp32 (or similar) should be quite interesting when they open it a bit more. which they say is something they're looking into for future products.
<erichvk_> what is the best way to contribute code to fped?
<erichvk_> the git repo on qi-hardware?
<wpwrak> yes. what are you planning to do ?
<erichvk_> I have added gEDA pcb export
<wpwrak> aah, right. yes, that's very interesting.
<erichvk_> there was one issue.
<erichvk_> geda does not use modules in the sense of a .mod with a library of multiple modules
<erichvk_> does fped ever export more than one module in practice?
<wpwrak> you could export them one by one
<erichvk_> yeah, it's not a show stopper.
<wpwrak> e.g., by getting the list with -l, then picking the one to export with -1 name
<wpwrak> or maybe add some name-%s type of generation. but that may already be too fancy :)
<erichvk_> for now, it will dump them serially into one file, and they would be easy enough to pull apart/extract individually subsequently.
<erichvk_> the files changes are in coord.h, file.c, file.h gui,c
<erichvk_> and new files are geda.h, geda.c
<erichvk_> I am happy to contribute them under the same GPL licencing of fped; just need to tidy up the code a little.
<wpwrak> perfect. and yes, it's important not to mix licenses
<erichvk_> I wasn't sure how to get the files submitted, i.e. git access, vs email, etc...
<wpwrak> email should be easiest, else, if you have an account on, i can add you there
<erichvk_> I'll start with email; and am sorting out a login as erichvk
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: yeah :(
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<erichvk_> wpwrak, email sent with files
<DocScrutinizer05> micromanipulator nifty
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