wonder if it possible to turn Ben into a real time machine
perform some signal processing or whatever
methril__: sounds promising
kyak: would ubb-vga be real-time enough ? ;-)
wpwrak_: not sure. Can you halt all other tasks and do some processing in hard real time?
kyak: i halt all other tasks, oh yes ;-)
kyak, why you need a RT-Ben?
kyak: although this is by simply disabling interrupts :)
wpwrak_, is applying new RT concepts with UBB /)
methril_work: it's a good question, probably i don't need it at all. But it's interesting and fun
kyak, i know :)
wpwrak_: i might want to have a look into how you do it then :)
grmbl. openscad seems to have sprouted a gazillion other little cad variants, each with a different feature set, and of course none really complete
i'm doing some steps to implement Ben NanoNote target support in MATLAB/Simulink.. It's hard to say where it's going, but it is interesting so far
kyak: (ubb-vga) the dirty way :)
so far, no real time.. Just implement some things in Simulink and see it running on Ben, not real time
kyak, but are you going to use RTAI or RT patch?
kyak: there is one "interrupt" source. and that's a brief poll of the keyboard at the end of each frame :)
methril_work: you should be using one of these, yes..
wpwrak_: this is intersting. Perhaps i can do the same when deploying my application - then i don't need the RT patch?
kyak: if you don't mind halting the rest of the system, perhaps not
kyak: the system survives this abuse. i.e., when ubb-vga exits, the ben returns to normal operation. the system time is probably off, though
not only i don't mind doing that, but i'd like to do that :)
perfect then :)
i liked the RTLinux approach though, when they have some RT governor and linux kernel is running inside of it
and then your real time application can step in and take the priority
oh yes. it's a lot more versatile. also has quite different requirements than ubb-vga. ubb-vga is more a device driver than a proper RT task
wpwrak_: what if i want to visualize something while running such application? I will have to enable interrupts at least for LCD driver (if such thing is even possible) and this could also lead to loosing the real time schedule?
i don't quite understand why it is so easy to disable interrupts from userspace.. Would it work if started by regular user?
also, the interrupts are relevant for device drivers, right? Would other running appplication cause any problems?
kyak: you need to be root to do all this
kyak: ubb-vga disables everything else. other drivers, other processes, etc.
kyak: if your timing requirements are less crazy, you can leave the LCD display on. the refresh happens automatically. it just eats a bit of memory bandwidth and introduces memory access delays.
wpwrak_: (scam) :-S, got it
kyak: don't forget that ubb-vga is very sensitive to delays. each 18 ns it must deliver another pixel (4 bits)
kyak: there's of course prefetching. de facto, the delay tolerance should be 1-2 us. if anything delays things beyond this, the timing falls apart.
kyak: when is next "image" will be released?
want to play allegro games and check last nanomap :)
wpwrak_: cool, thanks for explanations :)
kristianpaul: you would have to ask xiangfu, but you can always try the latest "nightly" build
kyak: there is Makefile or script that flash my nanonote from  "nightly" build?