that's a bit on my wiki which covers that :)~
wpwrak_ is the one who designed the WPAN
the channel is rather quiet today though
any how ... I'm glad to find this channel so I'll stick around :)
anyway, I'm going to bed now
mth: me to ..
it's 1am here
2 am here
hi and wellcome, errordeveloper__ :)
[milkymist] kristianpaul pushed 9 new commits to gps-sdr-testing: http://bit.ly/qiBUFz
[milkymist/gps-sdr-testing] top code clean up plus pin definition renamed to real-mode - Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
[milkymist/gps-sdr-testing] added module for flag crossing - Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
[milkymist/gps-sdr-testing] added test bench, WIP - Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas
all good so far,  i can read teh hw id from the namuru, afaik... seems endianess aligment pop up.. but i was already fixed in hw i tought.
let see
afaik i cant run rtems... i guess is something in my soc, but so far i'll stick on mm1 bios hacking :-)
or milkymist demo, hum i guess i should have some code about interrupt handling wich is my first concern now
well, once i verify NCO is working..
where is the nanonote when you need to solve some equations...
ah, got it, carrier_nco should be computed based on IF, that fore SiGe 4162 i real mode is 2.556 Mhz
and also namuru run at 16.348 Mhz, instead of the 40Mhz of the original namuru
errordeveloper: if your linux host has USB, you could use atusb. there, you can put whatever you want into the AVR. you have up to 28 kB to play with :)
errordeveloper__: Spectec is not obscure, you can consider it a real 'brand' almost
it's a Taiwanese company, not Chinese
the real obscure stuff is very different ;-)
Spectec is a brand company, and care for quality quite a bit. I can recommend the company, in general. You will also not find obscure Spectec clones, because the brand is too small for that.
the only thing to watch out is that their website is more a wishlist, what they really have in stock is maybe 10% of those products
the others can be built if you order 1000 or more
it's a small company in Taipei, 20-30 people
wolfspraul: yeah, just the spectec website is really badly designed
hm .. I can see that there is also #milkymist channel
well, I quite like the idea ..tough not that much of a visuals person
you can also ignore all the pretty graphics and do just FPGA hacking ;) although the graphics are nice to behold
errordeveloper: yes correct, the #qi-hardware channel is mostly meant about copyleft hardware, manufacturing, ben-wpan, ben nanonote, etc.
whereas #milkymist all starts with the milkymist ic design, then the milkymist one video synthesizer... at some point there's the overlap to #qi-hardware :-)
you can be relaxed in both channels though, nobody will complain about off-topic since it's all connected
particularly not here
a) I kind of really need to change the job and
need some help with reflashing nanonote
I am trying to reflash nanonote with my own toolchain's images
I get all the three files I need for reflashing from toolchain i.e. u-boot.bin, uImage.bin and root.ubi
i can flash it successfully with the script, but nothing loads after the "starting kernel" message
what might be causing this? boot loader, kernel or rootfs ?
plz help
did you flash all bootloader, kernel and rootfs?
yes all of them
should be fine then.. strange
yes it is, taking alot of time
what do you think might be troublesome by looking at that situation
there are some tasks to complete on first boot, but you should be brought to gmenu2x interface anyway
doesn't go further than "starting kernel"
even if i get the terminal with al+ ctrl f2 , i will be happy
do you build based on the release image or the one from trunk?
then i can ssh to it
i tried both of them, but current one is from trunk
i can only suggest that you start a new clean build
but the begining is a bit messy, and werner's talk is missing entirely
so I was hoping to find a proper download at some point before the next news
wpwrak_: claim for you maaterial to FISL ! :)
or thing will neverbe there for sure
the page dint look like ccc video recondirg page or other floss related events indeed
bad :(
i already asked them. they weren't quite sure what was happening. the problem is that the conference is run by a company that does conferences. so they have all their weird tools and procedures. the free software folks aren't quite welcome to mess with that. they take care of program and content.
in the old days, everything was handled by free software people. but it just became too much work for them.
what does this mean? where is the download link?
mean on download link anytime soon, (i hope i'm wrong )
it's supposedly *somewhere* in the pipeline :)
just kidding, I know you cannot do anything either
so Sebastien was 100% right
keep your tech in order, capture the stream, move
very Chinese
yeah ;-)
worst case have a cam on tripod ready, film off your notebook
no questions, no delays, no licenses, just pure fun
so I guess no werner talk for now, too bad
we had similar cases in the past, with Bas supposedly giving a superb talk at FOSDEM 2010
lost in cyberspace forever...
hi dudes :)
hi wolfspraul!
hi rejon :)
tuxbrain: hi
videos and presentations will be collected next week but the f4hc on Bilbao was a great success :) a lot of interesting people knows now about Qi!
ah btw, I like your laser stuff
just a little overloaded
I added marcan's blog to the qi planet
we can think about a way to hookup a laser pointer to m1
one thing I dont' understand is how they go from a laser pointer to a laser that can be positioned on x/y coordinates?
it seems they use audio to encode the picture? I need to read some more...
maybe we can include a future laser pointer in m1, who knows. if I can source it for a few USD and we can connect it and get it to work etc. then of course, why not :-)
but first I need to understand this stuff more, and I don't even have time to look into it right now
it's 4 AM here :-)
:) breif summary ,the laser is "moved" by mirrors conected to servo motors, trhough the "audio" using the ILDA protocol you pass X,Y, bright data to the microcontrolers that moves the servos. and tada laser projector :P
hola :)
I will reconect in short
tuxbrain: wow. and the motors and mechanical reaction of the mirror are fast enough?
tuxbrain is a busy man!
wolfspraul: yes I see them in action with a DIY one
nice. which kind of servos? normal rc-model stuff?
let me search if I found some info on the projector
roh: the servos with mirrors for laser are called galvos
is matter to find a good cheap source from china :)
roh: http://spacelas.com/html_products/35k-scanning-system-31.html seems the new version of the one's  that marcan is using in his DIY projector, seems they cost arround 88$ (~30k points per s) the full kit, higher res (50k points per s) is about 250$
tuxbrain: yeah. was already wondering which servos would be fast enough
what amaze me is that he wants to do a RGB laser... how he will align them to go out a a same beam?
well watever, I have see it in action and I just see a MM conected to the Laser projector and with a vga projector and techno music louder as hell :)
kristianpaul: me preguntaron en el f4hc como iba el proyecto GPS :)
kristianpaul: fui lo mas evasivamente educado posible vi unos cuantos ojos brillar con el tema
tuxbrain: espero tener buenas noticias la proxima semana, almenos de la recepcion de detoas de navegacion
interesante, preguntaron algo especifico? o esperan algo especial?
kristianpaul: que funcione y que sea barato :P
funcionara, eso si,pero el precio se sale de mi tema..
kristianpaul: genial lo de los datos de navegacion :), espero ansioso las novedades
ya eso ya es cosa del wolfi y mia
o si se apunta alguien mas of course
estos chips no son costosos, almenos  no de Maxin, el detall es la orden minima
de momento eso que me has dicho me gusta :), necesita mucho procesador extra? se podria hacer un modulo para arduino?
procesador sip, bueno si haces todo en software es lo mas seguro, pero por ejemplo el nanonote podria hacer el procesamiento de la se~nal, pero no esperes mas luego
talking about arduino modules: who was here interested/skilled to develop an Arduino version of the atben/atusb? also DocScrutinizer you were almost skilled in rf , how about bost mA of emision on the atben/atusb?
arduino, bueno, poder si, pero ya seria a nuestro nivel una board con fpga que emulara un receptor de gps hasta entregar datos NMEA..
why arduino version?
atben is mor that ready i think, just missing the lib/stack for it
kristianpaul: I have some inertia in the arduino world and the target is quite wider than ben
sure sure
my point was, i think the hardware as it is is re-usable
(i dont have nothing against arduino* btw)
also is easier to enter in the oem world though arduino than from ben
OEM, oh really?
i tought was merelly hobbist and artits..
yep, I have some costumers planing to do machines directly with arduino mini integrated in the board :)
so is also ready to industrial grade?
they prototipe with UNO and then integrate with mini, is quite straigh fordward and adds not too much cost , an arduino mini clone I source is about 6¬
is atmega chips industrial grade :P
will be good to know :)
tuxbrain: I'm available for development. What was it you were interested in?
may be an arduino atben shield :)
well whatever I'm talking about coffee machines , milds and some not critical dosificators.
yes that's the idea
an atduino shield :)
nice, name !
but actual power (10m) is a little scarce to real applications, we must to empower the signal to achieve at least 100m optimal 1'5Km
hi DocScrutinizer!
ok bbl is bye bye later :P , bye DocScrutinizer :)
yeah, i still thinking about at* boards because power...
kristianpaul: of course fisrt is to stabilize the soft with the ones we have but as is, they are enough for this right now, but I want to start thinking and make think others what is the best approach for that two goals atduino and +mA, and/or if this goals make sense to make them at time, an 10meters RF on arduino is almost useless, or at least hard to sell
but also maybe there is away in the arduino software side with what we have as is, conenectinging in some fancy way an atben or atusb
there is away in the -> there is a way to advance in the
i see, so you see that 10m is better sellable among arduinos, wich are most commmon for short distances apps right?
I can provide with material(Arduino/atben/atusb) to anyone that want to try :)
of course with the promise he will try hard :)
i dont mind having a low speed than wifi, but at least same/near range transmit power :)
to be honest :)
kristianpaul: I agree, or even more if possible :)
kristianpaul: Gps arduino , which fpga chip will be needed to make to that NMEA conversor? very expensive?
expensive yes.. :(
well, we'll see, first make it work well, later optimize :)
sure kristianpaul, don't want to unfocus the actual developer work :) nor on GPS or AT*, I just want to draft the lines of what I would like to be Tuxbrain nexts steps on hardware production.
sure,is wise from you to tell us what you can buy/invest next :)
Also I want to know if I'm wrong in advance :)