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<endformationage> SeanTAllen: Thanks for taking a further look. Dang, mauled that markdown.. :/
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<tokenrove> SeanTAllen: this is a common problem with exercism; anyone can contribute, but there aren't a lot of examples of exercises that encourage one to write idiomatically in almost any of the languages. people complain about it, but I've yet to see any tracks where anyone did anything about it.
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<tokenrove> part of the problem, too, is that exercism is about code review, not just solving exercises, but there aren't enough examples of pony code around for anything like an idiomatic, good style to emerge, or at least this was the case the last time I checked.
<tokenrove> I'd like to comment on other people's Pony solutions on exercism, but I'm as much a novice as everyone else. Having someone close to the language reviewing solutions would help, too.
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<lisael> hi, there. I played with ponyc complilation on debian yesterday and found that the instructions in the README target wheezy which is oldstable since last week.
<lisael> I'm writing the updated docuemntation, I have a question.
<lisael> should I keep the chapter about libpcre2 on wheezy (it's now packaged with stretch) ?
<lisael> i.e. do we maintain the documentation of wheezy for a while or ditch it altogether ?
<lisael> (same for llvm 3.8 apt sources part, I think)
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<lisael> s/wheezy/jessie
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<chatter29> sun is not doing allah is doing
<chatter29> to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger
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<SeanTAllen> @lisael we don't ditch instructions as long as they "work"
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