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<endformationage> SeanTAllen: Ponyc 0.14.0 [release], compiled with: llvm 3.9.1 -- gcc (GCC) 5.4.0, NixOS 17.03, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P9500 @ 2.53GHz (2 core)
<endformationage> Thank you for taking a look, btw.
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<zachcarter> o/
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<zachcarter> is anyone doing any game programming with ponylang?
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<SeanTAllen> zachcarter: some have shown some interest but i dont know anything more than that.
<zachcarter> I’m currently doing a lot of game programming in Nim but ponylang interests me as well
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: i'd suggest opening an issue or asking on the mailing list as I can't reproduce. im using llvm 3.9.1 on OSX. i tried with multiple different number of threads without issue.
<zachcarter> Mostly because of the reference capabilities
<SeanTAllen> zachcarter: as with most things pony at this point, you'd need to do a lot of work to close the library gap. happy to help when you get stuck.
<zachcarter> gotcha, if I get some free time I will look into helping out with that
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<endformationage> SeanTAllen: Thanks, I'll keep diggin :/
<endformationage> zachcarter: I am interested in game programming with Pony, but have not tried anything related as of yet.
<endformationage> zachcarter: There's this VUG: about
<endformationage> I've used Kha (Haxe) in the past and find it awesome. There's Kore, which I've thought about making a Pony wrapper for, but I don't have the experience at this time.
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<bitcrusher> pony-game is cool but its directx
<bitcrusher> just looked on github for ponylang things, and jtfmumm has a roguelike game written in pony. pretty cool! :D
<bitcrusher> i like how ponygame uses ecs though, makes it very easy to reason.
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<zachcarter> I don’t like ecs’s and I’d like something that’s able to abstract away the various hardware API’s like BGFX
<zachcarter> I’ve already built bindings to Nim for bgfx maybe I’ll build some for Pony when I have some time
<zachcarter> currently I’m working on a port of Horde3d to Nim
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