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<Colinot> Hey
<SeanTAllen> hello Colinot
<Colinot> How are you ?
<SeanTAllen> Fine. And yourself?
<Colinot> Good thank you
<Colinot> I'm looking for someone willing to help me learn pony, i'm a real beginner. Could you help ?
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<SeanTAllen> we are here to help as best as we can when you run into issues.
<SeanTAllen> we are most able to help if, when you run into problems, you can provide a small sample of code that demonstrates your problem as well as an explanation of what larger goal you are trying to accomplish
<SeanTAllen> there's also the mailing list as a means of getting assistance
<Colinot> Ok, thank you
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<endformationage> What are the circumstances when an actor stops processing messages? Garbage collection?
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<endformationage> I am begining to think my problem stems from this. An actor of mine simply stops processing messages, and the CPU is at 100%. Messages are still being sent to this stalled actor after this occurs.
<endformationage> I think before, my removal / addition of the json iso through this actor simply stalled or hastened gc.
<endformationage> Ah, increasing --ponygcinitial allowed the program to complete. So, definately a GC issue.
<endformationage> Looks like garbage collection hangs and eats CPU on my system for some reason.
<endformationage> To be clear, a single core is at 100% (supposedly the gc on that actor)
<endformationage> FYI, on 0.14.0 [release], compiled with: llvm 3.9.1 -- gcc (GCC) 5.4.0, NixOS 17.03
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<SeanTAllen> what do you mean by "stops processing messages" endformationage?
<SeanTAllen> how do you know it "simply stops processing messages"?
<SeanTAllen> can you clarify "I think before, my removal / addition of the json iso through this actor simply stalled or hastened gc." ?
<endformationage> I made debug calls just after calling behaviors to make sure they were called, as well as just inside behaviors to indicate they are run.
<endformationage> I used a timer to make the same exact calls to the actor over time. Whether I actually send json, a string, or nothing at all, the described results will still occur. It is just the number of calls that can be made is more or less before the stalling occurs.
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<endformationage> To be precise: I call the apply behavior on the trouble actor, which consumes an iso object (which originally carried the json). This always succeeds.
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<endformationage> This object is processed just fine up till a point, presumably the point at which gc is triggered between message processing.
<endformationage> The apply method basically passes this object on to a 'one off' actor, along with some other construction.
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<SeanTAllen> do you have a minimal example?
<SeanTAllen> that reproduces the problem?
<endformationage> I failed to be able to reproduce last night, but that was before I suspected garbage collection. I will try again.
<SeanTAllen> how much code is there that can reproduce?
<endformationage> Not sure if you caught it, I was able to run it fine, through to quiescence by increasing --ponygcinitial. Not sure if that really nails it down to the gc or not.
<SeanTAllen> i did.
<endformationage> OK, I think I've reproduced ...
<endformationage> Err, going to update the example without SSLContext to make it easier to run
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<SeanTAllen> endformationage: this does what for you?
<SeanTAllen> for me it starts up, prints nothing, then exits
<SeanTAllen> o i see i need debug
<SeanTAllen> so this works fine for me endformationage
<SeanTAllen> what OS, LLVM, etc are you using?
<SeanTAllen> also how many cpus does your computer have?
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