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<FunkyBob> heh... snuck a link to the Pony tutorial into a twitter convo about how "Go solved the interaces problem" ...
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<dougmacdoug> @jemc i was able to get zmq to compile using 0.12 .. is zmq compatible with other languages// trying to talk to a nodejs app..
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<jemc> dougmacdoug: it's supposed to be compatible, yes - and I have tested it against the reference in libzmq in the past
<dougmacdoug> cannot figure out how to use it yet
<dougmacdoug> i only found one code use online and it is evidently old because there is no more bind method on socket, so just trying to cobble together a server
<jemc> which socket type are you trying to set up? REQ/REP?
<jemc> which language is the REQ and which is the REP?
<dougmacdoug> rep.. using bind
<dougmacdoug> rep in pony req in nodejs
<dougmacdoug> connect seems to wait to connect, but I was having other errors with it, switched to bind and now it just exits.. assuming I am missing something
<jemc> can you paste somewhere what you have so far?
<jemc> I'll use it as the starting place for adding an example to the codebase
<dougmacdoug> hrmm.. about 50 lines of _env.out.print("nope..")
<dougmacdoug> also, fyi, last night i tried to compile with 0.11, 0.10. 0.13, 0.14 in that order.. all failed with different errors (actually 13 and 14 had same error)..
<dougmacdoug> then I tried 0.12 and it compiled..
<jemc> yeah, the compiler/language/stdlib has been changing pretty rapidly - I'll push up a patch to make it work with latest master right now
<dougmacdoug> so I actually just got a message . but only one.. is there something i need to do at the end of receive() to get another message? (ack or something)
<jemc> with the REQ/REP pattern in ZeroMQ, it's required that you send a response before you can get a new request
<jemc> I just finished writing up a simple echo server and client REQ/REP example, and am pushing it now
<jemc> dougmacdoug: here's an example echo server:
<jemc> and here's the example client for that server:
<jemc> if you have questions, or pain points, please let me know - I plan to eventually circle back and refine the API a bit in some places, though in others I'm quite proud of the ease of use
<dougmacdoug> ah, peer.send, was doing socket.send..
<dougmacdoug> also, for whatever reason, with my node client, the first string in the message is empty
<dougmacdoug> but, the really cool news is that I am able to run an electron app (its what runs VS.code and atom) that spawns my pony server and sends UI inputs back.. nice
<dougmacdoug> thanks for the help and the cool zmq ..
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<fluttershy_> Hello, I can't understand errors in this code, can someone take a look please ?
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<wintermoo> fluttershy_: not sure if it helps, but you cant assign to an element in a tuple, like you do in the try block in findMinMax
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<wintermoo> theres also a typo in normalize (line 20): findminMax should be findMinMax
<wintermoo> that stops the backtrace for me at least
<wintermoo> finally, lines 23 and 24 dont make sense. you cant divide by max._1 == max._2 etc
<wintermoo> max._1 == min._1
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<wintermoo> fluttershy_: this works: . you'll have to change lines 20 and 21 so that the else expression is correct (i.e. not plus)
<wintermoo> the backtrace occured when the compiler tried looking up the case insensitive id of findMinMax, which it didnt manage to do properly (seems like it found a case insensitive match, but didnt get the correct token id). probably a bug!
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<fluttershy_> wintermoo: thank you, that was so helpful, I could't see the typo because the error given by the compiler wasn't easy for me to understand.
<wintermoo> yeah, compiler crashes can be hard to debug! you should maybe post it as an issue on github, so someone can take a look at fixing it!
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<fluttershy_> wintermoo: ok I'll.
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<vaninwagen_> hi, good evening! :) i am puzzled by this behaviour:
<vaninwagen_> i have a class with a ref method. i have a ref field to an instance of this class in my Main. calling this ref method from within the constructor of Main is fine, but i get errors when calling it from a method of Main
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<vaninwagen_> if i refer to my ref field in the constructor of Main, everything is fine
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<SeanTAllen> sorry, what is the problem vaninwagen_ ?
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<vaninwagen_> SeanTAllen can you access this playground snippet ?
<SeanTAllen> o i see your problem
<vaninwagen_> i am not able to call a "ref" method on a "ref" field of actor Main
<SeanTAllen> blubb is a "box" not a "ref"
<SeanTAllen> so that isnt going to compile
<SeanTAllen> this.. " fun blubb(): String =>"
<SeanTAllen> means that it can be called with a ref or a val
<SeanTAllen> so its not allowed to mutate thing
<SeanTAllen> if you want to call a ref method from inside that it needs to be a ref like
<SeanTAllen> fun ref blubb(): String =>
<vaninwagen_> a damn it
<vaninwagen_> sure thing
<SeanTAllen> there another issue with return types that i fixed in that link
<vaninwagen_> right makes sense
<vaninwagen_> i tried that but it hit the return type error which i thought was the same (reading helps) and thought it wouldnt work as well
<vaninwagen_> thanks a lot
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
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