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<endformationage> I wonder if typing cmd, key, and value as (String | None) would help. That way an empty string is not made when not needed?
<FunkyBob> ok
<FunkyBob> I had consider the same
<FunkyBob> makes some other bits "cleaner" too, maybe
* endformationage is not very familiar with performance tuning.
<endformationage> Then I guess call string() in the appends? Not sure what an append of None would do without it.
<endformationage> Then maybe use the try expressions to assign directly to the vars, and no need to pre-assign None to them?
<endformationage> var key: (String | None) = try String.from_array(...) end
<FunkyBob> the String | None means I have to put in lots of checks later
<FunkyBob> var cmd : String = String.from_array(recover val src.slice(0, 1) end)
<FunkyBob> but that works :)
<endformationage> just casts 'as String' no?
<FunkyBob> changes pushed
<endformationage> Seen you're interested in this stuff, I think It'd be cool to see a Pony package wrapping LMDB.
<endformationage> Looks like jemc made Kyoto Cabinet package
<FunkyBob> mmm
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<FunkyBob> wlel, LMDB seems a good fit... but going from where I am now to writing a credible Pony wrapper? .... big step :)
<endformationage> LOL, yeah no kidding. Good practice fo runderstanding Pony's C FFI :)
<FunkyBob> seems quite straight forward, at the basics
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