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<fluttershy_> hello, when I pass an array of arrays to a function to print I get strange behavior. I generate a random matrix and print it directly from its function, I get all elements but when I use a separate function I only get the last row repeated :
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<fluttershy_> does it have to do with capabilities ?
<vaninwagen_> fluttershy_ i guess it is due to how you initialize your Real2D - using Array.init a reference to the same Real1D will be put into every array field
<vaninwagen_> so while iterating over the different rows of the matrices you actually operate on the same array
<emilbayes> Just thinking loudly; reading about the Intel SGX instructions at the moment. It would be really really cool to be able to run pony programs inside a sgx enclave. This also fits the pony story of being security oriented
<emilbayes> Looking into how to use SGX atm
<vaninwagen_> fluttershy_ i used the opprotunity to get distracted from work and fiddled around with your example. this works as expected: thank you :)
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<bimawa1> Hi guys!
<bimawa1> someone use pony for iOS developing? For ARM64
<fluttershy_> vaninwagen_: thank you :) that makes sense.
<vaninwagen_> fluttershy_ sure thing! :) you're welcome
<SeanTAllen> bimawa1: there is no ARM64 support at this time. We are looking for someone interested in becoming a maintainer for that.
<Candle> Is there a parser generator around for pony yet?
<Candle> Or is that dependent on the pony ast in pony project?
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<SeanTAllen> Candle: sylvan has done a peg parser
<SeanTAllen> but that isnt a parser generator for pony the language
<SeanTAllen> which might be what you meant
<Candle> I was thinking of something akin to antlr or javacc.
<SeanTAllen> i prefer peg parsers myself
<SeanTAllen> i dont have fond memories of antlr or its ilk
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<bimawa1> SeanTAllen: ohh ok.
<SeanTAllen> bimawa1: can you explain your use case?
* Candle reads up on peg.
<bimawa1> SeanTAllen: i not like Swift and nee some similar like Objective-c + C++ performance, and friendly. and i found your pony language..
<bimawa1> On what is Pony language oriented?
<lisael> it's convoluted, but kind of works,
<lisael> there's a python peg-parser of mine that generate the parsing pony code of the pony peg parser that in turn generate pony code for your parser
<lisael> ho, didn't follow your link, SeanTAllen thought it was pegasus. I'll have a look at sylvanc's
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<SeanTAllen> bimawa1: what would you be doing with an antlr like parser?
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<jemc> lisael: nice!
<jemc> you know we've really got a good language community going when we have three "competing" peg libraries :)
<jemc> I was planning to add code generation support to pegasus "soon"
<jemc> as well as steal a few ideas from sylvanc's peg library :)
<jemc> if anyone is curious about the pony-in-pony parser work I've been doing, I've pushed up a fairly large chunk of previously unpublished work to github now; it's at:
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<jemc> the plan is for this to form the basis of a pony-in-pony compiler, as well as other tooling that people may want to write, such as a linter, an auto-formatting tool, a code-aware package manager, a macro system, etc
<jemc> ah, and I almost forgot "custom doc generator" and "IDE language server" in that list of tooling that could be based on this
<jemc> since those have been asked about recently
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<wintermoo> jemc, looks interesting! i've been looking at making some improvements to the docs generator, this will help out a lot
<wintermoo> are there any plans from the core team to separate the docgen out of the compiler? maybe into a tool akin to rusts cargo?
<jemc> wintermoo: I personally would like to see that happen - not sure if there is a consensus about that or not
<jemc> the parser in pony-ast is nearly finished - the remaining problem after that's done is the fact that the package takes so long to compile
<wintermoo> alright, i'll keep an eye out for when the parser is done
<wintermoo> high compile times are something I can live with, coming from haskell and rust
<wintermoo> on a side note, do you know of any work being done on a repl?
<jemc> I think Praetonus has been doing some work on trying to plan & implement some compiler features that would be needed for a REPL
<jemc> I don't think the work in general has gotten very close yet to actually having a REPL though
<Praetonus> Yep, a REPL would be far down the road
<Praetonus> I think the general roadmap will be something like separate compilation -> hot code loading -> REPL
<wintermoo> alright, good to hear it's on the roadmap at least
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<SeanTAllen> jemc: i think there is consensus on the docgen separation along the lines we spoke of having ponyc be a front end to many different tools
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