jemc changed the topic of #ponylang to: Welcome! Please check out our Code of Conduct => | Public IRC logs are available => | Please consider participating in our mailing lists =>
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<FunkyBob> ooh... fair bit o' codegen work overnight
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<dougmacdoug> is there a flush for stdout?
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<SeanTAllen> dougmacdoug: no, you can see everything that is defined for StdStream in std_stream.pony in the standard library
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<dougmacdoug> how can i flush stdout?
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<jemc> dougmacdoug: I'm not aware of a way to do that without using FFI
<jemc> if you've got a use case for it, I'd say please file an issue ticket for discussion, with the details of your use case
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<SeanTAllen> dougmacdoug: i answered you earlier when you weren't here as well. i'd check the logs if you dont get an answer, depart and then come back. we've made is a habit of answering even if the person isn't around.
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