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<SeanTAllen> A new "Last Week in Pony" is out:
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<endformationage> Is there a way to stop Timers such that it will allow a program to end without requiring termination?
<endformationage> I tried to send the dispose() message to timers from a notifier's cancel callback, but it still ran.
<SeanTAllen> can you gist the code that you use to dispose endformationage ?
<SeanTAllen> are you sending a cancel message to the Timers object endformationage ?
<SeanTAllen> note that dispose does not cancel any a Timer
<SeanTAllen> it only disposes of the timing wheel
<endformationage> I returned false in a TimerNotify apply call, and the notifier's cancel does get called. From there I've tried dispose() on the `timers` wheels as closed upon, as well as via a behavior back on the Main actor where the wheels live.
<jemc> `Timers.dispose()` should be enough - you shouldn't need to also cancel the individual timers
<SeanTAllen> I'm confused by that description
<SeanTAllen> Can you gist the code?
<endformationage> Right, putting together a simplified example.
<endformationage> ..
<jemc> I'm guessing that either 1) dispose isn't actually getting called, or 2) you have another "noisy" actor keeping your program from hitting quiesence
<SeanTAllen> that would be my theory as well
<SeanTAllen> but i also suspect that perhaps i am not understanding the problem correctly
<SeanTAllen> when in doubt, i assume my understand is incorrect
<endformationage> Lol, the example I just came up with behaved as expected..
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<jemc> endformationage: so to test my two theories:
<jemc> 1) add a `Debug` statement right after you call `Timers.dispose`
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: how large is your non-simplified code?
<jemc> 2) ask yourself if there are any other "noisy" actors running - anything that "generates" messages from scratch like `Timers`, or gets input from outside the program like `TCPConnection`
<endformationage> jemc: yeah, using net/HTTP
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: incoming or outgoing?
<jemc> endformationage: make sure any actors with a `dispose` method are getting it called - if necessary, use a `Custodian`
<endformationage> Incoming. Though, I had put the same code run by the timer in it's own function, called strait away the program completes fine.
<SeanTAllen> are you shutting down the HTTP server endformationage ?
<endformationage> Excuse me, I meant client requests
<SeanTAllen> ok, those outgoing requests create tcp connections that need to be shutdown
<endformationage> .. and the session is disposed when finished is called on the handler
<endformationage> BTW, The program completes fine after requests without the use of timers.
<SeanTAllen> sounds like there is something else going on other than what you've mentioned so far then
<SeanTAllen> without seeing code, its basically just guessing from this end.
<endformationage> Yeah, must be something to do with the HTTPClient and sessions, as I just ran my example without disposing timers and program still completed.
<endformationage> Odd though that I can run the same requests (without being wrapped and delayed by a timer) and program will complete.
<endformationage> jemc: SeanTAllen: are there any articles where I can learn more about quiesence in Pony? Or does it pretty much boil down to dispose of 'generating' actors?
<jemc> I don't know if much has been written about it, but it boils down to Pony making a determination that no actors in your program will ever be able to receive more messages in the future, which is determined by two factors:
<jemc> 1) if there are any messages already in flight, then those messages could cause new messages to that actor, or any other actor that the actor can "reach" (has a reference to)
<jemc> 2) if an actor has a subscription to Pony's underlying asynchronous I/O engine (shortened as "asio", but not to be confused with the popular unix audio engine by the same name), then that actor can receive new messages at any time from I/O
<jemc> the latter kind of actor is referred to as being "noisy", since as long as it is subscribed to the asio engine, the program cannot be quiescent
<endformationage> jemc: Thanks, that is very helpful. In fact this short description should go into the tutorial I feel.
<jemc> the key thing that needs to happen is the C FFI call to `@pony_asio_event_unsubscribe`, which is what `dispose` on a noisy actor ultimately does
<jemc> endformationage: yes, you're probably right that it should be in the tutorial somewhere
<endformationage> 1 makes me wonder if there's any way to see what messages are pending for actors to process? 2 makes me think of the SSLContext carried by the HTTPClient, which looks like it has a dispose fun
<endformationage> HTTPClient does not however.
<endformationage> SeanTAllen: jemc: Thanks for the help, will toy with it more after lunch!
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<SeanTAllen> endformationage: re: 1- no there isn't
<SeanTAllen> _ClientConnection that is stored in HTTPClient, each one of those has a TCPConnection associated with it that needs to be shutdown.
<SeanTAllen> I'd suggest dropping some debugs in key points in the standard library classes to make sure things you expect are getting shutdown are (like, close() is being called on your TCPConnections)
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