whitequark: ok. how can we fix the buildbot? in the long term everybody just fiddling and bolting onto it won't really work.
rjo: fix as in have a single source of authority?
whitequark: currently fix it so it builds bitstreams again. but in the long term we need to at least track what we do and why we did it and what issues we solved how.
I have no idea how to fix this failure, the last time sb0 twiddled it somehow I think
in the long term, sure, I can set up ansible
it's a tire fire alright, but it's a significantly smaller tire fire than chef or puppet, and only moderately revolting
this problem existed before I touched it, it's been happening sporadically for many months
and yes, this kind of buildbot non-determinism is obnoxious
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it's just the usual conda garbage, no?
if you want me to rollback the VM before every build, no problem, I can do that almost trivially
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VM rollback does sound like a good idea
or just reset the conda stuff
I think there are parts that are not built in a VM?
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I don't think so?
I'm not sure but I don't think so
oh, hang on
ARTIQ is not built in a VM, we use VMs only for the rest of the conda packages
ameliorating this requires an incredibly annoying dance with USB forwarding every time we're flashing something
I'm not ready to debug that
(we need the dance because kc705 is used both from the host VM and the one-off build VM...)
(I mean host OS)
anyway right now the priority should be the TCP bug and other 3.0 issues
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[smoltcp] batonius opened pull request #15: Factor out the "raw_socket" and "tap_interface" features (master...split_std) https://git.io/vHF2d