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<GitHub57> [artiq] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub57> artiq/master 1d05209 Florent Kermarrec: doc/manual/installing: minor cleanups
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#230 (master - 1d05209 : Florent Kermarrec): The build passed.
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<cr1901_modern> _florent_: My bad with the source=True default XD. I actually misunderstood what the source option was for. I thought it just prevented deleting the project files.
<cr1901_modern> (But you meant source in the bash sense, not the "source code" sense)
<_florent_> hi cr1901_modern
<cr1901_modern> hai. Saw your additional changes after I posted on the mailing list, so thanks.
<_florent_> np, that's just that since the tools are generally not in C:\Xilinx, I find easier to define it in the PATH.
<cr1901_modern> They aren't? Tbh, I don't remember setting the path.
<cr1901_modern> when installing the tools*
<_florent_> No they are not, but I prefer doing it than having to set ise_path in the misoc command line everytime I build something :)
<GitHub75> [migen] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub75> migen/master 71627cf Florent Kermarrec: bus/wishbone: remove size CSR from Cache (L2 size will be reported to the software as a constant)
<GitHub122> [misoc] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub122> misoc/master f44956b Florent Kermarrec: soc/sdram: add L2_SIZE constant and avoid declaring an empty flush_l2_cache function when L2_SIZE is not defined
<cr1901_modern> Oh... whoops. I thought I just accepted the default paths when installing ISE. So the future users of Migen on Windows- all 3 of them- might still have to do some manual set up.
<_florent_> that's something generally considered as part of the installation on windows :)
<cr1901_modern> Well, I suppose we can assume that if one is using Migen in the first place, they are comfortable with doing manual set up/playing with the command prompt.>>
<cr1901_modern> I just wanted to decouple migen from MSYS personally because my editor provides a built-in cmd.exe (to avoid window switching), but couldn't actually run MSYS/bash inside that cmd.exe instance.
<_florent_> yes, thanks for that!
<cr1901_modern> Np :). (Aside: I use jedit. Surprisingly competent editor with a built-in console that crashes 99% less than Notepad++)
<GitHub179> [misoc] enjoy-digital pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub179> misoc/master 781869d Florent Kermarrec: software/libbase/system: fix flush_l2_cache
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<travis-ci> m-labs/migen#43 (master - 71627cf : Florent Kermarrec): The build passed.
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<cr1901_modern> _florent_: You added the wishbone cache module, correct?
<_florent_> yes
<_florent_> (it's mostly identical to old WB2LASMI module)
<cr1901_modern> I'm a little bit confused about the FSM, particularly the IDLE state. >>
<cr1901_modern> Since master.cyc and master.stb are synchronous, if we are in idle state, they would've been asserted at the prevoous clock edge, correct?
<cr1901_modern> When leaving the IDLE state, shouldn't we have already prepared the data to be sent or insert a wait state?
<cr1901_modern> but in the case of the cache FSM, neither is done.
<_florent_> hmmm, not sure I understand
<cr1901_modern> I just cannot grok the wishbone spec. It should be easy, but... bleh
<_florent_> master is the bus initiating the access
<_florent_> (yes wishbone spec is not a model...)
<cr1901_modern> what do you mean by that? :P
<cr1901_modern> Right... and when does the slave see that master.cyc and master.stb are asserted? BEFORE the clock edge or after the clock edge?
<cr1901_modern> The FSM doesn't make sense to me if it's the latter case, based on the timing diagrams I'm reading
<_florent_> (I meaning that in the wishbone spec 90% of the information is not useful, which make it really difficult to read...)
<_florent_> in Migen, fsm are asynchronous
<cr1901_modern> Well, at least someone else feels the same way. That makes me feel a bit better.
<cr1901_modern> Page 40/128. The spec only specifies clock edges. It doesn't tell me when the slave sees the master's signals as valid.
<_florent_> it's valid when cyc=1 and stb=1
<cr1901_modern> Suppose we are at some clock edge E (I apologize in advance for describing it like this)
<cr1901_modern> master asserts cyc=1 and stb=1, and clock edge E elapses. Therefore the new values propogate to the slave. Makes sense, right?
<cr1901_modern> wait... nevermind. I read the FSM wrong. Ignore me.
<_florent_> in fact the master has to wait the ack from the slave before deassertings signals
<_florent_> if you want simple examples:
<_florent_> sorry I have to go
<_florent_> bye
<cr1901_modern> later
<cr1901_modern> I get it now. I misread
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<GitHub0> [artiq] fallen pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub0> artiq/master 988ec5c Yann Sionneau: tdc/tpz driver: fix missing close method in simulated device
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#231 (master - 988ec5c : Yann Sionneau): The build passed.
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<cr1901_modern> ysionneau: Are you around? I think I'm actually just about ready to send a patch for preliminary Mercury support (only a few weeks late) lol
<ysionneau> yes I'm here :)
<cr1901_modern> Thanks to looking at MiSoC, I've learned that it's possible to have multiple peripherals use the same pins, and mibuild will keep track of what pins are left
<cr1901_modern> This is preliminary, but based on what sb0 and I discussed (the dual SRAM/GPIO should be it's own special peripheral), I think what I have should work.
<cr1901_modern> Just one question: What is the _connectors field meant for XD?
<ysionneau> ah yes, you can have multiple piece of code doing the plat.request() , as long as just one runs on a particular design
<ysionneau> _connectors is an abstraction that allows to group together I/O pins
<ysionneau> usually the pin headers on the boards
<ysionneau> but it can also act for other connectors like hispeed connectors
<ysionneau> in KC705 it's used for the FMC (HPC+LPC) connectors
<cr1901_modern> Okay, then I probably did it correctly. The one thing that irritates me about this board is that SRAM and 5V GPIO are shared, and I've actually devised a way to use them both simultaneously.
<ysionneau> you can either just index the pins in the connector
<ysionneau> like it's done in platform file
<ysionneau> or you can name each pin, like in using a dictionary
<cr1901_modern> I went the former route for Mercury.
<ysionneau> good that you have completed the platform file for Mercury :)
<cr1901_modern> Well, to the extent that I believe it's correct. I want to actually get it into the tree if sb0 will let me, b/c the board designers expressed interest in helping.
<ysionneau> the best to make sure it's correct is to also have a small (even very limited) misoc target using it
<ysionneau> but you can also just test each platform pin with simple cpu-less designs I guess
<cr1901_modern> Simple LED/push button designs do work.
<cr1901_modern> I've been trying to create an SRAM controller, but have been having a lot of trouble with it- maybe I'm in a fog, can't really grok wishbone.
<cr1901_modern> It's the stupid dual GPIO/SRAM design that's messing with me.
<ysionneau> try first a static design only allowing SRAM access with no GPIO maybe?
<ysionneau> then when this works, try adding support for the gpio
<cr1901_modern> That's probably for the best. I've been carefully trying to divide the GPIO and SRAM interface into decoupled modules, that both communicate with a third module that actually connects to the inout pins
* cr1901_modern grumbles at the FPGA size
<ysionneau> hehe
<cr1901_modern> This is why I want to add features in steps. I will also have to create a new configuration for smaller lm32 boards
<cr1901_modern> lm32_config.v in it's normal version is too big for the FPGA. I can fit- unpipeline barrel shift/multiplier/divider, d/icache, timer, identifier, uart, and SPIflash.
<cr1901_modern> Perfect for a small board, except for that part where there's basically no RAM- on chip or off XD.
<cr1901_modern> So my goal is to add an SRAM controller- which requires a down converter and THEN the controller itself. That's going to exceed the FPGA space. So I need to get rid of something.
<cr1901_modern> Can't get rid of either cache (already at smallest setting)- performance will be destroyed on any memory access. So I most likely will get rid of division/have gcc emulate it through multiplies
<cr1901_modern> (Sorry for using the chat as a soapbox, but this is what I've been batting around while trying to add support)
<ysionneau> you can disable the caches though, it won't reduce the size by a lot, but can still free up some resources (FSM etc)
<cr1901_modern> Yes, and it does free resources. The problem with that is every memory access ends up stalling the pipeline then.
<cr1901_modern> So I figure disabling division would have less of a performance impact in practice.
<ysionneau> sure
<ysionneau> I was just suggesting that if you need to squeeze more resources
<cr1901_modern> Understood.
<cr1901_modern> Or maybe I can disable one cache (dcache) as a compromise. I still haven't actually figured out how to use the special resources of my FPGA (synchronous block RAM, etc)
<ysionneau> Xst should automatically infer blockram for the caches
<cr1901_modern> Oh, then my FPGA's just too small and I'm trying to bravely fit more stuff onto the device than intended XD
<ysionneau> yep, the cache in itself should not take any resources except blockram
<ysionneau> only the muxes+FSM+logic controlling the blockram should take resources
<ysionneau> you can easily check that in the synthesis report
<ysionneau> or just the console output when synthesizing
<ysionneau> it should print the number of blockram used, and the infered blockrams
<cr1901_modern> Hmmm, let's see...
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<cr1901_modern> Does block ram = RAMB16BWEs?
<ysionneau> yes
<cr1901_modern> 50% used
<ysionneau> if you have a look at when Xst analyzes lm32_dcache.v you should see it infer a blockram
<ysionneau> but it seems you are using the blockrams so it seems OK
<cr1901_modern> Yes, you're indeed correct
<cr1901_modern> Let's see what happens when I increase the cache size then...
<cr1901_modern> Incidentally, I have `define CFG_EBR_POSEDGE_REGISTER_FILE uncommented.
<cr1901_modern> Yea, this is hilarious... Number of RAMB16BWEs 6 out of 16 37% when `define CFG_EBR_POSEDGE_REGISTER_FILE is commented out. vs. 50% when uncommented
<cr1901_modern> The synthesizer isn't smart enough to place the reg file in block RAM...
<cr1901_modern> ysionneau: What's the syntax for requesting a connector pin?
<cr1901_modern> plat.request("INPIN") #This doesn't work
<ysionneau> you can have a look at how it's done in artiq
<ysionneau> you need to call platform.add_extension()
<ysionneau> then you will be able to do platform.request("name_in_the_adapter")
<cr1901_modern> In the context of the mibuild file, _connectors is passed to the GenericPlatform constructor, so it feels as if the connectors should be available
* cr1901_modern tries harder to parse the code
<ysionneau> you have the connectors pins which have connector pin names if you are lucky, or just numbers if you are not
<ysionneau> then you have what each pin really represent, for instance the pin name on the board schematic which you will plug to the connector
<ysionneau> in the platform file you can only represent the connector, because ... that's what is on the board
<ysionneau> then in your design file, you can describe the pin names of the daughter board you will plug on this connector
<ysionneau> maybe that's more clear?
<cr1901_modern> Oh alright.
<cr1901_modern> I get it now. In effect, _connectors represents the extra pins available for further customization using mibuild after all peripherals have been accounted for
<cr1901_modern> If there are no extra pins specified in _connectors, you can't add peripherals/"custom pin designations"
<ysionneau> yes _connectors mean you will be able to plug something that could be different from design to design
<ysionneau> so it cannot be described in the platform file
<ysionneau> it must be described in the design
<cr1901_modern> (7:12:52 AM) ysionneau: you have the connectors pins which have connector pin names if you are lucky, or just numbers if you are not <-- just numbers?
<ysionneau> if the connector is named A
<ysionneau> pins could be A[0] A[1] etc
<ysionneau> most connectors just number the pins
<ysionneau> but sometimes they give meaningful names
<ysionneau> like FMC standard
<ysionneau> or jtag
<cr1901_modern> In kc705, _connectors is a list of tuples consisting of a string and a dictionary. In pipistrello and others, _connectors is a list of tuples consisting of two strings.
<cr1901_modern> I guess ConnectorManager detects which version you specified and creates the "database" accordingly
<cr1901_modern> This was just released in the past week. This is a perfect example of how to demonstrate adding a daughterboard.
<ysionneau> 13:22 < cr1901_modern> I guess ConnectorManager detects which version you specified < yes
<ysionneau> both can work
<ysionneau> the first you mentioned allows you to give names to pins
<ysionneau> the second just numbers them, for instance in papilio you just have the connector name 'A' or 'C' and then a pin number
<ysionneau> for instance 'C:1'
<cr1901_modern> The number scheme makes more sense for Mercury because the pins are labelled by numbers
<ysionneau> there you go then :)
<cr1901_modern> At this point, I think officially, the mibuild file for Mercury is now done (at least the first version).
<ysionneau> good!
<cr1901_modern> Only took me two months on and off to write those 100 lines lmao
<cr1901_modern> I now need to finish writing a command-line programmer for Mercury (or alternatively, add the FT245 chip to xc3sprog). Let's see if I understand this properly:
<cr1901_modern> 1. load-bitstream() just loads the bitstream to flash memory.
<cr1901_modern> 2. flash() assumes that the FPGA already has been programmed with a valid configuration, and attempts to load a file to the FPGA which in turn fills the rest of flash memory
<cr1901_modern> Yea, I'm gonna have to buy a real JTAG cable for this methinks.
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<ysionneau> sb0: Hi, I will be unavailable on saturday, I will be at my sister's wedding
<sb0> ok
<sb0> np
<ysionneau> it seems indeed one can grep for serial number using hwgrep://
<ysionneau> hwgrep://SNR=<the_serial_number>
<sb0> ok, please add to doc and -h
<ysionneau> ok
<ysionneau> sb0: about the segfault in hidapi, having distributions like ubuntu (or worse, Debian) ship updates can take a long time ... :/
<ysionneau> but yes it's the "correct way"
<sb0> i know, but the segfault should only happen when the device permissions are incorrect, right?
<sb0> so it's a rather minor issue
<ysionneau> yes
<GitHub67> [artiq] fallen pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub67> artiq/master 4cdf1c4 Yann Sionneau: manual: serial number explanations + udev rule for LDA
<ysionneau> plus, I added some info about how to add udev rule
<ysionneau> to avoid segfault, even when non root
<ysionneau> sb0: for Tcube controller, do I replace the -d/--device with a -s/--serialnumber and only allow to provide serial number (that I push into hwgrep) and do not allow anymore to provide a /dev/ttyUSB** ?
<sb0> ysionneau, just give access to the serial_for_url argument and explain and recommend using hwgrep in the doc
<ysionneau> all right
<GitHub30> [artiq] fallen pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub30> artiq/master 979f352 Yann Sionneau: manual: style
<GitHub30> artiq/master b8bb3d8 Yann Sionneau: manual: explain how to select TCube device from serial number
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#232 (master - 4cdf1c4 : Yann Sionneau): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#233 (master - b8bb3d8 : Yann Sionneau): The build passed.
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<GitHub111> [artiq] fallen pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub111> artiq/master 3933ff5 Yann Sionneau: manual: add missing quotes
<ysionneau> sb0 : I will add an example for the VID/PID/SN on monday, now I don't have the usa plug converter to check the PID/SN on the actual device, my gf just took it for a trip. I will buy one on monday and add the missing example
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<GitHub57> [artiq] fallen pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub57> artiq/master d646984 Yann Sionneau: manual: link cleanup
<GitHub57> artiq/master 188a9fb Yann Sionneau: manual: add hwgrep example for TDC
<ysionneau> the Thorlabs TDC doesn't even use its own vendor ID, they use the FTDI one
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#235 (master - d646984 : Yann Sionneau): The build passed.
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<cr1901_modern> Sweet... I salvage a set of probes from a POS logic analyzer... might be able to use litescope
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<GitHub189> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 5 new commits to master:
<GitHub189> artiq/master 03fe712 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: dds: phase computation fixes
<GitHub189> artiq/master 5a9bdb2 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: DDS monitoring
<GitHub189> artiq/master f850336 Joe Britton: novatech409b: cleanup
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#236 (master - cbf28c8 : Joe Britton): The build passed.
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<GitHub124> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub124> artiq/master f47c2e5 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: DDS monitor fixes
<GitHub124> artiq/master 5b607de Sebastien Bourdeauducq: Merge branch 'master' of