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the latency compensation is just adding/subtracting a number from the timestamp values of the rtio syscalls. i think it is easily added to the current drivers, and if it's zero (when latency compensation is not needed), the compiler should be able to optimize it away
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[artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 4 new commits to master:
artiq/master 448ba04 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: Merge branch 'master' of
ysionneau, simulating it will be difficult anyway
ysionneau, check that it gets the correct words, and that the leading bit counter works on inputs
(i.e. simulate the synchronous part)
secure ips can be simulated with ISim I think
just don't spend time on that
if I don't simulate the I/OSERDESE2 part, then I will not know whether I correctly use it or not
a synchronous (single clock) test bench that has rtlink on one end and iserdes and oserdes words on the other end is fine
all right
most of the issues with the serdes are 1) clocking them, which simulations won't find 2) order of the bits, which is easy to determine and fix if wrong 3) poorly documented bitslip feature which you won't need
since I never used those I was a bit freaking out about just instanciating them without ever testing
but ok I'll test the remaining parts
and also, dealing with the io routing restrictions, again not detected in simulations but ISE will print you somewhat relevant error messages
I'll keep an eye on console errors/warnings while synthesizing
sb0: a = 2,3
[artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to new-py2llvm:
artiq/new-py2llvm 6c3b5a9 whitequark: Use proper format function.
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m-labs/artiq#186 (new-py2llvm - 6c3b5a9 : whitequark): The build is still failing.
python and signals is a complete clusterfuck
and even without my try/finally refactor, for instance if I checkout 78f92682772293445af1e3f9e55cbf7f8784b158 I get this:
and the communicate() makes both those issues go away
yes, but communicate() can use lots of memory for a similar reason
there's asyncio_process_wait_timeout in
all right, asyncio_process_wait_timeout after the self.process.kill() fixes the issue
I'm committing the change rn
bah, no, there's still another buig
RuntimeError: read() called while another coroutine is already waiting for incoming data
when doing python3 -m unittest ?
no, that's from always a good idea to run all other tests...
hmm just running also has problems
blergh, another asyncio bug
(I don't have in artiq tree :o)
if you have a coroutine that does, cancel it while it does that, then if another coroutine tries to read afterwards it causes this runtime error
arg :/
[artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
artiq/master a6a4765 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: worker: wait for process termination...