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<ganbold> sjoerd: yeah, so ethernet seems not working at u-boot, can't ping or tftpboot
<ganbold> sjoerd: are you sure that it was working? if so which branch?
<sjoerd> the branch you were using works for me
<sjoerd> did you say you see the board sending out packets but failing to receive them?
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<ganbold> sjoerd: vice versa, can not send, but can receive
<sjoerd> ganbold: can you tell me which git sha1 you build exactly ?
<ganbold> topic/rockchip-network branch
<sjoerd> right eab71220a0c72339d1fd5bfa0fff8900ac4be447 then ?
<ganbold> eab71220a0c72339d1fd5bfa0fff8900ac4be447
<ganbold> seems yes
<sjoerd> amnd could you pastebin your u-boot log again
<sjoerd> i'm just going to quickly build the exact same commit and see what happens here
<ganbold> sjoerd:
<sjoerd> right seems fine on my rock 2:
<sjoerd> I don't get why you don't get teh waiting for phy line
<sjoerd> or did you already do something with the network before
<sjoerd> ganbold: It would be great if you could paste starting from when u-boot prints its own header :)
<sjoerd> so i have the full story rather then the final bit ;)
<ganbold> sjoerd:
<sjoerd> you live in the future ? :)
<sjoerd> WARNING: Caches not enabled
<sjoerd> eh ?
<sjoerd> that's curious
<sjoerd> did you chagne the configuration to have CONFIG_SYS_DCACHE_OFF turned on ?
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<ganbold> yes
<ganbold> yeah, time was set in future :)
<sjoerd> can you turn that bck on ?
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<sjoerd> not sure if it's related but lets minimize the differences to make sure you didn't invalidate the testing :)
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<ganbold> sjoerd: same
<ganbold> sjoerd:
<sjoerd> ganbold: can you check if gmac_rk3288_started is called and tries to adjust the clock for 100mbit/s
<sjoerd> mmind00: ooi did you ever try my u-boot brnach on your firefly for networkign?
<ganbold> sjoerd: according to gmac_rk3288.c -> priv->started = gmac_rk3288_started;
<ganbold> sjoerd: can you try?
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<mmind00> sjoerd: nope ... uboot-wise I only ever got to loading the spl via maskrom
<mmind00> sjoerd: counter-question ... did you find time to try my mmc-tuning branch on the rock2? :-)
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<sjoerd> lalala, can't hear you
<sjoerd> mmind00: submit it to collabora's lava :P
<rperier_> what is lava exactly ? the same QA software subsystem that is used by linaro ?
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<rperier_> mhhh nice, perhaps that it might be interesting to deploy it here...
<sjoerd> rperier_: yeah
<sjoerd> rperier_: it's also used as the backend for things like kernelci
<rperier_> mmhhh nice... I did not think that it was so "modular" and customizable, cool
<sjoerd> well it's essentiall a test dispatcher, much like jenkins is but for a quite specific problem spce (iotw managing boardrams)
<sjoerd> so you can build stuff ontop of it to sumbit jobs and suck out the results :)
<naobsd> ganbold: can you try u-boot mainline from cold start?
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<ganbold> naobsd: how ? :)
<naobsd> ganbold: wipe emmc?
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<ganbold> so no-one tried tftpboot on firefly board?
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<xcasex> where are you guys buying the firefly boards?
<xming> I bought it on taobao
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<xcasex> aight
<xming> bought it when I was in Taiwan, taobao ships to .tw
<xming> cheapest option :D
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<xcasex> how much was it?
<xming> iirc 1499 RMB for the 4GB version
<xcasex> oh this wont be much of an argument with the boss.
<xming> I live in .eu so that saved me at least 21% on VAT
<xming> xcasex: I don't think taoboa is shipping outside china and some asian countries/territories
<xcasex> xming: i had an ex who was into that whole asian lolita thing, so i know that there are companies in china much like in the us that provide you with an adress to send you packages to and they then send it to you :p
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<xming> yeah proxy services, I don't like to use them for more expensive items
<xming> oh 1GB version for 79USD
<xming> it costs 3x more to get 4x more RAM/eMMC
<ganbold> that is A7
<ganbold> Fireprime
<xming> you're right, thank god
<xcasex> im in the boondocks within the arctic cirle in northernmost sweden :p
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