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<naobsd> u-boot v2015.10 works fine
<naobsd> only last 2 commits in u-boot-rockchip.git are not mainlined yet
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<kubast2> ok so I have full partion dumps of boot recovery and backup and parameter file from rockchipusb interface[I couldn't open those images with: standard android umkbootimg ,rockchip-umkbootimg ,rkunpack]. I have root[obtained previouslly through exploit] ,dmesg and full kallsyms and I just compiled gpio dump kernel module.
<kubast2> root@android:/mnt/sdcard # whoami whoami: unknown uid 0 ;10|root@android:/mnt/sdcard # ./ /system/bin/sh: ./ can't execute: Permission denied
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<kubast2_away> btw I put the builded kernel module into /system/lib/modules
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<kubast2_away> 10|root@android:/mnt/external_sd # chmod u+x /system/bin/gpio Bad mode ??
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<sjoerd> rperier: Yeah the ccu one (well my ccu user one) is just my work one with wip patches, not something i plan to maintain in the long run as it all needs to move upstream :)
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<kubast2> chmod 0744 ,still not sure why chmod u+x didn't worked even through it's a correct writing
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<rperier> sjoerd: yeah, also uboot upstream looks very up-to-date for rockchip boards, I will test this one
<rperier> the interesting thing is that the code for rockchip platforms seems to be very generic
<rperier> that's just... If I can download my kernel on the fly and run it from uboot, it will change my life (I do everything via tftp+kexec from linux for now) :D
<c0d3z3r0> rperier: barebox works fine at least on rk3188 ;)
<rperier> yes but if we are able to use the same base of code (including bootloader and kernel) on all platforms... that's probably better :)
<rperier> imho
<c0d3z3r0> rperier: of course :) maybe I'll have some time in the next two weeks to look at the barebox code and then get u-boot running on rk3188
<c0d3z3r0> rperier: maybe you have some time to look at arc emac again? :P :)
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<sjoerd> rperier: the network stuff isn't upstream yet, for that you'll need my branch still
<sjoerd> need to rework it to do proper pinctrl as the basis for that is now upstream apparently
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<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: I did play around with that on the rk3188 a bit, but haven't got it to boot yet [but if want to try: ]
<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: thanks, I have already tried your patches without success
<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: but I didn't have time to have a deeper look to it
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<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: it looks like Simon Glass now also has a rk3066 board, so maybe he had more luck
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<Kruppe> just setup libreboot/gentoo on a brand new asus c201, but I'm experiencing hard lockups at seemingly random times
<Kruppe> unfortunately no trace of what happened is left on the filesystem (nothing in any logs)
<Kruppe> gonna try netconsole when I get to work tomorrow to try and capture kernel messages, but I was wondering if anyone here heard of something like this on rockchip SoCs before
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<mmind00> Kruppe: nope, haven't seen such a thing yet ... which kernel are you using?
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<Kruppe> mmind00: I'm using release-R47-7520.B-chromeos-3.14 of
<Kruppe> It boots ok, and sometimes works for hours just fine, but then locks up without so much as a peep from the kernel
<mmind00> Kruppe: alternativly you could try integrating and recompiling your kernel ... that gives you serial output on the usb-port (not real usb, so needs a cable to be cut and a ttl->usb converter)
<mmind00> (alternativly to your netconsole mentioned above)
<Kruppe> mmind00: That's a great idea, thanks!
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