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<topi`> is there a list anywhere of RK based TV boxes that can be booted to Ubuntu?
<topi`> I'm specifically interested in boxes that feature a SATA connector and my use case has nothing to do with video output anyway :)
<topi`> more like a NAS box
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<xming> Hi I have a firefly rk3288, I am trying to use it as a Linux server, but the whole RK specific stuffs ("partitions", rk-tools, ...) confuse me. Is there are way to do things in a more standard way? Like using DOS partition, and mainline uboot + kernel?
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<sjoerd> xming: yes
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<sjoerd> topi`: Note that the rockchip SoCs don't have a SATA host controller, so the boxes with sata connectivity are through an usb -> sata bridge
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<karlp> "doesn't matter, has a sata port"
<xming> sjoerd: if I use DOS partitions for the eMMC, where should I put uboot? How do I put it there, I suppose rkflash tool aren't made for that, any pointers?
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<sjoerd> xming: see the README.rockchip in upstream u-boot
<sjoerd> though it does need tweaking to boot from emmc rather then sd atm
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<topi`> sjoerd: my NAS would be sending content to laptops at home, connected via 802.11n, so even if usb-SATA peaks at 30MB/s, that won't be the bottleneck
<topi`> our devices are too old for 802.11ac :)
<topi`> even with ac, it's unlikely to get more than 20 megabytes per sec
<xming> SD is fine for me ATM, will later learn the "tweaks" for emmc
<xming> I can't find where and how to install uboot in that README
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<mmind00> xming: this one;a=blob;f=doc/README.rockchip
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<xming> mmind00: thanks, my next question after reading it, assuming I want to boot deom SD
<xming> if I dd seek=256 which means I can still use DOS style partitions, but do I have to leave certain blocks/sectors un partitioned after 256?
<xming> where should my 1st partition begin
<xming> and is upstream uboot best for firefly rk3288 or should I use this one?;a=summary
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<topi`> is there uboot support for RK3368 at all? I suppose there is, since GeekBox is advertised as "open" with ubuntu
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<mmind00> topi`: not mainline uboot yet ... but there is of course a vendor variant available which exists in sdks released by device makers like Tronsmart
<pulser> mmind00: is it of any use to you, if I try to identify functionality regressions in the veyron, versus the ChromeOS kernel? (I guess answer is no, as I am sure you know anyway - just asking)
<pulser> as in, things which "should" work, but which appear to not work in the current state (not things that are not yet ported obviously)
<mmind00> pulser: correct :-P ... if you bring patches that would be better ... I'm not a living bug-tracker here ;-) , so if you want to check for these regressions you could put them into the wiki so people who want to work on things can find open issues
<pulser> sure - I was thinkign to look at one or two of them; just I doubt I can write anything in a manner that would be useful to mainline :) I am much more embedded in focus (i.e. haxx everything till it works)
<pulser> the kernel side driver for mali/armsoc seems to have some issues the chromeOS one lacks (I think I'll avoid messing that up further), but I was going to look into the audio (seems config related)
<pulser> I shall check out the wiki though
<mmind00> that is actually a very valuable first step :-) ... so if you can provide a hack that actually fixes issues, we can then simply figure out how it should look like
<pulser> heh, that's true
<pulser> like with the sleep fix - the "hack" that shows the broadcom is the issue is a step forward
<pulser> rmmod; sleep; modprobe on wake seems to be fairly reliable so far (not had any issue since I did it)
<mmind00> yep ... ideally really put that into the wiki, so that it doesn't get lost in irc logs ... because I'm bad at remembering such details ;-)
<pulser> yeah - I also documented how to "get started" on an arm chromebook, without ever booting chromeOS beyond first screen
<pulser> which was somethiing I wish had existed when I started, so I should write it up
<pulser> as guides assumed you were familiar with how to enter developer mode, and that you knew the workflow for removing write protect, and whatnot
<mmind00> at least for arch that is quite well documented ... why do you need to remove the wp-bit though? coreboot boots kernels just fine
<pulser> oh nice, I hadn't found that when I started
<pulser> you're right - removing WP shouldn't be "needed", but IIRC I needed it in the workflow I did
<pulser> I used esc + refresh + power to enter recovery, and did Ctrl + D, it did a wipe
<pulser> I then booted up, and tried to enter developer mode from bottom left (requiring disable write protect of rootfs)
<pulser> at that point, I went back to bottom left button for developer mode, and set a root password, then used VT2 to log in and set USB boot on
<pulser> therefore no login to chromeOS was required (oh wait, after explaining that, I realise you meant the WP screw, rather than verity rootfs protection)
<mmind00> :-D yep, I meant the screw
<mmind00> and you meant the rootfs protection I assume
<pulser> yes indeed
<pulser> I haven't "done" the screw yet
<pulser> I need to read a bit more - I would quite like to remove the need for Ctrl + D - am considering doing the "screw" and putting my own signing keys in
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<xming> ah uboot goes into MBR, am I right?
<xming> so it's the same as on x86 platforms
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<sjoerd> xming: MBR doesn't really exist on arm, the SPL is 32 kilobyte into the disk for rockchip
<sjoerd> which is far enough that you can both but msdos partition labels and gpt labels in front of it
<xming> sjoerd: so SPL get into the first 512?
<xming> and uboot between 512~2048?
<xming> or 513~2047, and fist DOS partition start at 2048?
<sjoerd> no SPL is starting form 32 kbyte
<sjoerd> uboot from 256 kilobyte
<naobsd> sjoerd: 256th sector/128KB
<sjoerd> sorry yes
<xming> yeah thanks, starting to understand it now
<naobsd> my personal recommendation for parition is 2048th sector
<naobsd> it's just my personal preference
<xming> I see that fdisk does that on my x86 boxes too
<xming> naobsd: I saw some of your post on firefly forum, how good is mainline uboot + mainline kernel on firfly now?
<sjoerd> naobsd: hmm, i'd always start at 4k to get proper alignement on 4k drives :)
<xming> I just need all ram, ehternet, usb, sd working, optionally wifi and gpio
<naobsd> xming: I just posted, not developed
<sjoerd> xming: that all just works in mainline kernel, apart from wifi (which i'm not sure about for firefly)
<naobsd> sjoerd: ah, more accurately, 1MB (2048th sector for 512B device)
<sjoerd> ah right :) yeah that mekse sense
<sjoerd> i'd also recommend going for gpt partitioning btw, getting rid of the primary/logical partition nonense and actuallh having checksums in your partition table is quite useful
<xming> oh uboot support gpt
<xming> I only need 1 partition, maybe 2 if uboot doens't btrfs
<naobsd> usb works on mainline linux but it might have issue... I guess doug's patch should be applied
<xming> ah mainline uboot doens't support btrfs
<xming> how does firefy choose where to boot first? If the sdcard is bootable will it boot from sd first?
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<xming> if I want to boot from sd, I only need to put spl + uboot on sd right? I don't need to touch anything on the eMMC, is that correct?
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<sjoerd> naobsd: dougs stuff is just for the dwc2 though, which at least on the rokc2 is just used for otg
<sjoerd> unsure about the firefly
<sjoerd> xming: correct
<sjoerd> xming: (spl + uboot on sd, u-boot doesn't do btrfs)
<sjoerd> xming: unfortunately rk3288 always tries emmc first
<sjoerd> xming: you can go into recovery mode and use rkflashtool b 3 to mak eit skip emmc one-time
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<naobsd> ehci is not used on firefly
<naobsd> on rock2, usb-sata is connected to dwc host
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