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<edolnx> Greetings naobsd
<edolnx> I don't know if you saw, but my Rikomagic MK68 boxes arrived, and they are much more hacker friendly. They don't seem to sign kernel images, and it's got SuperSU installed as part of the stock image.
<edolnx> However, I haven't been able to figure out how to unpack/repack the boot image. It starts with KRNL instead of the usual ANDROID!
<edolnx> I also haven't put headers on the serial port yet to see the boot process
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<naobsd> any cheap rockchip based devices don't use 'sign kernel image' at all.
<naobsd> pre-installed SuperSU doesn't make it hacker(if it means developer here) friendly
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<naobsd> to unpack KRNL image, just use rkunpack in my rkutils
<naobsd> (or dd)
<naobsd> edolnx: or if you really have 'signed kernel' image, please give me.
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<naobsd> (well, lets read irc log now...)
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> 'has a bootloader that doesn't require signing'?
<naobsd> edolnx: how did you know "has a bootloader that doesn't require signing"?
<naobsd> generally bootloader doesn't require signing
<naobsd> ...or you just thought "it doesn't boot after flashing kernel/boot image, so it requires signing" ?
<naobsd> ah, I remembered you said about "boot/recovery image sha mismatch"
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<naobsd> edolnx: it seems id field in header of boot/recovery.img for CX-R8 is generated differently
<naobsd> edolnx: i.e. you cannot use common mkbootimg for RK
<naobsd> edolnx: so surely CX-R8 is not friendly, rest of devices are friendly (friendly is common)
<naobsd> edolnx: but I guess it can be friendly by replacing bootloader
<naobsd> btw I noticed standalone (non-RK-official) mkbootimg for RK has a bug with second(resource) image ;)
<naobsd> latest RK official mkbootimg in SDK shouldn't have this bug
<naobsd> between "4.4 and older" and "5.0 and later"
<naobsd> for RK, bogus (4.4.x and older) version should make working image because ramdisk will be larger than resource image for most case, just too much padding
<naobsd> (_this bug/fix_ doesn't have any relation to CX-R8 unique mkbootimg/bootloader)
<naobsd> I don't know how many mkbootimg fork are available on the net, but it might be good time to have our mkbootimg fork on github/linux-rockchip ;)
<edolnx> naobsd: sorry, I stepped away for a bit
<edolnx> Yes, I was unable to make an image for the CX-R8 which had a matching signature. All the RK tools I could find to unpack the boot.img all said there was a mismatch during unpack as well, so there may be a different checksum being made (SHA2?)
<edolnx> If you have found any sources for Android 5 on the RK3362 I would love to dig through those repos for tools, kernels, etc. I've not been able to find any. I think my plan at this point is just to use the android kernel and change the rootfs via command line parameters
<edolnx> I don't know if it will work, but it will probably be easier than building a new kernel. I can't tell if the display or ethernet drivers are upstream yet (doesn't look like it in 4.4-rc1 at least, but hard to tell. None of the drivers seem to output messages during bootup)
<edolnx> I have a few pull requests I should send your way via github for adding 3362 support to some of those tools. Mainly just adding magic number detection, nothing earthshattering so far
<edolnx> My changes are in forked repos on if you are interested in poking around
<naobsd> RK Android 5.1 SDK for RK3368 should use common version
<edolnx> OK, good to know. I will look there for kernel sources if there are any to be found
<edolnx> I haven't checked to see if the kernel has /proc/config support turned on yet. That would make rebuilding very easy if I can find the sources
<naobsd> board maker should have own(modified) SDK for their board
<naobsd> SDK for other board is useful but it might not work on different board as is
<edolnx> It looks like the board from the MK68 might be made by HTC based on the markings, but haven't gone looking for any SDK repos yet for that board part number
<edolnx> I assume you found the photos and data files I uploaded. Also interesting of note, the OTG port on this board is the one on the back of the device, not the side.
<naobsd> I don't use rkunpack in rkflashtool, I have no idea how common it is
<naobsd> I'm original author of rkunpack, but rkunpack in rkflashtool is forked version
<edolnx> probably not at all common, but was useful for me to figure out how images are assembled
<naobsd> well, what I want to say is I don't maintain rkunpack in rkflashtool ;)
<edolnx> ah! Good to know.
<naobsd> hm, it seems rockchip-mkbootimg on neo-technologies are also updated
<edolnx> Oh! It looks like the rkunpack in your github repo can unpack the KRNL images and spit out the params file. I think that's all I need right now. I'll have to try that out when I'm a bit more awake :)
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> rkunsign in rkflashtool is for it
<naobsd> ah
<naobsd> it may not work if kernel.img parameter.img have trailing garbage
<naobsd> so I recommend to use my rkunpack for unpacking KRNL/PARM especially dumped from device (whole partition image should have trailing garbage)
<naobsd> my rkutils are not maintained well but I usually use my version for rkcrc/rkunpack
<edolnx> OK, I'll give that a shot tomorrow and see what I can get. I think if I can take the existing kernel and point it at a root filesystem on a USB drive I can get to my goal of just running Debian 8 on the device much quicker.
<edolnx> I also have another unmodified MK68 so I can pull kernel modules off it as needed :D
<naobsd> generally linux userland can run with Android kernel with some restrictions
<naobsd> btw HTC == hotack
<edolnx> That's what I figured, but it's a good starting point at least. Then I can try and figure out drivers for video and ethernet. Not so worried about the video for myself, an SSH target is just fine
<edolnx> Ah! I wonder if they have their board repos anywhere
<edolnx> Well, it's very late for me. Thanks again for all the useful information. I'm still gathering all the info I've learned so far and plan on contributing it back to the wiki as I get farther along. Not much to tell right now.
<naobsd> well, please send pull-req for rkflashtool change
<naobsd> I may not test it but I can click merge button on github ;)
<naobsd> and thanks for the patch
<edolnx> I will do so! I will add you as a remote and see what I can do.
<naobsd> as far as I know only SDK for Tronsmart Orion R68 is available for RK3368
<naobsd> hotack made/makes many RK based products but they never released Android SDK
<naobsd> in the past some kernel source was released via Rikomagic(some of their products use hotack board)
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<naobsd> Geekbox seems nice for RK3368 development
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