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<pulser> mmind00, soldering my breakout board for micro USB soon as I get to my office - by fluke I bought female micro breakout a few years ago, and didn't need it!
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<pulser> interesting - it just freezes at the usual "Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) - then the system wakes/remains awake but without any message... so I shall do no_console_suspend now and have a look there
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<pulser> even more interesting, mmind00 - setting no_console_suspend appears to remove the issue; I just did a series of wake/sleep cycles and had no issue while watching dmesg
<mmind00> pulser: oh fun ... out of curiosity, as this is 4.4-rc(not-even)1 ... did you observe this in the past as well? Trying to determine if it may be something introduced during this merge window
<pulser> yes this was there in the past
<pulser> OK, I managed to make it crash now! it's the mmc/emmc freezing
<pulser> which then led into a kernel panic (which I need to try to properly capture
<pulser> and thanks to screen, I have it captured :)
<pulser> so it seems like the mmc_host mmc2 timeouts are the first issue, which then leads to NMI watchdog biting on CPU0 being jammed (most probably due to the mmc2)
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<mmind00> pulser: hmm, I would interpret that a tad differently :-) ... with the mmc timeout only being a symptom
<mmind00> mmc2 is the wifi ... so my story would be around a bug in the wifi driver getting stuck ... the mmc-timeout is a symptom, because the wifi module does not respond anymore
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<pulser> Mmind00, interesting - I need to take a look at the power domains there as perhaps turning it off in sleep would help (if not already), as it would get a power cycle
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<pulser> mmind00, so had a look - vcc18_wl is on in sleep, and that seems to be only used for wlan (name backs what I understood from the dts), so I'm going to try putting that off in sleep to give the card a power cycle
<mmind00> pulser: not sure if the card+driver will handle that well
<pulser> Ah - good point
<pulser> Let's see what chrome OS does
<pulser> Yeah they're leaving it on all the time, and it seems they support waking from a Bluetooth device like a keyboard
<pulser> So they're obviously not turning the power off
<mmind00> pulser: I'm not sure how similar the drivers actually are ... wifi mainline support is still something no chip vendor wants to do
<pulser> Ah interesting - that's a shame
<mmind00> the brcmfmac in mainline at least allows me to use a wifi
<pulser> I mean it's Broadcom, and I don't suppose they're going to be the most encouraging either!
<pulser> Yeah indeed - it actually works which is a positive compared to many boards
<mmind00> yep ... from what I've gathered so far, broadcom in mainline is mostly a volunteer effort
<pulser> Yup - they are fairly closed as I understand
<pulser> They seem to have little interest in Linux support at all (if any)
<mmind00> other rockchip chromebooks use chips that uses mwifiex ... it can connect to network, but when you transmit it kills the cros_ec on my jerry
<mmind00> cros_ec only comes back after disabling the wifi again
<pulser> I replaced the WiFi module from a colleague's laptop recently as he was stuck with Broadcom on a Dell ultrabook
<pulser> Ouch
<pulser> That's rather strange
<pulser> Unfortunately embedded systems are fairly non-standard, even with so much progress in recent years and months
<pulser> Oh well, I have a long term dream that one day, embedded devices will use nice standardised interfaces to communicate with all the external components on the board; one which is well designed, documented, and suitably generic new devices can be added
<mmind00> greybus?
<pulser> Oh very interesting
<pulser> Hasn't seen it before, but it sounds rather nice
<mmind00> not? ... that are the internals of project ara ;-)
<pulser> USB was a big improvement upon the mishmash we had before - I remember manually configuring IRQs
<pulser> This sounds almost the embedded parallel of this
<pulser> No I hadn't seen this before - I'm a little hesitant we will really see adoption of modular phones, but I'd love to be wrong!
<pulser> Fairphone has a modular one coming out, but I think some of the big names won't be keen on the idea of losing regular sales, especially if you can have your phone upgraded at the local technology shop
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<xcasex> yeah.. modular phones arent going anywhere unless someone figures out how to make them "trendy"
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<amstan> mmind00: why would it kill cros_ec?
<mmind00> amstan: I don't know ... connecting to the wifi still works, getting the first webpage too ... but then keyboard becomes unresponsive
<mmind00> only once I drop the network connection do keys work again
<amstan> does reading the firmware via flashrom still work in those cases?
<amstan> it's weird because the wifi and ec are on 2 separate busses(mmc vs spi)
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<mmind00> amstan: I get with million repeats of these last two lines
<mmind00> and keyboard gets stuck somehow, either doing nothing or like now repeating "f"s
<mmind00> ok, keyboard itself caught itself now
<amstan> that can't be good for cpu usage
<amstan> depending how long that EBUSY takes to come back, it might just be stuck at that
<amstan> and no time to do anything else with other drivers
<amstan> that's a weird ssid, is that correct?
<mmind00> probably ... although the touchpad still works
<mmind00> yep that ssid is correct
<mmind00> hmm, I guess I should remove that paste ... I didn't really want to post my home ssid :-)
<mmind00> as I said, keyboard does strange things, while touchpad and even xserver still works nicely
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