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<bashintosh> rory0962: I killed a CX929 by not caring enough about RK808 vs ACT8846 differences in the DTS... Risky business but reading documentation does help
<rory096> ha, good to know!
<rory096> any particular relevant documentation you could point to?
<rory096> sunchip didn't give me much, to be honest
<rory096> hmm, maybe i should just ask them straight up for the device tree
<bashintosh> did you get the SDK from them?
<bashintosh> regarding PMIC documentation, on Baidu/Google search for "rk32 linux3.10 pmu" - it's official Rockchip documentation to support ACT8846/RK808/RICOH619 PMICs
<bashintosh> I can pass you the Sunchip DTS if you need - they base it on Rockchip 'box' reference design so not much difference from other sticks RK3288 based
<rory096> nope pretty much nothing... the rk3288 datasheet and a powerpoint on the cx-929
<rory096> yeah i'd really appreciate that - my email's
<rory096> thanks!
<rory096> cool
<bashintosh> google transate it if you don't read Chinese :)
<rory096> haha my next question exactly
<bashintosh> been there :P
<rory096> cool, even managed to figure out how to bugmenot my way to the pdf download
<rory096> can you send/link me that dts?
<bashintosh> rory096: yeah I sent you the whole DTS dir for CX929.. nJoy!
<rory096> awesome, thanks!
<bashintosh> you're welcome
<rory096> hmm, so it looks like every one of those dts files that includes act8846 has some rk808 code in it... is one of those in particular meant for the cx929? -box? or are any of those a risk of bricking it without changes?
<bashintosh> For CX929, they use rk3288-box.dts which #include "rk3288.dtsi"
<rory096> sweet. now back to the misery of getting chromium to compile...
<bashintosh> may the force be with you!
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<rory096> bashintosh: mind if i ask what you did to kill yours? were you using a different (non-act8846?) device tree?
<bashintosh> correct - was working on porting kernel 3.14 (Chromebook RK3288) and rushed through adapting the DTS for ACT8846. I parked that project for now but will pick it back up in 1-2weeks
<bashintosh> but in theory, if you keep the whole DTS as it is (from the ChromiumOS kernel) and run it on the cx929 it should simply not boot up - different story is if you modify the DTS, then the risk increases especially when configuring nodes which deal with VCC domains and alike business
<rory096> hmm. so do you mean the rk3288-box.dts will be fine, the kernel is non-working but safe, and only making my own modifications is dangerous? or should i be looking to make improvements to the -box device tree?
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<bashintosh> if you try rk3288-box.dts + ChromiumOS kernel I strongly doubt it will boot (or even compile) but in the unlikely case it works, you won't damage the hardware. The delicate part is undersanding what parts of the DTS (from CX929) you need to port/adapt to the DTS used for the Chromebooks - it's not only about PMIC but for example the CX929 only has HDMI while on Chromebooks RK3288 they use eDP.. Once
<bashintosh> you nail the PMIC nodes, the rest of the DTS poses virtually no risk for hardware damage
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<rory096> hmm, okay. cross my fingers for tomorrow then. time to switch to bourbon here...
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<tony_> insteresting.
<tony_> printk in rk_screen.c is no useful.
<tony_> I event can not get information from dmesg.
<bashintosh> tony_: try adding 'debug' to your parameter file and '#define DEBUG' on top of the file, before any '#include' - funny enough I am working on the same file
<tony_> bashintosh, ah... I'm tire about that.
<tony_> bashintosh, thanks, I will try.
<tony_> bashintosh, thanks again. it works fine now.
<bashintosh> tony_: cheers!
<tony_> bashintosh, I think it take you long time to fix it.
<tony_> bashintosh, I waste a morning time about that. I don't understand why RK write code by this BAD way.
<sjoerd> tony_: probably donesn't make you feel better, but it's the same standard as most vendor kernels tbh
<rperier> hi all
<tony_> sjoerd, they also can do this. but if they give a readme or something will be better.
<tony_> rperier, hi.
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<bashintosh> tony_: sometimes manufacturers (using Rockchip products/kernel) add their own modifications to the kernel which makes things even worse - I wasted a week tracking down an issue exactly because of that.
<visitor-14524> Story of my life. Had seen that it took THREE GPIO lines to enable the LCD display and not just one.
<visitor-14524> s/lines/pins/
<tony_> bashintosh, I'm sure that because rockchip , because we get the first hand source code from the rockchip.
<bashintosh> tony_: aah I see - kernel v3.10?
<tony_> bashintosh, 3.0.8
<rperier> I did not really understand the patch from Xing "[PATCH v1 1/3] ARM: dts: rockchip: add core rk3036 dts" , as I understood this is for an eval board... so why he does not use rk3066a.dtsi ?
<tony_> bashintosh, sorry, it is 3.0.36.
<bashintosh> mmh don't know much about the internals of Rockchip kernel 3.0.x - 3.10 is not too bad AFAIK :)
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<cristian_c> tony_: Hello
<cristian_c> I've tried getevent, the tool works
<tony_> cristian_c, hello.
<tony_> cristian_c, and then ...
<cristian_c> I've tried other tools in these days
<tony_> cristian_c, what's the problem ?
<cristian_c> all these tools make get events from devices
<cristian_c> tony_: I'm trying to figure out why X doesn't manage these input devices
<cristian_c> tony_: I've also loaded evbug driver, and it captures event too
<cristian_c> but it dpesn't give details either error messages
<tony_> cristian_c, i think the X will manage these input devices.
<tony_> cristian_c, such as I use the Ubuntu on RK3188.
<cristian_c> only xorg.log says evdev is used fpr these devices
<tony_> cristian_c, the phy key works fine also.
<cristian_c> uhm
<cristian_c> tony_: for example, getevent captures x and y position
<cristian_c> touch position
<cristian_c> and another parameter
<cristian_c> (I suppose drag either pressure)
<tony_> cristian_c, what kind of event ?
<tony_> cristian_c, touch screen ?
<cristian_c> yes
<tony_> cristian_c, oh, I have not try it on my device.
<tony_> cristian_c, I think it will works fine.
<cristian_c> tony_: instead, getevent doesn't capture accelerometer events, but it lists gsensor data (absx, absy and absz)
<tony_> cristian_c, If it is a normal touch screen.
<cristian_c> tony_: I've tried many tools similar to getevent, all they give similar results
<cristian_c> tony_: if I can use touchscreen with these tools, it's a sign device is active
<cristian_c> all these tools give data for accelerometer but they don't answer to user events
<cristian_c> tony_: but I've ttied some syslog messages. These messages say systemd-udevd kills accelerometer after several second, but I've not tried many tests
<cristian_c> *I've found
<tony_> cristian_c, all there tools just used to check if the driver works fine.
<cristian_c> yeah
<tony_> cristian_c, the don't care what is GUI.
<cristian_c> if input device is detected
<tony_> cristian_c, maybe the input event is suitable for android.
<tony_> cristian_c, but it maybe not suitable for X.
<cristian_c> tony_: udevd detects these devices, they detect drivers also, and it assigns /dev/input/eventN
<cristian_c> tony_: interestig
<cristian_c> +n
<cristian_c> tony_: it seems as I should configure xorg to manage these input devices
<cristian_c> keypad is partially working, anyway (/dev/input/event0)
<cristian_c> tony_: touch is /dev/input/event1, and gsensor is /dev/input/event2
<cristian_c> tony_: in the web, some user has patched tslib sources
<cristian_c> someone, instead has created a .conf file in /usr/share/x11/xorg.conf.d
<cristian_c> either editing an existing one
<cristian_c> it seems I've to go into deep, about this
<cristian_c> tony_: some users use their touchscreen as input_raw in tslib, and evdev driver in xorg
<tony_> cristian_c, sorry, I know a little about X. ;(
<cristian_c> evdev driver should use the touchscreen particular driver set by kernel, in my case ct360_ts
<cristian_c> tony_: ok, sorry, I apologize :)
<cristian_c> tony_: I'll try to investigate more in detail
<cristian_c> tony_: btw, I can't launch 'rkwifi launcher'
<cristian_c> so, wlan is never initialized
<cristian_c> and firmware is not picked
<cristian_c> CONFIG_WLAN is set to Y
<cristian_c> but I don't know what module is built above it
<cristian_c> over
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<tony_> cristian_c, I have not porting wlan to ubunu yet.
<tony_> cristian_c, and BT also.
<tony_> cristian_c, for the fbset, I select other way to do it.
<cristian_c> tony_: I've enabled bluetooth by brcm_patchram_plus
<tony_> cristian_c, check a gpio state to set the resolution on rk_screen.c.
<tony_> cristian_c, cool.
<cristian_c> with rk3188 <- ap6210
<tony_> cristian_c, would you post this to your blog or something?
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<cristian_c> either rk3066 <- rk903
<tony_> cristian_c, my device has a ap6330.
<naobsd> rperier: rk3036 != rk3066
<cristian_c> brcm_patchram_plus should be a common method to initializem bt chipwith .hcd firmware
<tony_> cristian_c, and would you post this to your blog ?
<tony_> cristian_c, share it to us. ;)
<cristian_c> tony_: I don't own a blog
<cristian_c> I know there is linux-rockchip wiki, but I don't know
<naobsd> (will RK do for rk312x too?)
<cristian_c> tony_: havw you managed to set fullhd on your screen via gpio?
<tony_> there is two macro named H_VD and V_VD, you can just set them as 1920 and 1080P.
<tony_> cristian_c, then the framebuffer's reselution will be 1920x1080P.
<tony_> cristian_c, the TV will be better to look.
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<cristian_c> maybe I've read about this, but I know little few about it
<tony_> cristian_c, for check the gpio state, there is a "if else..."
<tony_> cristian_c, just
<tony_> cristian_c, and would you tell me that how to enable BT on Ubuntu OS ?
<tony_> cristian_c, or will you share it to us from here ?
<tony_> cristian_c, :P
<cristian_c> tony_: I've found a thing: if I use echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
<cristian_c> sorry, echo 1, or a number different by zero
<tony_> cristian_c, would you tell me that how to enable BT on Ubuntu OS ?
<tony_> cristian_c, why don't you want to answer this question ? ;P
<cristian_c> tony_: ok, I don't know exactly what steps are necessary, but I've extracted .hcd firmware from android (/system/etc/bluez, I remember)
<cristian_c> I've copied it in /lib/firmware
<tony_> cristian_c, if everyone shares something, then everyone will know something x N. ah ;)
<tony_> cristian_c, I have a blog, but it is Chinese.
<tony_> cristian_c, I can not write English blog. My English is very poor. ;(
<rperier> naobsd: oh ! my bad "36" ... I probably did read the title too quickly :D
<naobsd> personally I want to try Cortex-A7 series too :)
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<cristian_c> tony_: I've not changed nvram in because I don't have /system directory
<cristian_c> tony_: so, I've got only .hcd firmware file
<cristian_c> then, I've got brcm_patchram_plus and I've compiled it, as usual
<cristian_c> tony_: from that directory, I've typed (with root permissions, if needed): sudo ./brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /lib/firmware/rk903_26M.hcd --baudrate 1500000 --enable_lpm --enable_hci --tosleep 50000 --no2bytes /dev/ttyS0
<cristian_c> hex data scroll on the terminal, if all is good, it shows at the end: Done setting line discpline
<cristian_c> tony_: and you can open bluetooth application after unblocked bt interface (in my case rk903_26M) by rfkill
<cristian_c> hci0 should also appear in rfkill list output
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<cristian_c> then, you can your bt chip with bluez or similar tools
<cristian_c> *use
<cristian_c> tony_: if you don't want to keep the terminal open, I've found tge way to autostart brcm_patchram_plus putting the command in /etc/rc.local
<cristian_c> tony_: I've made so very little tests, I've to try much more
<cristian_c> for exanple, I've used a slightly different method with ap6210
<tony_> cristian_c, ah, I have try this.
<cristian_c> I've got bcm20710a1.hcd firmware
<cristian_c> I've created a new directoey called 'ap6210' in /lib/firmware, and I put the .hcd inside it
<tony_> cristian_c, anyway, thank you.
<cristian_c> I've got a new version of nvram_AP6210.txt and I've backupped the old version from /system/etc/firmware
<cristian_c> then, I've compiled brcm_patchram_plus as usual, and I've launched sudo ./brcm_patchram_plus -d  --patchram /lib/firmware/ap6210/bcm20710a1.hcd --enable_hci --bd_addr 11:22:33:44:55:66 --no2bytes --tosleep 1000 /dev/ttyS0
<cristian_c> but I suppose I can remove the --bd_addr parameter to set mac address
<cristian_c> tony_: I don't know if all steps are really needed, I suppose I can change something, but it requires further tests
<cristian_c> tony_: so, you can give a try and let me know :)
<tony_> cristian_c, I will share my Ubuntu on RK3188 experice. here:
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<cristian_c> interesting
<cristian_c> about my chip, I can't see ' ==== Launching Wi-Fi driver! (Powered by Rockchip) ====' in my dmesf
<cristian_c> this printk should be contained in wlan.c, I remember
<tony_> cristian_c, okay, I will try.
<cristian_c> I don't see wlan.o in kernel building output, btw O.o
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<Omegamoon> I have this old RK3188 device that I try to reflash; first flash is successful, but on reboot the serial console shows a couple of:
<Omegamoon> SDM_Read FLT_ERROR,LBA=0,iret = 400
<Omegamoon> then it shows:
<Omegamoon> !!!No parameter
<Omegamoon> reading back the parameters shows indeed only rubbish
<Omegamoon> when reading back the parameters the serial console again shows errors like:
<Omegamoon> SDM_Read FLT_ERROR,LBA=0,iret = 400
<Omegamoon> I tried writing the parameters using rkflashtool, but the serial console shows:
<Omegamoon> SDM_Write FLT_ERROR,LBA=0,iret = 400
<Omegamoon> the device, on reboot, directly switches into "Loader" modus
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<Omegamoon> for some devices, these "bricked" situation can be fixed by forcing the device into "Maskrom" modus, but in this case that doesn't work :(
<Omegamoon> this device has a Samsung KLM8G1WE4A-A001 eMMC chip, which is BGA, so no easy pins to shorten forcing the device in Maskrom modus
<Omegamoon> I wonder if there are any other ways to force the device into Maskrom modus
<Omegamoon> any ideas?
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<_vaibhav_> hi, I have extrected the default firmware and modified the system.img for rk2928. to make system.img i used "mksquashfs mountpoint/ system.img -all-root" command and again packed the firmware image using "~/imgRePackerRK_102/imgrepackerrk VAIBHAV_HALFTICKET_TV_test.img.dump"
<_vaibhav_> but when I flash this firmware it flashes everything except system.img, it gets skipped somehow, can someone please guide me?
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