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<mosquito520> Astralix: actually SD boot sequence before NAND and eMMC in RK SOC
<mosquito520> Astralix: so actually you may boot from SD directly without touching internal NAND or eMMC
<mosquito520> FreezingCold: I think that Intel is still weak between RK in consumer market, even new ATOM SOC or Quark
<mosquito520> The main reason is...Intel SOC is much expensive then others,
<mosquito520> Those SOC vendor, RK, Allwinner, MTK, provide a acceptable solution in $10 or $20, you may play some game, web browsering, or do something that we usually do.
<mosquito520> But if you need provide same performance with Intel platform, ex: ATOM, that will be much expensive then ARM SOC
<mosquito520> even latest QUARK, I've read some confidential trainging material...actually it's a upgrade Pentium SOC, 586 CPU with modern interface
<mosquito520> but, It's running at only 400MHz, and even the CHIP under 10 bucks, entire solution will be much expensive the other solutions.
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<FreezingCold> mosquito520: The new quad core Atom's are like $35
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<mosquito520> FreezingCold: ye, I believe that will be a good solution for windows or linux laptop, but not only one best tablet solution
<mosquito520> even not an entry level tablet. The entry level tablet in China just need $100USD
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<Okitain> Hi guys.
<Okitain> Does anyone use picuntu?
<Okitain> or, specifically, how do I use picuntu and not get disastrous VLC and others?
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<ncrmnt> Okitain: Don't know if picuntu is any good. I'm using debian armhf... But it will take a while for me to fire up proper gui on my tablet.
<Okitain> ncrmnt: well, does VLC work there?
<ncrmnt> What do you meen by 'work'? I guess it should work, but as I quickly googled noone made use of on2 hardware decoding so far. So it will be slow and battery-hungry
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<Okitain_> ncrmnt: so far my installation displays lots of random crap.
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<ncrmnt> grep Xorg.log for any hints, or try a different vo driver. Perhaps mali screws up something. Or wait for others to show up. I'm knee-deep in RK3188 kernel trying to make my lcd work, so I can't test it myself. yet.
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<Okitain> okay.
<Okitain> (mali definitely screws up a lot)
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<pfcode> hi
<pfcode> I want to run arch linux/debian on my rk2928-based tablet
<pfcode> i'm communicating with device via adb shell
<pfcode> when i chroot to linux distribution and i try to run xorg (on fbdev module): https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6x1uvlicjb3r9m/2013-11-27%2021.52.15.jpg
<pfcode> before that, I did: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0
<pfcode> the xorg display is only on the left side of screen
<pfcode> and it's stretched
<pfcode> The xorg -verbose output says the framebuffer is properly matched: (--) FBDEV(0): Virtual size is 1024x600 (pitch 1024)
<pfcode> Built-in mode "current": 74.2 MHz, 55.2 kHz, 86.6 Hz
<pfcode> Modeline "current"x0.0 74.25 1024 1234 1244 1344 600 618 628 638 -hsync -vsync -csync (55.2 kHz b)
<pfcode> when I try to display something else on fb0, which doesn't need the X server it's displayed properly
<pfcode> there's no mali/ump modules loaded
<pfcode> is the problem rockchip-specified or is it a xorg's fbdev module issue?
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<ncrmnt> naobsd: ping
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