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<naobsd> I saw Toshiba REGZA AT374 today. I was very surprised that it uses RK3188.
<naobsd> and I was very very very surprised that it uses 1024x600 non-square pixel screen but it's $300
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<naobsd> if I have $300, I'll buy Nexus7
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<humit> hi people, anyone here who has experience building rk2928 kernel?
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<ncrmnt> mosquito520: Stock kernel: http://p.ncrmnt.org/76/ homebrew: http://p.ncrmnt.org/77/
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<akatik> Hi! Can i boot rk3066 device from SD card? or from OTG?
<akatik> i want to build my custom kernel. and i dislike to reflash every kernel i build to test øåþ
<ncrmnt> akatik: kernel will have to be in nand, the bootloader is shitty
<akatik> ...to test it.
<ncrmnt> I'm flashing it to nand all the time to test.
<ncrmnt> Don't worry though, bootloader does wear leveling.
<akatik> :(
<Astralix> no and no
<Astralix> 3066 can boot from mask.rom loader via serial and usb download
<Astralix> there should be an option to download code directly to DRAM via usb loader but the available windows-tools are disabled in that option
<Astralix> At least I guess they are disabled as none of them worked
<ncrmnt> Astralix: rkflashtool can read DRAM. Wonder if bootloader actually supports writing DRAM and jumping. Then we can upload kernel, atags and jump
<Astralix> yes that is what I hoped to find out but never succeeded
<ncrmnt> Lol, broadcom are wonderful people: http://govnokod.ru/14136
<Astralix> it needs either a special bootloader with additional features or a different tool
<ncrmnt> Astralix: I wonder if we could port uboot
<Astralix> it already exists and I hope they open it as GPL as it should be
<ncrmnt> Hm... For RK3188?
<Astralix> doesn't make a big difference 3188,3066 or 2928
<ncrmnt> I never saw that in official BSP (yea, I'm a cheater)
<Astralix> nope there isn't any in the bsp if you're not buying enough chips, I guess
<ncrmnt> I wonder if we can request that from rockchip.
<ncrmnt> I'll see to it this week
<Astralix> ok, I am waiting for it... I bet they ask for the number of chips you buy :)
<Astralix> Do you devel for RK3188?
<ncrmnt> I'm hacking my brand new Pipo Max M6 Pro into a debian tablet.
<Astralix> ah, ok
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<Astralix> I have some troubles at low level init of 3188
<ncrmnt> And we got the official RK3188 board at work with BSP, but not sure whether we'll do any projects on that one.
<ncrmnt> Things looks way too ugly in places
<Astralix> lol
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<Astralix> But having a tablet running ubuntu touch or something in that direction would be fine
<Astralix> make -j4
<Astralix> ups
<ncrmnt> Astralix: I'm targeted for KDE
<ncrmnt> Astralix: and debian jessie. Wonder if the thing will have enough power to run gqrx and rtl-sdr
<Astralix> I am more interested in this low level things. If it works, it is useless for me :)
<ncrmnt> Well, I'm a loong way from getting it to work. Mali and ump under X11 will be an effort
<Astralix> yes
<Astralix> no license, no documentation
<Astralix> this graphis stuff is horror in linux
<ncrmnt> There's on2 as well, never saw a line of code making this shit work under linux
<Astralix> but if we dont fight for it, microsoft will win ;)
<ncrmnt> Astralix: Microsoft is more like dead. Apple mostly rocks the place.
<ncrmnt> And google.
<Astralix> yes
<ncrmnt> I doubt WinMo will be ever that popular as WM used to be back in 2005
<ncrmnt> Btw, did you ever come across anx6345 in Rockchip tablets?
<ncrmnt> This is the stuff they use to connect retina to lcdc
<naobsd> (I want RK3188 tablet with hi-res LCD... but it's still expensive...)
<Astralix> No
<Astralix> I haven't seen an anx6345
<naobsd> (PiPO M7 seems good)
<Astralix> I do have something in my tab that prevents me from getting a picture with my self baked kernels
<ncrmnt> Same here.
<ncrmnt> I do see this anx thingie on i2c-2 at 0x39 on stock kernel
<Astralix> So far I disassembled the lcdc code from the original kernel, the lcd requires even a new mode and type
<ncrmnt> but I get a NACK on my homebrew one
<Astralix> what tab do you have?
<ncrmnt> Pipo MAX M6 Pro.
<ncrmnt> The lcd is retina. The one I've seen in stock kernel.
<Astralix> hmmm...
<ncrmnt> The same from ipad.
<Astralix> there is trouble with everything higher than 1024 with our images
<ncrmnt> So far I'm far from here. Without anx working I won't be able to get anything.
<Astralix> I have 1280x800... something like the old ipda
<Astralix> ipad
<ncrmnt> Since I have devmem enabled on stock (lol, thanks, PiPo) I plan to dump gpio registers. I guess I may be missing some power switch
<Astralix> figuring out a working 3.0.36 for my tab is next on the plan. But I need some rest from that kernel work, so I switched to port some embedded os on CortexM3 chips
<ncrmnt> CM3?
<Astralix> yep
<ncrmnt> Hm.. STM32?
<Astralix> yep
<ncrmnt> Hm... You may want to try this: http://github.com/nekromant/antares
<ncrmnt> It's mostly stable for STM32F1X, F4X are experimental.
<Astralix> I ported F10x some years agot here
<ncrmnt> I see. I don't have RTOS code in antares. yet.
<ncrmnt> Too little free time.
<Astralix> I did it for the former company I worked
<Astralix> Now again I am about to fade from atmel avr to stm32
<Astralix> but it needs to be more bare metal as I do have quite some harsh timing constraints
<ncrmnt> Heh, I do mcu stuff as a hobby. work mostly as a linux kernel dev.
<Astralix> I do it exactly the other way round... Ah not really
<Astralix> I did kernel for a commercial project and there is a chance that I again win a kernel module in one of the upcoming projects
<ncrmnt> Did you post your lcdc studies anywhere?
<Astralix> The big benefit of these stm32 chips is, even the documents are same size than the RK TRMs, they are complete
<Astralix> nope, ther is no lcdc study so far
<Astralix> and a study wouldn't make sense
<Astralix> for 3.0.36+ kernels I will hack something in that makes my interface work as ugly as it works in the original 3.0.8 disassembly
<ncrmnt> Btw, what is your lcd?
<Astralix> but for 3.12-rc or 3.13.x lcdc has to be reworked as the know interface is obsolete
<Astralix> I need to check the photos..
<ncrmnt> Hm, so you're the one pushing the rk3xx code upstream?
<Astralix> yes
<Astralix> no
<Astralix> My code didn't make it in
<Astralix> till yet
<Astralix> but I am cooperating with the one who is
<Astralix> He did upstream many things based on 3066
<ncrmnt> I see. Is there any public git repo with upstream kernels you're working with?
<Astralix> and I did on 3188
<Astralix> sure
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<Astralix> check my place at github
<Astralix> linux-rockchip is the repo aou're looking for
<Astralix> everything goes into topgit/devel
<ncrmnt> I see. what's the rk3188 status in your -devel tree?
<Astralix> It boots till console
<Astralix> and 4 cores up and running
<ncrmnt> so dt, gpio, serial port and platform stuff. No mmc and cpufreq yet?
<Astralix> yes and no
<Astralix> while on 3066 ips take over control of their corresponding GPIOs, on 3188 they dont
<ncrmnt> Thanks. Will test it and send patches if any.
<Astralix> if you start sdmmc on 3066 you can plug in a card and it is detected
<Astralix> if you plug in on 3188, nothing happens
<ncrmnt> They have some weird sdmmc hacks I've seen
<ncrmnt> didn't investigate what they do yet, but I guess things aren't that simple.
<Astralix> if you then fake card detection, the module starts and tries detection, you cannot measure any action on the GPIOs
<Astralix> It is not related to the SD/MMC
<Astralix> It is the same with VMAC and other peripherals
<ncrmnt> I see. Thanks for the info. Gotta run and get some rest. Will be teaching all day tomorrow looking at tons spaghetty code. See you around.
<Astralix> the only periphs that work instantly are USARTs and I bet this is caused by the bootloader
<Astralix> sure
<Astralix> have fun
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<naobsd> some latest changes from Rockchip(via Radxa) are pushed into rockchip-3.0
<naobsd> (not merged/rebased on wip/* branches)
<naobsd> yes
<naobsd> yet
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