leowt changed the topic of #linux-rockchip to: Rockchip development discussion | http://linux-rockchip.info | http://irclog.whitequark.org/linux-rockchip
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<mosquito520> moofree: why jxd device crappy????
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<moofree> there's always some little thing wrong with them, or at least every one of their devices i've seen
<moofree> only jxd device i have myself is a jxd s601 though- that one generates phantom button presses if you press too many buttons at once
<moofree> that was early in their development of android psp clones though
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<moofree> at least this device has real analog sticks and the d-pad isn't made of two separate halves
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<Tsvetan> pictures are enabled in linux-rockchip.info
<Tsvetan> now hipboi can upload some pictures of his board
<Tsvetan> :)
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