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<mosquito520> _trine: I dont have mk908, but maybe you can disassembly it, to check does that antanna shifting?
<mosquito520> or check connection with antanna. it's should be antanna issue
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<walter_ds> I'm working on a K-R42 with BX09 V2.1 board, and my old kernels aren't working with the new board's ethernet connection. I can get it to come up after a while, but packet loss is 50%-80%. Using the stock firmware the unit works fine. I have already compared the dmesg output and it looks like I have the PMU configured the same way as the stock kernel. Any hints? I have seen mentions that the RTL8201F chip isn't working i
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<hipboi> the linux afptool and img_maker works well on 3188
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<hipboi> should we move to linux-rockchip.org ?
<hipboi> i can donate the domain
<mnemoc> transfering the domain will cost $... wait until the renovation time
<mnemoc> but you can make it point to the same host as linux-rockchip.info, and the the current admin can change mediawiki to prefer the .org name instead of .info...
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<_trine> I see on my mk908 the default RF power is 32DBm which is far far too high does anyone know where the config is located
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<naobsd> oh I noticed power is not enough ;)
<moofree> looks pretty nice, i've considered cramming three or four similar devices into an old bay hard drive enclosure
<moofree> yeah, need what, at least 12 amps for that
<naobsd> usually board itself doesn't use 1A
<naobsd> additional USB devices may use 0.5A/port
<naobsd> recently many 2.1A AC-USB are sold for iPad
<moofree> hmm... i've never used anything less than a 2amp power supply on my rk3066 android sticks. i also threw away the power supplies that came with them
<moofree> yep, i've even got one with dual 2amp ports
<naobsd> hehe, I never trust cheap PS unit ;)
<_trine> there is no need to have the TX power set to 32DBm as it is by default on my RK908 that will only add to the amount of power the power supply will need to provide
<_trine> that equates to 1.6 watt which is ridiculous
<moofree> jeeze
<_trine> I can turn it down at CLI but I dont know where its set up or which file I can add the power command
<_trine> so at each boot its back where it was
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<walter_ds> Anyone have any ideas on getting ethernet to work properly on BX09 V2.1 boards? I tried all the kernel patches for the RTL8201f, that didn't appear to help. I'm assuming it's a change in the rk vmac driver or something I need to change in the box configuration. Does anyone have this working? I have tried with many kernel sources and they all drop 50%+ packets, but the stock firmware works fine.
<AstralixNB> What is the difference between RK3068 and 3066 SOCs?
<naobsd> walter_ds: how about just after cold start? always 50%+ drop?
<AstralixNB> Just smaller pitch and smaller case? I don't believe that rough thrown overview...
<naobsd> sorry, I don't know detail
<walter_ds> naobsd: From a cold start ethernet shows as on, but by the time I get in to settings it usually doesn't have an IP yet. busybox ifconfig eth0 shows tons of errors on the RX for the device
<walter_ds> naobsd: even if ethernet is on, the icon often takes 30+ seconds to show in the bar, and may never turn blue, even after getting an IP. Even when it does get an ip, I am unable to perform tasks other than ping tests which drop about 50-70% of the packets
<walter_ds> naobsd: I do not think it's a hardware issue, I have 5 units and they all behave the same, stock kernel works fine on them.
<naobsd> walter_ds: sorry, I have no idea :( did you try CONFIG_RK29_VMAC_EXT_CLK ?
<AstralixNB> I am a bit puzzled, is the RK VMAC equal to an RTL8201F?
<AstralixNB> Cause I was pretty sure it is a silicon image MAC clone
<walter_ds> naobsd: yep, tried that, looks to be the same result. One thing I did notice is that in the dmesg output of the working stock kernel there are additional debug messages when initializing the rk vmac like "!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!!!!!!!!!!", 2, 3, so on during the power up and init process. Like someone was trying to step through the process for debugging
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<naobsd> MAC should be ARC VMAC http://lwn.net/Articles/485196/
<naobsd> RTL8201 is PHY
<AstralixNB> Ah, ok
<walter_ds> I see options for RK29 VMAC in kernel config, but nothing about ARC VMAC - do I need to apply this patch and disable RK vmac? I'm a bit confused
<naobsd> I just explained about IP, not about fix for you
<naobsd> I think I saw such a debug message somewhere... but I couldn't find it :(
<walter_ds> I found several references on freaktab where users with recently purchased K-R42 and clones are seeing the same issue - http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?5957-K-R42-Hybrid-Firmware-(HFW)-1-1-0-by-lewy20041/page68 - "RX packets:47224 errors:4294836834 dropped:4294836784 overruns:510 frame:4294836324"
<naobsd> it looks like -1
<naobsd> signed/unsigned issue
<naobsd> 3188T?
<walter_ds> Not sure, it's supposed to be K-R42 from Geekbuying. I just found out about 3188T when going through the recent source changes in the linux-rockchip git repo.
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<naobsd> I'll update git.linux-rockchip.org later...
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<walter_ds> Thanks, I'm compiling that branch now. I had tried the radxa wip branch in the same repo after seeing a commit related to vmac fixes, but that didn't seem to change anything.
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<nighty^> I have a B351 v1.0 from TENA
<nighty^> I am looking for the UART on this
<nighty^> anyone know where it might be ?
<nighty^> on the board
<nighty^> these have no silk screen at all
<nighty^> but I have pictures of the board available
<nighty^> if anyone is interested
<nighty^> it is using an RK3188
<walter_ds> naobsd: rockchip-3.0 branch using external clock for VMAC and... it works! I still need to do testing, but this is the first kernel where it came right up and actually passed enough traffic to pull up google. Thanks!!
<naobsd> walter_ds: very nice
<naobsd> walter_ds: if you'll get problem after reboot, try this change https://github.com/linux-rockchip/rockchip-3.0/commit/16a8516659f4fb6923a20905fa39c597cad43e01
<walter_ds> naobsd: I just soft-rebooted a couple times and no issues yet, I will take a look at that commit after I run some more tests.
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<naobsd> maybe your board reset vmac when soft reset
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<naobsd> wip/ branch was rebased, it has newer changes from RK as like as rockchip-3.0 branch
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<naobsd> sleepy...
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