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<ncrmnt> Hello all, is rk3188 boot sequence documented anywhere? Like what kernel is picked first and based on what algo. So far I'm playing with my Pipo M6 Pro firmware - looks like the kernel is present in mtds kernel, boot, backup and recovery. Digging further, it appears that the one in mtd 'kernel' is never actually used.
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<arokux> hramrach: have you got radxa already?
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<hramrach> arokux: no. ENOPAYPAL
<arokux> :)
<hramrach> there's been talk about accepting btc sometime ago but nothing since
<arokux> anybody with radxa here?
<hramrach> some people here had some
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<arokux> yep
<arokux> Astralix1: for example
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<utent> im owner of a radxa board. someone know if exist a image for uSD to boot from? command line is enough, im not looking for graphical applications.
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<ncrmnt> Hello all, is rk3188 boot sequence documented anywhere? Like what kernel is picked first and based on what algo. So far I'm playing with my Pipo M6 Pro firmware - looks like the kernel is present in mtds kernel, boot, backup and recovery. Digging further, it appears that the one in mtd 'kernel' is never actually used.
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<ncrmnt> Hm, looks like AP6476 (As seen in Pipos) chip can handle FM. Just added the antenna. Does anyone know of the FM code out there in the wild?
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<mosquito520> ncrmnt: as I remember, bootloader will find the boot partition first, if boot partition does not exist kernel image, then find it in kernel partition
<mosquito520> due to OTA upgrade requirement, they will put kernel into boot partition, so if you wanna boot from kernel partition, maybe you need to erase boot partition first.
<mosquito520> but... I can't remember which document describe that behavior...:/
<ncrmnt> Hmm.. Mine looks like it has a more weird procedure. boot, then backup partition. I wiped both with rkflashtool, now it just enters UsbBoot
<ncrmnt> It also looks like backup has several copies of the kernels it will try sequentially (at least binwalk found a few of them)
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<mosquito520> utent: if you need boot from SD or uSD, it's need some tool and special boot loader for SD Boot
<utent> mosquito520, there are howto to setup my own uSD?
<ncrmnt> Does the bootloader get the partition table for kernel CMDLINE in parameters, or does it have it hardwired somewhere else as well. e.g. Like on sunxi?
<mosquito520> utent: as I mentioned before, it's need special bootloader for SD boot, and a tool that can download image into SD card,you need contact with RK if you got contact window.
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: nope, RK using a parameter to describe the partition table, and bootloader will according parameter to seeking kernel.
<utent> mmm ok, where can i find that tool?
<mosquito520> utent: I don't know does it avilable on WWW.
<ncrmnt> Thanks. Wonder if it will try 'kernel' after I ditch most of the trash.
<utent> mosquito520, so how did u do that?
<mosquito520> utent: I m not get it on WWW, and actually I haven't try it.
<utent> ok
<utent> seems we are in to earlier time to make radxa usefull
<mosquito520> hm...it's should be useful... and I m not relative with radxa:)
<ncrmnt> utent: So far teh whole RK platform looks really weird. Unless someone ports u-boot.
<utent> at the moment there are android 4.2.2 on my radxa, but to me android is a "walled carden" so i wan to move asap to linix.
<ncrmnt> I really wonder if the UsbBoot and rkflashtool take their damned FTL into account. Something tells me they do.
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: what does that "usb Boot" mean?? sorry I m not well in english:)
<ncrmnt> The bootloader mode we use to interface with rkflashtool
<ncrmnt> It reports to UART console as 'UsbBoot,98553'
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<ncrmnt> Not sure what the number stands for, though.
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: ?! that's weird, cuz I don't know it is:)
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: how do you enter that mode??
<ncrmnt> Either by erasing kernel, boot, and backup or pressing the 'recovery' button.
<mosquito520> RK SOC has 2 upgrade mode
<ncrmnt> So far I guess it is the one that does read something out of NAND. Never actually bricked the tablet to use the one that doesn't work with rkflashtool
<mosquito520> first is maskrom upgrade mode, if SOC couldn't find bootloader in each storage, it's will enter maskrom update mode automatically.
<mosquito520> the second is RKUSB loader update mode, that is normally, when SOC boot into bootloader, bootloader will check does that recovery key pressed,
<ncrmnt> So, I'm using the second one, then.
<mosquito520> if recovery key pressed, then check does thst USB_OTG connect with USB port, If it does, then SOC will enter loader upgrade mode, and wait connect by rkflashtool
<mosquito520> otherwise, if USB_OTG not connected, boot into recovery partition, for normal recovery procedure.
<ncrmnt> Thanks for explaining that part.
<mosquito520> that's ok, at least you won't bricked your radxa board or tablet, unless your NAND flash or eMMC damaged.
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<ncrmnt> Hm, looks like my bootloader never checks for 'kernel' mtd partition. Are there any flashable bootloader images out there? Or better some leaked source code.
<naobsd> kernel image in kernel partition must have proper header and crc
<naobsd> no document, but behavior was analyzed well
<ncrmnt> I use the stock kernel that was there, so it should have all the required headers. When I removed 'boot' from mtd part list, it just dropped into RKUSB mode directly without reporting any failed headers to console.
<naobsd> did you flash ramdisk image into boot?
<naobsd> oh well
<naobsd> probably I never try "removing boot partition"...
<ncrmnt> I didn't. I want to get the simplest possible configuration running: kernel with no ramdisk in 'kernel' mtd, and a rootfs partition.
<naobsd> anyway,
<naobsd> kernel in kernel partition + ramdisk in boot partition should work
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: did you try to flash a workable kernel image into kernel partition?
<ncrmnt> Yep.
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: where did you get the image?
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<naobsd> if you want to know bootloader uses kernel partition, please try kernel in kernel + ramdisk in boot
<ncrmnt> The stock firmware had it flashed there, so I used the image I backed up.
<ncrmnt> naobsd: Thanks, will try that now.
<naobsd> if you want to know bootloader load/run kernel without boot partition, probably you already got answer... it doesn't work (sorry, I'm not sure)
<mosquito520> ok~ but I havn't try to upgrade by backup image~:/
<naobsd> as mosquito520 said, bootloader try 1. kernel+ramdisk image in boot, 2. kernel in kernel + ramdisk in boot
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<mosquito520> ncrmnt: try an easy way, try to erash all, and update parameter, loader, and kernel into kernel partition only
<mosquito520> as regular procedure, it's should be boot in to kernel...
<mosquito520> If you need, I can verify this when I back to office
<ncrmnt> mosquito520: tried that the very first time - doesn't boot. Searches for kernel in boot and backup only. I'm now writing the makefile to build me my own boot.img.
<naobsd> content of backup partition may be different by devices/firmware versions, there is no strict rule for backup
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: Okay~ I'll try when I back office.
<naobsd> backup partition may be used to restore partitions when it's broken
<ncrmnt> naobsd: So far as the boot partition is bootable, e.g. containing valid data, 'backup' can be ditched. I've checked that.
<naobsd> some firmwares are configured to use backup. some others not
<mosquito520> naobsd: yep...actually...my contact window even does know that image can be backup! :D
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<mosquito520> naobsd: correction, even does not know...:p
<naobsd> well, I'm talking about 'restore' function, not 'backup' function :)
<ncrmnt> mosquito520: No wonder. their BSP is a huge mess.
<naobsd> anyway, backup partition can be omitted
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<mosquito520> hm... I mean dump or clone partition:)
<ncrmnt> Btw, what 'misc' does? Mine was filled with 0xffs
<naobsd> partitions can be dumped by rkflashtool
<naobsd> bootloader reads misc partition
<naobsd> generally misc.img in firmware update has command 'boot to recovery and wipe data/cache'
<naobsd> if misc.img is flashed into misc partition by RKxxxTool.exe or rkflashtool or something else, it goes recovery in next boot
<naobsd> w/o 'press & hold recovery key'
<naobsd> w/o 'adb reboot recovery'
<naobsd> recovery program in recovery partition erases misc partition, so next boot will be normal boot
<mosquito520> ncrmnt: RK officially flash tool is RK3188DevelopTool.zip, windows version, and it's not provide dump partition function.
<ncrmnt> Yeah, I saw that. Ugly as hell, but still can boot you via nfs.
<mosquito520> does that rkflashtool you mean is linux version with GUI interface?
<naobsd> RK official tool actually dump(read) data from partition for verification
<ncrmnt> Or at least the rare english letters said so.
<mosquito520> naobsd: ye... it will dump for verification, but not backup for me right?
<naobsd> so I can add dump function to my rkflash program(ancestor of rkflashtool)
<naobsd> mosquito520: yes, it only does verification, not backup
<naobsd> it=official tool
<mosquito520> okay... and ncrmnt, what kind rkfalshtool that you mean?
<naobsd> https://github.com/crewrktablets/rkflashtools there are some variants, this is one of them
<ncrmnt> Right now I use opensource rkflashtool with commandline interface. Got from somewhere on github, works like a charm.
<ncrmnt> I also have access to official RK3188DevelopTool from BSP, but never actually tried that in action.
<mosquito520> ye~ i know that, but my RK contact window does not know that tool, and actually, RK have linux version flash tool, but they re internal use mostly
<mosquito520> so I m doubt, does any one verify that open source tool dumped image same with we download into?
<naobsd> it's same
<naobsd> absolutely
<mosquito520> sure???? wow~
<naobsd> but it can't access bootloader area
<ncrmnt> You meen IDB?
<naobsd> (actually it can, but it's different form from .bin in firmware)
<naobsd> yes
<mosquito520> ok~
<ncrmnt> Btw, did I get right that IDB is just a chunk of the very NAND flash? If so, is it also behind the FTL layer?
<naobsd> NAND/MTD partitions we can see (parameter, misc, kernel, ...) are logical thing
<mosquito520> maybe I need check it what IDB exact mean:p
<naobsd> probably initial data block
<ncrmnt> Id Block. Says nothing about where it physically is. Althogh my bet is that it's in the 0th nand page. According to the spec it has more endurance
<ncrmnt> and guaranted not to go bad after a while
<ncrmnt> for at least 100k erases
<naobsd> there is USB command to read/write physically
<naobsd> there are
<mosquito520> hm~ I got to take a shower and sleep, if I got something, maybe share with you next time:)
<naobsd> OOB data need to be calculated and supplied from PC
<mosquito520> see ya~
<naobsd> there are erase, read, and write commands for physical layer
<naobsd> good night
<naobsd> crewrktablets rkflashtools support 'read'
<naobsd> I have some snoop logs about 'erase' and 'write'
<naobsd> but there are some unknown data :(
<ncrmnt> Thanks for the info.
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<naobsd> ncrmnt: there is no detail about bootloader implementation. some bootloader version may behave differently
<naobsd> but I never saw such a bootloader
<naobsd> behavior is basically same from RK28 generation
<ncrmnt> yeah, I got it. Wonder if it does any critical stuff and whether we can safely ditch it in favor of... Well, if not u-boot, at least Qi.
<ncrmnt> The one they used on SmartQ7. It's dumb simple, but gets the job done.
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<naobsd> if my memory is correct, kernel+ramdisk format for boot/recovery partition was introduced in RK2918 SDK2.0
<naobsd> but kernel in kernel partition is used long time after that, because there was no tool to make kernel+ramdisk image for boot/recovery for a while
<naobsd> (it's available some time ago)
<naobsd> currently there is no alternative for bootloader
<ncrmnt> That sucks. Still, If we can debrick from flashing a bad loader nothing keeps from experimenting (Unless they have signed loader)
<ncrmnt> I'll see if I can flash a 'hello world' C program to bootloader IDB and if it works.
<naobsd> it will be good if u-boot or some other open thing is available, but we can replace kernel and others with RK bootloader, we can do many things with it ;)
<naobsd> https://gist.github.com/sarg/5028505 there are some information about bootloader, you can modify it :)
<ncrmnt> Yeah, I gave that a very careful read. I'll see if I can help with that.
<naobsd> lately I'm trying to update my rkutils, but spare time is very few...
<naobsd> my radxa is sleeping for a(or more?) week ;)
<ncrmnt> Okay, useful info: never remove initrd=blah from kernel commandline - it screws bootloader, lol.
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<deviker> Hi, I succeded making two different mk908v3 and a mk908v5 work well at 1200khz and I've questions about the rk30_dvfs.c file. Maybe 1.175mv is 1.2ghz on the 3066 and 1.6ghz on the 3188.
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<deviker1> hi
<deviker1> naobsd: i've two questions about rk30_dvfs.c and rk3066 and rk3188. Maybe the frecuencies to mv tables are different on the 3188
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