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<deviker> Hi, I'm using a mk908V3 and i have flickering all the time (not only with videos). with the original kernel I've the same flickering but it dissapears if I configure the screen resolution to 720p only with the original kernel. I need some help. (It is not vsfsam or vsfphja)
<naobsd> deviker: did you try another HDMI TV/monitor?
<naobsd> I got problem on some TV
<deviker> yes I did. It doesn't work :(
<deviker> I already tried 3 monitors and 4 hdmi wires
<deviker> the power supply is 2.5A and works as expected
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<hipboi> naobsd, your cluster is nice
<naobsd> hipboi: I have to find USB-ethernet x6 to make them usable ;)
<naobsd> RK3068 is really small
<hipboi> naobsd, i am currently using a hub with 7 ports
<naobsd> I want to see RK3168 too
<hipboi> rk3168 is pin to pin with 3188
<naobsd> oh
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<naobsd> I just tried A20 SDK2.0 3.4 kernel on CB2... booted, ethernet works
<naobsd> oops, wrong channel ;)
<ganbold__> naobsd: interesting, what makes you cluster?
<ganbold__> I mean the name of this small board
<naobsd> ganbold: that board is eval board made by chipsip
<ganbold__> interesting
<naobsd> ganbold: if you want, I can offer. there are some spare boards. but no more board will be made.
<ganbold__> naobsd: is chipsip chip hdmi transceiver?
<ganbold__> naobsd: do you have spec?
<naobsd> a chip printed CHIPSIP is RAM+NAND. it's same as RK3066, HDMI is in CPU. no specific doc/source are available.
<naobsd> it's same -> RK3068 is same
<naobsd> it's really just a sample
<ganbold__> I see
<ganbold__> naobsd: what do you run on it? and you said cluster, does it do some computing?
<naobsd> it's only for demo, I have no specific project with them, but it can run any apps on Android/Linux
<naobsd> actually these are not mine. I received some spare boards and I can offer it for someone who can do something for community
<naobsd> or I can use them myself for something for myself and/or community
<naobsd> (away for a while)
<naobsd> at first I want to check all of them are fine. then, I'll try to build/run kernel from source
<naobsd> http://www.chipsip.com/computing/index.php?mode=data&id=127&top=60 this is newer generation includes RK3168
<ganbold__> I see
<naobsd> basically it's same as cheap RK3066 HDMI sticks
<ganbold__> how much was their eval board?
<naobsd> not sure, but probably it was higher than $100
<ganbold__> seems expensive
<naobsd> it's not for eval board for board product
<naobsd> it's for eval board for chipsip's chip
<naobsd> you can design/make your own board with chipsip's chip
<ganbold__> I see
<naobsd> anyway, there are some working sample boards which will not be used anymore, I can use/offer them freely
<naobsd> w/o any support :)
<ganbold__> :) I will think about it
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<mosquito520> Astralix1: RK3068 is pin to pin with RK2928, it's different with RK3066
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<Astralix1> Thank you mosquito520
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<mosquito520> Astralix1: Sorry~ I found that I'm confussing...Orz
<mosquito520> RK3068 is same with RK3066
<mosquito520> Same Die, But different Package
<mosquito520> so some Pin out and some function is different with RK3066
<moofree> you're almost right, iirc the rk3168 is the rk2928 pin-compatible one
<moofree> has a powervr gpu instead of mali, or something
<mosquito520> and the chip pin to pin with RK2928 is RK3028
<mosquito520> moofree: Nope, it should be 3028, not RK3168
<moofree> ok
<mosquito520> RK3168 is pin to pin with RK3188
<moofree> yeah googled it and found i was wrong :P
<mosquito520> it's too much so that I'm misunderstanding...:p
<mosquito520> and it will be more complex next year...:p
<moofree> yeah, rockchip's 2014 plan looks pretty solid
<moofree> i'm kinda thinking of buying a mediatek phone next year ;)
<mosquito520> moofree: where did you check the new roadmap?? can you share with me?
<mosquito520> The MTK phone? it's nice choice, right cost with right performance
<moofree> hopefully their 2014 roadmap will include a radio that does hspa+ on the right channels
<mosquito520> actually, I bought a MT6577 phone just about 100USD in Taiwan:D
<moofree> i can't really consider them right now cause most of those phones will only get edge lol
<moofree> nice
<mosquito520> ? you mean MTK? Rockchip?
<moofree> mtk6589
<moofree> yeah the onboard radios don't support at&t's frequencies, except for old skool gsm/edge
<mosquito520> MT6577 and MT6589 has HSDPA support already
<moofree> i haven't been able to find one with 850+1900
<mosquito520> hm? just hold on second...
<arokux2> mosquito520: do you know what IPs are used by mtk6589?
<arokux2> mosquito520: I wonder if it is possible to program the base band hardware, something people done for these phones here: http://bb.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/Hardware/Phones
<moofree> yeah, that xda-developers thread has such an updated baseband
<arokux2> you are kidding!
<moofree> i might buy one now and get rid of the nexus
<moofree> if i can find one with the prerequisite baseband version
<moofree> can you simply check the various frequencies on and off? :P
<mosquito520> My phone does support 900MHz, I think it should be depend on manufactory configuration
<arokux2> are you sure they are able to change the behavior of the baseband processor and not just to communicate with it through serial?
<mosquito520> arokux2: sorry I don't know about that...cuz I'm not working relative with MTK...:P
<arokux2> my message was addressed to moofree
<mosquito520> moofree: BTW...That spec has some little change as I memory, and Rockchip roadmap will be more complex in 2014..:)
<mosquito520> arokux2: oh, got it:)
<moofree> yeah i don't know how much control they have over the baseband
<moofree> you're replacing the modem.img file under system, so it's definitely something that gets loaded each boot, i guess
<moofree> not the baseband firmware per se
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<nots> Hi,
<nots> I'm looking for a way to build last linux kernel to work with rk2928 soc
<nots> looking for sources and tutorials
<nots> if anyone can help :)
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