krainboltgreene: I only know about node-inspector / blink; when did this happen?
Critical Thinking
6:42 PM — glowcoil hmmmmms really hard
ec^: at "intelligence (an absolute judgment)" :p
yes, hence ?????
typing one handed with a huge patty melt lol
thealphanerd: lol'ing
ec^: So there's devtools, mancy, node-inspector, bode-inspector, node devtools, and like 2 others.
you can also used node's built in inspector
krainboltgreene: lol'ing more
It's pretty redic.
ec^: as in intelligence is no more an absolute judgment than competence
* ec^
hmmms vaguely hard
so, ignoring the word, because I can't think of a better one, do you agree that:
1. there exists a group of people with a deficit / disability,
2. making value-judgements by comparisons to sweeping groups of people is usually bad, and more specifically, is *oppressive* when done casually against a disadvantaged group,
3. there is such a value-judgement at play in the use of the word ‘dumb’,
and 4. thus using such a word as a value-judgement against (competence, intelligence, whatever you want to call it) is therefore oppressive against mentally-disabled folk?
oh i fully agree with all of those
(genuine questions, not meant as debatey as they sound. Ableism is *far and away* the most difficult issue for me to conquer internally, so it's very, very difficult for me to try and think these things through logically.)
yeah it was more of a nit pick i suppose
you just said "intelligence (an absolute judgment) vs competence (a value-judgment)" and i was just pointing out that any possible measurement of intelligence is exactly as subjective a value-judgment
some article i was reading about children on the street selling fruit in a stand, who could calculate change/dollar+cent amounts incredibly quickly but would obviously not be able to answer arithmetic questions on a written test
also just like, the way that what a society happens to value at a given time+place is considered intelligent, or competent, or normal, and can be like inverted in different times/places
but yea just nitpicking i believe we agree in spirit
I'm tempted to pay like, $50 just to see if upgrading the dyno+pg instance would decrease network costs.
for some reason cmd-tab has stopped working
glowcoil: that's something that needs persistent and intensive practice. it's very math-y in that way.
there's absolutely no shortcuts, because there's really nothing your brain can learn ... it's all your fingers learning without you while you're not paying any attention.
* whitequark
glares at ec^
ugh want to learn Rust ugh
whitequark: what!
I didn't even say anything to you this time!
should I, like, privitize all the Paws repositories and speak about it exclusively in #ELLIOTTCABLES_SECRET_PAWS_SIDECHANNEL? :P
it wasn't about paws
I thought your piano learning analogy was simultaneously monstrous and not nearly as inaccurate as it sounds
i.e. you were right but for all the wrong reasons
which is why i just went ジー
ec^: so basically, fun neurobiology fact. what people call "fine motor skills" is basically when your brain takes a front seat to driving your fingers. this only really works when you have direct visual contact with whatever the fuck you're doing
9:26 PM <+whitequark> i.e. you were right but for all the wrong reasons
I lol'd
when you do not have said direct visual contact, the actual movements are encoded in neurons in the cerebellum and spinal cord
I'm very aware that there are not tiny brains in my fingers, whitequark
lord I hope that's obvious
no, I didn't think about that
like I know your opinion of me is suitably low in some ways, but if it's *that* low, :P
anyway, the most fun part of that is that for some actions, there are specific designated neurons that are the same in most humans
like for walking
9:29 PM <+whitequark> the actual movements are encoded in neurons in the cerebellum and spinal cord
walking is controlled by something like
eight neurons
that are assembled in a circuit not unlike a two-transistor multivibrator
ec^: more fun facts: there are some animals, such as octopi and sea-stars, that *do* have tiny brains in their fingers
sea stars have *more* brain in their rays than in the central part of their body
which doesn't really have a lot of neurons for that matter
yah that I knew
octopi do have a proper central nervous system, but by no means it directly controls all the suckers
i think the part about walking is my favorite, lemme dig up a diagram
there's even some software you can use to simulate those, but the models are embarrassingly crude and the software is so fucking awful I wasn't able to run it at all
is this distinct from the whole spinal-reflex thing?
i.e. you're not just talking about neuronal reflexes in, idk, the equivalent of multiple spinal cords for each limb? there's more to it than that?
with octopi? as far as I'm aware they can independently learn and make decisions
* glowcoil
is trying to use KiCad and having a very bad time
glowcoil: use EAGLE
like... I want to use KiCad because FOSS and everything
but I hate it
so I use EAGLE
whitequark: thanks, i will in the future, but I'm required for this class :p
yeah this is kind of miserable
open office/gimp type shit
uhm, well, not really
EAGLE is shit too
it's just shit in ways that many, me included, find easier to cope with
haha ok
KiCad became much better since CERN poured a shitton of money into it, too
but they still have lots of papercuts and stupid UI choices
see, crap like this is why I'm spearheading maintenance of a 3d CAD myself :p
the original dev almost entirely quit so I'm overtaking this now. we (http://m-labs.hk) have a person working on it full-time
basically, it's a parametric 3d CAD, which was written with lots of attention to detail
the constraint solver is *excellent*
the NURBS backend is kinda meh, especially on revolved surfaces
but it's way better already than anything non-parametric, and it's way better than FreeCAD, whose UI was made by a series of fair dice rolls
i wish i were doing more engineering type stuff in school
i'm only in this class because it's 1/2 cs students 1/2 ee students
so like, it handles conversion for you, but knowing the exact temperature is not actually useful
because it won't be the temp of your h-bridge anyway
ec^: ok listen no offense to everyone in this room but I don't /want/ to talk to the people in this room I barely know any of these people there's like 30 people listed and I'm not dealing with group social anxiety so I can chat with someone local; I have ISSUES with chat rooms I have ISSUES with forced social situations and it's really frustrating that you
refuse to chat with me any other way
that's no offense lollll
ec^: I actually kinda like facebro messenger
jfhbrook: tell me l8ter
glowcoil: I would also consider an h-bridge driver with integrated thermal shutdown
because it's one more thing you don't have to design
LucIenn: I'm, er, sorry? I'm ... really bad at maintaining one-on-one friendships. Like, most of my friendships have died since starting school. Also, I didn't realize I was your only local chat-person.
whitequark: good to know for when i am not bound by assignment requirements :p
glowcoil: well I would personally also rant about that assignment to whoever assigned it, because it's stupid
in addition to turning in what they want
ec^: idk what you did to your privmsgs but it won't let me reply to you dude
LucIenn: oh, you're not registered? goddamit
LucIenn: future reference if you continue to IRC, `/msg NickServ register`, but fixed
9:59 PM <+whitequark> glowcoil: well I would personally also rant about that assignment to whoever assigned it, because it's stupid
literally the one thing that school teaches you; don't bother conflicting with authority
ec^: well fuck that
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
i will gladly conflict with any authority that gives away stupid assignments
in school or outside of school
served me pretty well so far.
Wraithan has joined #elliottcable
You know I just read the message about being a miserable pianist and just wanted to say muscle memory. It's more of a kinesthetic learning process from what I get of it.
whitequark: didn't you drop *out* of school? :P
ec^: i dropped out of school because i suck at math
pqlyr: you're Marcy's husband, right?
Math takes more overall understanding before practice becomes effective imho
The (i assume) korean in the topic is doing funny thing to PuTTY
o7 Wraithan
Wraithan: welcome to my terrible PLT/SJW/BBQ channel
I like all three of those things
fucking h bridge has literally 20 pins
has so many pin
-learn micah's problem= 10:10 PM <+glowcoil> eveyrthing. has so many pin
ec^: Learned `micah's problem`.
-learn micah's problem= <+glowcoil> eveyrthing. has so many pin
ec^: Learned `micah's problem`.
i didn't know that ARM just stands for
advanced risc machines
most of my PLT learning efforts have been centered on reading Types and Programming and toying with ideas that come out of that
A bird of a kind that builds many nests together
could be where social comes from
TIL about republican birds
10:17 PM <Wraithan> TIL about republican birds
Wraithan: man, where the *fuck* do I know your nick from
Wraithan: any old IRC haunts from the last decade that we may have shared? You're definitely new to me on Twitter, but I swear I know your nick.
or big projects you've been responsible for / maintained?
I've hung out on freenode for like 10+ years
I used to be the maintainer of ReadTheDcos
I maintain node-newrelc
Can't type worth a damn tonight evidently
hm. maybe RTD was it?
K I'm out for a bit
Spent years in the Django community before I went to node
was a mozillian back then too
somebody go write me a plain-text / ASCII-art / Unicode-art ‘typesetter’ for UniMATH
Rurik has joined #elliottcable
yo ljharb
you're an op in #Node.js
can i abuse you for a sec
pikajude: what up?
ljharb: i got responses in the channel, thanks
you're in for some fun if you want to watch
ah np
i am now against mocking
mocking sucks
the only things you should ever mock are super lowest level APIs for i/o
and even then you should do it sparingly
i've been bitten one (read: 73) too many times
you might say… you've been mocked
( •_•)>⌐■-■
( •_•)>⌐■-■
( •_•)
<devyn> nerrrrrrrrrrl
<joelteon> I say parser in a relative sense
<gqbrielle> devyn: what.
Jehovah's Witnesses of diet and exercise
but why
<nuck> Why are we singing Thrift Shop
<gqbrielle> devyn: what.
<micahjohnston> I'm about to code all of Paws in an hour
<alexgordon> CRYSTAL DICKS
sounds heavy
Sorella has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<elliottcable> go burn orphanages for half an hour
<prophile> if there's one thing women want it's to be lit on fire
pearl of wisdom, alynn
11:17 PM <+pikajude> can i abuse you for a sec
11:28 PM <+ljharb> lol
11:28 PM <@purr> lolslow
1-in-10 chance purr's actually become sentient, but only about lol ...
<Nuck> I love the feeling of blood on my dick
what is it about dicks
LucIenn has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
-find feeling
ec^: Found: i know that feeling and does the mozart distribution model give programmers a warm, fuzzy feeling when writing distributed applications?
-does the mozart distribution model give programmers a warm, fuzzy feeling when writing distributed applications?
ec^: In short, yes it does.
-factoid does the mozart distribution model give programmers a warm, fuzzy feeling when writing distributed applications?
ec^: Popularity: 1, last changed by: ELLIOTTCABLE, 616ſ 518mſ ago
... huh. I have no idea what that is, so.
glowcoil: Found: bot, nuck, clouds, !, and test
glowcoil: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
glowcoil: is no longer stuck up in the clouds.
glowcoil: is no longer stuck up in the clouds.
glowcoil: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
whitequark: ikr!!
whitequark: Error: Failure while printing test status.
whitequark: shut up nuck you are a nuck
-nuck @ purr
purr: shut up nuck you are a nuck
* purr
-find purr
glowcoil: he purrs. he's a purr. that's what he does.
whitequark: Found: java, node, katlogic, go on, and fistbump
whitequark: a good sandwich
whitequark: http://d.pr/i/sPKf -> The key to a good relationship is knowing when the fucking you are getting is worth the fucking you are getting.
-go on
whitequark: *sips from tumbler* Do go on, good sir, …
-find fuck
whitequark: Found: mix, wat, sex, fuck you, and bye
whitequark: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
whitequark: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
whitequark: I'm a fuckin' dude. Cock, balls, tit—er, pecs. Whole nine yards.
whitequark: when the channel was named ##Paws ... some weird shit would happen once in a while
* alexgordon
is in hysterics
slash weekly
21:45 < sephr> elliottcable: list your private keys
21:46 < sephr> also your google account password
ec^: pun intended?
glowcoil: ahhah having a good time?
my kingdom for a tub of ranch dip
i should take those drugs
-paws people
glowcoil: (n. pl.) pawsgnosticators
glowcoil: A juxtaposition handler execution in the Paws programming language.
holy shit
is that a 100% earnest factoid
*that* has to be old as *fuck*
-find execution
glowcoil: Found: stack and jux
-factoid jux
glowcoil: Popularity: 1, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
glowcoil: what is an execution, if it is also a list? ⁓
-find list
glowcoil: Found: stack, list of 3-tuples, opera, and geek
-list of 3-tuples
glowcoil: uggglgyyyyy grosssssss
ec^: 16 820 ſ 305 497
whitequark: O-wha-huh? 'opera' is not recognized. See !commands for a list of commands.
whitequark: “I'm not sure what the exact definition of geek is, but I think "enjoys recharging batteries" has to be very high on that list.” http://ell.io/csVl
glowcoil: O-wha-huh? 'opera' is not recognized. See !commands for a list of commands.
glowcoil: “I'm not sure what the exact definition of geek is, but I think "enjoys recharging batteries" has to be very high on that list.” http://ell.io/csVl
ec^: Found: alexgordon, mix, abstractsingletonproxyfactorybean, sex, and memory?
-find y
ec^: Found: nuck, clouds, best word, i love this bot, and nope
whitequark: khaleesi arrows
-best word
Left foot on red!
Right foot on green!
Right foot on blue!
glowcoil: doesn't love anything :(
Right foot on blue!
glowcoil: doesn't hate anything :)
Right hand on green!
glowcoil: is loved by no one :(
-wholoves elliottcable
glowcoil: elliottcable is loved by devyn, devyn, alexgordon, locks, micahjohnston, IamTash, incomprehensibly, gqbe, mix, vil, little_boys, brr, whitequark, ugly_people, jessicard, cuttle, nexxy, gq, and gq.
-wholoves micahjohnston
and my favourite,
glowcoil: micahjohnston is loved by devyn, alexgordon, locks, elliottcable, gqbrielle, darkf, incomprehensibly, micomprehensibly, mix, remy, vil, hansolo, and gqbe_fabu.
Let's play a game. It works like this:
ec^: DRINK!
purr: NO!
I fear the book of paws is forever lost
-find of paws
ec^: Could not find `of paws`.
-wholoves gq
whitequark: gq is loved by devyn, alexgordon, whitequark, ELLIOTTCABLE, and nuck.
-find of
ec^: Found: elliottcable, source, languages, perspective, and laws
whitequark: <+alexgordon> rewriting this haskell code in PHP <+alexgordon> I must be violating some kind of law of nature
ec^: ‘What languages should you learn?’ The answer: more of them! Try `-object-oriented`, `-functional`, and `-low-level` for some suggestions. (If you really want to stretch your mind, try `-paradigms` <3)
ec^: You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, "Look at that, you son of a bitch."
glowcoil: Found: mix, wat, fuck you, bye, and what the fucking fuck
glowcoil: shut up you fuckers i'm awesome and like elliott but better 'cos tits
-aesthetic micah typing too quickly and typoing but not caring and just typing it again because he is a very earnest boy
<alexgordon> fuck C++ up the comma operator
-factoid what
ec^: Error: Factoid not found.
-find shit
glowcoil: Found: kerning, flesh, botsnack with salt, holowaychuk, and wtf is this shit
-learn what = how has nobody done this yet
ec^: Learned `what`.
glowcoil: “Kerning is when the font is HAVING A FUCKING UGLY SHIT KERNING! its only acquired by using some random backward browser from 1993 on a … nintendo ds or whatever... never saw such a crap in my life before but i can taell u it sucks! DOWNVOTE!”
-learn what = how did this take six years
ec^: Learned `what`.
my rating of your -what colection's quality: 2/10
ec^: lmao did you never call him "holowaycuck"
you need to be more selective
-botsnack with salt
whitequark: Oooh, what's this? A botsnack? Thanks! *nom nom nom* Holy shit, it has salt on it! *purr is now high on salt.*
ec^: because
alexgordon: night everyone!
is that a ... feature?
<devyn> I am so wat right now
alexgordon: Oh... WOW! Really?! Salt?! Thanks! OMG! I can't believe you gave me salt! You are the kindest person ever!
ec^: your standards are so low that I can only imagine you're adding <eligrey> my rating of your -what colection's quality: 2/10 to the what list
glowcoil: Nuck will flesh you to shit, bitch.
eligrey: I mean, you'd see if I added it
eligrey: I don't curate it, the channels do
ec^: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
glowcoil: “Kerning is when the font is HAVING A FUCKING UGLY SHIT KERNING! its only acquired by using some random backward browser from 1993 on a … nintendo ds or whatever... never saw such a crap in my life before but i can taell u it sucks! DOWNVOTE!”
ec^: how do i add to the list?
-find jeannicolas
alexgordon: bewbs
-white goo
eligrey: they're weird
eligrey: it detects non-sequitur responses: basically, people going ‘wtf’ at other people's messages
ah ok
pikajude: Oh... WOW! Really?! Salt?! Thanks! OMG! I can't believe you gave me salt! You are the kindest person ever!
iirc, wat/what/wut/whut/wtf.
glowcoil: try -stop, you fucking australian
-find white goo
eligrey: they're weird
glowcoil: lol
-find strema
eligrey: Found: fingernails
eligrey: dreeping down my strema
i'll never forget that night
glowcoil: sephr isn't a country and if he was a country his name isn't anguilla
-find sephr
glowcoil: sephr isn't a country and if he was a country his name isn't anguilla
-find eli
eligrey: Found: salt, i know that feeling, testest, wpm, and hipsters
-find alexgordon
alexgordon: Could not find `khaleesi`.
-find penis
glowcoil: Found: back and i know that feeling
whitequark: ##Hat¦TheLifelessOne: I type at "holy fuck I make a lot of errors"
glowcoil: Welcome back! Here, have some welcome-back penises. [cw: the obvious] http://youtu.be/JiGzZjRBTvc
like, so many of these make absolutely no sense
-and i know that feeling
-i know that feeling
glowcoil: I know where you are right now, man. Don’t despair! There’s always penis.
-find seph
eligrey: Found: sephr, leaving, ask sephr, and -letter people who frequent this channel
-ask sephr
eligrey: < sephr> do whatever plan9 did
-4-letter people who frequent this channel
"Born and raised in Montreal,Canada. I come from a musical family which is the reason I've been playing from the age of 2. My first lesson came at Vanier College were I now attend in the music program. I statrted out in the church and now I'm playing for anyone who is welcome to have me play. I have a group called 2nd Chances and we are a gospel group that is trying to mix any styles that we can get our hands
on. Be sure to look for us in the years to come."
i don't even remember who remy is honestly
did I miss a sephr/gq explosion at some point?
alexgordon: is that micah johnston
wait how do i hate/love things
oh that
</3 Ronald Jenkees
ec^: <+micahjohnston> rms is a <snip> who eats his feet and never makes anything
--Ronald Jenkees
you're ignoring the dickery
i don't love ronald jenkees anymore i need to fix this
you already did
-hates eligrey
ec^: eligrey hates and test.
now you hate him
oh it doesn't pm you
Let it be known that eligrey is indifferent to test.
glowcoil: When elliottcable says “I lied,” it usually means he fucked up. #secret
glowcoil: < SphereCat1> I can totally do math
glowcoil: ‘What languages should you learn?’ The answer: more of them! Try `-object-oriented`, `-functional`, and `-low-level` for some suggestions. (If you really want to stretch your mind, try `-paradigms` <3)
I miss vil
glowcoil: Ruby <https://ruby-lang.org> is an excellent first language (and, for that matter, excellent all-around.) JavaScript is a heavyweight in the modern world, allows you to control browsers, and is especially excellent when paired with Node.js <http://nodejs.org>. Lua <http://lua.org> and Python are other popular options.
glowcoil: “Some believe that traditional Lisp s-expression notation descended from the gods, and thus cannot be improved on. We think that's nonsense.” <http://sourceforge.net/p/readable/wiki/Retort/>
ec^: “Some believe that traditional Lisp s-expression notation descended from the gods, and thus cannot be improved on. We think that's nonsense.” <http://sourceforge.net/p/readable/wiki/Retort/>
-find lies
eligrey: Could not find `lies`.
* alexgordon
right now: ⃝__⃝
-find ruby
glowcoil: Found: no it isn’t, mods, and object-oriented
alexgordon: what happened?
glowcoil: Run the following to install Minecraft Forge, and the mods necessary to play on our Minecraft server: `ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL http://ell.io/mods/install)"`
-no it isn't
-find fuck
eligrey: Found: mix, wat, fuck you, bye, and i lied
ec^: ... if you had any sense, you wouldn't have asked.
who the fuck is *that*
-find listening
eligrey: Could not find `listening`.
-find music
eligrey: Found: suspense!
I dare not click any of these
-find rent
ec^: Found: mumble, memory?!, working, elliottcablestatus, and moderated
wow, there's five responses for rent!?
alexgordon: This channel is currently moderated. Only operators (+o) can hear what you say, unless you've been voiced (+v). You may ask to be voiced, if you wish. (This probably means we're -working. ;)
-find lockdown
eligrey: Could not find `lockdown`.
ec^: The channel is currently focused on a task. Please, for once, stay on-topic; at least until the project at hand is complete.
-find emergency
eligrey: Could not find `emergency`.
-find help
eligrey: You're beyond help.
ok guys, girls and bots. gotta sleep
-find slee
ec^: Found: nosleep, sleep, and liar
-night @ alexgordon
alexgordon: At night, the ice weasels come.
glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
ec^: a russfrank is a russfrank because circular logic works because circular logic works because the first rule of the tautology club is the first rule of the tautology club.
ec^: fuck this circlejerk!
eligrey: We're currently voice-chatting, hence may be untalkative in IRC. Join us: mumble://ell.io/ (Download: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ … you may have to self-register in the client, and then re-log, before you can speak.)
eligrey: what do you mean too late
laughed out loud, miiiiight have shit myself
eligrey: i'm 8 eps back i think
-find irc
ec^: Found: mumble, weblogs, -_-, russfrank, and circlejerk
-find anime
glowcoil: Could not find `anime`.
-find derp
ec^: sephr isn't a country and if he was a country his name isn't anguilla
-find lily
ec^: Could not find `lily`.
-find crust
glowcoil: Could not find `crust`.
-find max
ec^: Found: nicecup
-find gold
glowcoil: Found: beltbuckle and google
-learn mumble=We're currently voice-chatting, hence may be untalkative in IRC. Join us: mumble://eligrey.com/ (backup: mumble://ell.io/, download: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ … you may have to self-register in the client, and then re-log, before you can speak.)
ec^: also, honestly nobody uses your mumble any more
and people are on mine every day
eligrey: afaik it's not even up
its up
-white goo
glowcoil: they're weird
-white goo @ ec^
ec^: they're weird
whaaaat, really?
I have a mumble server wtf
glowcoil: night everyone!
-find sleep
glowcoil: night everyone!
-find salvation
eligrey: Could not find `salvation`.
-find fucking piss cock god hell
glowcoil: Could not find `fucking piss cock god hell`.
-learn mumble = 1:54 AM <+ec^> I have a mumble server wtf
ec^: Learned `mumble`.
-find find
ec^: No.
-find fin
ec^: there was already a mumble
ec^: Found: fingernails, alexgordon, find, australia, and sqlite
ec^: with the address of your mumble server that you just overwrote
-learn salvation=Salvation is attainable by those who donate to eligrey.
eligrey: Learned `salvation`.
glowcoil: 1:54 AM <+ec^> I have a mumble server wtf
jesus chrsit the baby capitalists in this channel
ec^: “Damn, I broke sqlite. Someone call an ambulance. And find my pants.”
hey i gotta make a living
-find ja
ja: <+ljharb> what is ja
-find money
eligrey: Found: google
so what we've learned: there's a small cluster of interrelated factoids that get called often
-find google
eligrey: ‘edible glitter in poop’ → “If you’re looking to add a little bling to your bowel movements, save up $425 of your hard-earned money and buy a gold pill. It’s a capsule coated in 24k gold and filled with tiny flecks of actual gold, which your body can’t digest.”
-find wat
ja: what the ever loving fuck are you saying
and then a huge cloud of tertiary ones that never get called or noticed because they're hard to find
-find wut
ec^: Could not find `wut`.
how do i see who updated a factoid last?
-find baby
ec^: Found: fuck it baby food
-fuck it baby food
ec^: is beb foud
i need to know who made that google factoid
-factoid fuck it baby food
ec^: Popularity: 5, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
eligrey: Found: etherpadjs, paradigms, object-oriented, javascript, and inheritance
eligrey: JavaScript does not really have "inheritance" like classical languages. What it has is more properly called "property delegation" or "behavior delegation" http://davidwalsh.name/javascript-objects - ie `foo.bar(baz)` when `!foo.hasOwnProperty('bar')` is essentially doing `Object.getPrototypeOf(foo).bar.call(foo, baz)`
wtf i didn't expect actual facts
seriously warning first pls
eligrey: that's ok because they're about javascript
ec^: Found: alexgordon, halp, and gothalice
Let it be known that eligrey hates .
glowcoil: < pikajude> gothalice is the one that would find a way to bring any conversation to the topic of some amazing thing she built in python last year
-find hate
eligrey: A strong emotion of regard, of the kind humans sometimes express toward one another and computational knowledge engines express toward the internet.
ec^: A strong emotion of regard, of the kind humans sometimes express toward one another and computational knowledge engines express toward the internet.
-factoid hate
ec^: Popularity: 8, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
-factoid love
ec^: Alias: hate
only in this channel would love -> hate, but hate be defined as love
-factoid sephr
eligrey: Popularity: 14, last changed by: ELLIOTTCABLE, 650ſ 542mſ ago
-factoid eligrey
eligrey: Popularity: 2, last changed by: eligrey, 951ſ 478mſ ago
!!! 951ſ
* purr
scolds ec^ and puts them in a time out.
so many features
when can i boot into purr OS?
nobody knows what this bot does
ec^: diaptoval, diaptoval forever
-diaptoval forever
oh nvm
turns out purr's been fully sentient for ages
i thought that was a find
* purr
scolds glowcoil and puts them in a time out.
whitequark: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
glowcoil: HELLO
-find aliens
eligrey: Could not find `aliens`.
-find hello
glowcoil: Found: hi
-find hi
glowcoil: HELLO
purr: then what use are you
-find hal
ec^: Found: alexgordon, halp, and gothalice
somehow that key sequence ended up minimizing my browser and then opening my porn
-hates whitequark
whitequark: whitequark hates semicolonless javascript, javascript, any kind of javascript, having to maintain his own LLVM tree, did I say I fucking hate javascript, JITs, and joelteon.
++notebooks with QHD OLED screens
Let it be known that eligrey loves notebooks with QHD OLED screens.
-hates eligrey
eligrey: eligrey hates .
fuck javascript
hm i dont get the hates thing
does it have to be after?
my neighbours must really hate me a lot
I'm squeaking like a child
notebooks with full-HD screens--
-find squeaking
glowcoil: Could not find `squeaking`.
-find ++
glowcoil: Could not find `++`.
find --
Let it be known that glowcoil hates find.
--notebooks with QHD OLED screens
ec^: speaking of which did you see dell's new OLED monitor?
glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
i'm drooling
glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
it's $5k though
-find ಠ_ಠ
glowcoil: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
it's <3 or ಠ_ಠ
-factoid -_-
glowcoil: Popularity: 8, last changed by: eboy, 1kſ 487ſ 462mſ ago
i know you won't be able to resist buying that
ec^: “Some Boost libraries encourage coding practices which can hamper readability, such as metaprogramming and other advanced template techniques, and an excessively "functional" style of programming.”
-find hardware
ec^: Found: paradigms
if you've ever looked at a galaxy s6 screen
-factoid readability
whitequark: Popularity: 2, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
whitequark: l.mn. sepulki, odgrywający doniosłą rolę element cywilizacji Ardrytów (ob.) z planety Enteropii (ob.). Ob. sepulkaria.
-find perspective
eligrey: You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, "Look at that, you son of a bitch."
ec^: Add a hilight to your client for the string ‘%everyone’. It's used in this channel to alert you when an interesting discussion is going on.
-learn ruby = a very bad sandwich
whitequark: Learned `ruby`.
-find .y
ec^: Found: i can do without the sarcasm, scream, cannot, damnit, and lolol
ec^: um or you could just do /notice #elliottcable
eligrey: < pikajude> gothalice is the one that would find a way to bring any conversation to the topic of some amazing thing she built in python last year
-learn delicious = some decrepit website
whitequark: Learned `delicious`.
i used to use that
-find pin
ec^: Found: fingernails, and there were the, ping, ebonics, and ping
ec^: I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.
ec^: pong
-and there were the
whitequark: robot addentnas helping
whitequark: <+elliottcable> oh my god there need to be ebonics tlds <+elliottcable> bitch.izzle <+elliottcable> theupintheh.izzle
-learn ping ::1 = Good on you
eligrey: Learned `ping ::1`.
-find authority
whitequark: Could not find `authority`.
-learn ping6 ::1 = Better on you
ec^: Learned `ping6 ::1`.
stop using ipv4 its ugly
-find communism
whitequark: Could not find `communism`.
not because of address exhaustion
just aesthetics
eligrey: ipv6 is ugly too
::1 is nice
the protocol itself is quite hard to parse
because of variable-length headers
the rest of the addresses aren't really for typing
i think i still remember my first ipv6 address
hm, this is interesting
-learn ma = doko
ec^: Learned `ma`.
whitequark: not happening
-find domo
eligrey: Could not find `domo`.
glowcoil_ is now known as gqgsjdf
whitequark: doko
-find anime
eligrey: Could not find `anime`.
-find japan
eligrey: Could not find `japan`.
-find kawaii
eligrey: Could not find `kawaii`.
-find united states
whitequark: Could not find `united states`.
-find earth
ec^: Could not find `earth`.
gqgsjdf has left #elliottcable ["AIO_ALLDONE"]
well get on it, people
-find MH370
eligrey: Could not find `MH370`.
-learn MH370=Could not find `MH370`.
eligrey: Learned `MH370`.
-learn we killed glowcoil = 2:24 AM glowcoil_ → gqgsjdf / 2:24 AM ← gqgsjdf left (~glowcoil@ "AIO_ALLDONE"
ec^: Learned `we killed glowcoil`.
-find could not find
ec^: Found: alexgordon, elliott's dick, memories, and mh370
eligrey: dark.
ec^: Could not find `khaleesi`.
-elliot's dick
-we killed glowcoil
glowcoil: 2:24 AM glowcoil_ → gqgsjdf / 2:24 AM ← gqgsjdf left (~glowcoil@ "AIO_ALLDONE"
-elliot’s dick
-elliott's dick
ec^: Could not find `elliott's dick`.
glowcoil: Could not find `MH370`.
ec^: Could not find `memories`.
-find hbo
eligrey: Could not find `hbo`.
-find netflix
eligrey: Could not find `netflix`.
-learn MH370 = Could not find `memories`.
ec^: Learned `MH370`.
-learn memories = Could not find `elliott's dick`.
ec^: Learned `memories`.
-learn elliott's = Could not find `alexgordon`.
ec^: Learned `elliott's`.
-learn khaleesi = Could not find `MH370`.
ec^: Learned `khaleesi`.
-find tv
ec^: Found: back, serious, and what's going on
ec^: < darkf> im not math you should know that
-find math
ec^: < SphereCat1> I can totally do math
-find mat
ec^: Found: etherpadjs, math, binaryxml, user factoids, and is darkf math?
ec^: The binary XML protocol. Allows the sending of binary information in valid XML. Example: <binary><byte width="8"><zero/><one/><one/><zero/><one/><zero/><zero/><one/></byte></binary>
-hates eligrey
eligrey: eligrey hates .
whitequark: *falling over*
eligrey: <3 is binary; ++/-- is graduated
ಠ_ಠ you
Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you.
ಠ_ಠ you
Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you.
ಠ_ಠ you
Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you.
ಠ_ಠ you
Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of you.
ಠ_ಠ YOU
Let it be known that eligrey disapproves of YOU.
ec^: Popularity: 2, last changed by: elliottcable, 1kſ 509ſ 128mſ ago
gj, earlier elliott
glowcoil: (It's the bit after the |.)
holy *shit*, 1.5kſ
wonder what the oldest factoid is
-find old
-find oldest factoid
ec^: Found: beltbuckle, classy, google, jesus, and calm down
glowcoil: Could not find `oldest factoid`.
-find SwooshyCueb
eligrey: Found: hair
eligrey: <ec> SwooshyCueb: I've never plucked hair in my life
ec^: elliottcable is holding martini glasses. For you. <http://ell.io/nmnC>
glowcoil: <ec> SwooshyCueb: I've never plucked hair in my life
-factoid classy
glowcoil: Popularity: 8, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
i want to talk to SwooshyCueb more on your mumble
omg classy omg
perfect nic cage impersonater
his voice is so soothing and lovely
I love swoosh so much
vivian and swoosh and i == the perfect triad
-сфдь вщцт
-calm down
whitequark: elliottcable hates being told to calm down. If you tell him to calm down when he’s already calm, you’re very likely to make him NOT CALM ANY MORE.
ec^: calm down.
-factoid calm down
ec^: Popularity: 3, last changed by: elliottcable, 1kſ 543ſ 602mſ ago
getting older!
wow, even older
ec^: i told you to calm down
at first i thought classy was just you holding those martini glasses with that smiley on top
now i see the head photoshop heh
eligrey: ...
-find .
ec^: Found: bot, clouds, test, micahjohnston, and logs
-find ..
ec^: Found: kerning, languages.ours, cannot, elliottcable..notes..jane, and my boss
-find ...
ec^: Found: kerning, languages.ours, cannot, my boss, and maniacle laugh
omg ec^'s twitter bio i'm so stealing that
[warning: contains bitterant.]
ok i'm going to sleep
glowcoil: night everyone!
love you guys
-heart glowcoil
-<3 glowcoil
-heart @ glowcoil
-<3 @ glowcoil
-learn omfg = where the fuck is that fucking factoid, ffaesgrgsrdtfjyawresrdhtfjyk
ec^: Learned `omfg`.
yeah there's no way today is happening without a crapton of modafinil
oh holy crap that's a scheduled drug
“Because of the risk for development of skin or hypersensitivity reactions”
that explains so much
ec^, you can buy modafinil OTC here
Rurik has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ec^: and somehow adrafinil isn't
it's so dumb
adrafinil metabolizes into modafinil but it's really really bad on your liver
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
FDA: enabling Shkrelis, disabling people
... or something like that
-find Shkrelis
ec^: Could not find `Shkrelis`.
-find Shkreli
ec^: Could not find `Shkreli`.
Sorella has joined #elliottcable
i woke up and got pinged like 5 times from this channel
and of course it's because people went on a purr spree
* gq
pats purr
* purr
so much fucking backlog
i had to go to irclogger_com to read most of the pings, too
<+ec^> actually all of this channel is very attractive save eligrey wat.
i always do it wrong oh well
alynn_ has joined #elliottcable
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Cheery has quit [Quit: leaving]
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<Nuck> American English is a better-maintained fork of the English language.
https://github.com/Gankro/thesis -- master's thesis from one of the folks who works on collections/iterators in rust. Focus is on ownership and the error cases it helps with
the .pdf is the rendered output
I'm about half way through, which is to say I'm just getting finished with the framing of everything.
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sup team
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
omg i heart swoosh so much and he and I and ec should totally hang out
ec^ was kicked from #elliottcable by ec^ [ec^]
ec^ has joined #elliottcable
ec^ was banned on #elliottcable by ec^ [ec^!*@*]
ec^ was kicked from #elliottcable by ec^ [ec^]
did elliott just ban himself?
who knows
maybe he just wants to be ec and not ec hat
must have homework to do
our testsuite takes about 35 minutes to fail
i really could do without that
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
Oh wow it's VanguardVivian!
* alexgordon
is bored
<gqbrielle> elliottcable: .....i was trying to caption a picture of edgar allen poe and i typed elliott allen poe ;_;
apparently in addition to hashtags twitter supports cashtags
i'll never use hashtags again
i noticed someone's tweet auto-linked $TSLA
oh maximum character limit of 6 per cashtag