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ja: elliott went to university, so it was doomed from the start :P
alexgordon: LOL
alexgordon: remember ಠ_ಠ? or -_-?
I'd totally have put more effort into that
wish we could have agreed
I'mma get it tattooed tho 4 real
oh no what have I done
alexgordon: the IRC client?
irc client?
alexgordon: we were going to build a good / modern command-line/web IRC client
ELLIOTTCABLE: when? I don't remember that
like irssi + irccloud, with a shared backend, a *tightly-coupled* bouncer and client
oh my god wtf
ELLIOTTCABLE: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
-alias _-=-_-
ELLIOTTCABLE: sure it wasn't an rss reader?
-alias _- = -_-
I remember that
--_- @ alexgordon
alexgordon: ಠ_ಠ is an IRC client/IRC client framework.
definitely a thing.
what is that thing ja thinks I wrote
drag or something
devyn: you remember this, right?
I swear there is a secret alexgordon that writes software while I'm asleep
alexgordon: I think maybe your memory is almost as bad as mine
bitch, my memory is ECC
ELLIOTTCABLE: how is math class, btw?
alexgordon: the teacher is excellent. *I* am very fucked.
desperately need audio-messaging in IRC ugh
dunwanna type anything out
I send a *lot* of voice-messages nowadays
joke's on you, my headphones are broken
alexgordon: you presumably use iOS? exchange iMessages?
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
I mean goddamn I've known you for years, why don't we text
I *just* realized this, wtf.
too expensive
wat, no, imessage
who the fuck uses sms
imessage could work
android people
dirty, dirty android people
‘text’ means iMessage in my friend-groups ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think I broke my imessage switching SIM cards though
maybe I'll start getting math tattooed on my body when I understand it
what are you doing?
foundations? discrete math?
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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fucking precalc, basically
I *placed* into Calc II (they didn't accept my Calc II credit), but then once I got my schedule put together, it was a little full ... so I decided I didn't want to be struggling, and it wouldn't hurt to take Calc I one last time and actually *lock it in*, I guess? so I opted to take the lower course
was all dandy, my my instructor by accident, he turned out to be a CS expat, so that was really cool (applied mathematician practicing in academia who *also* thinks programmers are fucking foolish for trying to turn all of their programming into math? yesssss)
so I was all happy-dandy ... until there was a no-credit practice/review quiz on the first day, where he basically was just ensuring that we all remembered everything from precalc
and here I was, thinking I was a math nut; and I literally could not work a *single* one of the problems.
totally and completely fucked.
zero out of fifteen.
I spent the entire hour of the exam desperately trying to derive the expansion of (a + b)⁵ from first principles. Covered the backs of all three pages with my scribbles. (got pretty close.)
was embarassing as everliving *fuck*.
and I am totally fucked now, because the course is moving fast, into stuff I *thought* I knew, when in fact, I don't even know the goddamn pre-requisite material, because I last thought about it like seven fucking years ago.
there's like a 50% chance I drop out, move even further down, and re-take pre-calc/trig. At ... 26 years old.
ELLIOTTCABLE: wasn't that just pascal triangle?
whitequark: I'm kinda desperately hoping that I can pick it back up quickly ... but that depends on time spent reviewing, which depends on self-motivation and focus, which isn't happening ...
I'd call it at 30% chance I've failed out again within two months. Maybe a lot less if I find a drug that helps somehow. I dunno.
Pretty sure my problems aren't druggable.
I hear you
as a dropout...
whitequark: lol
whitequark: in *that* way, and possibly only that way, you seem pretty similar to me
you just ... do your own thing, and *only* do your own thing.
ELLIOTTCABLE: what do you mean?
it sounds like you've just done a good job of (slash lucked out by?) finding an employment avenue that actually interests and engages you
actually, the job is pretty boring, it's just writing python all day long
I don't even get to use any of the good parts
mostly it's the fact that 1) I remote, 2) have a modest workload, 3) don't have any debts or shit to pay so that even though I'm not paid a lot I still get enough discretionary income
which... well, yeah, it's almost entirely luck
ELLIOTTCABLE: eh don't feel too bad. all I remember is (a + b)^n is something to do with binomials, but don't ask me what the formula is
it's the kind of thing you remember if you've actually been doing it recently
<elliottcable> hr'd jolfing an O{S
fujisan has joined #elliottcable
sup fujisan
my brother bought a house
i'm a bit jealous
im kinda the loser in the family
girlfriends homes all i have is irc
i rent
oh well
i work parttime have lots of time to read
i got a worthless degree
absolutely shite and the irony is i knew it all along i failed in life on purpose
to live the slacker lifestyle
selfsabotage im that lazy
but like
all I said was "sup" !
failure and success are part of the same entity only separated by time just like happiness and unhappiness
sup is acronym for serious unintended psychology
and you alexgordon any status anxiety in your life?
nope, got rid of all that stuff
what did you buy and eat this week?
renting is literally pissing money away
yes it is
in my case it isnt
so why don't more people buy houses
let me explain
what idiots
fujisan: don't you live in netherlands?
i rent a whole house for 200 euros
pretty nice!
oh, cool
must live in greece
i rent a room for $1500
because i dont make enough money
without that i would have to pay 400 euros a month
where the hell do you live?!
200 euros is pretty good
so if i make enough money i will rent out a room to a student
oh ok
200 euros is like serbia level rents
3 bedrooms no attic big as yard
i live in the Netherlands
the neighborhood is not the best but not ghetto style like in the USA
like all of the USA
buying a simple home like this would set me back with a mortgage for 300,000 euros
noway i will ever do that if i have low rent
yeah and don't you have to pay crazy VAT on homes in NL?
I looked that up
my brother bought a home smaller than mine for nearly 300,000 euros
fujisan: if you're planning on renting for more than 125 years, you should probably just go for the mortgage
like i said im a loser
i cant afford to buy a home
im lucky i got this cheap rent
i cant hold a job
i have mental health issues
oxygen deprived at birth
fujisan: where the hell in the Netherlands can you get a whole house for €200?
i work parttime
you must know a guy who knows a guy
because i lived here for a long time so the rent staid low
only goes up 3% a year
if you stay in it
fujisan: so what brings you here? are you a young programming prodigy or are you a friendless misanthrope?
i was planning to maybe get in programming
actually if you have to be a loser the Netherlands is pretty good country to be one
if i was in the USA i would be a hobo by now
yeah we hate the poor
yeah im poor that's the proper term
my boss makes a fortune
i work for a startup
i was lured with the promise of a good job when it grows
and in the meantime i get to do all the boring jobs
what do you do that's part-time and for a startup
financial administration, healthcare policy and legal accountancy related stuff, and writing the annual report for 2015, also help prepare for an external audit
all ad hoc related the boss just delegates it to me
it's like 30 hours a week work but i get paid 50% :<
i need the job experience though
beggars can't be choosers
i work with a 50 year old engineer and my mom
the shit i have to deal with im going to write a book about it
i was also featured in the preferences of an irc chat app for OS X