purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a
<ELLIOTTCABLE> jfhbrook: thoughts?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I don't use Excel, I use Google Spreadsheets
<jfhbrook> spreadsheets, then
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<jfhbrook> you were tweeting about them
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what is labview, is that like python's “notebooks?”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> sorry, IPython
<jfhbrook> nono better
<jfhbrook> way better
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, what do you want to know lol
<purr> lol
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<jfhbrook> what do you consider a "domain specific interface"
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<jfhbrook> labview is a graphical language used to create virtual dashboards for instrumentation
<jfhbrook> that's labview
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not clear on that at all, wat
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk no time to talk right now tbh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm sorry I engaged and then was like lolno >:
<purr> lolno
<jfhbrook> okay, hit me up when you do
<ELLIOTTCABLE> think I'mma gonna go watch a TV episode; this is going to be my last calm moment for … a very long time, I suspect
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<alexgordon> jfhbrook: lol those graphics
<purr> lol
<alexgordon> "you may need a graphic artist when..."
<jfhbrook> yeah
<jfhbrook> the generator itself was me and mspaint just to be clear
<purr> <prophile> is the Y combinator defined on boobs?
<purr> <ELLIOTTCABLE> dataflow targaryens?
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<purr> <ec> lung disturber.
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<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: lol labview
<purr> lol
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: seen? http://vito.github.io/atomy/ and in particular http://vito.github.io/atomy/why.html
<brixen> extensible pattern matching, syntax *and* macros
<brixen> full macro support without ((()))
<brixen> every time someone says LISP blah blah macros I die a little inside
<brixen> and god probably kills another kitten, tbh
<brixen> alexgordon: ^^^ re (& lisp macros)
<whitequark> there's also Honu, on which I think Rust macros are based
<brixen> but whatever, I'll take some lisp & macros over this https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/8976 any day
<alexgordon> other languages may have macros, but lisp is the only one that does them well
<brixen> alexgordon: you say that having seen Atomy or not having seen Atomy?
<alexgordon> not seen
<brixen> ok
<brixen> I'll take "only one" as approximate then :)
<alexgordon> for the record I don't actually like lisp :P
<alexgordon> it is artwork
<brixen> whitequark: nice commit msg
<brixen> "I don't really know." should just be macro-added to the end of all my commits dealing with Ruby
<whitequark> ah, and the upstream just dismissed implementing my change because 'it's also a bitflag in parse.y right now'.
<alexgordon> brixen: atomy looks interesting, and it is in the right direction, but the difference between it and lisp is that lisp is compiled
<brixen> what is your definition of "compiled"?
<alexgordon> sbcl :P
<brixen> alexgordon: not that hard, tbh
<alexgordon> what's the name of the guy who wrote Braid
<alexgordon> blow
<brixen> seems good
<alexgordon> when you write code, you're writing for two separate events: compile-time and runtime. A dynamic language like say Python doesn't execute code at "compile" time. With a statically typed language you can generate errors at compile-time.
<alexgordon> question is: how far can you push that?
<alexgordon> jai can run code at compile-time, that's a step up from just checking correctness
<alexgordon> but if you take it to an extreme and run your whole program at compile-time then you're back to square one :)
<brixen> or square zero, depending on indexing
<brixen> alexgordon: I've been thinking about the difference between "authoring" code and "running" code for a while
<brixen> I've got some ideas to experiment with in Rubinius
<whitequark> alexgordon: I've tried writing a statically typed dialect of Ruby where the "compile-time" phase was done using abstract interpretation of an IR
<whitequark> the bottom line is that once you start inlining functions, it becomes essentially impossible to provide error messages that are helpful at all
<whitequark> like, something like attr_accessor would generate a closure that does a send to itself, but before runtime, the IR transformations would notice that in the send("#{attr}=", ...), attr always has the same value, and so it can constant-fold it, and then send can go away, etc
<whitequark> it is bad enough (but at least theoretically possible) to report errors deep inside a virtual call (really inline) stack, which just requires tracking a massive amount of source spans
<whitequark> but the really worst part is trying to explain why something *didn't* fold, which is I'm pretty sure just impossible
<alexgordon> whitequark: I guess compilers (or rather code run at compile-time) exists for a variety of purposes. Verifying the code is correct [type checking], optimising the code, generating new code [preprocessing&templates], and build automation.
<alexgordon> so it depends what your goal is
<whitequark> alexgordon: none of those are really separate
<whitequark> languages are hard because almost anything you can do has global effects and they interact with each other
<alexgordon> they can be separate insofar as some languages don't have any of them
* Hrorek doesn't understand a word of what is being talked about here
<alexgordon> people are quite happy to sacrifice verification in order to use javascript
<alexgordon> Hrorek: mainly 5am nonsense
<alexgordon> whitequark: I've mostly come to terms with the fact that if I want _fast_ code, then C++ has every feature I could need
<whitequark> alexgordon: this is why no one uses typescript. oh wait
<alexgordon> what I'm more interested in these days is how to add stuff to dynamic languages
<alexgordon> rather than make a static language that does everything
<whitequark> you can't add stuff to dynamic languages. the stuff that's already /in/ dynamic languages prevents anything useful from being added
<alexgordon> ok, not add stuff _to_ dynamic languages, but make a dynamic language that works in a different way
<brixen> alexgordon: different how?
<whitequark> some parts of language design *are* a zero-sum game. become able to express computation in more ways, become less able to express anything about that computation
<alexgordon> if you want interoperability you do limit your options substantially
<alexgordon> brixen: well e.g. lots of people use compilers with js (like babel or whatever), but I want more of a conversation with the compiler, than just being a stage that you send code through
<brixen> conversation about what?
<alexgordon> building the code
<alexgordon> like in jai, where you can dedicate parts of the file to be executed at compile-time
<brixen> I see
<alexgordon> but not just running code, but changing how the compiler is compiling it
<brixen> what's the purpose of changing how the compiler is compiling it?
<brixen> aren't you at some point just programming the compiler?
<alexgordon> is there a difference?
<brixen> s/programming/writing/
<alexgordon> so yes
<brixen> that's what I'm asking
<brixen> why is there a difference?
<alexgordon> there shouldn't be!
<brixen> why is there? :)
<alexgordon> brixen: this goes back to 2013 when I was writing a compiler in C++, and it is pretty tedious, so I started writing a python script to write the compiler for me
<alexgordon> I made a bunch of text files, then parsed the text files and generated C++
<brixen> alexgordon: have you seen vpri.org?
<whitequark> mmm, OMeta
<alexgordon> anyway it was cool because it was like a parametric compiler. you could describe the language in sort of natural language, run the spaghetti-like python script and you got a lexer, parser, and parse tree as output
<whitequark> alexgordon: oh that actually *is* cool
<whitequark> I know several companies which do this for gateware
<brixen> alexgordon: you may find Puimarta et al's idea of "mood specific languages" interesting
<alexgordon> brixen: I'll check it out
<whitequark> you declaratively specify your processor's ISA and it generates an assembler, compiler, linker, verification suite, etc
<whitequark> the gateware too, of course
<alexgordon> cool
<brixen> alexgordon: fundamentally, I think what you are seeing is that "general purpose language" is the biggest lie the devil ever told
<brixen> what you have is a language problem and what you wish for are language tools
<brixen> I'm trying to work on that in Rubinius :)
<brixen> also, a "pass" in the compiler doesn't need to be constraining necessarily
<brixen> you may want to read on nano-pass architectures for compilers
<brixen> alexgordon: you may also find this interesting http://www.amazon.com/Formal-Semantics-Programming-Languages-Winskel/dp/0262731037/
<alexgordon> brixen: ah that nano-pass stuff is interesting
<alexgordon> which is mostly what I have converged to with my compiler writing
<brixen> alexgordon: some days I get very excited, and some days it's very bleak
<brixen> consider this, has anyone done an economic analysis of TC39?
<brixen> like, how much in economic terms does every feature they debate cost (ie opportunity cost for the people involved yacking vs working)
<brixen> but then, next to Ruby's language design process, TC39 looks like mars missions or something
<brixen> anyway, the point is, people continue to think that general purpose languages are the correct way to program
<brixen> but I think they are close to the most inefficient way possible
<brixen> they drive all sorts of up-front cost and conflict that no one seems to question
<brixen> and the results are abysmal
<brixen> used any software lately? :p
<alexgordon> haha well it depends on the use entirely. my requirements for a language for working by myself, and a language for working with other people are completely different
<alexgordon> when I work with other people I want clear, simple, mature language with no frills
<alexgordon> but when I work by myself I want _macros_everywhere_
<glowcoil> whitequark: hi!
<whitequark> hi glowcoil
<alexgordon> typescript is probably close to ideal for the former category. Some language with a type system that is not crazy like scala or haskell (haskell is probably the worst possible choice for working with other people)
<whitequark> ime other people, without any qualifiers, will hate literally any language you might choose
<brixen> alexgordon: indeed, you want a language depending on context, but I'm guessing you don't want a different package manager, debugging interface, tool chain, etc
<brixen> but that's what you're pretty much stuck with
<alexgordon> whitequark: oh I don't care what they think, just that we can read each other's code :P
<whitequark> alexgordon: wat
<glowcoil> ELLIOTTCABLE: math-at-8:30-am buddies tomorrow!
<brixen> alexgordon: to me, that's a little like saying, "just that we can think each other's thoughts"
<alexgordon> whitequark: have you seen haskell code before? :D
<brixen> general purpose languages force you to read other people's code, and suffer other people's terrible language design decisions
<whitequark> alexgordon: sure, I read quite a bit of it
<whitequark> academic, production, you name it
<alexgordon> I find it impossible to read other people's haskell, mainly because they tend to go crazy with the type system and ghc extensions...
<alexgordon> whereas typescript I can read any day of the week
<ljharb> i find haskell type notation utterly opaque
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<purr> <ELLIOTTCABLE> -what
<purr> <alexgordon> wait is joelteon gq?
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> ljharb: whoa, really? I'm not alone!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> glowcoil: really? 8:30am central? or are you math'ing an hour earlier?
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<whitequark> rhubarb
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<purr> <gq> alexgordon: be more specific next time :3 'talk about sex, but NONE INVOLVING ELLIOTTCABLE'
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<purr> <locks> figures, talk about hookers and here comes alexgordon
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<whitequark> -stahp
<pikajude> purr, staph
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<purr> <Willox> Is paws something metaphorical?
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<katymoe> ELLIOTTCABLE: what are you studying at university? your timetable looks pretty similar to my (maths & philosophy) degree!
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<purr> <Nuck> elliottcable: You train your dogs to bark at the sight of a buttplug or what?
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<alexgordon> tried to make a butt plug in solvespace, ended up with a flying saucer
<whitequark> alexgordon: pics
<alexgordon> whitequark: http://i.imgur.com/0UfxTpV.png
<alexgordon> haven't figured out how to lathe it around the vertical axis yet
<alexgordon> better. http://i.imgur.com/IaPxaFT.png
<whitequark> ahhhh good
<whitequark> now 3d print it, then make a silicone casting.
<whitequark> don't forget to smoothen the print in acetone or the surface will come out feeling gross
<whitequark> ... overall, platinum- or tin-catalyzed castings result in near-net-shape part and reproduce the texture of the mold very precisely, so surface finish is of foremost importance
<alexgordon> LOL
<purr> LOL
<alexgordon> I'll send it to elliott xD
<ELLIOTTCABLE> welp. first day of classes complete.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katymoe: cs lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> katymoe: and like, eventually math maybe? idk?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “4:16 PM <+whitequark> don't forget to smoothen the print in acetone or the surface will come out feeling gross”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> can verify
<whitequark> also use PLA
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: I know you're a busy academic now, but your comments are always welcome http://rubinius.com/2016/01/11/nil-is-not-null-and-other-tales/
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “a busy academic” lol'd
<purr> lol
<brixen> well, everyone's comments are welcome
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a worthless wannabe retro-child
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: so, a very minor psychological digression: I'm always fascinated by people in Ruby who are like "static types, haskell, maths yay rocks" and then "I hate nil, make it die"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also omg lol
<brixen> it's a wonder I haven't developed physical ticks from some of this stuff
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a CS-PhD-turned-mathematician-turned-professor had a whole discussion with me about haskell and frans
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because I showed up to a class that was canceled, and he showed up to make sure everybody knew it was canceled, and I was the only one who didn't, so I had him to myself for like thirty minutes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and basically he was like “LOL I saw, and hated the same thing. those academic languages are CS graduates regretting not being math graduates. THOSE SILLY WANNABES.”
<purr> LOL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> paraphrased, but it was really validating that a Real Mathematician agrees with me that Math Programming isn't real, general, solution
<whitequark> brixen: traceable nils are a very cool solution
<brixen> whitequark: thanks, I think they have some potential
<whitequark> I'm now thinking where else embedding source locations into values would come useful
<brixen> almost anywhere :)
<brixen> object allocation traces are another
<whitequark> hmyeah
<brixen> planning to use the inflated header mechanism for that
<brixen> in fact, the inflated header mechanism is a general mechanism for this sort of thing that I want to implement
<brixen> also to do "generation" analysis on the heap
<whitequark> I wonder if you could use shadow memory (of the asan kind) to trace the values that touched at some moment
<brixen> basically, I want to stream an abstraction of the object graph from the process continually
<whitequark> to answer "where did this field come from"
<brixen> whitequark: that's kind of the idea, but I'm using the network as the sink
<whitequark> I always thought it's a bit weird that we have so many tools to instrument code now, but almost nothing to instrument data
<brixen> since the object graph represents the call graph in Rubinius, you actually have the intersection of those two fundamental graphs
<brixen> whitequark: totally!
<brixen> an idea of a "JIT" for data layout and contiguity in the heap is something I've been thinking about
<alexgordon> nil is hardly ever an issue for me and I don't get why people are so damn petrified of the things
<brixen> Rick Hudson, the guy who recently started working on the Go GC, talked to me about that a few years ago at JS conf
<brixen> basically said, what we know of GC is actually very basic and there's lots of improvements to make
<whitequark> brixen: are you familiar with v8 hidden classes?
<brixen> whitequark: the basic idea, yes
<alexgordon> if you don't write functions that return nil... you won't have to deal with nil, in your own code at least
<ELLIOTTCABLE> brixen: I ...
<brixen> I have not looked at their implementation
<whitequark> brixen: yeah, so that would be the equivalent of basic inline caches
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So far, the only thing I unreservedly agree with is this sentence:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Why is it acceptable to ignore exceptions in one area of the code, but not in another?”
<whitequark> brixen: I want... tracing JIT for data
<whitequark> inlining for data!
<brixen> whitequark: me, too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 4:42 PM <brixen> basically, I want to stream an abstraction of the object graph from the process continually
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what does this mean
<brixen> [pointer, pointer, pointer] => [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3] sort of automatic transforms
<ELLIOTTCABLE> brixen is like a dirty cross between whitequark and I
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's a little scary
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: I thought this would be your favorite line, "Sometimes developers from that land visit Ruby and laugh." :(
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 4:42 PM <brixen> basically, I want to stream an abstraction of the object graph from the process continually
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 4:43 PM <brixen> whitequark: that's kind of the idea, but I'm using the network as the sink
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 4:43 PM <brixen> since the object graph represents the call graph in Rubinius, you actually have the intersection of those two fundamental graphs
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: basically, it means streaming a graph representation of the heap showing a "skeleton" of sorts, the nodes and edges minus the other details
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So, I can basically tell people that Paws is ‘Rust's shared-memory-management concerns crossed with Brian's plans for Rubinius.’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because between the two of them, so far, you get more than, like, 70% of my plans.
<brixen> s/pointer, pointer, pointer/point, point, point/ where point => Point.new(x,y)
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: heh, fun
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: since when are you ok with an extremely restrictive typing discipline?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> brixen: oh the visit-ruby-and-laugh is funny too :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: I'm not interested in *contributing to* statically-typed languages. Anymore than I am in low-level or speed-optimized languages.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> That's not the same thing as me thinking they're not *super relevant*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or s/relevant/great/
<brixen> I want extremely restrictive type disciplines but all in their free-range, organic, hand-crafted little boxes to limit their systemic damage :)
<alexgordon> do you even know any statically typed languages elliott?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Like, one of the only things I look at and think is *terrible* and *silly*, is Haskell / purity.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't conflate my dismissive views on those things, with my “I'm not interested in this” reaction to strongly-typed languages sshrug
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or to rephrase that:
<brixen> some of the most interesting type work is coming from Wadler's interest in linear types colliding with the Haskell type system
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I am under no illusions that I can ever ‘beat’ (or more accurately, even begin to contribute to / improve upon) Rust. :P
<brixen> that an Idris et al
<brixen> s/an/and/
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: well, you'll have to get interested in them to design a usable language with regions
<whitequark> is all i'm saying
<whitequark> regions are like, the most cross-cutting concern rust has. it influences half of the language directly and the other half through library design
<brixen> it's not hard to improve on Rust and people are doing that quite activeely
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: regions? I don't *know* Rust very well; but every time I see it referenced to, it's by far the closest thing to my concurrency work I've ever seen.
<brixen> which is not to discount Rust, but it's not revolutionary per se
<ELLIOTTCABLE> brixen: Like, people with compiler-design chops. That I absolutely don't have. :P
<brixen> ELLIOTTCABLE: heh, give it a little time, you'll get it
<brixen> once you get bitten, you can't give it up
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but the Node/Ruby/Python/Lisp scene, the higher-level / expressive / slower / dynamic languages, particularly imperative ones, are a *clusterfuck*
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: Rust's 'shared-memory-management concerns' are regions
<brixen> you'll be a vampire
<brixen> basically
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and it seems like so few people are trying to improve them *right now*, because in the early 'teens everybody interested in PLT got distracted by type-systems :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so that's a place where I have real interest, because I've *real improvements* to make, real impact to share.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: sshrug you'll have to tell me more, or just wait until I've had time to sit down and read a book on rust.
<whitequark> you have linear types
<whitequark> which is... remember our toy language yesterday?
<alexgordon> *affine trololol
<purr> trololol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: can't, *way* too much school stuff to do
<whitequark> so like, if you have linear types, you can destruct a thing *once*.
<whitequark> not zero times, not twice.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, if this is what my first week is like, it's obvious that I'm going to be completely swamped for the entire semester ;_
<whitequark> naturally, this makes for an unusable language
<ELLIOTTCABLE> CoC work, and Paws in general, is going to have to go completely on hold.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I might even part this room, because as much as I love it, it *is* a time-suck. ;_;
<whitequark> and regions are a huge, nasty, complex thing required for you to be able to actually write useful code with linear types.
<whitequark> they drag in half of ML type system, too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> class NilClass; def method_missing(*); self; end; end lol brixen
<purr> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I remember doing Basically This years ago in my core overrides for a bunch of projects
<whitequark> it's a blight in objective c code
<whitequark> stuff just randomly stops working and you have no idea why
<alexgordon> nil?
<alexgordon> but that is because objc doesn't have exceptions
<whitequark> (objc includes the definition above by default)
<whitequark> hrm
<alexgordon> or rather, it does but they leak memory
<alexgordon> like in python when there's a key missing you get KeyError
<alexgordon> but in objc, you get nil
<whitequark> uh, yeah, sure?
<whitequark> just don't make sends to nil a no-op
<alexgordon> which means nil is _everywhere_ in objc
<alexgordon> moreso than other languages
<alexgordon> any time anything can fail you get nil, so there's just more nils in general to cause problems
<alexgordon> whitequark: also objc somewhat redeems itself because you can't add nil to a collection, that fails right away
<whitequark> hrm
<alexgordon> which means you don't so often end up with a nil and have no idea where it came from. it's more likely to be from the local area
<alexgordon> most of the problems I have with nil are to do with interface builder, where you forget to set up an outlet, call [self.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil] and it doesn't show up
<purr> <Nuck> I assume I'm not alone in envisioning elliottcable munching on the head of a parakeet?
* pikajude beats node.js to death with a giant stick
<pikajude> what the fuck is this
<pikajude> what the fuck
<alexgordon> -what
<purr> <inimino> Actually elliottcable is narcissistic too, but it's more endearing because he's insane.
<alexgordon> yes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> awwwwwwwwwwwwwwh
<purr> <alexgordon> I mainly follow ELLIOTTCABLE for his profile pics
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wait why did purr spit out a -what earlier unprovoked
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or did irccloud just drop a message
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: it does that, haven't you noticed?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I always thought somebody was quietly slippin' him a command behind the scenes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and fucking with me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or irccloud was dropping messages
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: huh??
<whitequark> it has this mode which is enabled by -start
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark: ?
<whitequark> where it spews -whats at random?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -start and -stop control whether it *responds* to -what and ‘wat’-with-beep
<whitequark> hm
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and whether it will respond to a few particular commands in an inappropriate fashion
<whitequark> hm.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's literally all it does o_O
<alexgordon> is purr's source on github?
<whitequark> wtf
<whitequark> but I also know it did this before
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eh it's in the code
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I'm way too lazy to check
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like he's not genuinely sentient or anything, there's no emergent behaviour … I added it and forgot
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I just have a really bad memory
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ugh school is so dumb
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: ?
<alexgordon> can anybody remember what the semantic machine readable wikipedia is called?