<kristianpaul> familiar :)
<kristianpaul> ha, crazy idea a portable wikinews reader and editor
<wolfspraul> a good idea, but people solve 'everything' with their Android or iOS device nowadays, no?
<kristianpaul> yeah, unless they realize those devices track then...but who care enought about that today.. at  least wich journalist
<kristianpaul> may be add tor, that asumes it chips a gsm modem, may be with sim tracer to try to be more "secure"..
<kristianpaul> he
<kristianpaul> i need sleep better
<kristianpaul> bet online devices is defiant :)
<wolfspraul> I was thinking about speakers lately
<wolfspraul> thanks to Jon and Laoban...
<kristianpaul> oh, good, i tought idea was removed from qi-wiki because not time for it yet...
<wolfspraul> removed? no
<kristianpaul> but i saw it, nice speakrs a bit big
<wolfspraul> it's an analog only system
<wolfspraul> interesting
<kristianpaul> yes it was somwhere in the main page
<kristianpaul> lot of people love analog
<kristianpaul> i will pay to save my data on a LP ;-)
<wolfspraul> hmm
<kristianpaul> well not alll data
<kristianpaul> gpgkey or something..
<kristianpaul> hehe
<wolfspraul> I was thinking whether m1 (or the ben) can be used in conjunction with speakers somehow
<wolfspraul> m1 could definitely control a whole bunch of audio outputs in parallel
<wolfspraul> then you still need an amplifier
<wolfspraul> and a lot of software to make it real instead of just an idea
<wolfspraul> but I don't know exactly what the Wolfson DAC can do, or what the fpga can do to drive an analog signal (are there built-in dacs? no idea...)
<wolfspraul> anyway just thinking
<kristianpaul> sure :)
<wolfspraul> maybe there is something interesting in speakers
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: you tell me. can m1 control/drive analog audio outputs?
<kristianpaul> i dont see why not
<wolfspraul> right now we have the Wolfson codec, my understanding is that it converts from ac97 to line-out
<wolfspraul> but we are limited by the capabilities of that codec I would think. so only 1 line-out?
<wolfspraul> can there be 10?
<kristianpaul> ah, good point :)
<kristianpaul> let me check
<kristianpaul> i just can see a what seems second analog output
<wpwrak> (speakers) seems a bit far from what we're doing. shipping would probably be prohibitively expensive, so you'd need to work with retail networks. sounds like a lot of work.
<wolfspraul> that's what I thought at the beginning
<wolfspraul> Jon had a hard time with me :-)
<wolfspraul> I thought:
<wolfspraul> a) no software
<wolfspraul> b) 'just' a speaker = no innovation
<wolfspraul> but over the last months I realized there may be more there, somewhere. maybe.
<wolfspraul> a speaker is an interface to the analog world, the real world
<wpwrak> so are many other things, too :)
<wolfspraul> yes sure, I'm just thinking
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: we have to watch what gurus wolfgang frequents :)
<wolfspraul> like you could have a hoarde of Nanos, connected over wired or wireless networking, each driving one analog speaker input
<wolfspraul> even if just for fun, a hacking project
<wolfspraul> speakers are culture, people love them, build them, use them. so there's value there (potential customers). not everybody turns to a digital snob browing the Internet the whole day :-)
<wolfspraul> one thing I started to realize is that there's people who are strong in the analog domain
<wolfspraul> say speakers, amplifiers, compressors, etc.
<wolfspraul> and then there's "digital audio"
<wolfspraul> and of course the first thing the digital audio companies are doing is to lock everybody else out
<wolfspraul> create a black box
<wolfspraul> they are doing all their real-time audio magic, and everybody else can just press buttons
<wpwrak> for digital audio, you don't need to build your own speakers
<wolfspraul> what do you mean?
<wpwrak> you build your audio device and then connect to some existing speaker solution, with whatever interface they use
<rjeffries> reads, smlies
<rjeffries> s/smlies/smiles ;)
<wpwrak> diy speakers sounds a bit like steam locomotives to me. sure, it's an art in its own right and some people are very enthusiastic about them, but ...
<wolfspraul> ah no
<wolfspraul> I think we can safely say that even a mid-level speaker company has more revenues than all 'open hardware' projects together
<wolfspraul> I tried to understand how these people think, what they value
<wolfspraul> maybe you think of a speaker only as the device that copies a digital music file into your brain
<wolfspraul> that's how I thought about them before, but Jon didn't stop pushing me into the speaker world...
<wolfspraul> on Friday I am ready for my first real job in helping transport a large speaker system to an evening event :-)
<wolfspraul> Jon said I have to understand the real deal, including transporting them. I give it a try :-)
<wolfspraul> I'm not sold yet on speakers, just thinking whether our work (nano, m1) is in any way related, or can help those guys
<wolfspraul> logistically, of course I can make speakers and move them through my HK warehouse
<wpwrak> ah, you want to go into PA. well, that would solve the production testing problem. veeery low volume ;-)
<wolfspraul> and I could learn about sea shipping, which I always wanted to
<wolfspraul> but most likely I will not do that now, just learning. there is some interface there, for sure.
<wpwrak> and about sealing them properly, ...
<wolfspraul> PA?
<wpwrak> public address
<wolfspraul> don't understand
<wpwrak> speakers for crowds, not just your living room
<wolfspraul> hard to say
<wolfspraul> I like to understand the people that are passionate about speakers.
<wolfspraul> actually they seem to say "sound system"
<wolfspraul> which slowly makes more sense to me as well
<wolfspraul> Friday is my next training day :-)
<wolfspraul> Jon's friend also built a speaker that is just a solar module hooked up to a beeper.
<wolfspraul> sparkfun would be proud of that
<wolfspraul> so when you hold it towards the sun, it beeps
<wpwrak> useful. so you know if it's safe for vampires :)
<wolfspraul> and another one that allows you to listen in on the mains. you just plug it in, and the electricity drives the membrane directly.
<wolfspraul> of course the bigger ones are connected to a typical sound setup with amplifiers etc.
<wolfspraul> so where is copyleft hardware there? need to find out
<wolfspraul> nothing major, just research
<wolfspraul> people research
<wpwrak> ah well, we all have our little hobbies :)
<wolfspraul> well
<wolfspraul> if you cut someone off by creating a digital yet closed wall, you remove their ability to work and innovate
<wolfspraul> the digital wall turns everybody into consumers
<wpwrak> the digital wall still lets you manipulate the digital side
<wolfspraul> unless superman comes, copyleft hardware, and puts them back in control and having fun and innovate
<wpwrak> of course, if you think digital is evil, ...
<wolfspraul> no
<wolfspraul> you haven't thought about the audio path
<wolfspraul> it's not just 1) music -> 2) sound
<wolfspraul> there's a lot in between
<wpwrak> between what ? your ears and ... ?
<wolfspraul> between the digital audio file download and the acoustics in the room you are in
<wpwrak> oh, sure
<wpwrak> if you want to do it right, you need an acoustic model of the head. put it at the correct place, with the correct orientation. then go through the frequencies and check the spectrum. etc.
<wpwrak> then you can compensate for environmental effects. or try to. will need iterations.
<wpwrak> (acoustic model) a physical object. a plastic head with microphones inside.
<wolfspraul> alright. so maybe some people in this field prefer to work with open hardware, instead of magic black boxes where every new version makes them a little dumber and a little less in control.
<wpwrak> and then you also need to consider soundwaves you pick up with your skin. get that right, too. indeed, lots of fun if you seek perfection :)
<wpwrak> nothing wrong with that :)
<wpwrak> but why do you need to make speakers of all things ? :)
<wolfspraul> the innovation happens on both sides, analog and digital
<wolfspraul> but the digital side, if not open, can easily outmaneuver the analog side
<wolfspraul> me? I don't plan to
<wolfspraul> the speakers we are talking about are 100% 'simple' analog designs
<wolfspraul> actually the ones made in China are cheap and crude, which makes them interesting to a point because you can be very cheap, but still achieve something 'pretty good', compared to the very expensive systems by US or European companies
<wolfspraul> and increasingly those are turning into fully closed system, making them inaccessible to experiments or innovation, at least by the many individuals that are hanging around and innovate on the analog side
<wpwrak> yeah. i rarely worry about speakers. there's so much other evil in consumer electronic that comes long before them ...
<wolfspraul> my plan for now is just to learn more about people who love sound systems, and what is important to them, and what keeps them in business or at least having fun
<wolfspraul> there's a connection to copyleft hardware somewhere there, I think. 'connection' as in - potential customers
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: what other evil?
<wpwrak> "sound enhancements", poor gain control, crudeness of control of frequency characteristics, etc.
<wolfspraul> you talk about sound now, no?
<wolfspraul> maybe my use of the term 'speaker' is confusing and incorrect
<wpwrak> yes. the sound system that feeds the speakers
<wolfspraul> well sure
<wolfspraul> that's what is the interesting part
<wolfspraul> especially if it's controlled by powerful digital systems
<wolfspraul> and systems that do not lock out the analog guys
<hamnegga> antenna searchin' and thining about building best direct-tv dish dBi wifi ever.  Anyone wanna help?
<wpwrak> hamnegga: i've heard they have a pretty good dish in arecibo :)
<hamnegga> No, I mean, I have all the coaxial, pigtails, and a small amplifier, plus maybe adding some voltage myself to make my own direct tv/wifi antenna.  Right now for instance I'm looking at the two coaxial wires comming out of the dish, and have a splitter in my hand input = input, and the two output = -3.5dB on each.  Is that positive or loss for that one splitter there?  Not clear on dB dBi and dBm
<hamnegga> as far as I know -3.5dB is positive when using network monitoring applications.
<wpwrak> pheee, sorry, you went right over my head :) i think DocScrutinizer could help you to bring clarity into this. but i'm not sure he's around
<wolfspraul> xiangfu's notebook hdd broke, good reminder to run my backup :-)
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: you solved your harddisk problem that fast?
<wolfspraul> what happened? (I'm looking at my 500gb external hdd led blinking happily backing up my entire notebook right now :-))
<xiangfu> Hi not from yesterday night :)
<xiangfu> I am switch to a new harddisk 500GB, mine is too small 60 GB.
<xiangfu> so I start the switch yesterday night.
<xiangfu> ls
<xiangfu> not fast, I start at yesterday night :)
<xiangfu> wow this is in channel.
<wolfspraul> oh so your disk broke, or you just switched to a new one?
<xiangfu> the new 7200 500gb harddisk make my notebook 'quiver'
<xiangfu> not broke, just switch to new one.
<wolfspraul> ok, so no data loss. great :-)
<C-Keen> is there a way to scroll on the console? I miss the page up/down keys :)
<xiangfu> alt + pageup/down in ben nanonote
<xiangfu> sorry shift + pageup/down
<C-Keen> sorry which key is that?
<C-Keen> ah the volume key
<C-Keen> thank you xiangfu
<C-Keen> are there still batches for UBBs around? Or do I need to order them for myself? I would just need around 10 or so, so triggering another production round might be inefficient
<wolfspraul> C-Keen: just try to order :-) https://www.tuxbrain.net/shop/index.php?cPath=28
<C-Keen> ah thanks
<C-Keen> does the gpio_power driver support a battery "fill state" reading?
<larsc> you mean the gpio_charger?
<C-Keen> yep or some other means to get at the battery status
<larsc> checkout /sys/class/power/battery/*
<larsc> the charger only reports whether a charger is connected or not
<C-Keen> ah
<C-Keen> I feel stupid
<C-Keen> thanks
<larsc> np
<larsc> the capacity node should tell you the battery level in percent. but it is rather inaccurate
<larsc> for example it assumes a linear voltage drop
<kristianpaul> cool, no more delays :)
<kristianpaul> ha, it is wakeup register, at first most will think, i power on, no wakeup :)
<C-Keen> larsc: yeah but better than nothing :)
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: oh, the register is only to speedup wakeup, not boot? I misread it then...
<larsc> hehe, a register to speedup boot would be great
<C-Keen> it is called the magic register
<C-Keen> is the nanomap developer in here?
<wpwrak> larsc: show about an OTP ROM for the welcome screen, and a register to bring it up ? :)
<wolfspraul> C-Keen: no not here I think, or rarely
<C-Keen> ah k
<C-Keen> hm I see these messages from ubifs, what do they mean? UBI: scrubbed PEB 159 (LEB 0:157), data moved to PEB 793
<wolfspraul> trying to protect your data on the unstable nand foundation
<larsc> C-Keen: this is done, if ubi detects a correctable bit error
<larsc> i think
<C-Keen> does it mean my flash is bad?
<larsc> no, this is normal for flash
<wolfspraul> perfectly healthy and alive flash :-)
<wolfspraul> C-Keen: flash is like that, bits are flipping for a variety of reasons, and the software has to level it out
<larsc> modern hdds have same issues
<wolfspraul> ubifs is pretty good at it, the best I know among the free software nand filesystems
<larsc> though i think the disk controller handles the error handling there
<wolfspraul> I can imagine. everybody squeezes and optimizes...
<wolfspraul> sure
<wolfspraul> as long as software can stabilize it, you can still build a highrise on quicksand :-)
<wolfspraul> nand will move from the current 2 bits per cell to 3 and 4 I think
<wolfspraul> don't ask me how that is possible
<wolfspraul> you would think it can only be 1 bit :-)
<wolfspraul> but somehow they will squeeze more in, of course at the cost of stability
<wolfspraul> the first who can get 3 bits into a cell can make a lot of money
<C-Keen> ah thanks :)
<wolfspraul> C-Keen: don't worry
<C-Keen> I don't
<C-Keen> :)
<wolfspraul> actually, maybe worry a little. don't keep valuable original data on your Ben.
<wolfspraul> but I would say this for any nand, microsd, etc.
<wolfspraul> keep a few copies here and there
<C-Keen> agreed
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: in a few months, you'll be more of a Flash-hater than me ;-)
<larsc> i though there was alreay eight-level-cell flash memory
<larsc> wolfspraul: btw. here is how it works: http://www.electronicproducts.com/images2/FAJH_Toshiba_1_Sep2008.gif
<wpwrak> larsc: that's not all of the truth :) lemme see if i can find that presentation about what really goes on there ...
<wpwrak> larsc: be careful to have a clear oral ejection path when you get to the part about "read disturb"
<larsc> a what?
<wpwrak> larsc: make sure that, if anything comes flying out of your mouth (depends a bit on how you react to surprises, and if this effect is a surprise to you), that it doesn't hit anything where that would be overly inconvenient :)
<wpwrak> well, mouth or nose :)
<larsc> like my laptop ;)
<larsc> luckily there wasn't anything suprising
<`antonio`> wpwrak: hi, I have three nanonote connected together and when I ping 1 of them i get a duplicate packet
<wpwrak> hmm, that could be the ACK timing in dirtpan. have you set any debugging options in dirtpan ?
<wpwrak> i.e., does dirtpan print anything ? or is it silent ?
<wpwrak> if dirtpan is printing diagnostics, don't use that option :)
<wpwrak> if it's already silent, you may want to tweak T_REASS_MS and T_ACK_MS in dirtpan.c
<wpwrak> e.g., set T_ACK_MS to 200 and T_REASS_MS to 1000
<wpwrak> the duplicates are a bit surprising, though, because they come quickly
<wpwrak> but let's see what relaxing the timing accomplishes
<`antonio`> wpwrak, ok i'll do it now and let you know
<`antonio`> wpwrak, it didn't solve, actually is now is worse: 15 packets transmitted, 15 packets received, 216 duplicates, 0% packet loss
<`antonio`> more exactly: 8 packets transmitted, 8 packets received, 40 duplicates, 0% packet loss
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mtd: cc_ftl: Do not report correctable ECC errors as I/O errors. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/32ac6c1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mtd: Work around potential deadlock. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/adb8a6e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mtd: cc_ftl: Support partition tables inside CC_FTL block devices. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/5895636
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740: nand: Enable NAND in static memory bank 1. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/56dbbbd
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge remote branch 'qi-kernel/jz-2.6.34' into jz-2.6.34 (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/401472a
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320: board: Adapted to new location of "jz4740_mmc.h". (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d51fd84
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740: slcd: Initial support for double buffering. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/c38cb10
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge remote branch 'qi-kernel/jz-2.6.34' into jz-2.6.34 (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8e57f1f
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740: nand: Fixed addressing of static memory banks. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/07983ef
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge remote branch 'qi-kernel/jz-2.6.34' into jz-2.6.34 (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9923ce5
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Updated header paths to match new upstream locations. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ec7112d
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge commit '07983ef95d20bd4f29ef4fc49f53f265e085f7d8' into jz-2.6.34 (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/cf30fb6
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MMC: jz4740: Fixed card change detection. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/a267b41
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320: Added ccnand device nodes to initrd. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/04055f4
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320: Enable key repeat. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/fea3607
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: NAND: jz4740: Fix remove function. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9c5557e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: NAND: jz4740: Request and configure GPIO pins for NAND chip select. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/63b52d8
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320: Use 8 bits per block in bad block table. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/abc3c08
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320_defconfig: Remove RNDIS support for CDC Ethernet. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9ec8603
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: SLCD: Fix bytes per frame for TV-out. (jz-2.6.34) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/954664a
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Add cpufreq support. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/664cba0
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: Implement flush_kernel_dcache_page(). (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/eab211c
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: /dev/mem: Add kernel config option to omit this device. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/cb5c0de
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: cpufreq_stats: Support runtime changes to frequency table. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/c3c4d20
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Add Dingux logo. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e9d6ec7
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Add Dingoo A320 board support. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/7089ab9
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Added setting of PLL rate and main dividers. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/2295e65
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320 snd: Add SoC sound support for Dingoo A320. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/14d6a20
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: SLCD framebufer driver. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/0542d5f
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mtd: cc_ftl: New FTL driver for media players using China Chip firmware. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/f2a4e73
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: JZ4740: Expand eccpos to 72 bytes. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/01979d3
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: NAND: JZ4740: Experimental multi-bank support (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/27faf34
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Updated signature of panic blink function (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/b85ab7c
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Force vmlinuz load address on Dingoo A320 (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/507a71d
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: a320_defconfig: Default config for Dingoo A320. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/2540fce
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Add support for the hardware watchdog found in Ingenic's jz4740 System-on-Chip. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/25b5850
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: defconfig: Enabled watchdog. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/a2373ea2
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Revert "Add support for the hardware watchdog found in Ingenic's jz4740 System-on-Chip." (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ace7f40
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Add support for the hardware watchdog found in Ingenic's jz4740 System-on-Chip. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3bf7d9d
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: Add watchdog device to A320 board. (jz-2.6.36) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/c12a0a5
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Added setting of PLL rate and main dividers. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/babfe8f
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320 snd: Add SoC sound support for Dingoo A320. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/c4d3c9e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: SLCD framebufer driver. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3dba5b5
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mtd: cc_ftl: New FTL driver for media players using China Chip firmware. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/39a59e1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: NAND: JZ4740: Experimental multi-bank support (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/b2f7fd4
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Updated signature of panic blink function (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/c097652
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Force vmlinuz load address on Dingoo A320 (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/777c870
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Add support for the hardware watchdog found in Ingenic's jz4740 System-on-Chip. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/342357a
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: Add watchdog device to A320 board. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ca86623
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: a320_defconfig: Default config for Dingoo A320. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/afc26b1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320 snd: Update SoC sound support for Dingoo A320. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/a9b21d6
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mtd: nand: Fixed null pointer dereference. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9c70070b
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Specify number of ECC bytes in OOB area. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/95cb447
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: defconfig: Enable CONFIG_NETDEVICES. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d8a94d8
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: defconfig: Enable CONFIG_PACKET. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/dccd3f9
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: defconfig: Disable OSS compatibility drivers. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e4c9829
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: defconfig: Tweak scheduling options to get lower latencies. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/72375ec
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: defconfig: Reverted high-resolution timers. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/c1d5cc0
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: Properly named audio channels and added switches on them. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/333e10e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: Set backlight period to 5 ms. (jz-2.6.37) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9b8fabb
<roh> meh
<roh> this bot really needs flood control
<mth> sorry for all the commits messages
<mth> the useful thing for NN users is that there is a jz-3.0 branch now
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: defconfig for the Ben NanoNote: updated for 3.0 (jz-3.0) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/489845c
<wpwrak> `antonio`: hmmm
<wpwrak> `antonio`: there's only one dirtpan per peer on each ben ? that is, 2 on each ?
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320 snd: Uncommented speaker definitions: the guessed values seem to work. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d761b24
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740_dma: Only set no-descriptor flag when enabling the channel. Otherwise, there can be data loss using the transfer (seen with SLCD). (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ee18998
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-slcd-fb: Removed obsolete comment: the cause was found and fixed in the DMA driver. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/329aaf8
<qi-bot> [commit] CongoZombie: Added JZ_RISC specific code from the Ingenic kernel used by BooBoo (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/326ac0e
<qi-bot> [commit] CongoZombie: Revert commit "Added JZ_RISC specific code from the Ingenic kernel used by BooBoo" (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3b37e76
<qi-bot> [commit] CongoZombie: Added zImage to .gitignore (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/bc960c2
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: a320_defconfig: Disable MMC bounce buffer. This avoid an unnecessary copy step. It also avoids what seems to be a cache flush problem, which would cause invalid code to be executed when running big executables. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3e53974
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge branch 'jz-2.6.34-rc7' of github.com:mthuurne/opendingux-kernel into jz-2.6.34-rc7 (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/51f79e5
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-slcd-fb: Avoid race conditions between refresh (upload) and framebuffer state changes. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/36c6ca2
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: mips: Implement flush_kernel_dcache_page(). This is just a quick fix; a real fix would implement flush_kernel_vmap_range() and invalidate_kernel_vmap_range() as well, but those are only used in XFS for which we have no need on the Dingoo. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/b2ecc5e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-slcd-fb: Compute the number of pixels instead of hardcoding it. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/973dc02
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-slcd-fb: Removed obsolete TODOs. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/4f54f6c
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-i2s: Corrected DMA width constants. This driver relied on the wrong encoding in arch/mips/include/asm/mach-jz4740/dma.h, which were fixed recently. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/624774d
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-i2s: Declare that both the JZ4740 AIC and its internal codec are capable of 48 kHz output. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/9cf1273
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740-i2s: Fixed indentation. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8765509
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740_timer: Mask the "half" timer interrupts in plat_time_init(). This fixes a hang when booting on the Dingoo A320 in USB boot mode with the Rockbox USBtool. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/08d2d24
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: jz4740_timer: Fixed indentation. (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/7ae7dc6
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Revert "jz4740_timer: Fixed indentation." (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/4ab1455
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Revert "jz4740_timer: Mask the "half" timer interrupts in plat_time_init(). This fixes a hang when booting on the Dingoo A320 in USB boot mode with the Rockbox USBtool." (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/aff7f39
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge branch 'jz-2.6.34-rc7' of projects.qi-hardware.com:qi-kernel into jz-2.6.34-rc7 (jz-2.6.34-rc7) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e73fb09
<`antonio`> wpwrak, actually there are three dirtpan per peer, in this mesh, when I ping to one device it creates duplicate for all the others as well
<`antonio`> and the trick with T_ACK_MS to 200 and T_REASS_MS to 1000
<`antonio`> did not solved anything
<wpwrak> hmm, so you have 3 nodes ? let's name them A, B, C. then A should run a dirtpan that talks to B and one that talks to C.
<wpwrak> B should run one for A and one for C. etc.
<wpwrak> maybe you just have a lot of old dirtpans :) maybe  killall dirtpan  then launch just the ones you need
<wpwrak> or have you added anything that does data duplication/forwarding for the mesh ?
<`antonio`> wpwrak, yeh i killed them all and lunched just the one i needed
<wpwrak> and you're still getting duplicates ?
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: JZ4740: Expand eccpos to 72 bytes. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/d02d671
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Take advantage of 72-byte eccpos. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8f56829
<qi-bot> [commit] Nitin Gupta: Support generic I/O requests (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/12e9bd2
<qi-bot> [commit] Nitin Gupta: Rename ramzswap files to zram (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/6141d61
<qi-bot> [commit] Nitin Gupta: Rename ramzswap to zram in code (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/43551b5
<qi-bot> [commit] Nitin Gupta: Rename ramzswap to zram in documentation (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8b74237
<qi-bot> [commit] Randy Dunlap: Staging: zram: fix build errors, depends on BLOCK (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/61aa607
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Updated for ramzswap -> zram rename. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/18da016
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Added PCM device to board support file. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/5f89a60
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Round PLL frequency down to a multiple of 24 MHz. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/b95a25a
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: /dev/mem: Add kernel config option to omit this device. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/485ead6
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Disable /dev/mem and /dev/kmem. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/87429d6
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Reformatted gpio keys table. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/45d30ba
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Declare power slider as wakeup button. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/6a6c220
<qi-bot> [commit] Phillip Lougher: Squashfs: add LZMA compression (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/45c3204
<qi-bot> [commit] Phillip Lougher: Squashfs: Make unlzma available to non initramfs/initrd code (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/330dac3
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Switch rootfs from romfs to squashfs. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/0bb81e1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Disabled various config options. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8041f12
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Removed part of command line that disables DMA in USB gadget driver. (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/325f0a1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge branch 'jz-2.6.35' of projects.qi-hardware.com:qi-kernel into jz-2.6.35 (jz-2.6.35) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3c67615
<mth> two more to come...
<`antonio`> A is the coordinator, B and C the nodes, A dirtpan is launched to B and C, B only to A and C to A.
<`antonio`> so if from A I ping B I will have also have two duplicates
<wpwrak> `antonio`: okay, then the duplicates are very weird.
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Revert "NAND: Optimize reading the eec data for the JZ4740 (evil hack)" (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/25478d1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Corrected clock divider masks. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8b04469
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Force backlight off when ILI is off. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/66672e1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: SLCD: Make blanking and TV-out mutually exclusive. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e84aa54
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Disable unused in-kernel framework. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/7d3ff3e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Assume SD card is not removed during suspend. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/0617ec9
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Add one-shot feature flag for main timer. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/1d433da
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge branch 'jz-2.6.38' of git://projects.qi-hardware.com/qi-kernel into jz-2.6.38 (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/7b58f7b
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: SLCD: panels: Add function to send data without a command. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/fa461a8
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: SLCD: panels: Add ILI9338 support. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/722b6ea
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: clock: Removed CPHYSADDR. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/257100f
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: setup: Autodetect physical memory. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8893e95
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Removed "mem=" parameter. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/4a69c28
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: NAND: JZ4740: Finished multi-bank support and added autodetection (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3ed7d04
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Probe all banks for NAND chips. (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/66dc1bf
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: OpenDingux: initrd: Specify initrd contents using text file instead of cpio archive (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/a6140ae
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Use text-based initrd definition (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/6871b87
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: OpenDingux: initrd: Remove initrd cpio archive (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/f360f6e
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: OpenDingux: initrd: Removed unnecessary nodes and dirs (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/8e3a5fb
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge branch 'jz-2.6.38' of projects.qi-hardware.com:qi-kernel into jz-2.6.38 (jz-2.6.38) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/32f5864
<`antonio`> i wonder whether they can effect the network somehow
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MTD: NAND: JZ4740: Multi-bank support with autodetection (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/54e2765
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Revert "NAND: Optimize reading the eec data for the JZ4740 (evil hack)" (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/60a59e9
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: OpenDingux: initrd: Specify initrd contents using text file (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ef58786
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Force vmlinuz load address on Dingoo A320 (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/6feb628
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: Add Dingoo A320 board support. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ff3fd14
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: A320: Default config for Dingoo A320. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/4a45a18
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: Fix MFD jz4740-ts entry (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/6981bbb
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: jz4740: Fix compile error (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/be97723
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: USB: Fix packet read/write functions. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/e6ec57a
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Disable CPU frequency scaling for now. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/f1bb5e6
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Kconfig: Mark the Dingoo A320 as a JZ4740 SoC system. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/5e5911b
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: cpufreq: Set CE bit after PLL freq change. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/821be15
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MMC: JZ4740: Added support for CPU frequency changing. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ff305ba
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Re-enabled cpufreq driver. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/bda734b
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: cpufreq: select CPU_FREQ_TABLE (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/f0c8e57
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: defconfig: Enabled suspend. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/f9cc6bc
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: reset: Initialize hibernate wakeup counters. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/2e39ab1
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Debounce microswitch buttons. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ce0911a
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: A320: Updated quickstart documentation. (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/ec7cab4
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Merge branch 'jz-2.6.39' of projects.qi-hardware.com:qi-kernel into jz-2.6.39 (jz-2.6.39) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/a0fd16d
<wpwrak> ah, that is ... what IP addresses did you assign ?  ip addr show  or  ifconfig -a
<mth> done now
<wpwrak> pheew :)
<mth> sorry for all the bot noise
<wpwrak> the bot needs a "silent" mode :)
<`antonio`> for coordinator is all the other start from
<wpwrak> so A, the coordinator is, B is, and C is ?
<wpwrak> is there any special mesh forwarding/routing software on those nodes ? or are they just regular bens with my wpan stuff ?
<wpwrak> `antonio`: if all should be "normal", please stop the dirtpan on B and start it again with the option -d
<wpwrak> it will then print a few characters for each frame it sends/receives, indicating what it does and why
<wpwrak> ping -c 1 ...   should be enough (sends just a single ping)
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: MIPS: JZ4740: Use generic irq chip (jz-3.0) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/5db3e85
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: MIPS: JZ4740: GPIO: Simplify IRQ demuxer (jz-3.0) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/26c132b
<qi-bot> [commit] Lars-Peter Clausen: MIPS: JZ4740: GPIO: Check correct IRQ in demux handler (jz-3.0) http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/3bdcac8
<`antonio`> wpwrak, ok
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: (register)dont know exacly seems also to hold button presed by mistake..
<kristianpaul> I'll wait and see :)
<kristianpaul> i mean i hope the regiter is dual porpuse :)
<wolfspraul> HP should have invested in and supported copyleft hardware and OpenWrt instead :-)
<wolfspraul> too bad for WebOS, maybe it goes to software heaven now?