<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: gmenu2x update (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/f8c5391
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: nanonote-files update build script file (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/a6f250f
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: why you use branches isntead of tags for qi-openwrt releases?
<xiangfu> for openwrt-package branch is better. since feeds.conf support branch. not tag.
<kristianpaul> oh, good to know
<xiangfu> for openwrt-xburst.my plan is using tag.
<xiangfu> you can see tag: release_2010-12-14 and release_2011-02-23
<xiangfu> since we rebase a lot. I think branch is better then tag for us. so for "release_2011-05-28" I using branch again.
<kristianpaul> (rebase) ;)
<xiangfu> maybe I just delete those two tag, using branch as always.
<xiangfu> no tags anymore. all branch.
<xiangfu> that do you think? tag and branch is mess, only one is better.
<kristianpaul> is not better all branch and tags in branch?
<kristianpaul> oh, dint knew it about the mess
<kristianpaul> what linux uses for releases?
<kristianpaul> tarball still? :)
<xiangfu> tag in upstream.
<kristianpaul> well.. i really cant advice you, actually i made question in first place as i wanted to survery git users about branch and tags for releases
<kristianpaul> personallu i like tags in the master branchs
<kristianpaul> and let the other branchs for testings/experimenting porpuses
<kristianpaul> there is that stash thing but i dont get used to it yet..
<xiangfu> I am testing. seems the after rebase, tag have some problem. ask in #git for make sure. if tag have problem when rebase, then we have to using 'branch' :)
<kristianpaul> can you avoid rebase?
<kristianpaul> or do it not in master then later merge?
<xiangfu> I try to keep our commit on top of openwrt's commit. the only way is rebase :(
<ignatius_> Anyone know how to use the entire NAND's space for userland? Every time I install a .UBI I only get around 500MiB.
<ignatius_> Thanks.
<kristianpaul> good and bad news
<kristianpaul> first the accumlator interrupt signal was OK all this time
<kristianpaul> but, and just until i start playing a bit with vertical scale in the scope i discovr this http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/kristianpaul/wtf%20accum%20int.png
<kristianpaul> difference? well a different fpga pin
<kristianpaul> thats the bad part... i hope i dint damaged without noticing..
<xiangfu> I just try "openwrt-xburst.full_system-07272011-1848" images.
<xiangfu> python gets better. but still "Segmentation fault", pyclock is working. but 'python' get "segmentation fault"
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: you there?
<kristianpaul> yes
<wolfspraul> I am wondering whether we should go back to a short usb cable for m1.
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> he ;)
<wolfspraul> I guess going to a long one (I believe that came from you) caused new problems. And I don't want to spend energy on fixing those problems, instead why not just have a short one?
<wolfspraul> you complained back then, why?
<kristianpaul> well, my current cable is a 80cm long from a canon camera and works ok
<wolfspraul> if the cable is user in a developer setting (because of the upward pointing USB it's meant to go to jtag), then most likely the m1 will stand right next to a notebook, no?
<kristianpaul> yes i complain time ago about short cables
<wolfspraul> ok but that one is a dev only situation
<kristianpaul> but i never tought this could happen, sorry :(
<wolfspraul> the m1 is open
<wolfspraul> no, all fine
<wolfspraul> we must never be afraid to improve things
<wolfspraul> there's always a price to pay, but I know this and I'm still passionate about aggressively improving
<wolfspraul> every pioneer will at some point realize there are easier ways to live your life :-)
<wolfspraul> so...
<wolfspraul> isn't this cable used in a dev only setting?
<wolfspraul> m1 is open
<wolfspraul> it must be near
<kristianpaul> ergg, my cable 123cms from canon camera
<kristianpaul> yes dev
<wolfspraul> I cannot see why there is any problem if the cable is 80cm, even less
<wolfspraul> if the cable is used for m1 in an event/performance setting, I can understand
<kristianpaul> and no problem on my side of course, runnon debian stable, what else i can tel..
<wolfspraul> we have extra long cables for the power supplies now, for exmaple :-) (2.5m instead of the normal 1.8m)
<kristianpaul> jtag pod with fix
<kristianpaul> oh
<wolfspraul> so you say 80cm for the usb jtag cable is also fine?
<kristianpaul> well, i could say that but is not realiable as i never reflashed 90 boards with mine...
<kristianpaul> yeah. well usually next to netbook.
<kristianpaul> well, all people havbe netbooks now, may be i need get one in my home and replace the dekstop computer ;)
<kristianpaul> but  YES. cable is only for dev settings i gree
<kristianpaul> agree****
<kristianpaul> and if short works, okay...
<kristianpaul> i think xiangfu have a nice shorter cable, now i realize why :-)
<wolfspraul> I'm not trying to talk you into liking it, I am trying to understand the specific setting you have in mind.
<wolfspraul> in your case, the m1 is on your desk, but the cable runs down to a desktop computer sitting on the floor?
<kristianpaul> yes
<wolfspraul> and what is the cable length you need to reach down there?
<wolfspraul> 80cm will not be enough, right?
<kristianpaul> well. in my particular case a little tight but you work
<kristianpaul> s/you/might
<wolfspraul> ok
<wolfspraul> thanks!
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> he, i hope my feedback helped... well... at least i'll keep mind changing cable lengts is not  good always..
<wolfspraul> well, anything can make a difference, in hindsight you know.
<wolfspraul> but that cannot stop us from making changes, otherwise we may as well close shop.
<wolfspraul> so all fine
<wolfspraul> we learn
<kristianpaul> afortunty usb cables are cheap in you side i guess :)
<roh> morning
<wolfspraul> morning
<kristianpaul> gn8 :)
<kodein> oh dear
<xiangfu> the recently openwrt updata break the 'at-3.1.12' package.
<LunaVorax> Hello everyone !
<wolfspraul> LunaVorax: hi
<Ayla> wpwrak: hello?
<LunaVorax> wolfspraul, how have you been ?
<wolfspraul> LunaVorax: busy!
<wolfspraul> working on upcoming Milkymist One
<wolfspraul> our video synthesizer
<wolfspraul> LunaVorax: wanna buy one? :-) 499 USD...
<wolfspraul> and how have you been? what's brewing?
<rix1234> has anyone done with usb-redirection for citrix receiver
<LunaVorax> wolfspraul, passing semester 2 at college, still learning C and SDL, working on some project, building a NAS RAID-5, lot of stuff :)
<LunaVorax> wolfspraul, also tried to learn asm x86 but lost motivation
<Ayla> losinggeneration, what are you doing here? :)
<losinggeneration> idling :P
<Ayla> you bought a nanonote?
<Ayla> done with your didj?
<losinggeneration> seems like a logical place to idle since I have an openmoko neo freerunner and like open hardware stuff
<Ayla> ok
<losinggeneration> oh, not done with it, just put on the back burner for a bit, life is a bit hecktic right now, and I've been trying to work on some sms code lately
<losinggeneration> *hectic* even
<Ayla> sms as in sega master system?
<losinggeneration> yeah
<Ayla> :)
<losinggeneration> it is a bit ambiguous when I'm in non-sega irc channels :P
<Ayla> keep me informed, we need a SMS emu :p
<losinggeneration> well, I ported CrabEmu to the Didj which meant writing an SDL backend
<Ayla> the Didj is 320x240?
<losinggeneration> off the top of my head, I think so
<Ayla> there's no ASM in it?
<losinggeneration> pure C
<Ayla> heh, interesting
<losinggeneration> it needs a few more minor optimization, but it runs at pretty much full speed
<Ayla> tell me when the code is mature enough, so that I can port it to the dingoo A320...
<losinggeneration> it's actually not in terrible shape IMO, but another set of eyes on it may be useful :)
<Ayla> we'll release a new kernel for it in a few, a new emulator would make some advertisement
<losinggeneration> oh, it does depend on Lua (for configuration) also, but that shouldn't be too hard to make for pretty much any system
<Ayla> it's one case to check on buildroot, and we have Lua on the system
<Ayla> you could put KOS lib on the dcload disc
<Ayla> the elf to send on the cable would be MUCH smaller
<losinggeneration> Yes, it would indeed be smaller. I'd also like to get KOS to a point where it's modular, so only, for instance, the base OS, and filesystem stuff loads up instead absolutely of everything
<Ayla> that's for KOS 3.0
<losinggeneration> yeah :)
<losinggeneration> maybe for ten years from now :P
<losinggeneration> I've also been thinking it may be useful for it to support more devices/consoles... but the DC still has a pretty loyal (albeit small) following
<Ayla> it's too close to the hardware to be portable
<losinggeneration> well, it used to have initial support for ps2 and gba, but those were never finished/matured
<Ayla> I wouldn't mind seeing it on x360
<losinggeneration> initial apps wouldn't be portable from one device to another (which would be annoying) unless we put a generic hardware interface in place
<losinggeneration> oh, all the big picture projects I'd love to have enough time to work on :/
<Ayla> heh, I know that
<Ayla> I have one big picture project called AICA/OS& ;)
<Ayla> which has been in pause for a long time
<losinggeneration> did you end up ditching newlib, I forget
<Ayla> I have some code on github for it, but I fear I'll have to start it again, and implement the RPC on the syscalls of newlib
<Ayla> the goal is to be able to open say "/cd/file.txt" directly from the ARM, and read/write it, with nothing more than fopen, fread and fwrite
<losinggeneration> that would be pretty cool, also, fclose is overrated (or underrated for not being mentioned :P)
<Ayla> you'll have fclose() too, indeed
<Jay7> LunaVorax: raid5 may be one-way-ticket for your data :)
<LunaVorax> Jay7, you sure ? I though it was safe
<Jay7> LunaVorax: it have one problem - write hole
<Jay7> check wikipedia about RAID5
<LunaVorax> I did
<Jay7> failed driver increasing load of next drive in array
<Jay7> at least install spare drive and run checkum re-checkin regularly
<LunaVorax> Jay7, which RAID would you use ?
<Jay7> mostly RAID1, but have 2 hardware RAID6 too
<Jay7> now thinking about ZFS with RAID-Z..
<Jay7> it's RAID5 but w/o write hole because of ZFS's CoW algo
<Jay7> I dislike HW raid's.. it's hard to recover data from it always
<Jay7> if card is dead you should find card by same vendor (and may be even from same series)..
<Jay7> after ~5-10 years it's very hard to do :)
<Jay7> LunaVorax: other option is RAID10 (or 1+0)
<Jay7> but you will have less space when compared to RAID5..
<Jay7> but disks are cheap now :)
<LunaVorax> Jay7, we don't have the same conception of cheap then
<LunaVorax> I paid 333¬ for 4*2Tb
<Jay7> it's better than 3333 euro :)
<LunaVorax> And, yes, I need the 8tb :/
<LunaVorax> I'm not that ready to pay 333 more euros only to make a RAID 10
<Jay7> well, use RAID5 but buy one spare disk
<Jay7> ASAP
<Jay7> just to lower possibility of double fault
<LunaVorax> hmkay
<Jay7> or change drives every 2 years :)
<LunaVorax> Jay7, what software are you using for your raid ?
<Jay7> LunaVorax: mdadm on Linux, gmirror or zfs on FreeBSD
<LunaVorax> hmkay
<LunaVorax> I was thiniking about using FreeNAS since I'm a noob
<Jay7> FreeNAS is FreeBSD-based
<LunaVorax> I know
<Jay7> there you may use RAID5 because it is RAID-Z
<LunaVorax> You mean RAID5 using ZFS formatted disks ?
<Jay7> but you should buy at least 4Gb of RAM for zfs to run smoothly :)
<LunaVorax> Oh damn
<Jay7> better to have 8Gb (if you will enable deduplication with next FreeNAS release)
<LunaVorax> No ZFS then
<LunaVorax> 4gb for a filesystem ? that's insane
<Jay7> not for FS, but for NAS
<LunaVorax> you lost me a bit
<Jay7> zfs may work with 1Gb
<Jay7> but you will get more speed with 4Gb
<Jay7> because you may enable prefetching
<Jay7> or use OpenFiler e.g.
<LunaVorax> Hum
<Jay7> it's linux-based (lvm + ext3 iirc)
<LunaVorax> That's getting even more complicated than I though
<Jay7> or use freenas but with UFS
<Jay7> but I'm unsure it will create raid5 then.. you should check this before
<Jay7> LunaVorax: nothing really complicated... it depends on your NAS load
<Jay7> for low load you may use almost everything
<Jay7> for high load I'll prefer to have ZFS with 8Gb of RAM :)
<LunaVorax> Jay7, It's just a little NAS for me on centralise all of my data mand make it safe
<LunaVorax> And I'm the only one using it
<LunaVorax> -on + to
<Jay7> LunaVorax: try OpenFiler then
<Jay7> it should provide all you want :)
<Jay7> and iirc, it does not require separate storage for itself (like FreeNAS does)
<LunaVorax> hum key
<Jay7> but I'm not sure
<kristianpaul> true, raid is a mess when you want ot recover lost data
<kristianpaul> s/ot/to
<kristianpaul> wher i work, at month or so, there are such us cases
<kristianpaul> and hardware lockerd to vendor most of the time..
<kristianpaul> NAS is good way, at least if you can sync tow of this boxes (hopefullt remotelly separated)
<Jay7> btw, nice place for open HW - open hw raid cards :)
<Jay7> with open metadata format and cheap batteries :)
<Jay7> and sure with open drivers and tools :)
<kristianpaul> yeah... when time allow :)
<kristianpaul> storage indeed is full of lock, just see those cheap usb memory sticks now days..
<kristianpaul> or even worst external hard drives, with usb support, that uses AES, but no body knows the key aparently..
<kristianpaul> oh well :)