<kristianpaul> ah is true http://gnss-sdr.ru/media/1/20101004-screenshot.gif, Artyom dint get track..
<kristianpaul> yeah, same situation as my self :-S
<kristianpaul> i guess osgps never got track as i was feeding it with complex data
<kristianpaul> even after sample 40Mb of data
<kristianpaul> also this gps-sdr from CTA es kinda slow and cpu consuming, was very wise from him to swtich to scilab :-)
<wpwrak> so what's the plan then ? wait for Artyom to fix things on his side ?
<kristianpaul> no of course not
<kristianpaul> also his side have its complexity that he only understand
<kristianpaul> i still on my namuru debugging, afaik cant make carrier nco to work..
<kristianpaul> once i get it work, the accumulator should start to work
<wpwrak> ah, so your troubles are still in earlier processing stages than his. i see.
<kristianpaul> with namuru yes
<kristianpaul> but in full software processing kinda same
<kristianpaul> but i had same issues as heen before with the acquisition module, i got prn code detection but couldt lock it..
<kristianpaul> that was with osgps
<kristianpaul> i soft mode to put it a name
<kristianpaul> he was very kind to sent my hist vhdl namuru code
<kristianpaul> i discover i missed a state for the time base counter on my verilog code
<kristianpaul> fixed now, i'll try as soon sitesis finish
<wpwrak> cool. that's probably a good bug to fix ;-)
<kristianpaul> well, i depend may be xst asumed what he wrote in the code and i specify
<kristianpaul> and sadly it wast related to my carrier nco stuckness...
<kristianpaul> and i'm using carrier_nco code as it is..
<kristianpaul> so the error should be in higher layers..
<wpwrak> the harder the bug to fix, the greater the glory ;-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ptrude/: functions for path stretching and calculation of proportional length (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/cae-tools/7ef6269
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ptrude/: changed extrusion from xy path to xz path; variable number of faces (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/cae-tools/ee63445
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ptrude/: many major math fixes, especially in stretch_path (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/cae-tools/26a0f4c
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: don't you think the Nyan cat is more like 400 microns high?
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: dunno may be azonenberg can tell us more
<Artyom> hi kristianpaul
<kristianpaul> hello
<Artyom> I've seen discussion about real/complex data samples from your front-end
<kristianpaul> ah yes,
<kristianpaul> it make complex out of the box..
<kristianpaul> but at time i tested i havent software avaliable for complex procesing.. :(
<Artyom> and what is sampling frequency and intermediate frequency?
<Artyom> and bandwidth?
<kristianpaul> 2.556 intermdiate 2.048Mhz sampling
<kristianpaul> every sample 4 bits
<Artyom> oh...
<Artyom> But can you use higher sampling frequency?
<kristianpaul> yeah, in real mode
<kristianpaul> 16.694Mhz of sampling
<kristianpaul> same IF, 2 bits per sample
<kristianpaul> i switched to that mode now
<kristianpaul> but all went i can try complex agains namuru
<kristianpaul> btw i checked you code, i added a codition to the counters that i missed, but of course time_base was working before
<kristianpaul> and i still get the carrier nco stuck :(
<Artyom> In my front-end I also have complex-data output. I have IF=2.42MHz Sampling=16MHz and bandwidth=4.2MHz. When I work with osgps, I just throw away all Q-samples and use only I-samples.
<kristianpaul> Artyom: every sample 4 bits at 2.048 MSPS at 8.192 Mhz sampling clock in other words
<kristianpaul> still using maxin right?
<Artyom> yes
<kristianpaul> you trought away all Q-samples?? but what happened if carrier mas in that?
<kristianpaul> i may be wrong but i think is no always exactly this guess
<kristianpaul> s/carrier/C/A
<kristianpaul> s/guess/asumption
<Artyom> what do you mean "what happened if carrier mas in that?". Can you explain in more detail...
<kristianpaul> ah, moment you work with GLONASS not GPS right?
<kristianpaul> in GPS L1 signals there is a P-code and C/A code
<Artyom> I work with both. But now as I use osgps+namuru I work with GPS only. Later It will be easy to switch to GLONASS
<kristianpaul> on is in phase other quadrature, (dont remenber wich on is who..)
<Artyom> Yes, In GLONASS the same thing
<kristianpaul> oh nice
<kristianpaul> i may may be wrong but i undertood that processing just Q for example you cant get the P-code
<kristianpaul> but as i said, is a _guess_ for me i never dig in to
<Artyom> No, this is wrong
<kristianpaul> :-)
<Artyom> :(
<Artyom> In receiver there is another meaning in quadrature channels
<Artyom> We use quadratures in receiver when we work with signals with unknown phase (like it is in GPS/GLONASS/COMPASS/GALILEO)
<kristianpaul> ah
<kristianpaul> well. i'll check more theory about this later
<kristianpaul> btw before i leave cause i travel to work like 2hr and i have a meeting in the morning..
<kristianpaul> the carrier phase register in namuru just need to be written once isnt? well at least for initilization, later i may be ajusted acording to doppler etc..
<kristianpaul> i think i'll write a testbench for it, and debug it individually..
<Artyom> which exactly register are you asking about?
<kristianpaul> CODE_NCO
<kristianpaul> and  CARRIER_NCO
<Artyom> during acquisition you set CODE_NCO to a fixed value
<kristianpaul> yes
<Artyom> and CARRIER_NCO is changing according to current doppler-bin (where we search the signal)
<Artyom> And during tracking we always change their values
<Artyom> both CODE_NCO and CARRIER_NCO
<kristianpaul> but then CARRIER_MEASUREMENT will not change its value over the time if i dont change the CARRIER_NCO ?
<kristianpaul> cause i'm initializing both CODE_NCO and CARRIER_NCO with fixed values
<kristianpaul> if i read CODE_MEASUREMENT it looks like is changing vauet but not the case for CARRIER_MEASUREMENT..
<kristianpaul> that let me thing something wrong was happening with the carrier nco module..
<Artyom> may be, I can't tell you exactly as I didn't dig so far. I only tried to control tracking loops. And CODE_MEASUREMENT and CARRIER_MEASUREMENT are used later for calculating pseudoranges... (if I'm not wrong)
<kristianpaul> hum. but how you track if the carrier nco is not fixed first?
<kristianpaul> or i'm misiing something..
<kristianpaul> agrh, i must leave now, but my irc client gets here catching
<kristianpaul> bye Artyom
<Artyom> bye
<kristianpaul> but you read the accumulators right? i mean after initializr CODE_NCO and CARRIER_NCO ?
<kristianpaul> also if read it must be before got overwrite
<Artyom> I read only i_prompt,q_prompt,i_late,q_late
<kristianpaul> i read all, but zero is the cotent tought..
<kristianpaul> okay now leaving, i'm late ;)
<Artyom> bye
<Artyom> I must make a note: I tried to use my own code for tracking. In general we have only to read i_promt,q_prompt,i_late,q_late_i_early,_qearly in order to calculate errors of our carrier-generator and code_generator. And based on these 6 values we can calculate new values for CODE_NCO and CARRIER_NCO.
<Artyom> In osgps there are some additions to the general rule:
<Artyom> During pull-in process additionally navigation bits border is also identified. And additional checks are made in order to be sure that the process is working correctly.
<Artyom> And also osgps uses only 4 values i_prompt, q_prompt, i_late, q_late.
<Artyom> Based on these 4 values every ms during pull-in process new CARRIER_DCO and CODE_DCO values are calculated. During tracking process CARRIER_DCO is updated every ms and CODE_DCO is updated every 20 ms.
<Artyom> And CODE_MEASUREMENTS/CARRIER_MEASUREMENTS are used only every 100 ms to calculate pseudoranges.
<rjeffries> wolfspraul I was w-r-o-n-g re ARM costs. The use case I was thinking of is this part:
<rjeffries> NXP LPC1768, ARM Cortex M3 100MHz, ~$5 in >1K volume.
<roh> meh.. this shipping logistics makes my brain hurt
<roh> these madmen who wrote those texts and regulations
<rjeffries> semi-unrelated factoid: the per-piece royalty to ARM when a licesee produces an ARM-based CPU is as low as $00.07 per chip
<rjeffries> hello roh
<roh> rjeffries: yeah. thats not really a cost factor for us at the volumes we do.
<rjeffries> roh I was not suggesting it was. I had calimed a 1GHz Arm was $5 I was wrong about that
<wolfspraul> rjeffries: fair enough.
<wolfspraul> even lower than 7 cents
<wolfspraul> 2-40 cents, afaik
<rjeffries> it is a tough business for sure
<roh> imx233 is 7.05Euro at digikey
<wolfspraul> nah, all fine. they don't shoulder the expensive and risky part.
<roh> 454mhz
<roh> gnnnh.
<roh> wolfspraul: any idea what zolltarifnummer to use?
<wolfspraul> no idea
<roh> fsck.. i havent got a clue either.. there are thousands
<roh> it seems i have to atleast fill a CN23
<roh> fsck. need this number.. gah. 1h till the shop closes
<wolfspraul> roh: is that the same as HS code? I found "390690  Other Acrylic Polymers"
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> but there's also metal and other stuff inside...
<roh> exactly.. i only found codes withing 39xxxxxx which are for uncut material
<roh> this zoll-lists are a serious case of TL;DR
<wpwrak> roh: try to google for something similar in china. they sometimes list the HS code.
<wpwrak> roh: i.e., acrylic case screws "hs code"
<wpwrak> first hit: Face plastic case with screws (HS Code : 85439000, made in china)
<wpwrak> 854390  "Parts of Particle Accelerators, Audio Mixers, High Frequency Amplifiers" hehe ;-)
<roh> maybe i should just note the first 4 chars and a ?
<roh> 3906?
<roh> need to run. closing in 10 minutes
<wpwrak> you can abbreviate the numbers. but i don't remember to what point.
<wpwrak> ask them if they actually want the code :)
<wpwrak> fedex usually do (but they're probably okay without it, too)
<wpwrak> when i asked at the postal office, they said "no" (there's room on the form for it, in case you insist)
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: how's the news coming along ? the 2 months schedule seems to be a little tough for the sheer quantity of things - even if july was actually fairly quiet on the ben side (and quite the contrary on the m1 side)
<roh> shipment shipped
<wpwrak> did you put a code ?
<roh> nope
<roh> filled a CN23
<roh> ;)
<LunaVorax> hello everyone !
<LunaVorax> Long time no see !
<LunaVorax> What's up since the last month ?