<zear> say, why Ben NanoNote has no wikipedia article yet?
<kyak> because it's cooler than that? :)
<zear> oh wikipedia being an open source project is equally cool ;)
<zear> i don't feel being in a position to write an article about it, but i encourage you guys to do it :)
<zear> we need publicity, remember how slashdot (or whatever it was) article doubled the sales?
<wolfspraul> he :-) sales are good indeed :-)
<kyak> how many so far?
<wolfspraul> but don't you think too many totally irrelevant projects and people abuse wikipedia for stupid marketing reasons?
<wolfspraul> I'd say at this point NanoNote is about as relevant as any random new cake creation in a pastry shop :-)
<zear> wolfspraul, that's true, but Ben NanoNote is a real hardware, it's a commercial product for a couple of months already, there's a lot of articles in the internet to quote
<wolfspraul> I definitely won't sit down and write a euphemistic article about it...
<zear> so it deserves an article on the wiki
<wolfspraul> yeah, but I respect the Wikipedia project and their goals. Flooding it with irrelevant stuff is bad.
<zear> oh it has to meet the POV
<wolfspraul> our case should slowly get stronger, I'm not worried
<wolfspraul> kyak: we sold about 900 to date I think
<zear> i mean, NPOV, as in neutral point of view ;)
<zear> wolfspraul, Jlime, heck, even Kristoffer, it's author have their own wiki arts
<zear> and there are 4 wiki articles linking to nonexistant "Ben NanoNote" article
<zear> oh, and on the other news, we in jlime are staying in contact with http://humaneinfo.com and trying to make his wikireader software run on the nanonote :)
<wolfspraul> yes rafa mentioned it - cool
<zear> his 2009 enwiki dump is only 1.1GB, that's enough to be fit on nano's nand
<zear> rafa wants to incorporate it with his gnudict port
<wolfspraul> great
<zear> the only disadvantage of that will be lack of support for links, but that isn't really a big loss
<zear> as you can type anything in the search area any time you want
<zear> i'm really excited about this project
<bartbes> zear: the dead links might mean that an article existed but was removed
<bartbes> as happened to me once
<zear> bartbes, i doubt, they are all in articles about opensource/open hardware projects, as one of the examples of such projects
<zear> btw wolfspraul, is the initial batch sold out yet?
<wolfspraul> zear: about 100 left
<hallo99> I want to replace the rootfs with my own rootfs, I found a guide at http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Ubifs, but this guide assumes I am doing it on the nanonte, how can that work, if I replace the original rootfs?
<hallo99> how do I replace the rootfs via usbboot, can I just do mkfs.ubifs and flash this via usbboot?
<hallo99> xiangfu: I have put the nanonote into usb boot mode, but /proc/mtd on my laptop does not list any of the nanonote partions
<xiangfu> hallo99: that is right. when nanonote into usb-boot mode. it's not a USB-DISK.
<xiangfu> hallo99:  we need use "usbboot" command to reflash the device.
<hallo99> If I just want to reflash the rootfs over usb, do I have to use an image created directly by mkfs.ubifs, or do I have to modify that image somehow?
<xiangfu> hallo99: there are two option to test your rootfs.
<xiangfu> 1. flash to NAND: the image must ubifs format. yes. we must create the image by mkfs.ubifs
<xiangfu> 2. copy your rootfs to SD card. boot the system from sd card.
<xiangfu> format your first sd card partition to ext2. then copy your rootfs to that partition. copy the kernel to SDCARD:/boot/uImage.
<xiangfu> hold the KEY_M when poweron. NanoNote will boot to sdcard.
<hallo99> I don't own an micro-sd card, so option 2 is not for me
<hallo99> If I want to flash via usbboot, I do 1. mkfs.ubifs and 2. usbboot? I don't have to do ubinize and ubiformat and ubiattach?
<wolfspraul> rafa: yes correct, cleaning up a bit
<wolfspraul> upticked mediawiki, fixed a css problem on downloads
<wolfspraul> optimized the spamassassin config
<wolfspraul> want to get rid of the unstable qi-commits and use eggdrop for all irc stuff
<wolfspraul> want to merge the developer list into the discussion list
<wolfspraul> preparing to help Sebastien with a new Milkymist website designed by rez/corelabs
<wolfspraul> and so on
<rafa> wow.. big TODO list.. nice
<rafa> (for today) :)
<kristianpaul> :)
<wolfspraul> yeah, I also need to get to some more risky things, like removing the partition block from the virtual machine. somehow it's always causing a hang on restarts...
<wolfspraul> anyway, out now, n8 everybody
<kristianpaul> nite
<rafa> cya
<bartbes> wait
<kristianpaul> rafa: new news??
<bartbes> he says goodnight at 16:30?!
<rafa> haha
<rafa> kristianpaul: no good news yet. Waiting for the human wikireader author answer
<kristianpaul> bartbes: he is the other side of the globe
<rafa> kristianpaul: I wrote him twice
<kristianpaul> ok \
<bartbes> kristianpaul: then how come his hostname is german?
<rafa> kristianpaul: and I was thinking how to go further if his answer is not useful for us :)
<kristianpaul> cant wait.. ;)
<kristianpaul> bartbes: sshing
<rafa> I do not have great idea yet though :P
<bartbes> but why not use ssh+screen and leave the session open?
<bartbes> too much questions, I know..
<kristianpaul> bartbes: :)
<kristianpaul> rafa: use grep !
<kristianpaul> :p
<rafa> bartbes: if you do that then that is why you want to read the whole buffer chat session that you did not read.. I think that wolfgang does not have enough time for that :)
<kristianpaul> may be ack-grep modified to wikipedia articls
<rafa> that is because*
<kristianpaul> yes time is wothly this days
<rafa> kristianpaul: we need a tiny dump wikipedia first, and we need to know :
<rafa> - how to make that tiny wikipedia dump < 2GB
<kristianpaul> binary !
<rafa> - how to get articles from it
<kristianpaul> grep ! :p
<bartbes> rafa: that raises the question, why ssh at all?
<kristianpaul> rafa: buy for that size or binary or really good compressed
<kristianpaul> ah
<bartbes> I can probably ask an infinite amount of questions, so it's not like you *have* to answer that one
<kristianpaul> like wikipediam dumops right now !
<kristianpaul> at least for spanish
<kristianpaul> is less than 2GB
<rafa> bartbes: perhaps if you use a standard system without many applications installed you will need ssh
<kristianpaul> but you need indexsome how
<kristianpaul> rafa: i think you should write to the wikpedia dumpreader developer
<kristianpaul> if you dint already?..
<rafa> bartbes: perhaps I do not have.. but infinite amount of question have infine amount of answers for every question ;)
<rafa> kristianpaul: english dump is around 6GB these days
<bartbes> is that true? then why isn't the dna of a duck equal to that of a donkey?
<bartbes> :P
<kristianpaul> rafa: yess :(
<kristianpaul> lets speak all spanish then :)
<rafa> bartbes: because they live in the same era
<rafa> kristianpaul: ;-)
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> thewre is dumps for the simple english wikipedia?
<kristianpaul> wikireader@decideur.info
<rafa> kristianpaul: I know how to index and how to retrieve articles if we know how to make dumps <2GB
<rafa> I am not worried about how to do indexes and how to get articles. The main problem is to have a wikipedia dump <2GB
<bartbes> a more serious question, why can't I just use mips-*-make instead of having to go through the trouble to get that package system set up? :P
<bartbes> (I don't expect an answer, I know it isn't that easy)
<kristianpaul> rafa: indeed
<kristianpaul> btw the wikireader devices uses 4gb sd no?
<kristianpaul> so thats a challenge get <2GB
<rafa> bartbes: because you have not set a toolchain. For jlime we have one, and you just want to build a just application you do not need to build the whole system.
<kristianpaul> rafa: https://launchpad.net/~benji2 wikipedia dumpreader guy
<rafa> bartbes: xiangfu said me this today :
<rafa> "make package/uboot-xburst/compile"
<rafa> but surely the application is already under openwrt building system. IF you want to build another external application you need a toolchain
<bartbes> not entirely what I meant
<bartbes> and I am using thr toolchain
<bartbes> but my current complaint is that I spend more time waiting then actually fixing
<rafa> bartbes: then, what do you mean with "to get that package system set up"?
<bartbes> do you know how long it takes to create a working Makefile?
<kristianpaul> bbl
<bartbes> but I'm just bitching
<rafa> bartbes: I do not understand what you mean, sorry.
<rafa> bartbes: you write makefiles for every application?
<bartbes> you have to
<rafa> ??
<bartbes> a special one
<bartbes> but yeah
<rafa> the application already have one
<bartbes> hehe
<bartbes> no
<rafa> which applications?
<bartbes> one with the package definition
<rafa> are you talking about open source software?
<rafa> and I do not know that is "package definition"
<rafa> what is
<bartbes> that
<rafa> bahh..
<rafa> are you talking about openwrt :P
<rafa> why do not you use the Makefile that every application provides?
<bartbes> because it doesn't work that way
<rafa> lot of hard work
<rafa> extra
<bartbes> if you read the page you'll see why
<bartbes> it's not like I need to tell it how to compile
<bartbes> the makefile is purely for instructing the toolchain how to build the application
<rafa> nah.. I prefer just download the application and build. No extra work. Or, if you need many applications you would use Debian or another more complete building system ;)
<bartbes> I'm.. porting.. something..
<rafa> now I understand why there are millions of new mails talking about application ported to openwrt... :)
<bartbes> well yeah
<bartbes> I'm currently failing to port a test app
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> I did manage to port physfs with lots of help from jirkab
<bartbes> that only took 8 hours :D
<bartbes> (including setting up the toolchain etc)
<kyak> xiangfu: ruby host-compile build fails for me
<kyak> xiangfu: let me know if you experience the same on a clean build
<xiangfu> kyak: I start to build the openwrt-xburst everyday.(I start to this two days ago, so it's only compile twice :) all compile fine.
<xiangfu> kyak: what is the error message?
<xiangfu> kyak: maybe we miss some package in your system.
<kyak> xiangfu: the error has appeared after package update
<kyak> i.e. make package/symlinks
<kyak> hm
<kyak> i think i'm getting it
<kyak> my system openssl was updated to 1.0
<kyak> this is a host compile, and some older version of openssl is assumed
<kyak> not cool..
<kyak> i think i need to wait when ruby-openssl will be updated to compile again latest openssl
<xiangfu> kyak: my system is openssl                                   0.9.8k-7ubuntu8
<kyak> yeah.. mine was too 0.9.8* before the update
<xiangfu> kyak: I think I need add "make clean" to that compile.
<xiangfu> kyak: maybe not.
<kyak> yeah, it definitely was 0.9.8.. i totally forgot
<kyak> i updated mandriva 2010.0 -> 2010.1
<kyak> so now i have openssl 1.0
<kyak> i think i can install an older version of openssl along with the current one
<kyak> but this can make things worse :)
<kyak> i skipped the ruby / libruby bild for now
<xiangfu> kyak: sure.
<kyak> gdb is built by default.. not necessary, imo
<kyak> xiangfu: that's all, no more errors except for ruby
<qi-commits> Carlos Camargo: Changing D10, D9, D8 footprints to 0805 Adding DC jack polarity indication http://qi-hw.com/p/nn-usb-fpga/f95025d
<rafa> xiangfu: you still there?
<xiangfu> rafa: yes
<rafa> xiangfu: my professor tried to build openwrt to get the uboot for SAKC.
<rafa> He found this directory : openwrt-xburst/build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-sakc
<rafa> but you said me that I should copy build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-qi_lb60/u-boot-2010.06/
<rafa> to get the sources of uboot for sakc
<rafa> if that directory (openwrt-xburst/build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-sakc) obsolete?
<xiangfu> rafa: the code is the same.
<rafa> xiangfu: ah.. okey :)
<xiangfu> rafa: the only different is that which different option.
<rafa> okey.. but if I copy build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-qi_lb60/u-boot-2010.06/ as you
<rafa> suggested me
<rafa> and then
<rafa> make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-openwrt-linux- sakc_config
<xiangfu> rafa: yes.
<rafa> I will get the proper code to build the uboot for sakc
<xiangfu> rafa: yes.
<rafa> okey, thanks a lot xiangfu
<xiangfu> rafa: if we select the sakc in bootloader option. (in make menuconfig). then we have have a folder like: /linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-sakc
<rafa> we were confused because he found the other u-boot-sakc
<xiangfu> rafa: if we select the qi_lb60 in menuconfig. then we will get a folder like /linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-xburst
<xiangfu> rafa: the source code is exactly the same. only different is :
<xiangfu> u-boot-sake run " make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-openwrt-linux- sakc_config"
<xiangfu> u-boot-xburst run "make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-openwrt-linux- qi_lb60_config"
<rafa> xiangfu: okey, so I did this :
<rafa> make package/uboot-xburst/compile
<rafa> then I copied : build_dir/linux-xburst_qi_lb60/u-boot-qi_lb60/u-boot-2010.06
<rafa> to /tmp for example.
<rafa> Then I did that you suggested me :
<rafa> make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-linux- distclean
<rafa> make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-linux- sakc_config
<rafa> make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-linux-
<rafa> and I got the binary :)
<xiangfu> yes.
<xiangfu> u-boot-nand.bin is for NAND.
<rafa> my toolchain is mipsel-linux- .. that is why I did not use mipsel-openwrt-linux-
<rafa> xiangfu: thans a lot man
<xiangfu> rafa: you are welcome.
<bartbes> muahahahaha ?:)
<bartbes> I'm finally getting the hang of it
<bartbes> oh and that is supposed to be >, though I probably do have a big curl
<xiangfu> rafa: in fact the "ARCH=mips" is not needed by uboot(it's only needed by compile kernel). I make an alias crossmake='make ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsel-openwrt-linux-' then I can easy type 'crossmake' to compile uboot and kernel. just for your information. :)
<xiangfu> bartbes: it's compile fine?
<rafa> xiangfu: ha!.. cool tip ;)
<bartbes> xiangfu: I'm doing something else which is finally progressing
<bartbes> too bad it's a test
<bartbes> and not the final product
<wpwrak> hmm, what exactly needs 5 V in the sakc ? almost all modern chips want at most 3.3 V ...
<bartbes> I thought 5V was still considered logic high
<kyak> xiangfu: here http://en.qi-hardware.com/pipermail/discussion/2010-June/000734.html you mentioned you included centerim in openwrt-packages.. it's not really there. And it's also not anymore on jirka's page. Do you know what's happened?
<wpwrak> bartbes: where have you been the last decades ? ;-))
<xiangfu> kyak: no. I will send email to him. the centerim is not in oepwnrt-package.git. too bad. I will send email to Jirka again.
<wpwrak> bartbes: most I/O runs at 3.3 V these days. faster signals, such as memory buses and such, often at 1.8 V. internal logic can go even lower.
<kyak> xiangfu: thanks!
<bartbes> wpwrak: but still, wpwrak...
<bartbes> wow
<bartbes> mentioned your name twice
<bartbes> in one sentence
<bartbes> that has to be a world record
<xiangfu> kyak: I need goto sleep. 01:00AM here :)
<bartbes> ...
<jirkab> wprak: centerim does't work well on Ben's small screen.
<kyak> xiangfu: indeed you need :) there was some activity here today... thanks for your help :)
<xiangfu> jirkab: Hi. we have small font now 4x8. we can try it again :)
<jirkab> ok, the I will add the Makefile for the centerin to git
<xiangfu> jirkab: very thanks . I got go offline, see you.
<kyak> jirkab: hi! would be nice
<jirkab> jyak: btw, centerim IPK is still available: fast10.vsb.cz/brozovsky/data/ports/centerim_4.22.9-2_xburst.ipk
<kyak> i'm more interested in Makefile, but thanks :)
<jirkab> kyak: please wait few moments, it will be in GIT repository soon ;-)
<qi-commits> Jiri Brozovsky: Initial port of Centerim IM application. Needs smaller than the default http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/fdf24ad
<jirkab> CenterIM should be in openwrt-packages now ;-)
<kyak> kewl!
<bartbes> jirkab: so how would I go about linking to SDL?
<mth> use the flags output by "sdl-config --libs"
<bartbes> ?
<bartbes> which sdl-config?
<mth> the one from the SDK
<bartbes> where is it located?
<bartbes> 0wait nvm
<bartbes> I have find
<bartbes> pretty sure I did that
<bartbes> hmm
<jirkab> also you can specify the libraries by hand: see GMU or Gmenu2x makefiles
<bartbes> yeah, I checked the output
<bartbes> it is kind of what I was doing already
<kyak> jirkab: configure: error: The ncurses terminal library is required in order to build the program
<kyak> hm.. somehow the ncurses is not detected..
<jirkab> kyak: I will try it
<kyak> jirkab: yeah, please
<jirkab> kyak: it was an error during configure?
<jirkab> i see no error
<jirkab> kyak: it works for me, no ncurses error
<jirkab> kyak: how you are building this? make menuconfig ; make?
<kyak> jirkab: yes, during configure
<kyak> i build make package/centerim/install V=99
<kyak> if i just "make" the build still fails
<kyak> thats very strange, because other programs depending on libncurses build just fine
<jirkab> kyak: you need to update dependencies (it is done automatically during "make menuconfig")
<kyak> jirkab: i just built the whole openwrt-xburst, so libncurses is already there definitely.. and i also ran make menuconfig to select centerim
<kyak> jirkab: do you have the latest everything?
<jirkab> no idea - i use this SDK for some time
<jirkab> if you have libncurses.so in the staging_dir/target-*/usr/lib then configure have to find it?
<jirkab> I updated the sdk at 5 July
<kyak> yep, have it.. i will try to trick configure script with ac_cv_lib_ncurses_initscr
<kyak> i'm pretty sure compiler will find it
<kyak> might be something wrong with the configure script
<jirkab> but why it works for me?
<kyak> you are saying you are build with SDK
<kyak> i build from within the toolchain
<kyak> maybe there is some difference?
<kyak> CONFIGURE_VARS+=ac_cv_lib_ncurses_initscr=yes
<kyak> in Makefile, no it goes further
<kyak> compiling so far..
<kyak> let's see how it links
<kyak> *now it goes further
<kyak> ../../src/impgp.h:10:19: error: gpgme.h: No such file or directory
<kyak> ok, this is next :)
<kyak> i wonder how you avoided all this stuff..
<kyak> seems the dependancy for libgpgme
<jirkab> strange
<kyak> might be that you have all this already in SDK
<jirkab> it's possible
<jirkab> hm
<kyak> hmm, i don't have gpgme.h anywhere is openwrt-xburst dir
<kyak> checking for gpgme-config... /usr/bin/gpgme-config
<kyak> checking for GPGME - version >= 0.4.2... yes
<kyak> the hell is wrong with the configure script...
<kyak> it detects things from my host system
<jirkab> --without-gpgme
<jirkab> I don't have gpgme in the host system ;-)
<kyak> yep... jirkab, i bet you don't have libgpgme-devel in your system?
<kyak> yes :)
<kyak> i have it, because i use centerim actively on my host and compile it there..
<jirkab> surely I don't have it
<kyak> btw, --with-linux-headers is not a recognized option.. so it needs to be removed
<jirkab> it will be removed ;-)
<kyak> configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-ipv6, --without-gpgme
<kyak> again  i have to trick configure with ac_* stuff..
<jirkab> there is an option --with-gpgme=
<kyak> trying it..
<kyak> configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-ipv6, --with-gpgme
<kyak> still there is : --with-gpgme=PATH       path to gpgme-config (auto)
<kyak> really, in a face of centerim developers for such usage of auto tools.
<jirkab> strange
<jirkab> so I have updated my openwrt-xburst; now it is compiling the stuff
<kyak> ac_cv_path_GPGME_CONFIG="" into the Makefile..
<jirkab> checking for gpgme-config... no
<jirkab> that's nice: no gpgme-config in the host system => no problem :-(
<kyak> yeah :)
<jirkab> this is probably why it works for me
<kyak> hope it won't choke on something else now
<kyak> finished!
<jirkab> :-)
<jirkab> their configure is really clever:
<jirkab> checking whether NLS is requested... no
<jirkab> and
<kyak> jirkab: do you mind if i move centerim to Network/Instant Messaging?
<jirkab> checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/freeware/bin/msgfmt
<jirkab> checking for xgettext... /usr/nekoware/bin/xgettext
<jirkab> checking for msgmerge... /usr/freeware/bin/msgmerge
<jirkab> oops, its in utils
<jirkab> yes
<kyak> damn.. what a weird configure.. just looking everwhere
<jirkab> it will be better
<kyak> good! will do it in a minute
<jirkab> and does it work on the Ben?
<kyak> good question, lol :))
<kyak> ..haven't tried it yet
<kyak> jirkab: is there special reason why you disabled the checksum check?
<jirkab> well, as a side product I will probably got compiled it on my MIPS desktop, too
<kyak> cool, a MIPS desktop
<jirkab> not only on the NanoNote
<kyak> a good field to test things :)
<jirkab> not so cool as I can not use it to compile OpenWRT stuff :-(
<jirkab> it's SGI O2
<kyak> is it because it's big endian?
<kyak> hm, whats SGI O2?
<jirkab> silicon graphics
<jirkab> yes, it's big endian
<kyak> is it an old computer?
<jirkab> 1998
<jirkab> still faster than Ben
<kyak> * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for centerim:
<kyak> * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgpgme *
<kyak> during opkg install..
<kyak> shit.. stupid me
<kyak> libgpgme in DEPENDS :)
<kyak> will remove it now
<jirkab> :-)
<kyak> opkg just shown it's smartness :)
<jirkab> libgpgme is not in feeds?
<kyak> can't see it there
<jirkab> opkg was designed to be simple
<kyak> perhaps another thing to oprt
<jirkab> not to be smart ;-)
<kyak> *port
<jirkab> gpgme is surely in openwwrt
<kyak> what is simple, still can be smart ;)
<jirkab> probably it is only not edabled to compile
<kyak> find . -type d -name gpgme
<kyak> nothing
<cxdd> hi
<cxdd> writing from centerim here
<kristianpaul> hey
<kyak> cxdd: good. now get out
<jirkab> so centerim works?
<cxdd> kyak yes sir
<kyak> yep :)
<jirkab> nice
<jirkab> so really, no gpgme here
<jirkab> I thought it is :-(
<qi-commits> kyak: centerim: some configure overrides to make it build in openwrt toolchain http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/d25f457
<kyak> so it's there
<kyak> jirkab: thanks a lot for your help!
<jirkab> will you add your updated Makefile to GIT?
<jirkab> ok, I'm blind
<jirkab> you just did it
<jirkab> nice!
<jirkab> thanks much, too
<kyak> i'm a little worried about the checksum though
<kyak> you had something different, and commented
<kyak> they don't have MD5SUM on their download site, so who knows what's there?
<jirkab> I don't rememeber
<kyak> ah the chechsum is ok :)
<jirkab> good
<kyak> googled it in many other repos
<kyak> no for the Friday beer.. see you all later!
<qi-commits> Jiri Brozovsky: Physfs library - initial port. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/a20cbc7
<tom7> hi i m thinking of building pc, i want to check if all components are compatible, can someone help?
<superLinda> hello
<superLinda> is anyone here
<superLinda> hello
<superLinda> I have flashed my Nanonote, but I am not able to use the the keyboard on the gui
<superLinda> I mean I can not navigate to specific apps on the Latest image
<mth> is the gui gmenu2x? with a tab bar on the top of the screen, icons in the middle and a status bar on the bottom?
<mth> I don't have a NanoNote myself, so I don't know exactly what the default config is
<superLinda> yes
<superLinda> there is also the letters R on the right side, and L on the left side of the screen
<mth> they refer to the shoulder buttons of the gp2x, where gmenu2x originates from
<mth> they change tab
<mth> but I don't know which NanoNote keys are the equivalents
<superLinda> Ok
<mth> zear should know, but he's not here right now
<superLinda> but I want to be able to install and use the web browser on it
<superLinda> when is he usually here
<ezdagor> AFAIK, "q" = left, "p" = right
<ezdagor> "x" = execute
<superLinda> yeah, thats how it works on my nanonote
<ezdagor> Nod.
<superLinda> I never knew x was for execute
<superLinda> what is Nod
<ezdagor> Nodding head.
<superLinda> ok
<superLinda> cool cool,  thanks ezdagor, atleast i learned something today
<superLinda> I wish to learn more
<superLinda> how did you know the keys and what they do?
<superLinda> did you find out by trial and error?
<mth> there is a doc page, but it's not very easy to find: http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Gmenu2x
<superLinda> thanks, I will go there now
<superLinda> Hey real quick question :)
<superLinda> I see a lot of people on this chat, but not a lot of action.  How active is this community?
<mth> the chat activity is a bit random
<mth> we have people from many time zones here, but they're not always active at the same time
<superLinda> I see
<mth> a relatively high number of users are also developers, so there are a lot of things being worked on
<superLinda> Thats I want to become
<superLinda> a developer
<superLinda> so how come you do not have a nanonote?
<mth> I'm actually a developer for the Dingoo, but since that has the same Ingenic SoC chip as its heart as the NanoNote I hang around here as well
<superLinda> is the Dingoo and project that Qi is working on?
<mth> the Dingoo is a Chinese portable media player / game console
<mth> it's a completely unrelated company, but the hardware is similar
<mth> I used the drivers that larsc wrote for the NanoNote and used them to make a more modern kernel for the Dingoo
<mth> the Dingoo doesn't come with Linux, but thanks to the USB boot mode and the efforts of a guy nicknamed booboo it does run Linux now (Dingoo Linux aka Dingux)
<superLinda> wow
<superLinda> were could I see this device
<superLinda> thanks
<mth> Dingoo users hang out on the dingoonity.org forums and #dingoonity on this IRC server
<qwebirc58877> I will check that out as well
<superLinda> test