<bartbes> looks like I'm going to need some more help today :P
<zear> bartbes, btw i've seen you mentioned love2d yesterday
<bartbes> I did
<zear> well, some of the dingux users/devs are on it, but there's a lot to be done for love2d to work on this platform
<bartbes> you do know I'm love's lead dev, right?
<zear> oh? :D Awesome
<bartbes> so let's just say I'm pretty familiar with the codebase
<bartbes> :P
<bartbes> and of course the plan isn't to make a version as advanced as the desktop one
<bartbes> (yet, anyway)
<bartbes> because that would require loads of deps and stuff
<zear> well, i wanted to say one not does simply go into Mordor, but if you're a lead dev, that changes a lot ;)
<zear> *does not
<bartbes> well, first I need to get the hang of crosscompiling
<bartbes> but I managed to get the primary dependencies done
<bartbes> (physfs was the only to port myself)
<zear> openwrt toochain is a bitch
<bartbes> tell me about it
<bartbes> I spent at least 8 hours yesterday on physfs
<zear> i was fighting with physfs for dingux as well
<zear> if i remember correctly it used scons
<bartbes> cmake
<zear> ah, yeah, but same deal
<bartbes> which by itself is pretty easy though
<zear> cmake or scons == trouble with cross compilation ;D
<bartbes> and in the end the port itself wasn't too hard either
<bartbes> true
<bartbes> but autotools == trouble
<bartbes> :P
<zear> :D
<bartbes> usually for small projects I either choose cmake or custom makefiles
<bartbes> (depending on size)
<bartbes> but for love the build system was already set up
<bartbes> (quite nicely I might add)
<bartbes> now I need to figure out what this means: "note: someone does not honour COPTS correctly, passed 0 times"
<zear> btw, i'm not very familiar with love2d, what it can, and cannot do on the nanonote/dingoo?
<zear> oh, if SiENcE visits this channel, you probably know about love2d dingux porting attempts ;)
<bartbes> I do not
<zear> ah, in that case, SiENcE was fiddling with it, afair
<bartbes> well, I'm not expecting a straight-up port
<bartbes> I'm going to have to write a new graphics backend for starters
<SiENcE> hey
<bartbes> so I can't get away with 'fiddling'
<bartbes> :P
<zear> :D
<bartbes> (no offense SiENcE)
<SiENcE> what are you talking about?
<zear> SiENcE, love2d
<SiENcE> ah
<SiENcE> i love love2d
<SiENcE> but currently no way to get it working on dingux
<SiENcE> someone has to write a new graphic backend for love2d...
<SiENcE> without ogl
<bartbes> told you :P
<bartbes> btw, what diff format do I use?
<bartbes> ah
<bartbes> -Naur
<qi-commits> Carlos Camargo: returning to the previous J17-J18 design, changing D10 footprint http://qi-hw.com/p/nn-usb-fpga/09ef4bb
<qi-commits> Carlos Camargo: Deleting SAKC_gerbers directory, gerbers file are into design_files directory http://qi-hw.com/p/nn-usb-fpga/2bd8ff9
<qi-commits> Carlos Camargo: Renaming Kicad and Orcad design files directory, uploading new kicad version http://qi-hw.com/p/nn-usb-fpga/0d7ea82
<qi-commits> Carlos Camargo: Updating SAKC schematic http://qi-hw.com/p/nn-usb-fpga/7a1761c
<ezdagor> Is it possible to connect a USB mouse to the NanoNote?
<mth> the NN is a USB device, not a USB host, so it's not possible by just connecting the cables
<ezdagor> Ah. :/
<larsc> but you can use the nanonote as a usb mouse ;)
<ezdagor> How?
<larsc> with the hid-gadget driver
<ezdagor> Kernel module?
<larsc> yes
<ezdagor> Ok..
<larsc> but it's only in .35
<ezdagor> Nod.
<ezdagor> I'm running
<ezdagor> Hmm.. I wonder if there are any "mouse emulators" that use the cursor keys to move the mouse around the screen..
<ezdagor> Havne't compiled it yet, but http://keymouse.berlios.de/ looks interesting..
<qi-commits> David Kühling: tuning, cleanup, updated copyright info http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/dc85cb7
<FrankBlues> waves