<roh> wolfspraul ping
<wolfspraul> roh: pong, but just about to go to sleep :-
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> what's up?
<roh> wolfspraul not much. just wanted to 'report' that the package arrived
<wolfspraul> ah great
<roh> the one with the rfm22 modules
<wolfspraul> which one? I already lost track so many things going on
<wolfspraul> ah OK :-)
<roh> and the funky antenna-wires ;)
<wolfspraul> I am with Werner in Buenos Aires and we talk about RF in the Ya NanoNote a lot
<roh> didnt archieve testing it yet, but we got a rfm12project running, so i guess i will just try swapping 2 of these with the 22 and see what happens
<roh> nice. (BA)
<wolfspraul> yes, great
<wolfspraul> the more we learn about those modules the better
<roh> the datasheet to the rf22/23 reads very nice
<wolfspraul> ok
<wolfspraul> the modules you have are the DIP package, easy for hand-soldering and experiments
<wolfspraul> also you have the high-power version (20 dbM)
<roh> the question is if its more near reality than the rfm12 one (which seems to ... be creative about 'specs' sometimes
<roh> yea... rfm22 seems to eat multiple times the power of a 12b
<wolfspraul> supposedly, yes
<roh> but the 23 should be near the 12 and still have more power
<wolfspraul> software controllable in 3dBm increments I think
<roh> if the table is correct
<wolfspraul> it's a newer/more advanced RF IC
<wolfspraul> Integration developed the RF IC in the 12/12b modules, and the modules came to market in 2006
<wolfspraul> then Integration was bought by Silicon Labs, who developed the 22/23 RF IC, I would think continuing work that was already going on at Integraton (that's a guess)
<roh> 2006? that cand be right
<wolfspraul> the 22/23 modules came to market only this year, 4 years after the 12/12b RF IC
<roh> http://www.elektronik-projekt.de/thread.php?threadid=4409 says 2004 they were avail in germany
<wolfspraul> so one would think that in 4 years these guys are working on something...
<wolfspraul> the dates 2006 and 2010 is for the hoperf modules
<wolfspraul> maybe 2006 is wrong then and it was 2004 :-)
<wolfspraul> but my point is - the RF IC in 12/12b is an old/established thing, on the market for X years
<roh> i know of no rfm12 which weren't hoperf  ;) but who knows... doesnt really matter what the marketing dept wants to make us think for whatever reasons
<wolfspraul> wherease the 22/23 RF IC is new, at least at hoperf only came to market this year
<wolfspraul> rfm12 is a hoperf module name
<wolfspraul> but I think the underlying Integration (now Silicon Labs) RF IC can be found in other places too
<wolfspraul> so hopefully 22/23 is as good as they say it is, we find out
<wolfspraul> thanks a lot for letting me know about the package
<wolfspraul> it's already so many flights and continent changes behind that I forgot...  :-)
<roh> ;)
<wolfspraul> k going to sleep now
<wolfspraul> werner will kick me out early tomorrow I'm sure
<wolfspraul> he needs to borrow my Windows box (!)
<wolfspraul> I admit I have a Windows Parallels machine...
<wolfspraul> he needs it to reflash the firmware of some of his scopes, so let's see whether we can get this done tomorrow...
<wolfspraul> roh: 'night, keep in touch
<kyak> hm, i'm wondering, why are md5 sums of uImage/rootfs different after each make?
<kyak> is it generating something unique every time?
<kyak> as far as i udnerstand it, the md5 sum should be same between two consecutive runs of make
<larsc> well, since it contains a file system i would guess that this is a result of different mtimes
<kyak> i think it explains it
<kyak> on the second thought, why would mtime change, if not files were modified?
<kyak> *no files
<kyak> unless they are "touched" during extraction..
<larsc> there is probably at least one package which will touch its files although not striclty necessary
<larsc> oh and uImage saves the time on which it was created
<kyak> hm, right
<kyak> ok, i want to change some uClibc options, so i go to build_dir/toolchain-mipsel_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- and "make menuconfig" there
<kyak> is it correct, or should i change config options in feeds/packages/libs/uclibc++/files/config.default?
<kyak> actually what i'm trying to do is enable locale support in busybox and uclibc...
<larsc> better edit config.default. otherwise it will be lost on a make clean
<kyak> i thought so too
<kyak> but i did make clean and it's not lost
<kyak> that's also why i started looking into md5's, because i'm not sure that this change is even in the image..
<kyak> i maybe need to have a look at verbose log of make to have a better understanding of what's going on.. but damn, this is a 40 Mb text file
<kyak> and all openwrt's documentation is SO outdated
<larsc> btw. for uclibc and not uclibc++ you need to edit toolchain/uClibc/config-${your-version}/mips
<larsc> or /common
<kyak> larsc: thanks for the hint!
<rafa> kristianpaul: I have not understood you on mailing list..
<rafa> What did you mean with "matchbox..." and "matchbox works on X" ?
<rafa> kristianpaul: David (tuxbrain) was trying to say that X should work, and your answers sounded me like you think that it is not a good idea
<rafa> kristianpaul: so I did not understand your mail :(
<rafa> your answer*
<kristianpaul> i thikn X is good idea
<kristianpaul> because matchbox and all other software that run on X}
<kristianpaul> i'm wrong, matchbox run on top of X inst?
<rafa> yes, matchbox needs X
<kristianpaul> my intention was to point that support X could bring new apps
<rafa> kristianpaul: But I read Sebastien answers and I understood like he was supporting your idea that X is not a good idea..
<kristianpaul> what do you understand?
<rafa> But I understood all wrong :D
<kristianpaul> ouch
<rafa> maybe
<kristianpaul> may be i need clear my point
<rafa> did you read the sebastien answer?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> he hates X slowness
<kristianpaul> as X itseld
<kristianpaul> itself*
<rafa> he sounded me like he was supporting your idea that X is not nice
<kristianpaul> resuming ;)
<kristianpaul> i said that?
<kristianpaul> OMG
<kristianpaul> wait i'll re read
<rafa> NO you did not do
<rafa> but the answer of him sounded me like that
<rafa> He started with a " Yeah, and.. " like giving more details to support your idea.
<rafa> But it is just me
<rafa> You can read my answer :)
<kristianpaul> hmm yes i missed some arguments
<kristianpaul> hm yes he said
<kristianpaul> X at least has ben desmostrated
<kristianpaul> > to work quite well in 32mb (see Jlime)
<kristianpaul> then i pointed matchbox
<kristianpaul> but lack in arguments
<rafa> kristianpaul: and we use X on Hp jornadas .. 16MB of ram ;)
<kristianpaul> my fault
<rafa> and slower cpu
<kristianpaul> yeah i remenber that from you too
<kristianpaul> i also plya a bit with jlime and was not slowness
<kristianpaul> wait i need reply again
<rafa> kristianpaul: no problem.. Your answer is okey. Just that it was too short so I did not understand if you was liking X or not :)
<rafa> I replied, you can read ;)
<kristianpaul> done reading, good and wide argue
<kristianpaul> it deserves a +1
<kristianpaul> wat
<kristianpaul> wait*
<rafa> cool that you like X :)
<kristianpaul> done reply
<kristianpaul> yeah i do
<kristianpaul> fb is nice but
<kristianpaul> like backup
<kristianpaul> in cae X ail
<kristianpaul> s/ail/fail
<kristianpaul> X can run lots of apps
<kristianpaul> that we can reuse
<kristianpaul> of course not all of then, but sure a few that worth
<rafa> yes, I remember the days on vargtass development. Our main Vargtass developer has tested a lot of X applications and we all learnt a lot about that.
<kristianpaul> i just i'm a pain right now
<rafa> We know that X is really nice and it does not use many resources,
<kristianpaul> uboot compatibillity with jlime and openwrt
<rafa> almost 0 cpu and few ram. linux kernel + X + window manager  just 10MB of ram
<rafa> or less.
<kristianpaul> i cant ran openwrt right now just jlime :(
<kristianpaul> i need openwrt for test gpsd and tangopsd wich is in the repo and works
<kristianpaul> or at least install
<kristianpaul> :)
<kristianpaul> 10mb is few
<rafa> why is not openwrt running ? :(
<kristianpaul> i dotn know
<kristianpaul> i just stoped after installed your uboot
<kristianpaul> btw, are you running jlime in last uboot from qi?
<rafa> kristianpaul: gpsd is on jlime repo.
<rafa> I can upload
<rafa> the library you need for tangogps
<kristianpaul> i want compile Jlime my self too, as openwrt
<kristianpaul> will be nice you upload nanomap and others apps intendted for nanonoe
<kristianpaul> nanonote*
<kristianpaul> but what about my first question?
<rafa> uboot: yes
<kristianpaul> oh
<rafa> it runs okey with latest qi uboot
<rafa> so you can do just an ext2 partition and the swap
<kristianpaul> jlime had changed since last time we talked?
<kristianpaul> ah!
<kristianpaul> good
<kristianpaul> i'll placent erase the fat one ;)
<rafa> kristianpaul: no idea.. I sent an email I think about latest qi bootloader.
<kristianpaul> ah ok
<rafa> When I said that power button works as well.
<rafa> (to power off)
<kristianpaul> yeah i was one week sort disconnected
<kristianpaul> i'll flash and try
<kristianpaul> i got a 1GB card :D
<rafa> kristianpaul: I will try to upload the library that you need for tangogps (because both, tangogps and gpsd should be on jlime repo)
<rafa> ah nice!
<rafa> 1GB is cool
<kristianpaul> ok
<rafa> kristianpaul: how was the whole conference there in Colombia? Nice?
<kristianpaul> yup
<rafa> cool.. I would like to go some day, I saw some pictures and I felt that the whole thing was nice to be ;)
<kristianpaul> i heard, not sure there is a posible cparty in argentina
<kristianpaul> rafa: wiki still need update cause is pointing creating of FAT partition
<rafa> kristianpaul: yes, but if you read well you will realize that it says :
<rafa> "If you use current official Qi bootloader (16-Jun-2010+) then you just need to divide the MicroSD ..."
<rafa> kristianpaul: are you reading wiki installation instructions right?
<kristianpaul> yes
<rafa> Perhaps we forgot to write that note in other wiki places as well..
<kristianpaul> well i note at all
<kristianpaul> but yes
<kristianpaul> i just keep in mind unzupo userland and copi umImage
<rafa> kristianpaul: yes, we will move to newest qi bootloader only and we will remove the old instructions soon I guess.
<kristianpaul> ok
<rafa> kristianpaul:  if you have the newest qi bootloader just untar the tar.gz package on ext2
<rafa> and booot :)
<rafa> do not forget to do the swap, Linux likes it
<qi-commits> Lars-Peter Clausen: MIPS: jz4740: pwm: Move pwm initialization to subsys_initcall http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/304fb40
<rafa> kristianpaul: now I am trying to update the repository so you have all the packages tangogps needs :)
<kristianpaul> oh thanks
<kristianpaul> fbreader will be cool
<zear> yeah, fbreader was the first thing i attempted to download from opkg ;D
<kristianpaul> http://www.moresales.com.my/catalog/entry/uxwlkocd.shtml heh i saw this before ;)
<kristianpaul> hey hey
<kristianpaul> what about frozzen bubble !!
<kristianpaul> rafa: ^
<kristianpaul> if run in gp2x why not nanonote?
<kristianpaul> yes is mips but.
<kristianpaul> oh :D
<kristianpaul> ah it saids require 54mb of ram :(
<kristianpaul> nah
<kristianpaul> ops
<urandom_> uhm gp2x is ARM not mips
<kristianpaul> 18:05 < kristianpaul> yes is mips but. < nanonote
<kristianpaul> frozen bubble is SDl
<kristianpaul> wonder if debian bin will run on openwrt...
<urandom_> it might run
<kristianpaul> se supone si
<kristianpaul> ops
<rafa> yeah.. frozen bubble would be nice :D
<kristianpaul> jaja
<kristianpaul> ops
<kristianpaul> damm irssi
<rafa> kristianpaul: no sure if it runs on 320x240
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> thats a good point
<rafa> he :) tangogps runs :)
<rafa> zear: kristianpaul : I updated the repo a bit
<zear> :D
<rafa> libsqlite3 is there now, and others
<rafa> please, opkg update
<rafa> and install the packages which failed last time
<rafa> (because the lack of libsqlite3
<rafa> )
<rafa> kristianpaul: tangogps adds a nice icon/launcher on desktop ;)
<kristianpaul> oh
<rafa> alt+F4 to quit
<kristianpaul> okay wait i'm formatinh 1Gb nand
<rafa> alt+F1 to go desktop
<rafa> kristianpaul: okey
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> the uImges goes to /boot/uImage inst?
<kristianpaul> okay booting :)
<kristianpaul> opkg uopdating
<kristianpaul> rafa: you should blog about how createa oe image for the nanonote
<kristianpaul> i want play at home as with  openwrt :)
<kristianpaul> and just bug you whne something breaks ;)
<kristianpaul> where i can get the code (cvs git)?
<kristianpaul> for jlime
<rafa> kristianpaul: on documentation stuff I added something about how we did the oe thing
<rafa> kristianpaul: but yes, you are right
<rafa> we need more documentation, just that sometimes I do not get the whole free time for all :(
<kristianpaul> np, sorry i ask too much
<rafa> kristianpaul: I replied you at jlime channel :D
<kristianpaul> rafa: http://ur1.ca/0k0nj
<rafa> kristianpaul: you there?
<rafa> kristianpaul: tangogps works okey here
<rafa> from a fresh install